i P33yi:c3i..L luyht, v : ; . - . : , '. c ;.:.v OIir.lES DDUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER . . Published at Canada's Mart Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOL. XXXIX, NO. 103.-, , FRINUE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1960 PRICE FIVE CENTS Moscow mi Bid For c tireireaicc f j e Flyiimg i Building Hils Posf-Yar High Mark Here in Month of March i. X far s JS. I ' United Nations Chief Would Knd Cold War Issuance of building permits-last month soared h As & See Li 11 MORE PHILPOTT to $111,750. highest mnnthlv total sin n:ii.o.; rwcf..,K i J, a rV' 7i i TOTR OUSTING MINISTERS 'French And British Already Lined Up Want.i Cabinet Members, Too PARIS (CP) -Trygve Lie, United Nations secretary general, said today he will fly to Moscow May 10 in an attempt to persuade Russia to agree to a conference of the United Nations Security Council the General Hospital Nurses' Home at a cost of $80,000. In April of 1949, permits totalled $15,660. Highest April total since 1944 was in ,1947. In thai year, the amount was $16,960. . ' ' , -v -r ' . LONDON A Conservative member of parliament said to-tlav he would submit to the House Mc.-ilay his petition to throw out of office Defence Minister Emanuel Shinwell and War Minister John Strachey. IMKSIget letters husbands. They 't ' and all world leaders to end the cold war. . Lite it quite that First Fish Goes East a press conference he had proposed : , previously that the Security tit that's what I .ween the lines. . s. v .. . t- e - : Council hold a meeting with ! "VnnHo r9 .l.tA. r.tA ..rftli .nK. ie 1 Will KHUW wuai, fc.n: Red River Dropping tii say to a place like There are so many Jules in a town like inet members of all member nations." In London, Lie saw Prime Minister Clement Attlee: . In Paris, he already has ssen French President Vincent Auriol ' and Foreign Minister Robert Schuman. ...... s that I imagine a Sir Waldron Smithers, leader nf the ouster move, wants Shinwell and Strachey removed because of what the pttl-tion calls their expressed "sympathy with Communist aims" ll the past. LARGEST CARRIER BIRKENHEAD, Eng. Queen Elizabeth today launched the largest aircraft carrier .ever built by Britain the 36.H09-ton Ark Royal. The new ship replaces Us famous namesake sunk by the Nazis in the second World War. '. NEW POLISH PURGE? WASHINGTON Rumors young gal or a ' ';', ' "i. . j3 - 'A , f"M - Thirty Thousand Pound . ' Consignment of . Halibut i -.' To Atlantic Seaboard ; The first carload of halibut, of the sear rolled, out of! Prince Rupert last night headed, for an eastern United States seaboard destination. '; . - -'j : -; 'The shipment Wfas.the j30,6oO-pound catch 'of .the" Rap I, Captain Les Reekie, who laridpd at Atlin." Fisheries "dock about o'clock yesterday morning. The ow would have to to stay single. V I Rupert I was amusrd Eictly the .ame thing a last year in Britain: WINNIPEG a Army and civ-lle.n personned today tackled the b'oated Red River with the knowledge that 'the end cf the threi vttcx. rise was in sight. At, two major points along its northward course through Southern Manitoba Jowari Winnipeg the flood has begun to wane. At Morris, almost submerged, it had apparently reached full ' 1 me must wait to get merit at the dentist's Another Dr. Hankinson Here k Britain you can get . m1 fish were, gathered from a camp n if you have a tooth i requires an extractor other work Newly graduaieu from medical School of University of Alberta peak; Ij wait your turn. But at Winnipeg, pretty well at witn term oI Internship at Unl- In addition to the Nurses' Uome. four other new buildings are being constructed. These U- e a St. Andrew's rectory on Fourth Avenue at a cost of $12,-j0 and a residence for W. Ku-'iic on Fifth Avenue to cost 15, 0UU. The Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. at Seal Cove ere spending $5,000 for an ad' dltion to their plant. . Total number of permits Issued were 27. Permits were Issued to: , M Vanderheide, Eleventh Avenue, dwelling 2,000. W. W. Writ hall 336 Fifth ' West, siding ,$705. P. Philipson, Eleventh Street, dwelling, $600. A. Stensct, 107 Eighth Avenue East, alteration, $500. T. N. Rowe, McNlchol Street, addition, $400. Raymond Nault, Eleventh and Conrad, dwelling, $400. C. Abercrombie, ' 801 - Alfred Street, addition. $350. J. Husvick, 209 Seventh Avenue West, re-roofing, $340. Dr. Orcen and Dr. McDonald. Second Avenue, alterations, $300. H. Dickens,- 420 Sixth Avenue "West, re-roofing, $270. J. Davidson, 1119 Eighth Avenue East, re-roofing, $250. ' A. Vanderheide. 