the The Gc-tt:i packer Vermay' docked at the Armour Salvage mm .1 ioi iiiii,iihi ...uuji.inu ii iu ui Charlotte Island a was case last year. Prfntf Rupfrt Paflp rjttos Saturday, July 23, 1949 TODAY 7:00 - 9:25 JIDY GARDANO r- MIck in 'WORDS AND My Waterfront SUNDAY MIDNITEOl TERRACE CIVIC CENTRE PLANS Sockcye run on the Skecna this week boomed somewhat, making it the most profitable week since the season began on wharf here Friday afternoon to clear her propeller of a fish net which it acquired, much to the disgust of the Vermay's Capt. J. Swanson, and some unfortunate fisherman off the Skcena mouth. They Vermay was towed In from near Kennedy Island by the packer Spud after wrapping JOE KIRKWOOD --.Whiffs It TERRACE Plans for the Civic Centre's Annual Loggers' Sports Day and Barbecue to be held on Labor Day were com- ELYSE KNOX "WINNER TAKE ALL" FRENCH June 19. However, It dropped off later in the week after its In-1 itial spurt. During the early parti of the week the 500 odd boats averaged between 45 and 50 fish, a clay but, by Thursday, the av-' the net about her wheel and thereby being brought to a standstill. Her crew attempted j menced at Wednesday night's erage dropped to 23 fish. How Few Tuna Off B.C. So Far Yachtsmen Pleased New Vessel For Haines Run While British Columbia's tuna fishery is languishingonly a small amount of tuna was caught by the MON. TO WEI) meeting of the Civic Centre's directorate with B. R. Dodds presiding. The tickets for the gate prizes will be out on sale ever, tne over-au average was substantial. to clear the propeller without taking it Into dry dock. The Vermay was proceeding from Seattle to Craig with aj cargo of foodstuffs and an auto-! JACK CARSON RSON -ORGAN f - 1 DENNIS MORG in next week. The draw for the ; f jsherjes protection vessel Howay on patrol this week three lucky winners to take , ' , . . , . . . place at the evening's bail. good catches are being made oil the Washington Anglers who cannot afford the i. MKl time to go to lakes or streams mobile when she inadvertently made contact with the fish net. Real boosters for a north coast I WU uu i O S tattrr FROM TEXAS' it was decided that the first : and Oregon coasts, according to a radio message,from prize would be an electric the Howay on r riday. The Howay ran into her first in the district can have most of the thrill of sport fishing right in the harbor. Out Seal Cove way, a small fish, believed to be a type of cod, has made an tuna off Cape Cook early this Cape Flattery but, up to Friday week and, since that time, has afternoon, none had caught any Look over our Cold and Canned j 1-ange with the winner having a choice of a woid and coal I range; second prize, a portable m I radio, and third prize a 26- j piece set of silverware. There . will be handsome prizes for the m sports' winners and the pro FOR YOUR EATING and is going for caught six, according to her fish. However, south of Cape, appearance PLEASURE MEN'S SUITS ceeds of the day's activities will master, Capt. Walter Redford. Flattery, off the Washington worms, salmon eggs or cut bait. The Howay put into Victoria and Oregon coasts, tuna boats Anglers who have fished' Xor j Friday, completing her first are said to be doing well. them say they put up a fairly tuna voyage of the season. Possibility is that, as the sea- good fight and that they strike Capt. Redford reported a nuin- son advances, Digger showings near the surface. They measure, ber of Canadian tur.a boats of tuna will appear farther up to about a foot in length and fishing between Cape Cook and north, perhaps off the Queen are also good eating. TERRACE MEAT MARKS George E. Peters, Prop. QUALITY SEKVICE MEATS HM1 BITTER EGGS P(,l,J l $39.95-549.95 j Ready-made suits In single m J or double-breasted. Choice B of gabardines and worsteds in all sizes and colors. a Z RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE - be devoted to further Improvements In the Civic Centre. The Dominion Day's net profits amounted to over $1,000, and 300 chairs have been purchased and placed in the auditorium. The Association decided to sponsor "A Night in Vienna," a Basil Horsfall musical production which has asked to include Terrace in Its itinerary ir. September. With the Labor Dny activities, Fa" Fair on September 15, and this musical production, the Civic