sua I TTiuo fc.i,..j,. .....v . lumisw o, j .... Prince Rupert Daily News My Face Looks Ud to tw. .. Z 0: -hf 'v.. etvi ce$ 1 '& Church's SSia?1 : Saturday, December 2, 1950 An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association a. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES , 8y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; Per Year, $8.00; By Mail. Per Month, 50c; Per Year, $5 00. E?fei5r ill be sung by the senior choir mi aaap:auon of the .,, psalm, "The Lord U Mv herd," and "To the Love of c-of Saviour" will be sung by Z Junior choir, directed by w Soiland. Organ arcommnimoni . , ... cu 1 . . ,l n? outiitiui wilh a brief MEN'S IlRFKU tov . SATURDAY SERMON HOW DO YOU FEEL? " incse are ... What Course Next? (By Rev. Leonard A. Thorpe, pastor of the Regular Baptist Church) j the church Sunday night. . Sponsored by the senior choir, All the commands of God's Word the only ru.eidirected by mm. a. l. wudei,i of conduct that Christians have are important. ! the eme of the program win j However, there are a few that are of greater ionf'JZ J ance as can be seen by their repetition and the varied Rudolph oisen, ciai-ence Ad-' terminoloerv and firrures bv which they are tauirht a.nd:: Feness, b. cherstad and. -- gins Rhil.t't. . r. . ' iilJJ; from I .... ..... n tny ntrs and PAItKAS BOVB' HI.NDBKEAKIKS, fro,n o.-i-i. i1 r ... by Christ and the inspired . FOR THE LADIES LADIES' IIOSE-Cotton mixture, Nvl, ' N!orar.d AH-Wool, from. paif to match. b. One: of the most frequent j r" admonitions of God's Word de?.ls , 0f derogatory remarks and with the relationship ol one iVoriMi, whmwr uwy be raise or Christian to another. To whicij , . , tru' b V iLi fiBainst againbt Bibll-. Bibii one of the niuny passages shall , we turn? John 13:34-35 wUi do CJ tfiwhliig and Is a lsmatic admirably. i tool of Satan's. The Word tlls "A new commandment I give us to go to the offending brother unto you That you love one fcR-l ' (Matt. 18:15), not to all our other I have loved that ; as you, neititjb,r8 and t0 U)P JluUami.m you also Jove one another. i , , , . ,of grssip. ccmnionly kncAn as a .r. v. 'HW thle gViqII oil r,i Irn.u. "1 """" i that you are my disciples J ye; have lov one lea anullk.. In other Scriptures we are, commanded to be kindhearted, long-suffering, tenderhearted, merciful, helpful, and affection- h at aue toward towara all an cnria-uans. Christians M-ioyi Mmv morp than one hnnrlrprl rimes' r " "c ",c " n.ju.wiu ..u m man ; kindred teachings are found in j Ha U7t4 r"V-irio locin- Di.rolu I TAIiLE CLOTHS 4 servL t u's W-Tf 111 ti J lf r. (, v v vu. now. SHOP AND SAVE AT Gel Your . . . v&F Xmas aA '1 lards How! ..... lt on DIRECTORY Soi-Tlr In all church at n in icl 7: no p.m.: Similar at 18:15 except as ohuwn. Axourix cthi:iral 4th Ave. W at Dunxmutr 8t. Holy Communion 8 30 a m. Sunday School 2 :00 p a Canon Basil 8. Prockter. 3A .BD. Rector: (Blue 733) FIRST BAPTIST 5tb Av B. at Young St MluisUvr: Hey Fred Antrobua (Green (13) fikst pkesbvterun 4th AvemMt EAst ! Rev. E. A. Wright. D D. (Green 982) j FIRT I'MTFK i T6 6th Ave. West Hvv. L. a. bluUrf (Green 13) ! Fl 1.1. r.OPPPL TARF.RN'.tri.e ; 202 6th Ave. West Pastor : C. Fawcett ! Services II a m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 12.15. . (Green 331) ; ! SAI VATION ARMY Praner Btieet CO.: Capt. w. PouJtoj Directory Class 2 :30 pro. Sunday School S rtX) p m. (Black SOtti T. PAIi.'B I I THFKAN 6th Ave. at McBrlde Bt. Pastor:. t. Solland 4 Black 610) ST. PrTMt'ft ANCJLK'AN 6eal Cove Sunday Sciuic; : 1 00 a m Evening Prayer 1:80 pro (Blue 827) Kl (.l I.Mt BAPTIST 629 6th Ave E. Blue 803 PusUtr: aU-v. Leonard A. Tnurpi' First Presbyterian Church my .1' K 4 Aim m :ri: 231 Fourth Ave. East Minister: Rev. E. A. Wriirht. D D. ' OrganisU: Mrs. E.' J. Smith John Currie. Mornin- Vorsiiip 1 1 o't 'ock 1 Subject: "A Momentous Ques- tion" t Sunda-. School I2-1S Eveni..g Service7.30 Subject: "Life's Nobler Pcnal- ties" CHRISTHWS KIT realized how oft.n and how; " The need of God's love is real-I Zl easily Christians would forget , j!ed wnPn we see that ,hpre are 1 &rd"hu lf His for them. Uohn 1721-2'. comrnand w do not love when and Master of ' our lives we wiil So let us ask ourselves, "How do we thlnk u wife 0,. . .so walk commo! 