t Moant For Stw-Pnt. ) Prime Uupcrt Oailp f2ctos Monday, September 27, 1948 (WORKING ON r.iuu WOMEN VVHri Rooster Ship's Pet MONTREAL HP This is one f CANADA An Independent dolly newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia i nThuriifld tut Second Cms Mull, Post Office Department. Ottawa MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AtTDlT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CAf.AJJ.lAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. ISc: Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, 7.00: By Mail, Per Month, 40c; Per Year. MOO. FEEIL (SEN Here's Cnnri J!M LOAD LINE Revision in Favor of Prince Rupert I'p for Approval Harris W. Brighton, Vancouver representative of the Foreign Trade Service of the department of Trade and Commerce, who attended the convention of the Associated Boards ship's mascot that has something to crow a"bout. When Chips went aboard th? British freighter Daghestan In Calcutta, he was immediately earmarked for the stewing pot. That was more than six years ago andt oday Chips, a rooster, suil has the run of the ship ari he ports at which she touches. ' Although Chips boarded the! Ap you between the a urn f 1A f ami going through' U f fr J""1 j func. ial middle ' peculiar to women? J).,,' t1"'Ld n you iffe, from W L Z .ympto.o.! 1, . fmuuug Mny wuw ,middle-aK.' ,' talu, IViukham'. Umd krly to Mp build up rel ' 0 Fiiikhain'a Compound Daghectan by mistake and learn- ' ed his error only when he was far out at sea, his curiosity has not been curbed. His enthusiasm to see the port of Montreal ' n-an'i. Th. of Trade of Central British Columbia at Juneau as representative of the federal government, went through to Vancouver ou the Chilcotin Saturday night. Mr. Brighton, who expressed sympathy and co-operation with Frince Rupert's aspirations to become a world shipping port and thereby play a part in the no upuu.no habit-frn,i,,K drug" LVdia E. P nkhw 's VEGETAL - 'Ulli economic development of the when the ship docked here almost cost him his life.. He got too near the ship'j side and fell into the harbor. It took the crew three hours c fish him out. Now he loaves Uie vessel via the gangplank and does his strutting on the dock. How come Chips is still aboard Hoping for Best THAT SOME COMPOSITION of the extremely I vexed situation between the western powers and Russia over the question of Germany may come trom the reference of the matter by the western powers to the security council of the United Nations following the complete failure of the long Mosc-'W talks is greatly to be desired. The peace-loving nations of the world certainly hope so but it is perplexing to see where a solution will be possible if the Soviet continues the obduracy it has exhibited so far in the U.N. by general dis-greeableness and exercising her veto powers whenever things go the way she does not like. The security council will at least be able to accomplish something in bringing about a more fl-afmite clarification of the matter so that all the world may know. But we fear that Russia will continue to o all she evn to embarrass if not confuse the issue and discredit or destroy the United Nations organization. CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION THE Progressive - Conservative party, which Dominion as a whole, has beea interesting himself particularly in the international load line situation which at present dis 4V W J WHEN. YOU ARE Party Minded criminates against Prince Rupert. He was able to announce to the Daily News while here that' the matter had been dis-j when he was to become a dinner six years ago? The crew was too chicken-hearted to do the job. cussed along lines favorable r W I tli is lace-lavished . . . black i$ this port. However, a ftnal decision approved by all countries had not yet been achieved, Here black crepe combines wiih lu, 1 I - being postponed until later. ...u, .or Miai lnminf ill's rated yrt sweet wk. side draped rtirt. s-e tlis and ) I Q3?ra7yj ( V V v r?T3 I INDEX OF INDUSTRY Irt-autiful style at Swe-t Sixlen. THE MAPLE LEAF IN ATLANTIC CITY Here is .Canada s Betty Jean Ferguson of Halifax, N.S., as she appeared at Atlantic City, N.J., in the boardwalk beauty parade which was one of the principal features of the week's activities which culminated with the selection of Miss America of 1948. Wmtry weather ami woolen drexf 8 together on any occasion. V,.,. ...ill .... i .. .. .. Publication of Department of Trade and Industry to Make Appearance in November An industrial index for thj province of British Columbia, iuu l uc urilguiru WIU1 l)t.ir and