I?tftuc JKupttt Dat'Ip J3tto Thursday, December 15, 1049 TODAY 7 - 8:30 Pictures!... End of Year i to the yours. Of this, there U ' not the slightest doubt. How-i ever cleansing is on the way. I rienty of adults read saucy rtor-; ics. But that is their privilege. Hay Reflects . . . . . . ami Reminisces IT X f r .- t . . . Fri - Sat.- SATURDAY MATINEE 2:M. Mr. Churchill is 75, yet remain. quick on the. comeboek. Here's another little yarn that, tf not typical, should be. In a bus Prince Rupert is growing and stands. The name of the is the cost of police adminis- porary city clerk was Tatter- i Two more constables ; sal and the proceedings were tration i he gave up his seat to Mr Att- An interesting list of pictures has been arranged for showing at the Capitol Theatre here between now and New Year and through the holiday season. Here they are: December II anu 15. "Slat-tery's Hurricane," with Linda Darnell and Richard Widmark; "On the Avenue," Dick Powell and Madeleine Carroll. December 10 and 17. "Father will be necessary in 1950, and j neither complex or lengthy. This t AiiaKii rj n rrl a Wroo f annAOr fattr SnKcarinnnt irom piacuca. :., - b , she thanked him. Don't mention Thedraire Tor good furniture and mallrcain is amply nalUficd by Rcstmore . . . "Bent for the Rest of your life." it ' murmured W.C. "I hope your husband will do the same lor mr very soon". Members of parliament at Ottawa have earned a holiday. there will oe increased uuuay. j aunp bwh tJiatc ui uic iruiut-Times have indeed changed since i building that first housed the the late Chief W. H. Viekers and j Canadian Bank of Commerce, handful of officers preserved the j standing near the corner of Ru-peace. They w ore long blue pert Road and Centre Street. The coats and tall helmets. Everyone bank had then moved to the BtTTY IVNN J MjCr I l V ' 1 ' I I was a Full Back," Fred Mac-j ..... .. Ttio Tlriiwo nrrtr. mtim- l:wt u'ci'lr knew everybody else. They called wesiennaver uuueung at Second ' 1 " end. and will not resume until Murray and Maureen O'Hara. December 18 ' Half Past Midnight," Kent Taylor and Peggy Knudsen; "Swamp Water," Wal- one another by the first names. Avenue and Third Street before January. It was a full and busy From the standpoint of finances, going into its own home on Sec Mrs IP a it oblem, and life ond Avenue near the corner of siuing Quilp a few of the Par 1 there was no pr Si 11 lianientaiians were there for the ter Huston, Walter Brcnnan and Ann Baxter. in Prince Rupert, on the whole. Fourth Street where it has since moved alone auietlv and in good been located. No time was lost first time and some back-ben- 'The 1 December 19 and 20 At your own l?rrft'''i0 furniture store. iSK '10 Women of Moose Publicity Meet The Women of the Moose publicity committee held its monthly meeting pt the home of Mrs. Viereck with Mrs. C. Matson, Mrs. T. Ketcheson, Mrs. Thomas Glenn, Mrs. George Roberts, jijlio ;1erti fjllll i w M ilegent Mrs. H. Murl brief business 8C.SI "h.st was o!;Wf) 1 first prize was Mrs q y-'.th the conwuuon i Allen Hamilton was h Advertise m meoan ! order. Some of Prince Rupert's by that first council in building cl ers vtlt conlLm LO s,uc,v Jnc Walking Hills," Randolph Scott I old newspaper files can show the City Hall, and from that obscrve. Thp vallrtv of subJccU ; and Ella Rains. : many a police court story that Plnt on. municipal business be- tak,11 llp' alul cll'baU?d wl(k'- j December 21 and 22. "Johnny was more of an entertainment came expanded. There were To n"'nUon ;' few include j stoo PiRCon," Howard Duff and ! than a routine report. Somehow. large scale contracts, heavy pur- lne butlBet. huusing. defence, Shelley Winters. J in the early days, people seemed chasing and a wide variety of veUl'ans affairs, atomic energy,' December 23 and 24. "Red ! to get more of a kick out of life, other enterprises that meant in- Ca'lai,au National Railways, Hot and Blue," Betty Huttou RESIMORE Mrs. Viereck, Mrs. Hanson, Jul - 'and this love of levity defied, or austry and growth and debts vc'". r .u.c. nanwiiy, una ai'u victor mature. 