a Saturday, July 23, 1949 Everything Lumber of all kinds 'Sfc i "JJJ.jJULf"MU)ll WORKS MINISTER IS INVITED HERE Suggestion that Hon. E. C. Cash for old gold. Bulger's 'luesaay. juiy zo Carson, minister of public works should make a tour of this part Moose meeting, 8 it, o'clock. Initiation of candidates. of the province to observe high (172) n.-.Zt "luuiuinns, flooring,) Siding, Cedar and OiWACTu It ' APhalt Shingles, I V i Plasterboard, W a 1 1 - C&ll t$ boards. Fir, Cedar! ?l ' ; t and Birch Plywood, j JZLJll Cement, Brick, Plas- BjPfSSi ALBERT & XAi ' MtCAFFKRY LIMITED PHONE 116 11 1 ; way conditions was made by Aid. Robert McKay at last night's meeting or ine ?rince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. The invitation will be conveyed. 1 ' ' " ,:" Tp1, '"1 " ' ' fa ; : For reliable and dependable 24-hour service, caU 555 Service Cabs. (17i) Sons of Norway picnic Sunday, July 24th. Boats leaving Standard Oil 10;30 a.m. Bring lunch , and cups. (H) Aero Club mid - summer dance. Saturday, July 23rd. Tickets from members. (171) According to the weather broadcast, Sunday (tomorrow will be a pleasant day throughout most of British Columbia. C.N.R.A. tennis tournament Sunday, July 24, 12:30 p.m. weather permitting. (it) O. R. 8. Blackaby will be leaving on Monday night's train ' I . Tony Day Pullover Swealcrs Canon Hinchlif f e of Smithers will preach and conduct, the services at St. Andrew's Cathedral tomorrow. (Hi Pete Madison, provincial editor of the- Vancouver News-Herald, and Mrs. Madison were In the city last evening aboard the steamer Catala on which they are making the round trip north. In company with Wilfrid Bennett, editorial writer of the News-Herald, Mr. Madison expects to be here again shortly enroute to Glacier Bay to do a special article for Canadian Pacific publicity purposes. Due to popular request the. second showing of the film sing is payable In advance. Please refrain f rom ' Blackabv and son .in "H gsilieds, 2c per word Der Insertion, mini Jl his annual vacation. A Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanksi Death Notices, ManiaBe and E:ngaKcmont Announcements; $2. EC1AL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICK Miss. Jean Smith, who has been on a three weeks' holiday Y ' Jl, . . .... . . . "Highway Sixteen" will be held J.1NTEO niKTII NOTICE on Tuesday, July 26 at 8 p.m.. trip to Vancouver and Calgary, returned to the cltv on the with PERSONALIZED LABELS . . . tiiatic warning! FORTUNE Born to Mr. and Guards Hie,! Mis. Terry Fortune at Mont-.Catala last evenlnc J in , i . Civic Centre. The Red Cross film "Miracle Fluid'' and a travel film will also be shown.' Everyone welcome. (172) real, July 8, a son, Christopher) Ronald. , Weight 8 pounus, 7 The Misses Jessie and Hilda ounce!i- I Potterton .left this morning by 1 . Sr-'- V.: , ENGAGEMENT air for Llmoerlost Lodee whf.rP s from sound erlric wiring. i out of order. I Nothing like j inexpensive. Oduced. Write e.s proposition. cl Co. Ltd., irio. (Hi Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler of tnpy wiI1 spend the next fort HOTEL ARRIVALS Kindersiey, Saskatchewan an- night holidaying, nounce the engagement of their ' daughter Marjorie Mann to M. W. Rennie, of Port Clcm-Richard William Long, son jl-.nls wn nhn hue h i., ln the , -it., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Long.. The , . . . Clty . i 1 NTM wedding to take place 111 St. Iul "e "" lew cays, lcrt this A very smart pullover sweater, made in Canada from fine