prince ttupcrt Dailp rectos Monday, September 27, 1948 Local News It Sadao Suga, former weU Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chrlstoff known resident of the city who plan to sail Thursday evening with his family has been living 1 aboard the Prince George for in Smithers for the past year. Is I Vancouver and Vancouver Isl- ems . . . Assize .which is today. and will be away two weeks BRIDE ELECT IS HONORED Lloyd M. Rice returned to the city Saturday afternoon by air from a holiday trip to Harry Watson Is saiUng on the Princess Adelaide tonight on a trip to Vancouver. v Miss Anne McLeod c( the Post Office staff is sailing tonight On t.hA PrinfiCD aji-ii visiting Island points. Queenle Temple and Dorothy Wilson were charged in police Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Greene of Smithers, after attending the Associated Boards of Trade con- McKay, Elsie Johnston, L. Ket-chesen. Van Pykstra. Mrs. William Finlayson and son William, Jr., are sailing tonight on t he Princess Adelaide, accompanying the remains of Mr. Finlayson, which will bo interred in the southern city. SUL-BRICK SIDING Honoring Miss Peggy Ciane, Police Inspector F. B. Woods- vention in Juneau, continued , court Friday under the Indian luhnsp marrinop t.n Phnrlpa T.nvp holidav t r vU: l'U.e.n V1 is sailing on the Prin- Act with being drunk. Both1,. tn ,. nn Ratlirri9V cess Adelaide tonight on an inspection trip to Ocean Falls. beautiful exterior wall siding that and Iuel savlngs- 71118 clr- P"int 1 on women pleaded guilty and each October 2, a happy social eve-was fined $20 and costs or seven :ning last at wa8 spent on Friday duraDie ana inexpensive. resistant, Days in jau. ll01 Seventh Avenue 'East, the Dr. J. L. Hart, director of the Paciric Biological Station, Na-nalmo, arrived In the city Saturday afternoon by air. Claude V. Symes returned to the city on Saturday night's train after a three weeks' holi-day trip to Smithers. Mrs. through to Vancouver on the Chilcotin Saturday night to attend a British Columbia Medical Association convention. Max Kline appeared In city police court Friday on a charge of being drunk. He pleaded not guilty, was convicted and admitted to two previous convictions on similar charges. He Iplrte stock of BP products, phone us today Fur Coats of distinction for Hlc!"! mini. t( Symes will be returning later. hostess being Mrs. Ketcheson. Rooms were .daintily decorated, a fitting touch being the use, i,n a most tasteful way, of purple heather. The bride-to-be hails from Scotland. There was an attractive and enjoyable pro-from of entertainment, includ -."VLniuiauiig women see i Mrs. Phil Senour of the Alaska Travel Bureau at Ketchikan was a passenger going through to Vancouver on the Chilcotin Saturday night. She is on her way to California to meet her children who have been spending the summer in the south and l&McCAFFERY LTD. tnem at Fowlie & Rhm.1p ?rn The Hat Miss Dorothy Phillips of the Avenue. Muskrat $295.00, Squirrel $350.00, Persian Lamb $295.00. Alaska Travel Bureau at S was sentenced to three months attle was a passenger aboard iBEr BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 116 (tf) ing cleverly given recitations by take them home. I Chrissie Christensen and Odile in jail. F. H. Keefe, new general sup erintendent of Canadian Na the Chilcotin Saturday night returning south after making the round trip north on the vessel. Rev. Basil S. Phockter and Frank Skinner, general agent Alberts. Serviteurs were Lena Ketcheson, In gar Anderson, Part of Dr. C. H. Hankinson left today by air for Vancouver where he will attend a convention of the B.C. branch or the American Medical Association. Is here for .the Union Steamship tional Railways for British Col-! umbia, who was recently trans ARCHDEACON AT Kitty Yougen and Chrissie Co., after attending the Associated Boards of Trade conven Christensen. daughter, Geraldlne, returned ferred from Edmonton to Van MAN the Those .present were Hazel UNITED CHURCH to the city Saturday afternoon by air from. Queen Charlotte Mrs. Laura Golds, who has Murphy, Francis May, Jean An been visiting at the home of her tion at Juneau, accompanied by Mrs. Skinner and small daughter .continued through to Vancouver- Saturday night on thy