KLOMDWE Prince Rupert Daily News Published by the Light of th. Wednesday, May 3, 1950 EVERY SIXTH FRIDAY OF IJgg m riday, lay 5, ESMHPYESIS MATTE 9 Civic Cen( Slake Your Claim iu Gyros All Out For Klondyke Night-Jobs For All Members The entire membership' of the Gyro Club U officially on the Klondyke Nite Committee with all members working hard to raise funds for the play EDITOR'S NOTE Please exkuse ur spellin' on this paige. Just call it a tipografikul arrur. The printer's dont kalr,' anyways, and the prufe reder's alredy started sellebratin. We allso run shorte of tipe in an ad. or too. If you can't rede sum of this korn, just gess. , Don't get kritikul. That calls for fuedin' and we always kepe our iruns loded. 4 (km KLONDIKE KORN served a la Gyro at Ye Olde Gold Dust Inn Fried ruff chicken and hard tack lenty of Dancing Girls Go'd Dusl Inn If you're hankerin' for a spot to stake a claim call us in to help you with your prospecting. We have lots of lots for you. grounds for children in Prince Rupert, Joe McKay, assisted officially by Bill Stone, Jack Lindsay ani Mitch Green and unofficially by everybody in the Club, will handle the games. i It's All For Good Cause .WHOOPING IT UP j FROM EIGHT TO 2 , i The festivities will get under ! way for Klondyke Nite a little 100,000 DOLLARS TO FALL FROM SKY Some time during Friday more than $100,000 In Klondyke money will fall from the sky over the city of Prince Rupert. Norm. Baker says there'll be plenty of rarln' red hot dogs and1 coffee, etc. George Dawes will be at his old stand seeing that everybody has plenty of Klondyke money to spend. He will be assisted by f-me Gyrettes. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES (Civic Centre Dining Poom) after 8.30 this Friday night and will continue until 2:00 a.m. or thereabouts. And the many amusing and interesting events that the committees have lined up will follow in quick succession through "Check your poke, mister?" "Come wiz me, honey! I'm goin to the Gyro's Klondyke Nite!" "Hey, thar, Whar yuh goin' wit' that thar six shooter?'' Yes, and lots more like it will be heard in Prince Rupert Friday night as the Gyros swing into action with their second This money will be good for us? Grant Stewart is having a real only durlng tne proceedings of busman's holiday and will tell , Klondvke Nlaht. Fridav at the out "the entire evening. The! . KL0ND1 1 major events will include the; Civic Centre. carnival games, the dancin.; and, of course, the many con- tests. ! May be all she's &: but yu it; rfcriUlllin Bearded Gyros, who, incidentally are not. even allowed to enter the grand contest have paid some penally in the way of discomfort nuthin' yet sees the gals at annual Klyondyke Nite. There'll be lots of fun around the old town. The only thing that'll be missing is the old time saloons., Mr. Kennedv put his foot down! there. The Gyros have gone to a lot of trouble to give the residents of Prince Rupert, a grand old' HORSELESS BUGGIES! The greatest mechanical invention of all time wil arive in Klondike this spring. Call in today and talk to Smiling Jack the Buggie Man. Liberal allowance will be allowed on your old style buggy. The thrill of a lifetime. Horseless Buggies SEE Rupert Klondyke Motors KLONDIKE d us Just what the financial situation is after the affairs are over. Alf Large and Don Forward are responsible for getting suit-r.'ole judges for the costume contests at the Dance. Bill Lambie will produce suitable professionals for the Judging cf the hay crop. The Gyrettes have volunteered to assist the men's organization and this department is in the hands of Orme Stewart. MEANTIME, JERRY AND JACK GLOAT Everything Goes, And Many Prizes 1 To guarantee you t: - w get thar, order you: EVERYBODY BUT DOVK We dont want any fancy par- cially-made axelj t time in the spirit of '98 and promise no lagging moments when the show swings into action. Besides what they make goes into all kinds of projects that will 'benefit the community Everything goes during the Gyro Klondyke