Prfnce Runrrt Dallp r3ctos Saturday, July 23, 1949 'tki Ray Reflects . . . v . and Reminisces 4a Independent daily cewspuper aetowa o n upfculldlng of Prjice Rupert d til communities comprising northern and central British Columbia (Authorized u Second Clkaa Mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa) - - ' ' Published eer afternoon encept Sunday b PMaM Rupert Dally Newt Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. TIMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION 1 i SATURDAY SERMON Boat loads' of Esthonlans have , widened thoughts, fuller know- IND"REARtp4 Special I laflna miH f nil t '1 (( S U'lH't.h llflV. arrived in Boston and Halifax MEN'S AU.;. lng. CKy Carrier, Per Week, 20c: Per Month, 75c; Per Tear, (8 00. CK" jsr".D Bl Mall. Per Month BOc: Per Year. 5.00 -SjSfc"- JACKETS Sailing in frail crafts they preferred risking the Atlantic to remaining In the shadow of the at MEN'S Iron Curtain. They will be, and T0, Foolish Strikes Sl'ITSWorsH uouiHe-breastm els. Sperm J subject to immigration examination, of course. But let it be said, Canada and the United States can use people of that stamp. Heeding the call of John L. ' Lebecleff, chairman of the splr-; ltual community of Christ, British Columbia's Doukhobors are reported to be thinking of re- ' turning to Soviet Russia or mov- 1 lng to Turkey. We ure not go-1 lng to attend tonight's public .neeting imploring them not to leave. REAL PLEASURE (By Major W. Yurgensen, Salvation Army) Then Jesus beholding him loved him. and said unto him. One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have a treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. Mark 10:21. Quite often money, intelligence and effort is expended in dealing with effect rather than wjth the cause. Many believe the way to Utopia is by political enactment and some have sought to force politics into religion. The need is just the opposite, that of taking religion into politics a difference with an important MEN'S TRovsi ' nines, iwecds, , assortment, ial Special MEN'S Iinrcc "i.. I(i SHIRTS -U.- You Saw It In The News! in tne Dauy News! DIRECTORY Perrlres In all churches at 11 am and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday Srhool at 12:1.1 except an gliown. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W at Dunsmulr St Holy Communion 8 30 a m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Canon Basil S. Prorkter. B A., B.D. Rector: (Blue 733) FIRST BAPTIST " Bth Ave. B. at Young St Minuter: Rev. Fred Antrobua (Green 81 J) FIRST PKFSBVTERIAN 4th Avenue East Minister: Rev. George E. Sendall (Oreen 883) FIRST I'NITED 638 6th Ave. Wert , Morning Service Only FILL OOSPF.L TABERNACLE 302 6th Ave. West Pastor: C. Fawcett (Green 3311 SALVATION ARMY Fraser Stieet CO.: Major W. Yurgensen Directory Class 2 :30 p.m. Sunday School 8:00 p.m. (Black 3691 ST. FALL'S I.ITHFRAN 5th Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: E. Solland (Black 610) ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Cove Archdeacon E. Bodaon Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m. (Blue 827) irom . i BOYS' T SHlRt f LRS-Latest rt J The impulse to destroy or damage anything Intended to help beautify or foster culture Is all too common and Is certainly not a novelty in Prince Rupert. It's all so wanton and senseless. In Hamilton, Ontario, the other day, two youths were fined $37 each for having mutilated a maple tree. Could they have been some distant kin of Hitler? RAIN WELCOME, MORE IS NEEDED soument. SprtUi, BOYS' WOOL in,! PANTS-Semi-fc sortment. Sptciji boys' scnooi Improved Growing Conditions in Some Parts of Prairies Blue and Ui, There are people who dlscour- distinction. Without Christ life cannot be satisfactorily improved. With Him life cannot fail to be radiant, full and satisfying. There are tremendous possibilities in the young people. . Their grat-est need is to discover the true source of pleasure. Many have the idea that Christianity calls them to renounce pleasure. It does not do this. It asks them to shun sinful pleasure another Important distinction. The Indulgence which Is mistaken for pleasure, destroys mentally and physically and Is Special itiTUUTDCn Ctnoma v Vllirh I HKC U1C luca Ul a ..... General, but anyone who holds temperature, prevailed over the that office in a land the extent western grain area during the, Canada has a man sized Job. cool last week-end followed by Lord Alexander had business on cloudy conditions which have , the rim of the Arctic a week or varying given widespread rains, from light showers to a deluge j so ago. Yesterday he was dis-around Edmonton City, accord-1 charging functions In the M d-tn th u.ppV1v rrnn reoort lands of Ontario. Today he holds the greatest foe of happiness. FOLLY of ill-advised strike action has once THE again been demonstrated with the decision of the London dock workers to go back to work after having seriously tied up the great port for nearly a month, causing much economic damage to the nation in the hour of its extremity. The dockers are going back to their jobs on Monday after having lost a lot and gained nothing unless it may have been some bitter experience. Not only the Labor government leaders but the union chiefs themselves fftad pointed out to the dockers the foolishness of their walk-out but they paid no heed until Harry Davis, the leader of the Canadian Seamen's Union, came along and told them they had better give it up, at the same time declaring "white" the two ships which had been the cause of all the trouble. It looks very much like the British government leaders and the union chiefs may have been right in suspecting the Communist finger in this pie. 