'love SkunS '?'hen Ur riiKnUV PP""mitS WC ,U be evWp,U' The lane or rrince uuperi ilove regardless, because of our the Joy of salvation will cUar'y in order to fulfiU this second co, Urd . fi(;e that b,,, TalTLCZZTr U m ,ove ,s unknown- or "H-"WofGod"andU1at (M-tt. 22.391 the fee ing of our ))tUe fxwrienr ioe we can ore nappy t0 j m hearts must be scrutinized. To know h()W ,()ve we musl family love one another is not a matter our hpart, t. f h rpatP!t Inr ' ' JriiMreet tiiU PK INTERS - BTATIONER8 -. OfTKl HfftS of acting in a certain way. an ; of allf and ,earn by B dail y asso. ,; external code of conduct, but a;r)at.lon with Him, how perfectly matter of feeling, an internal, h? 'nves. settled. God-given attitude oft a GREAT INDITEMENT loyalty and brotherliness. Thus. Mucn at stake ,n ,hJs matu- j our love being deep and genuine, Withln ourselves, the reality of, it will be the oil that. works the our gajvation (1 John 3:J4 and' IT IS very easy to say use the atom bomb at once I and end the war in the Far East quickly. The more mature authorities appear to be pretty well united against such a desperate course for the time being at least. No doubt, introduction of the atom bomb would end the conflict with dispatch but at what cost? That is the question. If we used the atom bomb in Korea, what would be the sequel? Certainly, if we used the atom bomb across the Manchurian frontier, no matter how. much justice we might consider there was on our side, we would be pretty sure that the whole world, few if any sections excepted, would soon be involved, not only economically but physically, in all the horrors of modern warfare. The suggestion of Syng-man Rhee, the president of the Republic of Korea, to use the old-fashioned atom bomb (the type that devastated Hiroshima artel Nagasaki) is, of course, stupid. There would be no use trying to restrict the degree of horror in the next war. Our enemy, providing he has the power, would not do so even if wo would. The most reasoned judgment would seem to be today, as it always has been, to get together with our enemy in the cold war, which is steadily becoming warmer, before it is too late. Even that old war horse, Winston Churchill, who has never been known to draw his punches when the time came to hit, talks that way these days. Russia may be the cause of war the most of us are convinced, in spite of her protestations to the contrary, that she is. On the other hand, we cannot have peace without Russian co-operation and that is a simple fact like it or not that we must accept. The difficulty today is to find a course that does not involve appeasement about which we have already had so many sad lessons in the past. TROUBLES OF WORLD ONE TROUBLE with the world today is that it has become trouble conscious. There have always been troubles in the world, but never before - has the... world, realized or imagined that it had so many troubles. This fa' an age of problems social, economic, political, national and international. Wa are daily being: reminded of these problems in the news, and of the making of books describing them, and prescribing perfect solutions, there i3 no end. There was a time (and not very long ago) when one bottle contained a sure cure or relief for all, the interior and exterior ailments of the human body, and it was also