701 Eighth Avenue East, garden house. $250. . J. F. Bugyinka; 81 Fifth Ave nuc West, re-roofing, $235. O. Olofson, C12 Fourth Avenue East, re-roofing, $223. F. F. Wermlg, 537 Ninth Ave nue West, re-roofing, $190. R. C. Edwards, 1404 Sixth Avenue East, wood shed, $150.' ; Tom Petroff, 411 Seventh Avenue West, re-roofing. $140. R. R. McNab, 1120 Sixth Ave-nye East, wood shed, $73. Old Post Office, Second Avenue, repairs, $50. id write the same icroa northerly Can- the end of Its course of destruc- versity Hspital there recntly tion, there was still more to completed,.Dr. Hazen Hankinson, are too few doctors ts in the ouUyir.,5 son of the late Dr. and Mrs. C. come. The crest is expected Thursday. H. Hankinson, arrived In the RATLE3S ALBERTA Alberta is believed to be the only rat-free area on the North American 'continent. And the provincial government want to keep it that way. So John M. Brown, provincial entomlogist, is leading Alberta's campaign against an expected rat invasion. A young brown rat was killed recntly in Edmonton, one of the few that have been found In the province. Here Mr. Brown holds the rat and in the background is a government poster warning of the rat invasion. (CP Photo I - Provincial Minister Resigns And Two Successors Are Named boat, near Squaaaree, about 20 miles from port. In addition to the halibut the - Rap I .carried about 800 pounds ' of salmon, which will be treated for the American market-. Rap I la owned by John Clausen and Sons. Asked if he would go out again last night, Capt. Reekie , said, "yes," as soon as they loaded Ice and bait. "We'll go out to the camp again, leave bait and load up, .Some of these days I'm going to get a little sleep, too," h said. jfc.i too many in thj Imi drawn out but zument on the CNS city on Monday to Join the medical clinic of Dr. L. M. Greene and Dr. J. A. Macdonald for the next few months. I Dr. Hankinson was born at Smithers and received most ot iirt with a fine Anicr- Faster Hockey Is jExcecled Tonight CALGARY First round his early education here after his i was sure we were another world war. greed with me . that necessary or ln- ; Verne Scherk. is th camp man. flhe man had served that the Russians are planning new purge of Poland's army and the Polish Communist party have reached United Stales government officials here. If the shake-up comes, it will be the first In a Innr series of purges aimed at tightening up the Kremlin's control over Iron Curtain countries. KEEPING UP SEARCH ; VANCOUVER A radio van and helicopter have been -withdrawn from the search, for ft light' plane, missing fur week now on a flight front Trail to Vancouver with ' two young men on board. Royal Canadian Air Force planes Arc keeping up the search' by air. Reported oil flicks in a creek near Keremeos revealed nothing. ' ; i ,': ' '' ' S 'SEARCH GIVEN UP - , LONDON Search, for the British traveller Milford Viscount, missing with 13 men for . 16 days, was , virtually abandoned today for the second time. The search was renewed a few days ago after up weak signals believed to amateur operators had picked have come from his ship. , VICTORIA P- Premier' Byron Johnson todav18 fAl th? ards ptmt move to the city.-' He to , . . tonight when Tonnto Marlboros being welcomed here by his many mnounced the resignation Of Hon. y George Pearson, and Calgary Stampeders meet in friends who congratulate him minister of health and welfare and provincial secre- tne second game of the best of upon his graduation and entry iary. Mr. Pearson has been in ill-health for some time. 'iZZ . h,hP JT ptolesslm- President Harold Ballard of the After his atav in Prince Rn A.. D; Turnbull, member for ICOSSianci-l rai , - Marlies and Stamps' coach By- nprt rtr Hanklnsnn win return rli wars himself and s.uft technically. H he Russians ' would war not later than is what I call "Pearl becomes minister of -health and Welfare. jron McDonald said they expected t0 Edmor ;. i! to take up further r.inded." That is. he The camp method of fish collecting' Is -for .smaller wishing boats to base at a house boat, bring their catches 1 16 the)' camp and load bait. The packer keeps the camp supplied with bait and ' provisions on her return trips. The flsb from the camp is loaded on. the packer, which delivers It to the company wharf. , i , ' ; James L..Lee, manager of the Atlin Fisheries Ltd., said the fish was going to the eastern American seaboard. The exact destination, he added with a smile, "Is Hon. W; T. St'raith.' minister of education, takes e seconq game wouia proviae a post-gra,... , In surgery. ... .... - -.. -- . ' iaster orana or nocxev. loronLo at the war wouH a Russian atom'c He served in the Navy during the war. over the provincial secretaryship. i won Monday night's game 6-5. tick on the biueest ASS'N OR CIVIC CENTRE- -es producing centres. 