Australian wool. At your ..request we will order a personalized label bearing iyour own name, or if. for a gift, the name of the person' for ' whom the gift is intended. e imp, quuii-1 Anrirpui s rathcrir.il on Aii"nst mnrnlntr hv olr t r0i.,r i...... Prince Rupert O. F. Snowden, Vancouver; D. Miller, Vancouver; J. P. Hawkinson, Stewart; J. Skinner, Steveston; R. B. Bigg.an, Van ping. Apply in - at ' vm- -qualifications . . aily News, (tfi wanted u Russell J. Bulger, who paid a l ' ;J II brief Visit In his falVinr I,V,r. couver; S. Connors, Vancouver; I dressmaking. WANTED Room or room and ! Bulger, 'here "yesterday, left this a u. 14(1 iiki 0th ui East .,. ... ooaro. riease ' piione ticui afternoon ., . , : . hv in . n r in num n (174) ! School girl as 1 Vancouver. WANTED Have buyer for 5 . . . room bungalow, close in. Also. I niw-nU ums t l ih e h"me h,Y, of r Mr- and , require listings on lour, five. , and six room houses. Arm-iMrs- ames Nicoll, Sixth Avenue $7.25 and $8.25 Mr. and Mrs. W. Tucker, Long Beach, Calif.; E. Johnson, Vancouver; R. Cobum, Prince George; J. S. Kennedy, Prince George; A. C. Arfue, Vancouver; B. David, city: A: Smith, city; Mr. and Mrs. F. Smuland. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce, Vancouvre; R. G. Martin, Vancouver; D. G. Simpson, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. W. Fairbairn, strong Agencies. Phone 342 'East, r. Phone Black; and 8. U74' rwo experienced Must have ex-1 a other need are Mrs. A. L. Sim and or Green 297 (evenings). Protect jour home with durable colour-lasting loveliness . . . specify B-ll Englt!b.,' Paint. 1 (172) person Skeena WANTED Furnisncd or un. her daughter Jessie, of Winnipeg, who arrived ln the city yesterday on the Princess Norah. They will be In the city for the next month. me 581. (tli furnished house. Gen, Del., (J71) Del Siegner. rtellaule boysi Hews route THE DATE LINE forms to the right when they catch a look at you in this smooth bak-to-school dress! This classic style is made up ln triped ,feed-bag cotton and it features a stand-up collar, three-quarter sleeves and a just-full-enough skirt. It is easy to make. Queen Charlotte City; G. Tough, I WANTED To rent, five-roomed house, furnished or unturn-ished. Phone Black DUO between 8 and 7. (173) Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. G. Meeker and family, Mission; C. AIR PASSENGERS m y r names at the :ice. Of) Driver. Apply un t ' class welder. Sheet Metal (tf) McBride Street Phone 311 Love, Hazelton; J. A. Irvine, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. Nolte, Nelson. WANTED TO RENT 2 bedroom house, family. Phone, Red 609. 1173) IIIW WORK WANTED ASTHMA Open For Business Salt Lake Tea Stand SANDWICHES HOT DOGS CONFECTIONERY Mrs. V. MacDonald COLLEGES (C.r.A. I To Vancouver W. Fraser, L. A. Cross, G. F. Tough, A. Campbell, D. Roblln, T. Lautcn, L. Pen-sen, H. Kipelou, Mrs. F. Campbell, J. B. McGregor, Miss Carol Berg H. McKenzle, Mrs. A. Van Home, J. Bowden, D.-Y. Simpson, Mrs. S. Lykegard, Mr. Lam- R 1 1 AND HAY FEVER EVER Sanitation for the Nation PAINTING and DECORATING Brush or spray. Call us for free estimates and save money. Call Spence & Matulk. Blue 215.. 233 11th Street. (181) BREATH!