Prfnre Rupert Dafip J3ctas Monday. September 27, 168 TwSscpjj in Sport IT PAYS TO ROLL YOUR OWN YJTH BaseEall Scores SUNDAY American Boston 2. New York 6. Cleveland 4-. Detroit 1. Chicago 3. St. Louis 0. National Cincinnati 8-5, Plttsbuhgtt 8-8 (first i. Boston 3. New York 2. St. Louis 5, Chicago 2. Brooklyn 5. Philadelphia 1. Game Well Fought occer from Wilson's pass Ward scored. ornHw. then kicked clear and Vice-President's Eleven Defeated President's Eleven 3-0 in Benefit Match laaDledi: 3e per word per lnaertton, minimum charge, BOo. Birth IfotUm: eoc; Cords of Thames, Dean Notices; Funeral Notice Marriage and Engagement Announcement: 2. RPGPIAI. nlnll.AY DOUBLE PRICE 'Manton's run and centre Was., i. i Ta n-ag cleared aaartnetl AtfrertTstnn is payable m advance. Please refrain from telephoning. The football season Pacific Coast inreairuru uul Cigarette Tobacco FOR KENT m.' brought to a close yesterday off two great Hollywood 3-4. San Diego f- Bemner brou?rit FUNERAL NOTICE FOR RENT Two room Apart ( first i. Portland 5-4, Lew Angeles 7-3. uriuuu.. Kjr- sucesesion anu saVes in quick teams met in a football match H(?bb hookfA clMr when with the Vice-President's Elev-. -Ha f lat.mnvin? miMins vellnnrt for- ment and single sleeping (firsti. I en aeieaung ine t-resiaems u . .. att:,ricpd. Olsen was MILD, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA room. Apply 221 Fifth East. (2311 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 801 Borden Street. (tf) three goals to nil. 'prominent and Ward just mis.s- j There were many changes ed wltn a dropping shot ofr the ,from the originally selected cr0SSbar. In another attack FINLAYSON In the city Fii-lay, September 24, 1948, William, age 51 years, belove.l husband of Mrs. Annie Fin-:vfon of 1103 Beach Place. Masonic services will be he!.1 at Grenville Court Chapel at 3:30 p.m., Monday, September 27. Following which remains will be forwarded by s.s. Adelaide to Vancouver for interment. B.C. Undertakers ri charge of arrangements. (lt otherwise he did a very guod 1()(jk teams but the two aggregations Nelson was unluckly to place gave an interesting display tne bal, past Bremner to put though a scoreless draw would the Yellowshirts three goals up. have represented the balance of Arms!tr(m, and Wvatt were FOR RENT Flat in Rand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweler. (tf) Owens was neat but Olsen cleared. The Blue forward line showed delightful footwork but Dawes, Dunbar and Eby checked them and full time found the Oakland 10-6, Sacramento 8-5. (first). Seattle 1-2, San Frenciseo2-4 (first). SATURDAY American Boston 7, New York 2. Cleveland 9. Detroit 3. Chicago 2. St. Louis 7. National New York 3, Boston 2. St. Louis 2, Chicago 3. Cincinnati 6. Pittsburgh 16. Brooklyn 3, Philadelphia 0. winning by three play more accurately than thej(,lever h(It Dunbar cleared. Hebb 3-0 score. The President's e,i'"v-1 kicked safely twice to stave off en played in blue and the Vice- anotiler yellow-shirt raid. Park-President's team In yellow. j house and Manum forced a cor- ... .., allu neoo ijuiuioi,,. were safe, kicked strongly and Saras'' were resourceful. Olsen was the'. Vuo"i': best half-back on the field, with j?, Yelland and Oreer both turn- Shvne ' ing in good displays. Wyatt and WnY Armstrong were always hard-! fu- working resourceful players but shirts'' ' Ye-llowshirts clear goals. FOR RENT Fully furnished front room for lady. Close in. Home privileges and use of kitchen. Apply to Box 403 Daily News. (tt COMMENTS ON Play was ragged at the start. ner and Brodie did well to catch FOR SALE Olsen gave Armstrong an open-;and clear Mantoon's well taken 'PLAYERS ling that required all of BrodleV corner kick. Owens and Ward For . the Blues Brodie did a just aian t get tne breaks Man- FOR RENT Sleeping room, suitable for two. On bus line. i skill to block. Bremner saved, were through and lett Wilson very good job in goal even if he 'ton, a visitor from Ocean Falls 650 7th Ave. East, phone Red; front Ward and Brodie from with an open goal but Bremner v,as luekv at times. Dunbar and gave a great display at outside at risht. McCrlmmon on the other - Pacific Coast Oakland 2, Sacramento I. Seattle 5, San Francisco 6 Hollywood 5, San Diego 2. Portland 3, Los Angeles 10. 