1 him how long he : would take the U.S. 'hereafter, to atomize cities of Russia. V Fire Destroys Simpson Home the buslnes of ho one but us." Who Will Operate Baseball -Issue to be Decided Tonight pnment on earth is e the order to start n one certain result S i Port des- Home of Henry Helln at Simpson Vv as completely per would be retalia LOCAL .TIDES : 'Thursday, May 4, 1950 Hlgri . 2:17 23.2 feet te other side which .1 troyed by fire at 9 o'clock this' 15:18 19.8 feet Jtf millions of its own 1 I morning. Within an hour: the residence, situated on the old Low 8:57 0.6 feet National S, Chicago 2 N OF A READER of Hudson Bay jiroperty wasJraaed 20:39 6.6 feet 0-. . At a general meeting of the Prince Rupert Baseball Association called for this evening at the Civic Centre the question as to whether the Civic Centre Association or the Baseball Association is to operate baseball hereabouts this season is to be discussed. Much interest has been shown this past week by Baseball Scores TUESDAY . National Philadelphia 8, Chicago 10 Boston 1, Pittsburgh 6 Brooklyn 10, St. Louis 3 New York-Cincinnati postponed. American Clevland 1, Boston 6 Other games postponed. Western International Vancouver 10, Yakima 5 Trl-Clty 14, Wenatchce 6 Tacoma at Spokane, wet grounds. Victoria at Salem, rain. i;ian Science Monitor of course, the most i and lca-st inflam- published in the 5 ' to the ground. It was a comparatively new house. Mr. Helin was away at the time engaged in Ijls work with the fishing industry tt Prince R'ipert. Mrs. Hellri and family escaped without injury. Ptes. I this, - baseball enthusiasts on N with me that just1 i f'estants and Catholics' point and rumor has it that the J Halikiif In Civic Centre body is willing to nOie rluMuUl llT" '? forced to call off . V Off Its first trip to the plant land live and let live; handle the vounastcrs but ,. pounds RESIGNS-Hon. George Pearson, minister of !v.a"th and r lt,c Moslem DeoDlts LOCAL ATHLETES WIN Rupert Boys Clean Up In Alaska Track Meet Bob Wilkinson, Eric Moore, Jerry Ford And Koddy Tait Garner Points KETCHIKAN,, Alaska (Special to the Daily NeWs) Bob Wilkinson of Prince Rupert became grand aggregate" champion of the Southeastern Ued 'f their attempt wants nothing to do with the n "' (J LUdU LVU U W" JCJIU "U,V I A n J,""3 ot the , largest '7" trips incu senior ret-up. This action Would be a departure from policy ofi The packer W. R. Lord, Capt Prince Rupert for several years, last season when the juniors' Norman Sievort, brought in a sec- tied up at the Canadian Fish and will rank with Caesar. T me world, by force ItfV er K I... . , THERE IS In the latest booic injury wouiq .niinn hlfh I read With j'S LATEST book U a grain of salt, as It were. That fit Grand dfifllhW with the THE WEATHER Synopsis Skies cleared in nor-Lhcrn sections last night and cloudiness continues to decrease, in south drifted along in a haphazard ond load ol hallDut this morn- com .storage piani mis morning, manner which resulted in their ing for the Canadian Fish and The Santa Marie No. II,' Capt. league ' becoming defunct car'y, Cold Storage plant at Seal Cove. Dave Moore, brought in- 100,000 in the season. ! The catch amounted to 35,000 pounds of sole. . . . m 'o me to hnvo nni-o fHahk t.n Scotland of Hitler's ,iUlUy as the earlier Number Two man. Hess, 'his same scries Fnr Thi most nlauslble explana- A snnkesmnn for thp Baseball " V" ern regions this morning. How Association made It clear today ' -r- the htidka enisode that I l'ri (ton firm rf tha Hpss Forest Resources From Here ever, a few showers will persist today in the southern interior I11'" after world uinr .pp ViparH was this: that there is a hot session In: store " if the' Civic Centre plans1 r Alaska track meet yesterday. He and Eric Moore se.t records in the 440 and 880 respectively and won first and second places in grand aggregate. Williamson was the outstand- , - especially near the mountain; T T I n C I to out from under as far as Arft storm get Tfl TprrafA Rpjrin XlirVfiYPd ridgss An intending senior league operation is con- I V ICNQLU Ml t UCIIItj JUI1CJGU centre which