shades. legion by region, said to be the most comprehensive and infor of 1 V J resenting the provincial gov- fources over some period ernment at the convention in time. mative publication of Its kind luvur.H-ng UrtViU o., ...... i.. to be so far issued in this prov-j Juneau of the Associated Board.s The index will be distributed ince, will be released in Novem oi xraae 01 uentrai Briusn vol- by the Department as a refer-uaibia and the Affiliated Cham- ence which it is expected will ters of Commerce of Southeast- prove of great value in connec- ber, it was announced by John T. Gawthrop, director of the regional development division j cm Alaska. ,tion with the development of of the provincial Department Mr. Gawthrop gave assurance industrial expansion in British Trade and Industry, who was that Prince Rupert is fully cov- Columbia. I meets in national convention at Ottawa this week, will decide, in the electing of its new leader and the formulation of its future policy, on the very survival of the party. In a way, it will be the most important of the three national party conventions of the year and its deliberations may well be. watched with as keen and vital interest as that which marked the -others. No matter what one's views may be on the question of whether there should be a new alignment of parties in Canada such as has Been brought about in Great Britain with the virtual situation of socialist vs. anti-socialist groups, there are those still who Itelieve that the interests of democratic socialism would be better served through the medium of one or the other or both of the old parties such as appears to be the consensus in the United States for example. Even the sharpest opponents cannot say that Conservative or Liberal . parties, with all their faults, ire basically wedded to totalitarian prin-jtfples as opposed to respect of the individual or "Jlc-rsqnal- entity. If would appear to be to the good political interest of Canada if the Conservatives at Ottawa "are successful in taking the necessary teps towards , restoring their party to its former greatness and : assuring its perpetuation. hi the city Saturday night re- ered in the publication as a re-1 turning to Victoria after rep- suit of surveys marie by local i TRY A CLASS.'-'1ED AD' SMOKE AND DUST . . . . from a faulty furnace is a housewife. 'ill demon to the he. -a Help lighten her task by havinj yuur i uruat e cufupieieiv uvrr- hauled now. Contact us today. THOM SHEET Hill .253 EAST FIRST AVEM'E Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Sto rage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 STUDENTS ! ... to - Just Arm Further Shipment of the Pi ft I i K ii our young Loose Leaf Bi 3 IIUIX depositors , r m j u i SINCE ""B FOR SCHOOL SUPP4 '1750 fe - Distributed in Canada by CalVftt DiuilUrt (Canada) limited Keep Winter Out! STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS PROTECT YOV1X HOME FROM DRAFTS ANJ COLD. ALL SIZES. Mitchell & Currie LIMITED Phone 3G3 Builders and Contractors WOOD'S and I n . - L linn r .Wnrtnn N. "5 n IT J I II II I I nuuDUiai jaiiiiUMv-- AND ' Saving is like a game, except that if you follow the rules of the game, you will always win. The rules are simple. Deposit your money with us regularly so much every so often. And do not "withdraw" your 1AMITORS' V r.k v Paper Towels 1'aper w Sisal Compound - Disinfect Ozitox - Liquid and Spirit 1U fAMOU5 SINCE IT- etc. PRINCE RUPERT fllW' Distributed in Canada by Calvfrt Distillers (Canado) Limited ' This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia money until you have to your "credit" enough to buy something you really want. Then start over again. You will find that saving in this way will become a habit a good habit, that you will be glad to have as you grow older. tit 712 Second Avenue Ehne GREER & BRID NOTICE TO RATEPAYFPS A sale of lots within the City of Prince Rupert on which delinquent taxes are owing, will be held in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Prince Rupert, B.C., at 10 a m ' Sen-tember 30th, 1948. , Property on which 1946 taxes are owinj will be sold unless paid on or before September 29th, 1948. . irn Two allinrs per week foi VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala !TRT,nan'' M ARM Bundays, 10 p.m. FOR Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS .s. CoquiUam, Aug. 10, 21 11 p.m. FRANK S SKINNER 5"P' Roert Aifent TV,. Third Ave. phona 568 BUILDERS APiV Repair. - Construct H. M. FOOTE, . . Collector. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE -miMCE EUPEHBRMCH-H0. HorKINS, Mnr. (227) Tlione RED 561