471. (tf) FOR SALE Complete household- furnishings including bedroom suite, 3-piece chesterfield. Duncan Phyfe tables, trtlight, radio, etc. Apply 227 4th East. Phone Blue 633. (2271 Wyatt. Manfcon made headway saved. Bob Murray and Mercer then Eby kicked strongly and but Lien cleared. Yelland gavs si10wed nice combination but Dawes was reliable. Sharpe, Brodie a goed shot and the j yelland stopped them. , Eby and Lien were a strong Blues were lucky when Brodie, nlf cn. nrrrm. half-back line. Forward, Mer-. "'. iihiu. rarxnouse was always aggressive. FOR REN T One partly furnished room suitable for bachelor. Apply Valentin Dairy. (229) m The game was played in ideal AIDS GROWTH missed Mantons cross but there ,rnccino. . f1np .pntr(, bt was very clever and he and ; footDali weather though the The yolks of eggs contain leci thin, an im norSr substance ? f 5' toke ?va":iEby saved. Nelson was promin- : Wilson were hard to stop. WardjSUI1 bolh,red the plavm rnve9tra d-'ta8e f,Ue t Sh9 Tm Wardi lent with two" long clearances was a constant threat and with , ,lrnM. The spectators were FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms, suitable for teachers or couple, tor nounsning nerves ana aia pass Wilson opened the scoring FOR SALE Slightly used musk-rat coat in excellent condition, size 14-16, latest style. A real buy for cash. Phone Black 271 between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. (230) ing growth. and then Dawes was lucky to."ws maae a dangerous wmg. treated to a very interesting stop Armstrong. Wilson and lOId-timer Bob Murray showed display of football with the Nelson cleared well but the I dues went, iwu guais up wneu Mercer were fast and clever but ' neat clever footwork. 106 Hays Cove Circle. (228) FOR RENT 2 room apartment. Apply 100 4th West. (231) players all giving of their best. LOST AND FOUND Bremnei was unlucky with Sid Woodside did a capable job the first two goals and also, with the whistle and Pat Fore-when Nelson miskicked but man and MagnuH Halverson LOST One girl's shoe, newly half-soled. Phone Red 471. (tf)' FOR SALE Green Axminster rug, size' 14x16.4', new and never used. This is an out HELP WANTED FIVE-PIN BOWLS LEAGUE RESULTS Continentals defeated Maple Leafs, and Jaycees downed Mal- standing bargain. Box 401 Dally News. (tf) LOST Small green bird. Phone Blue 257. No. 3 Ridley Court. (228 1 WANTED Girl or woman to do light housework and look after four year old boy from 9 till 5 weekdays. Blue 128 after 6. (2311 Olsen and Greer checked them. Murray took a fine corner kick. Wyatt, Armstrong and Mc-Crimmon combined beautifully but the ball was scrambled clear. Manton crossed a fine centre that Brodie missed but the ball went past. Then Brodie had to be smart to clear from Yelland and then' from Man-ton. Wyatt headed past from Manton's cross. Ward shot just high and then Greer cleared Ainriviiimg oin LOST Gas tank cap with keyijjpts, Alley Cats won over Stone's attached. Reward. Phone 123. , by f0Ur to nothing scores in the HELP WANTED Driver. Apply 112 Taxi. (tf) PHOT FOR SALE One canning machine, complete; like new: takes 1-lb. tall. $10. Box 402, Daily News. (228) FOR SALE 1947 1-ton Pick-Up Studebaker; 10,000 miles. $1800 Blue 951, Box 1365. (228) (228 , Men's Five Pin Bowline League Scotians de- at the week-end. HELP WANTED MALE feated Ambassadors and Mal- 5v Our first shipment of ENGLISH FORD PASSEXGF.R and COMMERCIAL CARS. They are economical t buy, run anil maintain. Available in followiof models: Sedans, Coaehes, kin's won over Burns three to 'well. Wilson just missed from DRY CLEANER3 HELPER. Ad-ply Pioneer Canadian Laun FOUND Bunoh of keys in front of Government Liquor Store. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. rf) Ward's pass and later hit the upright. Sharpe was noticeable for clever interceptions but the one and Brownwoods and Burns tied two games apiece. M. Halverson bowled the high dry, (tf) S rwt. and 10 wt Van. Wateh thrs tpace for further detaili regarding their initial showing in Prince Rapert. FOR SALE 1348 Ford Deluxe sedan, 5-6 ply tires, heater, seat covers; 5300 miles. Particulars, apply Box 89 Smith ers, B.C. (228) HELP WANTED FEMALE single game, 313, followed by S. blues came back and Manton's Dziupka and Frank Comadina header hit the upright. Brodie's with 303 each. High four game goal seemed to have horseshoes METAL WORK SALMON CANNERY owner lo rjMLRwtmimL cated on C.N.R. line near Prince Rupert, requires ser FOR SALE Two-oven McClary scorers were: S. Daiapka, 768; F. Comadina, 725; E. Mussal- PLUMBING Installation and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roof- protecting it at times. Wyatt i hit the upright and then Bro-, die saved well. Mcrimmon shot j Chef junior range, complete vices of young woman to lem, 682; Tony Crawley. 680; S with canopy, in good condition; ideal for camp or res . u. A.B mg. eiourneau & Bons, 629 Davison, 667, and M. Halverson, just too high. Wilson headed three children under school Sixth West. Phone , 543. tf)!650. I Ward's centre against Bremner. i I' I 0 'I ' w TENDERS taurant. Price $200. Apply P.O. Box 219 Prince Ruper:, (232) Hot 'i i vim W1 TENDERS WANTED for removal and purchase of cold storage walk-in units. Highest or anj it tbt tender not necessarily accepted. Bids clcse 12 noon, Monday Sept. 27. Box 1001, Postal RexSl Optn Station "B " .227) j orday m Notice ind ' age ana witn ngnt nousenoin duties. From middle October to end April; will live in modern home in Vancouver, where other help employed, balance of year on Skeena River. Girl will be well treated and paid good wages with time off and annual holiday with pay and all transportation provided. In return, must be healthy, clean, between 20 and 40, fond of children and capable taking; charge of them when necessary, and be able to supply best of references. Permanent position commencing early October. Write full details to A. E. Macmillan, Caspaco P.O., B.C. (MWF) 5 FOR SALE New and Used Furniture, Hardware and Office Fixtures. High grade quality slightly-used Chesterfield Suite; Bedroom Suites; Tri-lights; Electric Lamps; Oil-Burner Kitchen Stoves; Electric Carpet Swtepers; Kitchen Sets; Circulating Heaters; Rifles, highest quality; "Underwood Typewriter, perfect condition; New British India Rugs. Everything at the lowest Prices. B. C. FURNITURE C. Black 324. (tf) TENDERS will be received until midnight, Saturday, October 2, 1948. by E. A. Evans, Box 943. city, for the purchase of cabin cruiser "Rainbow No. t.' 33x9x412 ft., 15 Vivian. Th. highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms cash. Boat at Yacht Club Monday to Friday. Phone Black 618. (2321 IROX FOR SALE Three-piece chesterfield. 732 6th Ave. West. (2301 AGENTS WANTED EDMs SALESMEN - Crew Managers BENZO cleans a million SMTT4 FOR SALE C.O.M. Boy's Bicycle. 3 - piece Chesterfield suite, very reasonable. Phone Green 608. 