'Evidence grows, despite disclaimers, of the Soviet hand in other grievous industrial tie-ups, notably ; the coal miners' strike which has already caused much economic ruin to Australia and where responsible government and labor leaders are also urging against the tie-up. It is little wonder that Canadian unions are moving to purge their ranks of Communists. It is feijbe hoped they will keep control so that irrepara-tfbte damage may not also be done in this country where the unionists who see and exercise reason have so far been able to avert major industrial catastrophe through ill-conceived and reckless strike action. . UNAPPROVES A 10T UNEXPECTED, of course, but reassuring, "IN nevertheless, is the ratification with decisive Entertainment mnv hv ' Its n( rh rwmrtment of Auricul-Un Investiture and inspection SMITH & rt place in an ordered life but with ture of the Canadian National ' at Camp Borden. We are not many it has become an obsess-' Railways , i touching on tomorrow, today. Ion and is an only means ot i Improved growing condl- Maybe there will be an official finding pleasure. If a man en- tions resulted where rains oc-1 visit to Prince rtupert Deiore ioo REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH (Fundamentalist) 629 6th E., Near High School Phone 369 Vancouver - Victoria Seattle Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Alice Arm, Stewart and Port Simpson Sunday, 11 p.m. Frank J. Skinner Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 588 joys a football match, well and rnrred but some sections of the I long. ' good, but If that Is the only way better crop areas such as Man- HAVE HAD , YEARS OP : PLUMBING AND HEATING EXPERIENCE PHONE 171 It is not often a fish buyer Is he knows how to enjoy himself. ltoba and Eastern Sa.skaU.-h ewan still require further rains held up but when this does hap to promote normal crop devel life is tragically shallow. The truth Is that-the satisfy-ing pleasure is that of attainment. It Is far more satisfying opment. Aphid damage, which has Sunday Services suspended for July and August. Prayer Meeting Wednesdays at 8 p.m. at 514 3rd Avenue. ttu . i. r in ifo to live heroically than to see a been widespread In Southwest-hero on the screen. It is satis- em Manitoba, Is abated but Tying to learn a language, to get damage to coarse grains is estl-knowledge, to answer the call mated at $1,500,000 over 100,000 of the adventuring Christ and acres being affected, in His strength win the fight for In the Okanagan, the cherry pen the result is apt to be Juicy. Sockeye salmon producers ae-, cept cash. And the scads must be there. Yesterdays newspaper report said the plunder at Rivers Inlet went as high asj $3,000. There has never been1 a fisheries hold-up at Rupert,1 but around twenty years ago there was a powerful bit of thieving from a vessel engaged In that Industry. Some thous- ands vanished from the strong box. And that was that! I j personal purity, to harness the . movement is practically fin- You Will Enjoy Visiting FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 202 Sixth Avenue West Near the Heart of the City With the City at Heart ANYTIME 13 t,me to CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY ... Let us inspect, repair and clean your chimney now Be prepared for Fall. We also specialize in repair or gutters, down pipe and roofing. It" red blood energies to a noble tshed and apricots are moving service, to pursue the distant In fair volume from lake points, star of a white Ideal. If only Early apples are also being youth could see the pleasure ( shipped but the early potato attendant upon such pursuit in movement Is now finished. All Christ the world would soon feel vegetables are progressing nlce-the atomic Impact of a glowing ' ly. Hot weather was followed by goodness. , . j several showers. No damage The young man referred to in was reported from any source. Morning Worship 11:00. Sunday School and Bible Class 12:15. Evangelistic Service 7:30. Back from the Jamboree on the rifle range near the shores j of the Ottawa River, Boy Scouts will soon be telling all about It. Some are from Prince Ru-' pert, and they were part of three thousand, a few of . whom the text had great possessions which no doubt took up all his time, and filled the horizon of i his life to such an extent that he saw little else. But his! greatest mistake was that his possessions possessed him and i stood In his way of obtaining ! I hailed from as far south as j Cuba. The experience has been i Invaluable. They return at an j Impressionable time oi life, with Tues., Prayer and Bible Study 8:00. Thurs. W.M.S. 2:30. Fri. Young People's 8:00. Pastor. C. Fawcett Oreen 331 INTERCITY CHIMNEY Free Estimates Phone Red 241 Reasons: Authorized Licensed Chimney Service. All Work : eternal life. Jtsus made the i EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.ILA. Phone Green 883 Box 586 demand in good