good for horses! In these days the shelves of drug stores are packed with a multitudinous variety of remedies for an almost equal number of diseases and discomforts. It is sad to think of how people in the old days went through life and died in total ignorance of the many or particular things that ailed them. Perhaps they lived and died happier for their ignorance. There are no more miserable people than those who are perpetually complaining about little aches and pains and fearing that each one is a symptom of some dread disease. So Beautiful ... and v;th 27 F 1 Features sana irom me wneeis oi our.,ne g(.nuineness of our love for daily doings with each other. Ood , John 4:21l are proven Marcus uoas says: "U)ve runs!bv.our ,ove for other bellevers Th New... McCLARY T Washing Mccr: Si r it, and rg ti 9' "If the aa.hft tin EVtRnillNC Iv W Emphasizing Christmas seasonal spirit rather than merely Our a feast day, St. Paufs Lutheran Earl Church will hold a pre-Christ- mna Ki'inor . SllH hvmn SAi-vinA jt! hu M R '"" w j - Kjeiiotn. will sing Ta? 8tranger of Oaliiee" and "Unlh Tomorrow." I Miss Curine Helde, Mrs. K. Kjellbotn and Mrs. A. Wudei will sing "Only a Touch of the Hand" and "Shepherd's Call" in the ladies' trio. Especially arranged choral' hymns by Frederick Wick, "Oh, tact, that our witness Is nullified by animosity toward other Christians. Prince Rupert needs all the power of wlruTX that hcUc.x.x can muster. No one has the rlKht to limit or decrease this testimony. Our city nt;cds to u,,u u our aaviour. ine an- twer dues m.t ii.. in ,. . . leraenominatlonal .snow nor a ' non-deiujininatiunal ft'cllng, us neither of these a e practical nor Luxury Srcomer PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Potts Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN H EIESI)AY MIDNIGHT j I For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DMOT ii OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. BC. TV It 1 1 t. J VYW Keep your car PURR-RFECT ALL WINTER Cet our i -rw CQtmerc WINTERIZING SERVICE Cooling Syttem Fuel Syitem Ignition Syttem Electrical Syttem Lubricant We do a complete Winterizing job with our expert servicemen, factory-approved equipment, methods end Genuine Ford Parts. Save ime, cold weather trouble and expense. Drive io today, let us check and adjust your car for safe, trouble-free winter driving Bob Par her Ltd. v oiuivLcnn 3 . r-' via Anthem: "Comes, at Times, a!love- sned abroad in our hearts Scripture writers i ! I I I ).,1V,., A (, a,..)!,. will also disool the excliiKiveness fhnf. hinders the ti'Sthnonv anH of many Christians . Jv,. draws t0l,rthpr and miit? the coal of our wltrless to shir mor.- - ,hti n., nt .P(.i """ . " ! supposed grievances to separate : .. . n li. i. iyou iciiowsnip. .ii e love ; us He .. j0Ves, our attitude must ; be those who upoort are . .. But what shou'd concern us more Ls the outward effect. Verse 35 tells us that our testimony to all men is at stake! A'e we Interested in having the unsaved know that we are disciples of fhe Lord? Po we desire to save souls? Then acknowledge this PORTRAITS Films Dcveloned and Printed . PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STLDIO 216 . 4Lh Street . Box 645 Phone Gn?en 389 Prince Rupert FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING t Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Ituilder & Contractors VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Dec. 1 and 15 9 p m. FOR SOUTH .QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Dec. 8 and 22. 