1446 8th Ave. E. (230) Phone W Tenders will be received until 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 29, 1948 by the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Credit Union for the Trolling boat "Petrel.'' Powered with a 16 H P. Regal. Boat at Cow Bay, can be identified by No. C.A. 2215. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . (228) things. FYRFOE flame proofs materials, clothing, saves lives, property. Laboratory approved. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tremendous profits. Write Chemical Division, Pal-coseai Co. Ltd., Cornwall, Ont. of Ketchikan, Alaska FOR SALE West Coast Troller NEW UN ; Gray Marine engine. Com PRIM pletely equipped. Reasonable. Apply boat "Digby" Fisher PERSONAL HAS BEEN AUTHORIZED BY THE men's Floats. (227) FOR SALE 2 room cabin, 3 cultivated lots. Eleventh and Emmanuel, city. Phone Red 370. (228) PERSONAL Lewis's fresh-killed boiling chicken. Phone Black 949. (238) ft EACH NOW WE ARE offering English Style fish and chips for 40c. Terminal Lunch. (tf) Forffl FOR SALE 3-plece Chesterfield, like new. Phone Green 68T or call 910 Alfred St. after 1 FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE In the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotel, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, lust half way to Prince George. (tf) 7 p.m. (228) FOR SALE 4-piece bedroom suite; chesterfield and chair; lare size dining room suite (8-piece); little used "Easy" PERSONAL The Termina1 MEN !!! HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW Commuter Boot ALL-RUBBER OVERSHOE AT BROmilVOOD'S (247) to make a limited number of charter flights into Canada during the month of September, and it is anticipated that similar flights will be. permitted during succeeding months. This authorization carries permission to proceed to one interior point beyond the first landing at a Customs Port of Entry. Lunch and Newstand Open all day, every day, to give you the best we can in every way. And now the best coffee too. (tf) washer; 10-tube G.E. cabinet radio; small kitchen .jange; heater; kitchen table and chairs, etc. This furniture is in good condition. May be seen at Suite 5, Wallace Block, afternoons and evenings. (232) WANTED WANTED Good homes for ten lovely afghans. Apply Mr. Hicks, Fraser House. (tf) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOK CONKKNT TO TRANSFER OF BFFR LICENSE NOTICB 13 HEREBY given that on the 18th day of October AD 194ti. the undersigned Intends to apply to WANTED Car catteries, car radiators, brass and copper; paying good prices. See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324 the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer License No. 7973 8-Pasenger Grumman, Ketchikan to Prince Rupert and Return, $138.00 issued In respect of premises, belli part of the premises known as tne MACHINERY FOR SALE (Including Tax) Commerclnl Hotel situate at the cor ner of First Avenue and Eclghth Street, in the City of Prince Ruperi. TO SAW better lumber more economically nse the modem and up-to-date type National 5-Passenger Belanca, Ketchikan to Prince Rupert and Return, $103.50 LOO NOTICE! We are taking orders for TUXEDOS again. Made-to-Measure or tailored In our shop. LING TAILOR (Including Tax) Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) if province of British Columbia, upon the lands descriijed as Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14) In Block Nine (9) Section One (11, Map 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District, from Panko Mlchalczuk cf PTloce Rupert, to Harold Wlllard Hetgemon of Prince Rupert, the Transferee. DATED a Prince Rupert. B.C., this 16th day of September A n. 1948 HAROLD WILLARD HELOERSON. (34) (228) U. K. AREA The United Kingdom has an area of 94,281 square miles.