earnest,' but to! suppose that He here makes; poverty a universal condition of COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Mad' VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE discipleship were a profound , misconception. He dealt with W P. :,xmj 1 PBINTINC 9 SVPPLIES FOR STATIONERY f' men after the manner of a skil-i ful physician, discovering their GREETING C'i MKIIJIIilllililSIB PENS AND PE Cover Your I House DIBB PRINTING diverse plagues and administering to each the appropriate remedy. And so, when the young ruler came to Him, he discovered what was the plague of his heart, the canker that was eating Into his soul. It was his wealth, and Jesus laid His hand upon It and declared that it must go. Whatever It be that a man BESNER BLOCK GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS First Presbyteriaif Church Minister: Rev. G. E. Sendall, v B.A., B.D. Duector of Music: Mrs. E. J Smith ARRIVED ICO :. margin by the United States of the Atlantic Security Pact. It is the first time that the United States has ever entered into such a military alliance with nations abroad and reflects tangibly ;the changed foreign policy of the country in these ."new days when scientific and communications pro- gress have made all nations of the world short- range neighbors. t Some, of course, regret that it has been neces- sary to formally and officially muster one array of j economic and military power in the effort to keep another in line. The gamble is whether, by risking 'the possibility of war, the ends of peace will be ; achieved. The theory that to preserve peace it is '..necessary to be ready for war will now be proved. POWER OF CONFIDENCE NEVER build anything. One pessimist DOUBTERS can tear clown the patient achievement of ; a dozen hard-working men. If we do not believe we ; can do a thing, we are probably right. Success de-; pends upon many things, but above everything else it depends upon our confidence that success is pos-' sible. Start any project with a conviction that it ' will not succeed, and your worst fears will come t rue. J The reason for this appears to be that the spirit of the whole universe is positive, not negative. The S rising of the sun every day, the rotation of the sea- sons, the springing up of new life.-, the discovery of ; eternal truth all these events are positive in their 5 nature rather than negative. The essence of the ; universe is affirmation, not denial. Jesus declared j tnat if we pray for something and believe that we have received it, we will soon discover perhaps to our amazement that we have actually received it. i Success stories without number have stemmed j from the theme that you can't- keep a good man down. The man who believes he can do a thing has already won half his battle. Confidence is not the only quality we need for success, but we may be sure it that without confidence success is impossible. prize most, the Lbrd claims for the Kingdom of Heaven a prior (his Opcnilei; devotion; and that man or woman who has anything in 11:00 a.m. "Pivotal Things." 7:30 p.m. "On Approval." the world so dear that It cannot CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS be spared for Christ, If He calls for it, will also fall to Inherit eternal life. BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 787 Box 1193 IE: CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO EASY VACUUM CUP WASHER $206.50 EASY GYRATOR (GASOLINE) . WASHER 5196.50 8042-1 TO LOT TWENTY-FOUR with Asphalt Roofing For Year-Round Protection For Estimates Call 3G3 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors (24), BLOCK TWENTT-NINE (29). SECTION SIX (6). CITY OF Plumbing Troubles? i FLOOR SANDINO J J A SPECIALTY RED 581 P.O. BOX 721 l !'fS'Lu THERE IS REAI.I.Y NO CALL BLUE 846 ABOUT IT DO IT THE "EASY j PRINCE RUPERT, MAP 923 i WHEREAS satlBfaotory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title l8sued In the name of Neil MacLean has been filed In this office, notice in hereby given that I shall at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In wrltlnp. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B. C, this 19th day of July. 1949. A D. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar of Titles. (194) Or SAAN1CH Plumbing & Heating IT'S A TREAT TO EAT . . . OR Ml DRVl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! at NOW Q.C A. OFFERS A ONCE-WEEKLY DRUGS THE CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM ..-.I HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 5P.RVir.fc PRESCRIPTION CHEMISE STEP LADDERS CLOTUES DRYERS KITCHEN UTENSILS CLOTUES LINES . IRONING BOARDS GALVANIZED WARES 21 Plight STORE HOUPHWftFtr rAYS. 9 A.M. T"1! Departs Prince Ru Granted, We Don't Have Candy on the Stick but we do Have Hunt's Chocolates by the Box. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 1J NOON T 1 E pert at 09:30 DST. Every Friday. For Information SATIN-GLO - VARNISHES 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. ENAMELS PAINTS Reservations CALL 47(1 or Call at the Q.C.A. Office Klllas ti Christopher Block ir.rrencV M". from 7 pi Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 0 p.m. r- Civic Centre Dining Room' For Reservations add Chicken In The Rough Phone Red 70S and Suiw THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD