litinrc Rupert Datlp ftctos Monday, September 27, 1943 In the official form In tripii cate on the ground that they are busy men and the fornu take up too n.uch time. Earlier, this year, it was reported from Auckland that co.,t of prescriptions written under the New Zealand free-medicino scheme since it was lntroducen 0Wr-vbiUng Option, v: 0. Tmt MJ- A- Jenkins,. m7 2dea,ana i .. at a . "'"A. COM,. that moHi., SHIPS AND WATERFRONT .... -W-v-v- .ww.. : In 1943 has almost doubled " 'V v J The New Zealand cnv.rn ' LumstanCe. ta wnat tk... . has ordered an Inquiry into re- ' men bug,' oi Veteran Nome Liner Here With , National Railways. The Victoria and i , aim r. . poriea over - preiicriDing and from e ( " . 5tlentisn fc arrived last night from Ketchikan. The smaller boats Dagney and Signe were also in port over the 'week-end with smaller fish cargoes for transhipment. i-vLt x Alaska Fish Cargo Chilcotin Helps Gt-t People Out of Territory Alaska Steamship Co.'s historic old steamer Victoria, once DOCTORS REFUSE TOCO-OPERATE By LESLIE BRODIE Canadian Press Correspondent SYDNEY, Australia 0) Doctors throughout Australia continue to ignore the federal government's ' legislation providing for free medicine for all- patients. The department of health has revealed that there are fewer than 30 doctors writing prescriptions for medicine provided free by the government. When the scheme began tj operate on June 1, this year, the British Medical Association ruled that doctors should not co-operate with the government unless they were given the unqualified right to prescribe what they thought best for their patients, and were given the right to use their own prescription forms. , A deadlock was reached when t?- ? Please Note! a transAtlantic liner and later Qn hef .-j hfire Saturd operating for some 40 years onni ht enrQUte back to Vanc(JU the Seattle Nome Is m - run, yer aftef hay made the Due to lack of patronage mJ . r carloads of frozen fish and 20,-000 cases of salmon for transshipment East over Canadian cial voyage to Juneau with the Associated Boards of Trade party, Union steamer Chilcotin, Capt. Harry McLean, had on board a record list of passen- 7:00 P.M. TWO FEATlREs jgers, more than 150 in all. Be SAUy c TREVOR B, SIDNEY CREENSTREET MARTHA VICKERS THAT WAY WITH WOMEN' OPERATION HOLE Working virtually round-the-clock, over a hundred men keep a $600,000 battery of monstrous power machinery roaring at the largest earth fill ever attempted In Canada. Located on the St. Marv River, 30 airline miles southwest of Lethbridge, Alta., Is the St. Marv dam site, part of a $20,000,000 irrigation scheme being developed to irrigate 513 acres of southern Alberta farmland. It will require 3.300,000 cubic yards of clay, 1,000.000 cubic yards of gravel, 90.000 cubic yards of screened sand and 50,000 cubic yards of rock to build the dam, 188 feet high, and 2,640 feet wide. - 'I BECAMtt the government refused tho BJvl.A. request. After a number of conferences sides the Associated Boards party, she had picked up 22 passengers at Juneau and 57 at Ketchikan all of whom were grateful of the opportunity for transportation south since the American passenger ships have been tied up on account of the Seattle longshoremen"s strike. Most of the Alaskan passengers could not be assigned their accommodation until the Associated Board's delegates left the ship at this port. with the health minister. Sena RARE PROGRAM FOR YOUNG STARS COMING! Fri.-Sat.6j tor McKenna. the B.M.A. refused to consider the matter .1 pi; s NEW JUSTICE IS WELCOMED Mr. Justice Norman W. Whit- Activities for 9 to 13 Year Olds at Civic Centre workable unless the government ball, hand soccer, games of combat and hand soccer. Games of combat will be Indian wrest It looks as if the 9 to 12 year ling, bronco riding, etc., and NEWS REEL PICTURE i Margie" Bra taker, who is presiding over the old is to have plenty of fun t ' s such a' newcomb, fall session of Assize Court ahead of him or her by the pro- volley bounceball and volley The Skeena and Naas Rivers will be closed to all net fishing after 6 p.m., Friday, September 24, it is announced at the Dom- THEY'iiE GOOD! - DON'T MISS Prince this Civic Centre. welcomed to Rupert AnQther nW feature tQ ,n. morning by T. W. Brown on be-1 a new feature will be an or- terest the 9-13 year olds Is fun-half of the Prince Rupert Bar ganized games hour for the girls ny books. It is hoped, with the Association. This is Mr. Justice on Mondays from 4 to 5 p.m. ncsictanrp nf tho rht'iHren md alters its attitude. The B.M.A. demands that th government extend the formulary set out by the health minister to Include all medicines and remove the more offensive penalties against the doctors who do not comply with the government regulations, and elln.lnatu the necessity of filling In ihe official prescription forms. OBJECT TO FORMULARY Main objections are to the formulary. The government claims that It meeta practi Y-JX - i inion Fisheries office. . j Whittaker's first visit to Prince and for boys on Thursday from trieir parents, to build up the unloading oi canned salmon Kupert since nis elevation u o.ou 10 i:ju p.m. largest known reading library irom AiasKa continued through the bupreme uourt Dencn last. These will be hours of the of comic books. A new table Is yesterday and Saturday night, year. Imost thoroughly vigorous fun being made for the centre of Some are saying this is about Former Speaker of the provin- that the instructors can devise the members' lounge and on It the businest spell the long- cial Legislature, "Mr. Whittaker and lead them in. There win be will be Diled the comic books as shoremen have ever experienced was appointed to the bench late such group games as circle ball, well as other magazines that ana it is nut oiten mere is sucn last year after serving contmu- circle chase, soccer tag, dodge will be of equal Interest. cally all prescribing needs, but the doctors claim that if the government Is sincere in its a rush. ously as member for Saanich An outfit to treasure from Here and There i constituency since 1933. He was AID PASSKNPFR The fish boat Isobel, owned re-elected In the general election j njjL.iuo0 by Alec McPherson, sank at Port of 1937 and chosen Speaker To Vancouver Dr. C. H. Han-Alberni last week. This was shortly afterward. He was elect- kinson, Miss B. Poulsen, P. Kel-when McPherson tried to beach ed again in 1941 and continued ley, G. C. Dawson, S. Hansen, his boat after striking a dead-; as Speaker until his elevation M. S. Engbrilson. Fall through Spring. Coats ! and Suits in the 1948 man- . - ner. vf j attitude there Is no reason why there should be a limited formality covering the drugs they use. The doctors insist that they should be free from the indirect Influence of cost consideration when they make out a pre SELL TAVERN EQUIPMENT icau in UlC iiai UUI , j. ne i.MJ- to the bench. WALLACE'S Of Course To Sandspit J. Carlson, M. Christiansen, A. Baardsen, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Penny. jbel, valued at $4,000, was 32 feet i i in length. HALIFAX (P Canada's equipment salesmen have Available at Rupert Radio & scription. They object to filling Southolm, Capt. William Glea- ibeen "swarming into" Halifax From From Vancouver Vancouver Dr Dr. J J. L L Frank Waterhouse frighter son, arrived in port Sunday Wo.t T . , A , (recently, lured by the newly- morning after . discharging coal Mrs ' LeUh ' Mfg Lincoln 'j opening beer parlors. Mayor J. at rori fcimpson. we aas Kiver Pmm RanflRnlt . ManRnn t. uee. Ahem says the rush RUPERT MARINE REALTY and Stewart and is today load- - n .. Z, .'. started the first day the Tavern ing salmon in the Skeena River. t(V, W. v, V , ,'. ' (Licensing committee met. Smith, Klesavitch, N. Jeffr'ej Tomorrow she will come into Prince Rupert to pick up a large tank for delivery to Alert Bay. TROPICAL MOVIE W. H. Brett, M.L.A., Ivor Jo-1 NORTH SYDNKY ns.o On the way south she will call hansen and Harry Hanson will! when a hurricane left a ruin-at Surf Inlet with mining mach-1 leave tomorrow afternoon on 0us oath across rarw nrtcn (J. CLAUSEN Ss SON) Wo Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY , RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) to load the Cardena for Vancouver to rniv ihir...,..,, v. inery and at Klemtu canned salmon. attend a meeting of the board ; found a tropical title at a local of direccois o: the Fishermen's movie. "Gone With the Wind" FOURTH FOURTH LARGEST LARGEST uo-operaiive Association. Mr. was playing OCX 648 Phone r.rem qti i Madagascar Madagascar is is the the world's orecc win later proceed to vic- toria to attend the convention - .. fourth largest Island. STRUCK GOLD, PARDNER! COURTENAY, B. C. fl Czechoslovak immigrant, F. Kut-tig, prospecting near Tupper Creek in the Peace River district, has struck it rich, He won n.' 1948 automobile In a Cour-tenay Canadian Legion draw. of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada as delegate from the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union here. Tram Schedule Hur the t-Axi Monday, Wednesday, fmday-8 pjn. Tom the East Tuesday, Thursday, Sa turday-10:45 pn. Your banker works GROWS HUGE BEETS WINNIPEG (P Mrs. James Moore of Winnipeg grows beets that are beets. This year her garden yielded one weighing six pounds, 10 ounces. .lot n the Daily News! ' I KE Wrapper ' 0 crisP- crunchy, peanut- l'fy' " C jVvV-yn ( laden bars coated with f ' H I I CO r UKNl Moh rich-CTeamy smooth V XXX milk chocolate. Ask a depositor or borrower, you value i i Cooler 4 i 1 Young Dressmakers For girls who are being taughl- the art of sewing, SIMPLICITY PATTERNS are ideal. We have just received a new shipment of these easy-to- W&1 follow patterns and you are invited to inspect the modern dress designs that Simplicity Patterns feature. Besides Patterns we have Thread, Scissors, Tape Measures, Pins, Buttons and many other items required bv dressmakers. privacy in money matters. Your bunker protects that privacy. Your banking transactions are not open to the eyes and ears of your competitor, your neighbor, your community. In other words, the manager of your branch bank and his whole stuff are working for Contrast this Canadian way with conditions in londs where freedom is denied where every bank is a political tool, every banker a public official working for the State! State monopoly f I 1 MHHMHMHHiiiHMl Your Best Eating Place FILL COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners and Parties Chinese Dishes BROADWAY CAFE S08 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 318 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 A Picobac smoker will tell you that it's one of the mildest, coolest tobaccos grown and therefore particularly suited for a pipe. And because of the texture of the Burley leaf, it burns slowly . . . smokes cool . . . stays lit! In short, it's a pipe tobacco that new smokers welcome . . . that veteran smokers Swear bj. Taste will tell. Try hih. - Roofing Repairs - Ready Roofing Fibrelastic Paint Fibreoid Cement Id ope" Tarred Sheathing banking, proposed by Socialists here, wou your banking transactions to political intrusion Stops Leaks Chandler & Cowgill . Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging Box 643 218 4th St THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. u BANK The Pick of Pine Th. SPONSORED BY YOUR