LONDON W-A sign outside tside the most - professing - Christian a good laugh and lesson about Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, December 2, 1950 welj-kncwn London a ' e f II church . jons of Norway ' countries condoned and practic- duelling. My eldest brother, ea slavery. Slavery was abolished. In the warne: "Not everyone who ) enters enters this church U converted. Please watch your handbags, etc." n Whist and Dance Gordon, came back from serving with the Canadian army In the first war. He went to the U.S. to Improvements at Sandspit Airport British part of the world It was i incidentally abolished without ! bloodshed. In the United States at Sandspit airport. Tenders will j close next Monday. The work is in line with im- provements at Sandspit airport i Ten tables were in Dlav at the Bids are being received by the DpDnrtment nf TransDort for the make his fortune, which he duly did. . He fell In love with a lovely Sons of Norway whist drive and dance last night. construction of an administra- which were announced some I it took a war to do the Job. Per-' haps with patience and more 'statesmanship they too might have got rid of slavery without i the war. Whist prize winners were Mrs. tive building and related works ! time ago in the Daily News. Alf Jensen .first: Mrs. Nels Jen U11 It sen, second; O. Oiske, first; G. 8elvig, second. girl from Kentucky, and married her. Our father, who had married thousands of couples In Canada, naturally went down to do the Nels Gundersen was master of But the fact was, one way or another, they did get rid of it. ouo IITTI E PAINT IS A ,SIKKFL'L HELP TO ISTMAS DECORATION ceremonies with Harold Helland By ELMORE PHI LPOTT WHO'LL FIGHT DUEL? at the door. Dancing to Mike Co- DUELLING IS AN EVEN MORE LIGHT UP for striking example. In a recent I For Christmas jubsu accordion music continued from 10 to 2. Job for his own son. But there was a hitch. The law of Kentucky says that only a citizen of Kentucky, may HAVE YOU ever heard debate in the. British parliament, m tt j n : i a coir a Conservative M.P. pointed to Mr. Hard Boiled eay.the haneine ta th Coffee was served under Mrs. C. Blrand's new committee Mr. i$r n ri r n n jva and Mrs. Alf Jensen, Alan Was- like ke this: this: 'members used to hang their ourse your tree will look with Its lights and gjlt-urnaments. But how much r and effective when jnd woodwork are fresh, and smartly harmonious r. ,u have been postponing a something seng, B. Bakken. Mr. and Mrs. swords. " O. Giske. Only inside the chamber did I However, the bride's father, a the M.P.'s cive ud their richt" judge, said he would fix that. "There have always been wars. So there will always be wars. So long as men are men they will fight." CHRISTMAS! to use swords. Santa Assailed The best'treatment for such a sad case of mind-blindness is to By Teen-Agers They dug up an ancient law of Kentucky which allows certain persons to be sworn in as honorary citizens of Kentucky. But to qualify my clergymen father had to swear a solemn oath that he had never fought a duel in Kentucky. oOo SLAVERY, SNUFF AND DUEL-ling have gone. War will go too. say something like this: "Have a pinch of nuff.' If two men wanted to escort the same lady home, and one took offence, a duel was the result. If challanged to a duel you either had to fight or be branded as a coward. oOo. PEKJN, Illinois It was a smartening up, why not o do it now In time for Tias? paint dealer can show ) to get the best effects h use of the proper com-jns. For instance, blues and reens make rooms seem Yellow helps a darkish bad day for Santa Claus. He was When Mr. Hard Boiled gets over the idea that you have sud ' NOMA- CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS snowballed out of a parade by a group of teen-age youngsters denly gone nuts you can say: "People have always used inufr, so people will always use snuff." IN OUR FAMILY WE HAVE who laid down a heavy barrage. and gives a sunlight feel- i As he j-ode In a Jeep, his smiles turned to grimaces and he had After he recovers from his. contempt he will remember that to make a fast retreat people did NOT always use snuff. It is comparatively new in his S.S. PRINCE GEORGE To VANCOUVER and WAYPOINTS tory, like using tobacco or eating potatoes or tomatoes. inks are warm and cheer-'he right colors will give hatt'ver effectyou wish, bigncr jo'is see your painl-I decorator for advice The B.C. Puint Club, 520 Shelly Building, 119 West Pender Kt., Vancouver, B.C. OIL HEATING Concede him that point ana switch to slavery or duelling. oOo LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED 81.25 Sets up years ago human beings could1 say "There has always been Slav- ! cry. So there will always be slavery." Now as we all know, slavery has been prelty well wiped out. I know very well that disguised or Indirect slavery still exists In December 11th Fancy figures for your present sets. at its Besl MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS Convenient, Economical High mechanical efficiency. VORTEX Automatic Burners 30 saving In heating costs. TERMS ARRANGED Smith & Elkins LIMITED . Plumbing and Heating Each 10c wr 2lst Deceinl 3iji.l j lis spots. They might call it "corrective labor" on one side of the I Iron Curtain. They might call ! it Aparteid, or race segregation. in South Africa. They may have SINGLE BULBS . OF ALL SIZES : AVAILABLE McRAE BROS. som other hypocritical disguise foi- It elsewhere. The fact remains that no gov Call or write CITY OR DEPOT TICKET OFFICE Early reservations necessary. PHONE 260 or 358 Canadian National Steamships H ernment on earth would dare to tell the world that Is now legal- IE B.C. PAINT CLUB MHk VlHMW,l(, Phone Vii P.O. Box 274 tees or practices slavery. Yet less than a hundred years ago- even 1 Phone Green 324 I A for Service I Friendly Service and Credit with a Smile X n A X X A A A A A w A A 11 A A A H 1 8 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT ! ! 1 8 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT ! ! FREE Gift Wrapping Open Every Evening C7T3I rl If f Wrist Watches A smart watch of 1950 styling, will make a beau-tifuj and timely Christmas Gift. Come in and choose one now while the stock is complete . . . Make your choice from one of these famous makes: OMF.GA ROLEX GRl'EN BULOVA ELGIN HAMILTON Yuletide Betrothal Make this o memorable Christmas. Ask her now and seal it with a beautiful diamond smartly.mounted. Choose the ring now and hove it laid away till Christmas. TO ALL THOSE WORKERS OF 5O.00 to 5MMM 15.95 up Prince Rupert, THE :j Cellulose Plant jf Remember our FREE GIFT WRAPPING SERVICE i( We will tastefully wrap and PACK your purchases . . . AND MANY OTHERS PENDANT AND EARRING SETS V ' 'I..:' . , X 1 One of these sets will- 1 .S" and Others from out of town GIVE TOKEN OF LOVE Diamonds Every ring guaranteed, registered and each ring carries free insurance. Sets 50.00 up always enhance the beauty of that favorite lady, when dressing for those Yuletide parties. Priced from and see that they are MAILED. YOU ARE SURE TO FIND EXACTLY THE GIFT YOU WANT AT MANSON'S For Your Man ! ! 7.5045.00 -'-, f.;- ,y mr ,- I, nr t Pearls 7.50 UP Real Natural Pearls, symbolic of "l,ove of Devotion." A large selection of , 2, 3, 4 and 5-strand necklaces. single 1. 00 up 41.00 up YOU WILL FIND US, AS ALWAYS in the past, 3PEN TO SERVE YOU EVERY EVENING! i Drop in and brouse around for ideas . . Bring ihe wife or Lady Friend! For Yoiir Lady I ! o We have a grand selection of all Jewellery ltems . .'. that will please the heart of the lady dear to you! evening bags manicure sets dresser sets flatware travelling slippers overnight kits pen and pencil sets Birthstones In choosing a birthstone ring you can be sure of the perfect Christmas G i f t. Our stock is right up to the minute, giving you a large selection for every month of the year. Dont' wait . . . Choose it now on our LAY-AWAY PLAN! A A A A A A $ A A A 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A X A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A You can't go wrong ... if you visit Manson's to make your choice of gifts for your MAN! Complete lines of Cuff Links, Studs, Tie Bars, Key Chains, etc. Electric Shavers Leather Shaving Kits DOUBLE , 1..0 up TRIPLE t ..- up Single strand cultured. Pearls at 60.00 "d 82.50 Shop Now at YOU WILL FIND AT MANSON'S THE GIFT FOR Travelling Clocks Bridge Sets Ronson Lighters , Drinking Cups EARLY! Leather Brush Sets Canasta Sets Crib Boards Flasks Jiggers SHOP MANSON'S for that gift for YOUR LADY BOUDOIR LAMPS RONSON LIGHTERS RONSON CIGARETTE CASES MUSICAL POWDER or JEWEL BOXES SHOP EARLY! YOUR MAN A