Centre .shows certainty of being well-patronized this September. holiday are the passengers aboard the charter yacht Prin-, cipia, which stopped here briefly one night this week southbound after a cruise to Skagway. Among the ship's passengers were Dr. and Mrs. O. Uhl and son of Los Angeles. Dr. Uhl is public health officer for the California city. ( Other passengers were Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Nottingham and daughters Bertha and Betty, of Crcadla, California, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Smith and son Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hlckey, all of Alhambra, California, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mussenburg, of Rosemead, California. Mr. Nottingham, an ardent photographer, found an excellent outlet for his hobby In the scenery on the British Columbia and Alaska coasts and led his companions In their avowals that they would return another year. Mrs. Uhl Is a noted dog breed-ed and exhibitor in California. Her kennel raises long-haired Chihauhua dogs which have taken many prizes throughout the country. She is extremely proud of her Mexican dogs. The Prlnclpla, owned by Capt. H. Riggs, is chartered to cruise of refrigerator truck botlirs, Is due for expansion, according to current reports. The Shinn had j a new captain on her trip here f : , p fc ""Sii Friday, Capt. Olto H. IJ;irK-housen, who replaced Capt. I. Wick. Capt. Wick is rrported to have gone to the eust coast of the United States to pick up a vessel You saw it in the News! Try a Classified Ad for Results. keting for Standard British Columbia; E f coast b r a n c h ti; Douglas Cell, suix-r;: operations, witc vis, company's local Inspecting the n which is bring con here. Mr. Bence Iff by train fur Prince c Carswell f N w had ver In his own pi day, while Mr. Bli : Vancouver by Cany. Airlines. Carrying l'J5 puw them round-! npiKv Norah, Capt. P. L I here at noon Fries; loaded 51 tons o fr.,: fore . proceeding to Juneau and Skaawar of the tank landing craft variety, specially fitted for coastal' freight work. The vessel is said; to be one of four which may go Into the Prince Rupert-Halnes service.' It is hinted that the operation eventually may be much larger than that again, since It is backed by the United States Army. Supplies being I shipped northward are SHOP IN PERSON . OR SHOP BY PHONE It doesn't matter which at the B-Y Market you get service and quality products. FREE DELIVERY PHONE RED 111 going to army camps In Ala.ska while on her southbound trl;.s, the barge carries air craft engines and army materials being shipped back to the Unitcl States. parties similar to the one which visited here this week. It has a capacity of 22 guests. "GREEN GROCERS" EXPANDS "Operation O r e e n Grocers" which Is responsible for weekly sailings between Prince Rupert and Haines, Alaska, of the 128-foot tug Shinn with her barge Norman L, Ktt B-Y MARKET f GONE FOR $1 Famous old steamer, the Sicamous has been sold by the Canadian Pacific Railway to the city of Pentlcton for use as a museum piece and tourist attraction. Tied up at Okanagan Landing since her last trip in 1935, the stern-wheeler was the last and most pala- tial of the passenger ships to operate the 65-mile-long Okanagan lake. She will be moved to the Penticton pier early in October Amount of the sale: one'dollar. International Fishw. Jtion, left by" this plane on his rctiirr after spending a l on official busines. f 869 Sixth Ave. E. . E. A. Bcnce, manager of mar MimiiririiHiiKiiiHiiiiiiimimuitiiiiiiiiiitimiitittiitiiiiMii imiimh ..m.-tn.i,, iutt,,ii,i,,n,. llflll!!!llfffll!!ll!!K!!IH tmtiiiiimiifHmiiiiiifttiiimi v. -t -I Prince Rupert's only Complete AN, (CMiriis warn 9 A.M. MONDAY, JUNE 25 1949 Openii ZCIdlS torn miss the many. t mm e nut , i OPENING SPECIAL ONLY Limited Quantity of 74-PIECE BREAKFAST SET DISHES 32 PIECES f GLASSES FLATWARE all for $29.75 ENGLISH BONE CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS 75c. and up CHINA TEA SERVICES 21 PIECES $14.95 and up PEARLS 1 STRAND 2 STRANDS 75c. 95c. $1.50 ' L to III El III 3 STRANDS flu MANSON'S fiimsi flnip THIRD AVENUE . (Across from Government Liquor Store) ll!lllllllllf'!IIIIMMIII1ll!1il1lllltl)llllil.ii lillillllllllltlllllllllll'lllillli1!; 'ii! ;1 iillillllllllllllll!llllil!!lll!!!!illii!