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER , Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 668 Make This A . . . See Our Complete Stock of Christmas ALBUMS V' and IMC CAROLS t rBflSPV 1 The Artist1- colum: caph MOCK W Soccioli" In RUPERT RADIO & VB Stillness." (Words by Rev. I. Gregory, music by Rev. H. H.I Woodward). First United Church C36 Sixth Avenue West Prince Rupert. B.C. Rev. Lawrence G. Sleber 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Sermon: "Dangers in the Ordinary" Children's Story: "Living Water" A Junior Choir Anthem 7:30 p.m. "Count the Cost" Special Anthem with Duet SUNDAY SCHOOLS, at First Church: all at "12:15; at Conrad United Hall, at 1 p.m. Kincolith Girl Is Bride Here Miss Lillian Verna Watts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Watts of Kincolith ,was mar- ( ril to Murphy Oliver Stanley j at a qui-et ceremony in St, An- drew's Cathedral Thursday afternoon. ' Rv. Canon Basil S. Prockter officiated. The groom is the adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. William Barton j of Kincolith, who were witnesses at the wedding. j Miss Watts was given in mar-; riaea by her father. i The couple will reside at Kin- ' eolith. I Prepare For WINTER! wy--a-mm Mwya Twwairww'aay,T ff into all our relationships with our fellow man and tarries with jt healing and sweetening vir- iue " PERFECT ILLUSTRATION Do 1 hear someone say "Sounds easy; but Practises hard?" Yes, it Is not always easy but we have U perfect example! Our Lord Jesus cnnsi goes on U) say mai tnis love must oe oi trre same type as His. Calvary love, God's type uiav win nuuicc. ine ciuie In the original language differentiates between God-given love and merely, human love. It Is the former that our Lord call3 upon us to practise, and as we set out to love as He loves, we Will find the difficulties along the way demand more than human love, and are met and conquered in that love which is part of God's grace. For one th!ne, the-e are manv tinsco-lural and unloving habits that must be eliminated. The all too common practice of railing must itop. (Peter 3:9). The carrying K Looking J Ahead with JOHN T. FOWI.E Women as the buyer of the nation have a highly developed sense of values. Years of bargain hunting have conditioned them ao they can nee through gaudy wrappings to the essential value of the product. That it why much of the increased Income being earned by women in business nowadays is set aside to purchase annuities, endowments, and other forms of Jife assurance protection. With business women generally retiring at an age than men, their need for such protection is very great and has resulted in the number of women owning life assurance policies today being twice the pre-war figure. The average policy, too, is for a considerably larger amount. Why not talk yMir polity over wito me today? John L Fowle SUN LIFE OF CANADA 142 5th Ave. East REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED HOLLYWOOD CAFE The jacket he, 6 HKHFS lor Outside irgc,..- 30 P.M. to 5M OPEN FROM 7 wants... The Latest HARRIS JACKETS from 10-95 ,0 36-50 OR IK ITS Comfort He Craves SEE THE NEW MR. T. FASHION An authentic Esquire Magazine model IMPORTANT NOTICE lost y-j vm v ' Y 1 - 1 fir--. 54 27-95 Kerseys or Humphreys nn tayi rn LTD. wishes to ww .- " - . . . u:htq" art" residents of "Kushbroo . . H advise .ember of services to all dresses etc., will NOT be suspended at any By TOWNE HALL 34-50 tu:c firr !; nnt a rne ' - ' 11113 in'' A;?nciation and does n .( hvthar' Check your Furance and Chimney Now! We have the most modern vacuum equipment for cleaning furnaces and chimneys PHONE 884 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. CHECK YOUE FURNACE ' . . e-0A any restrictions onnuun- WW'"- Or for the Out-Door Man, BOMBER LEATHER JACKET Also Outdoor Jackets, Eif AL7iB-7if cfnbi: f Ohnnnlfl ACME CLOTHING giffirfiD- a m'w tniiiiuui-'. R. F. Mortimer 824 2nd Ai. Wear CFPR) C33 Third Ave. W. Phone 359 if. ""-- - - - j-ariipriwieF"--- iMiffiaieiiananrieimriBiinajiaijwiiiienaniv.----