PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, t VICTORIA, B. C. 165 KAY 31,-49' phone JKBES NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." . star wcabs 1 1 VOL. XXXVII, No. 227. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1948 ' PRICE FIVE CENTS UN 01 SPUTE EEFilRE UMITEP MATIOMS i - ere Is War, Russia Will Be If-'' ' ' - t -?J ASSIZE COURT SESSION OPENS ' "I PROVINCES ON FREIGHT CASES Federal Cabinet at Ottawa Hears Their Appeal Today OTTAWA. 0) Appealing to to Blaine, Declares Bevin Fall session of Assize Court opened here this morning before Mr. Justice N. W. Whit-taker with two cases comprising the criminal docket. The British Foreign Secretary Is Given Ovation By General Assembly I the cabjnet, against last spring's ED Berlin Suggests Occupants Get Out 21 per cent freight rate increase, seven provincial governments today attacked the rate first. rQco nan inst .Tames How- BH; PARIS (CP)-Great Britain, the United States!" ."'II award as wrong in general prin u ntuii vwvujk"q w-- j ken ciple and on many specific and France last night accused Russia of threatening unrlrl TiP'ACP hv hpr flftinnn in Rprlin nnrl eont tlm points. false pretences, began tnis morning. . . A '5 girl sin The ine Crown Lrown alleges aucgea that man Fos- "' issue to tne united nations becunty Council. Com 1 , ter obtained $1,640 from Zinje CONVENTION SHIP Union steamer . ChUcotln, Capt. Harry in 1 v Va be 1 a . r 1 . I 1.(4 1 1 U nUnntaa tn Accni'iloH ferii In a Joint submission all the provinces but Ontario and Quebec asked the Governer-ln-Council to throw out the award or send it back to the Board of "6 p i,te collapse ot tne secret talks of western envoys n . J j it. 13 . .. . Utsunnmivo. a Jananese. -ms : and and let leps wim nussia auvancea me coia war to a new ana i. In lull . ,' Thp Russians had riemanrlp.l McieHii, which luiae gieai, 1111, mm ucicgoreo w 0gw..w Boards meeting at Juneau. Capt. McLean, Chief Engineer George Craigen, Purser G. C. Foote and Chief Steward Jack Minnes excelled themselves as hosts and they were ably assisted by other officers and crew members. m8 uvn forecast!- orders that it re-examine par control over Allied air traffic and a single Russian controlled currency in the city as the price i Saturday al- Iticular aspects. A third alterna tween August 18 and August 27. 1947 in an attempt to defraud. The prosecution is being conducted by T. W. Brown. I Foster, who appeared without council, pleaded not guilty and told the court he was pre-1 pared to conduct his own de Berlin Plane on Alaska Run tive proposal was that the cabl VISITOR HERE E. B. Hark-ness, new 'industrial agent of Canadian National Railways for British Columbia, paying first visit to Prince Rupert in that capacity. He attended convention of the Associated Boards of Trade in Juneau riht coyij for the lifting of the 100-day-old Juneau Convention W as net itself revise the judgment. Betim DiocKaae. tnis proposal h assault is termed "unsatisfactory." fence. Event o f Great Success y bodily. Meanwhile Berlins city gov Mrs. Henrlckson and Juneau Chamber of Commerce Presl- ripnt. anH Mrs Josenh McLean SEATTLE. (CP) An Alaska Air Lines DC-4 is scheduled ernment told ioui occupying 't, a visitor , . Following selection of the and will be here for next few nowers today that they should to leave here tonight for jury, the case was adjourned with other citizens and friends days before proceeding to m-eathered to sav eood-bve to th8 terior. ay the pollr-? get out of Berlin if they cannot ,t of boiling settle their differences. A Rus- delegates. The send-off was us! Delegates Are Back From Memorable ; International Gathering Definite Results Under Auspicious Circumstances until 1:30 this afternoon when jthe trial was to begin. Jurors hearing the case are Wilfred McLean, foreman; Don jalley stove sian-contronea newspaper satu warmly cordial as had been the at Saturday that, if the western powers force BULLETINS reception throughout un it at the United Nations to debate Anchorage, Alaska, with the first In a series of emergency food shipments. It is one of the Berlin airlift planes withdrawn from that service to carry, supplies of foodstuffs and clothing urgently needed in Alaska as well as machine replacement parts. t Outstanding social affair aboard ship took place on Fri ald R. Eby, Donald Edward 1 Manton (Ocean Falls t, Donald F. Fitch, Thomas N. Rowe, Mi 111 the the Berlin crisis, "a wedge will mafee room" be driven into the United Na- day night when, after passln? James H. Lever (Terrace), '.Well satisfied that their international mission had been productive of definite results in the way of further promoting good relationships between Alaska and central British Columbia and projecting j i 1 J 1. through Wrangell Narrows. Francis X. Parlett, Howard B. Capt. Harry McLean brought PhllliDS (Massettt. D. L. Bishop, the Chllcotin to anchor for sev a meal. ; Hons which may split the en-struck Mis; tire world organization." arms and jroreign Secretary Ernest nousiy. Bevin of Britain, In a blistering another girl attack on the Soviet Union, said nr.? friends today that the Russians alone Richard W. Sargent (Hazelton), eral hours while a fancy dress attention upon matters 01 mutual ana regional concern, Prince Rupert" and central interior delegates i i BRAVES COP FLAG NEW YORK Boston Brave3, oldest club in organised professional baseball, Sunday won their first National League pennant in 34 years. A happy home town crowd of more than 31,000 saw the Braves take a . 3 to 2 division over the NeW -York Giants to win the flai;. lUa.ll WilS HCiW. AaifcCliUSUJ two. Vo rornrt.lnn nnd hOSOltalitV at I Jt i i t n.nfininit etHVim returned to Prince Rupert Sat- ATTEMPT ON BEN-GURION James H. Rush (Burns Lake), Fred E. Jenseji. Other 'members of the jury panel, wheih consists of 21 and three women, are: Angus Mac- Juneau, the unanimity and ac- costUmes from drapes, sheets. ana navms wouid be responsible for a new urday night from Juneau where world war. United Nations Gn- com in maMiiB icauiuuuuo iiinws. Tlass. Duntme ana an - It was ciu'-' jinoar Sal- they attended the annual convention of the Associated Boardi available material. Men and representations, tne sunny van- eral Assembly cheered Bevin at Phee, R. Hundeide, Helen Eliza TEL AVIV, Rumor cir fnmla-like weather' of the Al ifjErnoon. women exchaneed clothing. Al of Trade of Central British the close of Britain's major beth beth Savllle. Savllle. Daniel Dame! Krlstman r culated here today that k:M to ap-! roui-v .m.ech in one of the most everyone entered fully into successful attempt had an an un un- sunan- Cham-ad Wa and anUaleQ been on, Emmett R Hayne Jcker Commerce 0f Southeast, of Pre-. Stenset. ; Am - , Lafceb. -Margaret em Alaska. The The seventv seventy per oer- th BplrtCPttirser - Jerry-JFoote in i greatest demonstrations In Uni aska capital and the admirably arranged and conducted crujsa through Alaskan "waters on the convention ship Chilcotln. com- made aealnst the life They wrapped it up in the first inning , when Bob Elliott , lashed out- ils twenty -'second homer of the year after Tommy Holmes and Al Dark had singled against the righthander Larry Jansen. ted . Nations history,. He spoke mior Tlouirl Ten.r.iirinn of Is-i t itHo inwan Falls(. Fred A. sons who took part In the ex tn the Assembly as the threo cursion agreed that it was not bined to make It a memorable l ' western nowers turned their rael. Ben-Gurlon, a member of earner (Francois Lake), John the government said, had been R carr, ISmilio Pttlcunuzzo, excursion for all. W Innriin rtlsnnt over to the Se- only the most unique of the seventeen conventions the Asso- threatened by Jewish terrorists. Blanche Cecilia Kimmer, juih ' T curity Council. Schlld was the master of ceremonies and Mrs. Richardson of Missouri and John Gilligan of Vancouver acted as judges. Mrs. H. O. Stevenson of Prince George wa; adjudged the best dressed woman; Mrs. Earl Gordon, most humorously dressed; Charles Adam, best dressed man, and E. T. Applewhalte of Prince Ru , ti,- elated Boards have had to date I Meanwhile It was suggested1 Second criminal cae on ui ... s,lr,rpssflli and en- GLASS-MAKING TECHNIQUE Final incident at Juneau was the dockside farewell on Friday morning when Governor Ernest Gruening and Mrs. Gruening, Mayor Walno Henrlckson and f hjnje Us most docket is mat 01 ' -. Blowlng Is one of the We to Bnlin 1 that Russia might use the double I veto to prevent admission to the : Security Council of the Berlin ! quarrel. A high eastern dele-' f . .... t..i.1 KTr.(na maH meinoas ui (jiaoo m'6' In pert, most humorous. HAZELTON-WHITEHORSE HIGHWAY R OUTE CLEVELAND LEADING DETROIT While Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees hammered away at each other in the American League, Cleveland Indians Sunday slipped quietly into first place, a full game ahead of the Sox and the Yanks. Cleveland trimmed Detroit Tigers 9 to 3 Saturday, following up with a 4 to 1 triumph over the Tigers on Sunday. ,., ,, , gate wj me uiumtu "ouui" .v V-edkdown of Saturday evening before arrival at Prince Rupert President late West- me "K8tsllon- Russia over ! A. M. Patterson of Prince ueorge Scale. inside ration of as THE WEATHER 3 f.iiast nartici-1 called the entire party together in the social hall for a farewell session. -He spoke, of the ' f "fl air lift, a Synopsis Cool, unsettled weather pre f said today last.ine benefits which has ac formed nn;ir- ..u 1., Tj-ut.h ndliimhla. Raitl ...... yuii9 jii ui - t nitms ' will shortly has bpgn reiK,rtcd from almoat in an- crued through the contacts 01 the convention which had built well towards mutual development through regional co-operation. Mr. Patterson's re all regions during the ias-twentv-four hours. A newly de ey will sens ews. ' veloping storm centre near the west coast of Vancouver Island marks led up to a hearty ex British coewne if - J f ) J I : and another storm moving to mm pression of appreciation to Capt. ward the Gulf of Alaska both In- (Continued on Page Five) 'dicate that there is little pros WARD jpect of very much improvement TODAY'S STOCKS Sever;,! cast ' ,hrouBn Tuesday. Intcrnatlonull Forecast America h;ivp OAKS TAKE P.CL. OAKLAND Oakland beat Sacramento II to S Sunday to win its first Pacific Coast League pennant in 21 years and then added up a 6 to 5 win in the second game of a double - header. The Oaks wound up the season two full games ahead of the runner-up, San Francisco Seals, who beat Seattle twice. . . B.C. IS LEADING VANCOUVER British Columbia All-Stars Saturday night defeated St. Catherines 10 to 9 in the third game of the best of five final series for the Canadian junior lacrosse championship. The win gave British Columbia a 2 to 1 lead in the series. The fourth game will be played tonight Courtesy 8. D J hnston " North F 13c an hour r,mt( a.xitVinrn Rertlnn Over for cast, rain today and showers ' Vancouver Bralorne 7 35 r x c.nrt 03 N by a con- Timoriou winrfs easterly. 20 1 agreed to by mp.h. Northern Section: Overcast today and Tuesday with rain commencing Tuesday af b'. R. X '. 09 Cariboo Quartz. 1-16 Dentonia -01-' Grull Wihksne 03 Hedley Mascot 32 Pend Oreille 4 30 2 35 Pioneer Premier Border 02 Vi ( i'lDES Tune) lb 28. 1048 W 15.7 foot 51 18.7 fort ternoon. Winds light, becoming southeast (15 m.p.h.) Tuesday. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs Tuesday At Port Hardy 50 and 55, Mas- v 1 ) V vJpsa Ttt.?tf ij , ' N.s and the fifth, if necessary, Wednesday. X 56 feet sett 47 and 54, Prince Rupert 46 9.6 feet 45 and 55. APPROVED AT JUNEAU Here Is the Hazelton- 7v,Hhorse route for a Privateer 11 Reeves McDonald 1-90 Reno - - -OW' Salmon Gold. 11 Sheep Creek - I-13 Taylor Bridge 30 Taku River 32 highway to connect the UilinQ toVanrnnvpr And northern trans-provin cial highway wiin uie Alaska Highway, con Rupert by New Service Vananda - 30 .03 Congress ... . f i will he given a new fasf wpaVIv sfpamshil) fcUHH-Van?'ver with the Queen Charlotte L. aire('t 111 and out. nf tViia rurt oliminntinCT Pacific Eastern Amalgamated -02 Hedley - Spud Valley -09 Central Zeballos 01 Silbak Premier 25 tmetMVa,H'auver and the Island's, according k c... A'A.y. frm Gi-rald McBean. managing struction of whicn was urged at the annual convention last week of Boards of the Associated Trade of Central British Columbia and Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Southeastern Alaska. This route was held to be highly advantageous from a standpoint of and con-i...nfinn easy grade and the con- Conwest L5 Donalda : -62 Eldona LQ6. East Sullivan 2 75 Giant Yellowknife 5.05 God's Lake - "55 Hardrock ' -32 Harricana - -0-6 V'a Heva - .WVa Jacknife ; 04 Hosco 32 Va Jollet Quebec 43 Lake Rowan 06 M Lapaska 05 Vz Little Long Lac 75 Lynx 071" Madsen Red Lake 2 49 , McKenzie Red Lake .... -32 -McLeod Cockshutt ...... S2 . Moneta 331 2 Negus '. ' 2 25 Noranda 5 50 Louvlcourt 54 Pickle Crow 2 18 Regcourt - . -O'-i San Antonio 4.00 Oils l',b hlps Ltd-i, er 1. the 1 A P Cnn I" '- m. WM.,., e sailing from Vancouver will be --uurMiave .... arilvintr withdrawn as from October 'riria... . . " DUt t.hfi TTrlrtow nlcrht KalllntT Calmont 43 C. & E. ..: 75 Foothills 2-90 ' Home 8-40 Toronto Athnna - 06'i j" una sail- 0 Iur the o,m rom Vancouver (arriving Prince vueen n,,n,t c...,,i.... ...m vj en uuiiiiHV will tv 9UUV"' , ventlon saw It as a vital defence link as well as a vast and k " we win . . . . P'iand n.i. maintained. Aumaque 17's week vr nciicviortn me company win, ry, territory. Including "am win . therefore, have the two faster Beattie : 62 Bevcourt 38 v- ornnndhoe coal 1 from h,. . . Vancouver - Rupert sailings, VilC vw - Tta nroximity to Bobjo 10 Vi Vancciuver WrrtnesriaVS Buffalo Canadian ...... .12 Coiisoi. Smelters 112.25 the Alaska panhandle links to for connecting the coast was also cited r -iiuajr iiu arriving iicic arrivtn 't S p.m, vingi Fridays and Sundays with the SmitVihnnnH,,. Pile: Sundays day ------oBiiuia night and Tuesdays, as an advantage.