Chilcotin for his annual vaca couver, left Saturday afternoon on his return south by way of the interior after spending a couple of days here on oificial business. City where Mr. Prockter performed a wedding Friday The Evening Musical Service i Greatly Appreciated derson, Kitty and Ingar Anderson, Ella Zittlaw, Elsie Anderson, Odile Alberts, Chrissie Christensen, Peggy Schafer, K. No. 6. son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Golds, since the first of the year will sail tonight Held u tion. Leslie Smith is here from Vancouver to act as local agent D. H. Knapp, secretary of the Pacific Northwest Trade Asso In the absence of Rev. R. A. Wilson, who Is attending meetings of the General Council of the United Church of Canada Jack Buckeridge and Danny Shaw, traffice representatives of the Union Steamship Co., who during Mr. Skinner's absence. on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver, enroute to her home near Calgary. A large portrait of Rev. G. H. 6th Av-ay, Sept the pur-tunera Brothe. INTRODUCING A KJfiW NEW FALL STYLES by STETSON made the round trip to Alaska at Vancouver, Archdeacon E. ciation, who was among the party which made the trip to Juneau for the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade BABY'S Colds. Hodson of Seal Cove conduct on the Chilcotin with the Asso dated Boards of Trade conven ed the morning service at First tion party, returned through to United Church yesterday. Reader ana classified advertisers are requested to submit their copy to the office. Telephoned advertisements often lead to mistakes against which the Dally News cannot guarantee I Tsimpsear l ,o)ournin; Raley, who spent half a century as home missionary to west coast Indians, appears In the Vancouver Sun. He is seen pro-siding over and exhibition of of Central British Columbia and the affiliated Chambers of Com . Time-tested Vancouver on Saturday night Speaking from the text "My John Gilligan, superintendent merce of Southeastern Alaska, presence shall go with thee," home remedy for relieving miseries of children's colds. No dosing to upset stomach. f G just rub it on. V!ap??JS Mr. Hodson referred to the many tt to at WOOD Secretary. native relics, cunne the sit- was a passenger aboard the Chilcotin returning through to engineer of the company, also made the round trip on the vessel. cases of loneliness in different tings of the United Church gen- t21wsihfcd Adverting Pays' Seattle Saturday night. situauons in nie wnen human eral council. Most of his minis- companionship is not enough, jtering was done at Coqualeetza, But in all Of these Cases the Kitimaat and Pnrt Simnsnn jnenti promise of God is fulfilled and TURF CUB A smart hat In full weight felt, snap brim with narrow binding. SHORE CLUB Light weight casual hat with a narrow, two-tone band, snap brim with binding. CASUAL Over welt snap brim hat, full weight, practical, and correct for any oc Mr. Haley is well known In His presence Is sufficient for I ma column lull moutb Prince Rupert and throughout everyone. The Junior Choir sang the anthem 'Far Round the World" very efectively. - September 1 833 Borden northern British Columbia. A. Carter, who has been in hospital since last week continues to make progress toward in tne evening there was a .,ic Centre, casion. musical service with the Junior recovery. While taking a walk! and Senior Choirs combining on an exceptionally gusty day, in leading the singing of hymns, he lost balance for a moment A special number by the Junior' and was blown off his feet, fall- ober 6 and (230) AN October ", J Choir was "Around the Throne ing heavily. Face and hands $7.50 to $16.50 ,Ui :s, 715 5th of Gofl." The Senior Choir sang j were bruised and scratched and "Incline Thine Ear, with Dr. R.,tnere was snocK, but nis general G. Large as soloist, and both condition is now regarded a? choirs Joined In a spirited ren-lf?ood. Mr. Carter is aged 88 and tiering or W. H. Jude's setting ha3 lived here for a good many of "Onward. Christian Soldiers." i years. He was for a while in Wear a Stetson t Tei and jing, October i ' S-il annual , TO IMPORTANT AtinOUIICEr.lEIlT FROM THE B.C. HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICE ALL RESIDENTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA The final date for registration under the B.C. Hospital Insurance Act is September 30, 1948 ' Rowland Miles sane effectively charge of the city weigh scales So Near to God am I." An instrumental duet, with Mrs. L. :: 11. ; W'i. Eve- Dakln at the organ and H. Pluym at the piano, provided . Bazaar, an unusually attractive num ber. J. S. Wilson, choir leader, U Suiua Fill conducted the service and also gave a talk on the history of some of the early hymns used In the ordinary service of l November 3. W Mr. Joseph Information for those registering: A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy praise. Mrs. Dakin was accom panlst for all musical Items. Jti.m Church, c I IW.A. Bazaar, Every resident of British Columbia he registered for hospital insurance under the B.C. Hospital Insurance Act. There are penalties for Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKen- zie, former residents of Prince Rupert, are leaving tonight by tralrrtry-fetdrn to their home at Vancouver after spending the ABanir, Nov. Ku.'dayjiight. V' 1233) SEE THE WONDER MOP at our store. It washes, drys and wrings without need ot placing your hands In water and, no need for bending. Phone 775 327 Third Ave. last week as guests of their son IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT in-law and dauuhter, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Saunders. Fifth Av FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM enue West. Mr. McKenzlc was Any ierson who has not received a registration form through the mail should obtain one from his nearest local office and complete it immediately. Any person who has already registered with his employer under the Payroll Deduction Plan should not register again. formerly dockmaster at the dry "jbme League tpm., Sons of I XI.0Di.Sale ! i (tral bazaar, Bazaar, De- 1 dock here. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 F.C. Boi 1(4 FRASEK STREET ttfaar, Dec- j f oi Norway 4 bazaar, De- 4 -f V! sailing on .de tonight fuver, Wm. H. Francks OPTOMETRIST OF VANCOUVER Will be making his regular fall visit to Prince Rupert September 30 to October 6 inclusive for the purpose of Examination of the Eyes and adjustment of glasses if needed. Appointments can be made at Hotel Prince Rupert desk by asking for Mrs. Campbell or Mrs. Bryant. i23C) 1 1 Prince Rupert EXPERT REPAIRS Our licensed plumbers give efficient, reliable service. Call us for prompt repairs. PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING AND HEATING Bud Schuman (Old Post Office Building) "APPROVED" PLANS ! The only "approved" plans are: Telephone Employees' Medical Services' Association. Canadian Pacific Railway Employees' Medical Association of B.C. There are no "approved" commercial hospital insurance plans. Members of the Armed Forces and K.C.M.P. covered for complete general hospital care or persons completely covered by D.V.A. need not pay a premium but must register behalf of their dependents. and pay a premium on THE G0VERnr.1ENT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA VENETIAN BLINDS Strongly made with steel or aluminum slats, In a variety of smart colors with harmonizing; tapes. Ask to have our estimator call. We measure your windows and 'inslal the blinds. NEW ROYAL n HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PKINCE RUPERT, B.C. . Phone 2S1 P.O. Box 199 SO Ormes Drugs ays MtBride Street Phone 311 Consult us lor your needs in all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Cards for every occasion Printing BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 0 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOdN TO 2 P.M., 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. If you have any electrical problems, Consult us, we can help you. WE SPECIALIZE IN: Commercial, Industrial & House Wiring Appliance Repairs Planned Lighting Refrigeration Service The Northern B.C. Power Co. LIMITED 3rd Ave. & 3rd St. Telephone 201) or 210 InlUp"To"Date Cafe ln Prince Rupert fm 5:30 p.m. t0 3:30 a m. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenue Emergency bicycle delivery from 1 pm. till 9 p.m. and Sunday Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 8 pm. FOR outside orders Phona 133 CHOW MIEN PHONE 81