-' AHY OF CANAOA. ANAOA. Ltd. Vancouver, r, BC. BC. IRVICE TIONS a for Summer tutions. Write iSol Enderton 4 Man. (h) SCULPTURED ROCKS ROCHE PERCEE, Sask. H The rocks of Roche Percee in southeastern Saskatchewan are beginning to crumble. Sculptured into strange shapes by wind and rain, some of the sandstone giants are 30 feet high. But weathering is going too far and some of the giant rocks are slowly disintegrating. PAPER TOWELS PAPER CUPS . DEODORANTS DISINFECTANTS WILL look after children during ont. C. Forman, G. Van Home, day Green 15(i. (171) iR. J. Bulger, A. J. Turcott, M. L. WORK WANTED 14 year old Freeman, J. A. Irwin, bov would like work for sum-i From Vancouver W. J. 1 Advertise! Representing: G. H. Wood & Co. Ltd. Dustbane Co. Ltd. Brodie Brush Co. Ltd. S. C. Johnson Wax Co. "" ' nier. Phone Green 284. (173) strand, O. Gomer, P. Thodesin.l HE J. D. Christie, P. Madison, V. FOR n.iT iniliciiost Cuul and wood anu ixttoy, and board. Blue FOR RENT Room 1153 11th Ave. E. ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertisements In tins column will be charged for a full month at 25c per word ' Ol water con-' tir-lid, one six-iiul $Ja, respec-HHtmon. Ptione (173i j heavy walnut 1 suite. Floor tied 333. (172) PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE ; 712 Second Avenue Phone 633 P. O. Box 772 FOR RENT-r-Room for two girls sharing, with kitchen privileges 11 required. Phone Black 258. or inquire 895 Borden Street. (172) King, Mr. Hurrill. . From SandspiU- Mr. Martin, Mr. Ormiston, W. Freeman, L. Flcst, P. Muckle. (Q.C.A.) From Alice Arm J. D. Mac-Donald, O. Bessason, E. Buck-man, J. Harmon, Mr. Marlow. To Massctr-Miss J. Potterton, Miss H. Potterton. To Port Clements M. W. Rennie. OFFERS YOU . " Sunshine, tennis, hunting, fishing, horseshoes, lawn croquet, badminton, dancing, boating, picnic-lng, swimming, bicycling, clam bakes, motor scooters, . And Now Saddle Ponies Arrive on July 23 Wire your reservations to Limberlost, Massct, B. C. id III T. 1 1 r hi ' tea ISTS! T0f TO 3 bicy1' till! luliow Close In. (173) ROOM FOR RENT-Phone Green 937. FOR RENT Sleeping room for Deluxe cab. pick-up, like ily covered, ipert Fisher-nuiie 681. (176i rent. 801 Borden bireci. un for RENT Room and break- "OPEN YEAR AROUND" last. 132 4th Ave. East. Phone Red 417. IH2) ll''s. shoteuns, GOOD WEATHER FOR . ! v;v ROOFING DON'T DELAY! ; LET US HAVE YOUR ROOFING PROBLEMS "' Tar and Gravel or Asphalt Fifteen and Twenty Year Bonds ANY TYPE OF ROOF REPAIR ASK FOR ESTIMATES . , ' 1 " ' nr - mm r trrin k w--r & w vm m wtt -v . ammunition. ? hurst folders fiie Sales Co., REAL ESTATE Vacation School, First Baptist Church daily 9:30 a.m. July 18-20. All children, ages 3-14 years. Port Edward W. A. Bazaar, August 8th, Community Hall. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28 Rcbckah Bazaar, Oct. 26. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. 1 Ottawa, Ont. SALESMEN WANTED Maurice earns $610 weekly average; Ruffo. $540; Repeat order nets one man $(!37.50. Many doing exceptionally well selling unique patented tool that multiplies mans strength 31 times. Inexpensive. Prospects everywhere. Get your territory now. Pal-coseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall 13, Ont. (it) 11 i jur rxj.iH (1951 EH lichen range, 1 FOR SALE Fine home, concrete foundation, new furnace, fireplace. 7 rooms on two corner lots, taxes approximately $100 per year. Immediate possession, $6,000.00 cash; $7,000.00 on terms. H. G-HelRersun, Ltd. U76) I and mattress, 1 l heater. Blue! .iriuivi antti ivilial Liivintu 1 j 253 First Ave. E. Black 881 (1731 ''"l'at in good condi 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 SALE Two apartment ia First Over- j FOR ,nsn tinmprilate occuoancy. I (172) Prince Rupert Florist? 