lies 600 miles west Probably rate higher, ' Some secret bureau of the Jre. than his later bureau of the British intcUl-, genee baited the hook for .Hess. "The AftermatVj To their astonishment he swal-ajuu' 1928, ope ii3 lowed it, hook, line and sinker. Of thp mrwt- l..t.J ..I I.. V. n -I nlofTPH him Pros ana cons o: tne of the Queen Charlotte Islands-cerned. however, wil be aired is. expected to remain in the question, N a special session prior to the Gulf of Alaska but a disturb ! Mnnimrr hon Ihn CV. lng sprinter of tne day, copping' coming third in the 880 and mile the 100 yard dash.' the 220 an-I funs, fifth in the broad jump 440. He was fourth In the shot and ran a leg of the relay. Jerry Another step toward obtaining a complete of forest resources in the province was itJ it .tTlll lieiieicU llic-unua nin,n nc s'n modern nrnso i ,rH nf Vinnnr" that his own ecutive of the baseball body wiir started today with the. beginning of a survey of the Fjcs think that future life would 'be safe if he came. be ret representatives of the by coaslal bribing rain to most M" remember Church-! The fact remains that Hess, Civic Centre group re5ions. Temperatures in most lower Skeena valley from here to Terrace. The party making the survey, under direction of Barry ' Ford, Victoria, is composed of forestry students at University of British Columbia.. Work- - t - -iiuis inan lor imicr s aepuiy, wua uic T ' Stntp Tr, n.l. Aaath plt.hpr A special invitation ' is being of the province will be slightly above normal for the next two extended to those who have To p others, Churchill by suicide or execution.- . cehtly arrived in tne city and have been, active in playing or days. Forecast ing from aerial phooograpn.-, a more up-to-date picture. They organizing in this great summer ; they will be able to complete will enter information on their A few North Coat Regions had tough luck In the mile run. He was winning at the end, but due to faulty counting of laps the boys ran an extra lap, in which he fell behind Ponio Pcneff. He "showed up well in the sprints, garnering a fourth in the 220 and 440. He also ran a leg of the relay. Roddy Tait placed fourth in the mile and sixth in the broad jump. Final score was Ketchikan 1, Prince Rupert 2, Petersburg 3. Prince Rupert had no entries In the field events in which Ketchikan was strong. Thus they were nosed out in the final scoring . clouds today.- Overcast tonight sport, to attend tnis evening s tneir survey mucn more quicmy maps. Detailed cruises win sun and Thursday with ram bcln-! meeting. Managers of the senior r.nd with less effort than In the be carried out by rangers in put. He Was anchor man on tne relay team, which was Just nosed out by Ketchikan. Bob ran the 440 In 58 seconds to beat the previous . record of 61 seconds. In the 100 ahd 220 yard dashes his nearest competitors were 10 yards bettind. Williamson- piled up 17 Vx points for the grand aggregate award. Eric tyoore was runner up with 11 points. Eric Moore set the record for the 880 yard run by clipping off six seconds from the previous record when he broke, the tape In 2 minutes and 21 seconds. Ha was second, in the 440, fifth in the 100 yard dash and ran a leg of the relay. Jerry Ford had a big day alsi, EL WANTED teams are hot on the trail of days of searching everything ; their own districts. The survey ning early tomorrow morning. Little 'change in temperature. Wind llaht today, southeast 13 anything that looks like a ball out on foot. The photos were i u a continuation of the one con-player and already practices are made "by the R.C.A.F. and thoj ducted last year from Douglas m.n.h this pvpninir Inprpas'nrr . beini held at Corstruction Labourers. Apply in per the Rooseven B.C. Forest service working io-,cnannei to Naas. Future sur-'gether and cover the area from veys wui cover the area up tho to 25 near midnight and shifting Park diamond. son Cnl.k:- .... i prince Kupert to tne Aiasna- ifaas. .,,,u,u v.eiiuiose personnel to west 25 tomorrow morninjr. Lows tonight and highs to-nioirow at Port Haidy 42 and OTTAWA Kfi The government Yukon border, named Gordon Isnor, veteran 'object of the party is to find Island. Another party is working from the launch "Forest Surveyor" in the Bella Coola Ocean ' Falls 52, Sandspit and Prince Rupert , Liberal Member from Halifax, a the volume, quality and accessi The meet was postponed until (106) member of the .Sena; yesterday bility of tirrber resources giving area Tuesday because of the weather. I 42 and 50 I 1