Nite and there's a prize for just about every type of costume as well as the three major prizes for the Beard Con- WILFORD ELECTRICAL WORKS LIMITED ades or fires. So everybody is I welcome but radical Douks at the party Friday night. Don't send them to the Klondyke. It's too cold. 5 as a whole park maintenance,! ten competitors, payments on the McClymont Frist prke i'or the Beard Con-Park swimming pool and other test will be $50 in cash with th" projects that hold down juvenile I second prize amounting to $20 illnquency in the city. 1 and the third prize of $10. The The Gyros expect to see every- contestants will all parade in ne at the big celebration! What1 front of the Uiree judges who A GOLD STRIKE That's what our insurance book says about the golden opportunity to invest your gold dust. Don't DON'T GEI uu oycuu gwa wjwaiu hiomui; , win oe armed with the neces- let your gold dust go to the Silver Slipper Saloon. it even a better place to live. Yes sir, the Gyros are giving the kids a break. Why not climo on their band wagon? ;ah in and see us first. Jerry Lemire arid Jack Guthrie, two of the local tonsorial artists, are ruboing their handa with glee these last few days as the day to shave off beard-, rpproaches. The rush of trad J when tile men who have en-is expected to start Saturday ciured the itching and the ger-eral riscomforu which generally go with beard growing rush to their nearest barber. Incidentally great sighs of relief will be heard from the many wives and girl friends of the beard growers. WHAT A MAN! WHAT A BEARD! And you won't get hooked If you buy your safety pins and si from Joe Skott. Every sportsmcr that Kaien Klondike Store has the Rods & Guns in town. Don't Let the Big Ones Get Ac fary equipment for judging the, length and thickness of the many fine beards. ; Besides the Beard Contest there will be prizes for costumes. The men's .'sction will receive merchandise prizes of $10, $7.5'; end $5.00 for the best costume and the women's section also 4Gi Those smart Beard Contest and Klondyke Night window cards which' have been seen No card sharks need call as risk .i too high. A. Rivett, Agent 'LG. Helgerson ltd. around town lately are the work! 'll. receive $10, $7.50 and $S. HARD! of the art students of Booth Memorial High School. KAIEN There will be a $5.00 merchandise prize for the f best drefsed couple and a $5 00 merchandise prize for the most That man Watmaugh, who copped the first prize last year, looks unbeatable again. comical costume in the show. I tPDOKICSE! LOW COST TRANSPORTAT 'MjmSi THE BAND!! You can now have your own talking machine complete ft-. iaJTV V Z-sX h'i with barking dog . . ' BOOT & MOCCASIN VALUES For the husky Klondyke Men we have boots as good as leather, made from whale skin. Only 2 gold ounces. And if you want to please your Klondike Sadie, a pair of gold gilt dancing slippers will do the trick so she can go to Klondike Nites Doins. 3 gold ounces pr. BEST KORN KOVERAGE IN THE KLONDYKE IFASHIOiV OUTWEAR k-vi . . easy uj operate juss put on the cylinder .... Jrank the handle .... J and out comes music. aee the new fandangled phonographs McRAE BROS. LTD. THE VERY LATEST IN MULE OR BULLOCK MODELS 50 Ways Different 50 Ways New You won't go wrong in the latest model of Klondyke Schooners Trade in your old wagon now on a new schooner TERMS AS LOW'" AS TWO NUGGETS BOB PARKER Ltd. IT'S NO HAT TRICK! IT DAYS GOLD WE HAVE A FULL STOCK of everything except live stock For Export Doins in printin we is just about the berries. In fact if we can't print it .... it ain't worth printing D1BB PRINTING COMPANY The way we serve our Kustomers. We have pills for every Okkasion and laughing pills for Klindyke Nite. Join the parade of Klowns to the Sivic Sentre for KLONDYKE NITE They'll have to drug you away. THERE'S GOLD IN THEM THAR HILLS . . . AND THARS GOLD IN THEM THAR RINGS AT YOUR KLONDYKE JOOLRY STORE AND THAR'S GOLD FOR THE TAKIN' AT KLONDYKE NITE pa, KLONDYKE KEMISTS Bulger's Joolry Stfe The Pioneer Pill Pushers KLONDYKE DRIVE