1 I December 25 "Are You With Miss E. Munro, Vancouver. Miss tried to defy the : asceticism of,wnich ir later , years nearly P'Pe lines. . None of the foregoing could be thought of as inconse- It?" Donald O'Corror and Olga HOTEL ARRIVALS R. Sandberg. Vancouver; W j COurts. Privately, however, every- (Strangled; t;he city financially. Campbell, Vancouver;- H. O. ;cne enjoyed it ..' ' . , ."- quenUal. all being worthv of San Juan; "The Mutineers," i Perry, Prini-e George; W. CJ ' vincc close atention and, to judge from Jon Hall and Adele Jergens. . Content of 'newsstand stocks Hansard, this was given. December 26 and 27. "You still appear unchanged despite j , Gotta Stay Happy," Jtan Fon- the ine recent recent division oe..sion at at ntt Ottawa m-n tn to i taine and James Stewart, Daylight is a long time coining I December 26 (mldnlehU certain types of read- ,llst now . wwlf hnn,. thtk Ue"Ter 2 (mW.nignU -enmmate Johnson. Vancouver; A. R. Fulton. Vancouver; W. Traeger, : Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Den- man Princ? George; S. B. Rob Prince Rupert J. R.'Duikin. Vancouver; Mr. Mid Mrs. E. Parr and son, city; Prince Rupert's first city council meeting was held shortly after incorporation in 1910. Mayor Fred Stork and his offi ing, mainly lurid crime and sex- ' , . ' " . . . ror ove 01 ueanna erts, New York. cial family assembled in one of . ual iubjects. Much of what, to-1 to best 1 . December "? Durbln and Edward 'Brlen; J. Cunie, Massett; E. Bolton,' Port Essington; O. Moscrip, Van-j couver; E. K Thomas, Vancouver; W. S. Arneil, Vancouver; authority, 21 Bells of San Anselo." Roy the government buildings near day, is on sale, can be said to bs where the museum of today downright harmful, particularly Rogers and Dale Evans. Advertise in tne Daily News. December 28 and 29. "Re turn of October," Glen Ford! and Terry Moore. December 30 and 31. "You're! My Everything," Ann Baxter and Dan Daily. December 31 (midnight) "A! Song is Born," Danny Kayc and1 or 22 will be the shortest of all the 365 . It might not seem quite so brief, if there were fewer clouds and less rain but, having plenty of both .there is nothing to do but make the best of things. Not much difference will be noted until well into January but, once 1950 is well away, old Father Time speeds up. Swiftly indeed, the days grow in length. Early dawn comes at an unholy hour, and suppertimc seems to be around mid-afternoon, while evenings invito a l.all game, sail on the harbor or a spin out the highway. Virginia Mayo. January 1. "Mr. Pcabodyl and the Mermaid," William. Powell and Ann Blyth; "Crime I Doctor Diary," Warner Baxter1 and Stephen Dunne. At 3:15 p.m. Wednesday the city ambulance was called to the f CANNED FOODS -fcsidenee of Mrs. Phyliss Mere-Ben Sampson is sailing tonight dith at 620 Fraser Street to take on the Prince George for a trip to -Mrs. Meredith to the General Vancouver and California. hospital. !. ...... . m m m III j I- RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE I m,,m:.xmnummmvwir.i& -til V i T- H-'t iftTI li n ft'iti ' .(t'A 7 lily 2fzM6 - 0ml j?i Tooke-B.V.D.-Sussex ffi f. ," M (Mocr or Colin ' " V,: KJ' All Sizes to Size 18 Vr- A GIVE HIM A NEW SHIRT WARPROBE-V I IN H,S FAVORITE' STYLE I'M 2.5 -(. $m The $64 Question ? WHO GUARANTEES Satisfaction or Money Refunded. WHERE Do Cash Prices Save And Save And Save. i ! Jib 1 . ! B Wall Of c ace s ourse his most becomina stvlo frnm nur wide assoi'tmc white-on-whites and pastels ... in finest broadclo cottons and Dure silk H'll nrrnrntp vour thouj HUNDREDS OF CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR MOTHER SWEETHEART SIS AND BABY - , - ' K r" ' Ji fulness. You'll appreciate our down-ro-carth Pr't : ttALLAGE'S STORE mpert Een & ....--............. Hoys