1 HOLD JT NEIGHBOR! F400 3rdAve. Box 616 Tel. 777 J Flowers for All Occasions J Dally News! t- niunied house 8. Furnished, iiv. 1140 Hays I (172) Black' 996. JJ73 FOR -SALE Brick and concrete block. 2nd Ave. Apartment, hardwood floors, hot water heat Store, full basement. Phone Red 104 after 6. (tf) TENDERS will be received by the undersigned uu to noon Thursday. July 28th, 1949 for NEW ROYAL EUtUarr Pjannanj fend used furn. pis paper, first 1 ilocK'uiR lacks HOTEL Have you been to the VARIETY STORE for your Post Cards and Views of Prince Rupert? Don't forget Souvenirs and Novelty items Including a large selection of Burnt Leather Goods and Hand-Carved Totem Poles. A Home Away From Home fnod bicycles, Bcwritcrs; bat-fi. new electric iftrs and elec-! rugs, bcautl-?icw cups and filing at the ''e B. C. Fur- 50 Rooms Hot and Cold the purchase 01 uim o. u, . and 8. Bock 2, Section 1, City of Prince Rupert, together with improvements situated thrron. . . HIGHEST or any x tender not necessarily accepted. TERMS strictly cash. O. F. FORBES -Official Administrator, Administrator, Estate of Jules Seguin, , deceased, Court House, Prince- Rupert, B. c-171) water I'k 324. (tf) HOURS ' Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays ..... 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE. Panel Ford Kalen STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN ' WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call. CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian National PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. j Why Wait . . . Phone 281 P.O.Box 196 OWN NAMES f'der Shuvels, lh.es; Adaint l.ittleford Bros, id Maintenance TRADE IN YOUR OLD TOASTER OR IRON FOR A NEW ONE NOW! cn Clamshell SEE THIS VALUE $1000 dow-ii buvs 6 room house with 3 room suite; close to schools and downtown; Balance In cai monthly payments. Also it bedroom house on corner property - furnace, concrete hoEmnnf' ninstpred. lire- PHONE 79 "CK Grapples; Siicrete Mixers; 3'rucks: Nelson lor Stockpile FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 Svai; Kice Port-1 Pnnin?' Ma. $1.00 I Scrapers and place; excellent value. For inspection of these properties .see Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or Green 297 (eves' "nal All Steel OF TASTY MEALS AT THE is; National iii" fhls; National' ex Cafe FOR SALE Six room Wartime Allowed On Each Trade-In , 222 Second Ave. Box 423 ; Mi nd Conveyors, on from Na-iy Co. Ltd., f. (tf) Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY v shingles sel-irOO per bundle. I (186) Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. a. Mackenzie furniture ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY SPECIAL Continental Bed, Full Size, Rest more flat ribbon spring, full siie. Ace sprine mattress, full size $71.00 See our carpets lust arrived Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue T cno)v mein j! house 7th Ave. E. on ous m c near Ridley Home. In excel-1 lent condition. Immediate, occupancy for purchaser.' Price $3,700. Prince BP"'i Realty Co. FOR SALE 2 lots on Eleventh Ave. near McClymont ParK, erected also 1 a , with a garage knocked down LOK STAVE building 24' x 60'; all for, $1000.00. Prince Rupert Kea'ty Co. (171)1 WRATIIALL'S PITOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies istaliations and BESNER BLOCK STEWART, BC. PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel r! 7:00 ajn. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders J?Z met A I Gravel Rnnf. & .Sons, 629