w: -i- BLAZE LEVELS 15rftirc Rupert DaHp J3ctos -V, tTabty tmm you D. MacKENZiE jfl " QUEBEC TOWN Monday, September 27, 1948 IS LAID AT REST v SC. MATHIEU, Quebec W Smoke still hovered today pver turMCue vaUy 1Uae- iel (Swede) MacKenzie, who J" last nl&nt a S250000 cied last week In his Park Av- waste fir wbich destroyed 37 build- enue residence at the aee of B8. were held Thursday afternoon 'BB- " t Onnviu r.n,irt'riiaiv.i rttri ined origin, left 22 families Rev. Basil S. Prockter of St. nomeiess ana jeveuea ine snop Andrev's Cathedral officiating. PlnK district. A retired miner, Mr. MacKen- eie had lived in Prince Rupert SIX MONTHS . .. .. . f Un 1 ..t A- T I 1 f's t'm you fried IMS SUM ITf MST( MAM RAICH too na-ftceuLAiarr iui nic mat j yctus. ne was T7-tr tAPD AWPV born at Eosedale, Cape Bfcton, rUK V AOtVAINL. I Nova Scotia In city police court Saturday, During the service the .congregation sang the hymns "Lead Kindly Light" and "Near AND YOU'LL LIKE JHiM, TOO! For POSTS BK AN FLAKES have , flavor ,h..'t different -a lavor that nukes he.lth-eat.ng, please-eating, too. And POST'S BRAN FLAKES, eaten regularly for breaklast, art . a gentle, natural regulator, because bran h a natural bulk food. Ruby Leighton was sentenced to six months in jail after she had pleaded guilty to a charge of vagrancy. m k ' ar VAX W l I A W i ' er My God to Thee." Interment took place at Fair-view Cemetery with the following acting as pallbearers: Frank km k Other parti of wbsat provide added wheat nourishment, FIRST ARAB COLT SUSSEX HARBOR, NJ3., W tTA l A too McGowan, Harold Kennedy, A pure Arab colt, said to be James Andrews, Duivrian Mun- tUe first to be born east of Tor- Try'Posfs ERAfV FIAKES r I Pradud f (niMral hWt 7 pgmiClTY Y I CAIHD FKIS ijj roe, Angus Smith f(ffd ames onto, has been foaled at the MacKinnon. (farm of James Haslam. The Beautiful floral off Wings were dam and sire come from Indi-contributed by Mr. and Mrs. na. George B. Casey, Mr- and Mr. ' ,PiE PRIMITIVE , CONTENTION Continued from Pago die) Ceorge Oakey, Louis Ros.-,i and e MERC HAM TS Do you kaow that the Daily News is the most several other friends. Mtnres. The fe- Radio Diai 1240 Kilocycle CFPR (Subject to change) Harry McLean, master of tlwi Chilcotln, his officers and erevr.l who show e ones and carry on the complex societies. ri'fective medium of advertising n Prince Rupert? No one nisses your message if it's ad-ertised in the News. It' the Hotel. . EL Arrivals Prince Rupert E. B. Harkness, Vancouver; T. P. Horrobin, Vancouver; Mr. eeeoeeee RIGHT TO FUEL Firebot, in English law, is the riht of a tenant to cut wood from the estate for fuel. eally efficient way of putting LASSinED AD! and to the management of the Union Steamship Co. for the "unsurpassed" courtesy and sei-vice which had been so gen- tf.,' t over. ' I t 1 ii ii ri r ii rt r 1 1 . v t Justice N. W. Whlttaker, Van- ously and deliRhtfully rendered. 11 tti rr rr t 4 L i -f-, V. ;u-' rv s 7 Capt. McLean and Fiank Skinner, general aeent at Prince Rupert, responded briefly. During the voyage a sum of MONDAY -V.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Ini 4:30 Robb Adams Trio 4:45-T.BA. 5:00 Spring Time 5:30 Pops ori Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6: 15-Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:35 Recorded Interlude 8:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up IN THE t . Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedu'e Charter Service Commercial Hunting e Fishing - Sightseeing ' I couver; E. iftivoldson, Vancouver; W. H . Crocker, Prlnr George; D. E. Manlon, Ocean Falls; 6. Hansen, Vancouver; M. EiucbriUion, Seattle; J. II. 1 Rush, Burns Lake; H. B. Phil-Up, Massett; G. Ming, ButD- $42.30 was raised by Capt. McLean through various means for th B.C. Cancer Fund. Among other things there was a rafflp of an autographed echo sound- SKEEMA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. PHONES Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; H. T. Kenney Ltd., 35 Prince Ruperf. Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 daie; R. Van Dusen, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. II. Day, Van-derhoof; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Frank, Terrace; Miss Joan Man- , 7?. -r, '' ( " .'..f , I'" J ' " V I ; I let-' ' ' . .iir , lng graph, the winner of which 'was Mrs. A. G. Ford of Smith- J? 1 1 1 U ers. This brought the grand total amount raised for the Cancer Fund from among passengers on the .summer cruises of the Chilcotln to $319.12. The Chilcotin was back in plebeck, Bella Bella; A. Chap- man. Winnipeg; Dr. J. L. Hart,' Nanalmo; R. W. Sargent, Haz-j elton; J. H. Warren, Smlthers; 1 W. Orant. Smlthers; H. D Sweeten, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs ! O. Grant, Terrace; Mr. and Mis. 7:30 Sunaner Fa' low 8:00 Five Guys and a Girl 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show 9:00 Medley Time 9:30 Music to Remember 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News. 10:15 Outdoor Fun 10:30 Let's Dance 11:00 Weather and Sign-Off TUESDAT VM 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC Nw Prince Rupert at 9:30 Saturday night and, with immigration and customs officers, co-oper FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE (, See Your v . GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bulca Chet. Tracks PontiM OldsmobUe O.M.C. Truck MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY ' f - Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. P. Dennis, Butedaie; Mr. an1 Mrs. J. Weaver, Vancouver; J. H. Weedin. Vancouver; G. Hasklns. Vancouver; O. Wilson, Smlthers. Frank Pashley, Vancouver; K. McClay, Vancouver; Peter De Jong, Vancouver; Capt. McKen- 1 I VINTF.R COATS, i:.ei. S'vled and ating helpfully and expeditious-1 ly, the passengers were ashore in record time. Prince Rupert people heading for home while the Interior delegates prepared to leave Sunday morning by highway for Terrace, Hazelton, Smithrrs, Tclkwa, Burns Lake. 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 8:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions !zie, North Pacific; ,J. Arnold. Vancouver; Capt. Williams, EX-CONSUL LOMAKIN IN SWEDEN The former Russian consul general in New York, Jacob M. Lomakm (right, is shown as he cleared through customs on his arrival In Stockholm, Sweden. He went straight to the Soviet embassy and Vs'fllrt" naf.lv" that he" hoDed this ended ail speculation that he I , k please fSTOTFK OUT- '.; and ihree- Jf.w anri Two-IvHfflSliTS lOORE'S I sia 8'jMt 9:30 Transcribed Melodie 9:45 -Modern Musicians"" Vanderhoof , Prince , George , and iSteveston; T. Olsen, Wales Lsi-i atuU--H--H- MinhU-Vufl ; other points whence they cams. It's th e Rex Cafie ... for Tasty Meals iver; Abe ostasnower, rnnce 3. Rupert; T. Kaye, Vancouver; F. L. Cauling, Port Essjngton. ' might not return to Moscow. The main topic on the ship dur-J lng Lomakin's trip irom New York to the Swedish capital was i whether he feared the case of Mrs. Oksana Stepanova Kasen- kine, Russian teacher, would make Russia uncomfortable for I him. Mrs. Kasenkina leaped to her freedom from the Soviet I consulate in New York. 9:59 Time Sijcns-1 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies JO :30 Roundup Time 10:45 -Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Bernie Braden Tells a On Saturday a lour-and-a-aa!f hour stop at Ketchikan permitted the delegates, for many of whom it was the first visit, to see around the "First City" or to make calls. Thev 9 Chop Suey O Chow Mein UJjM PERIWIGS STILL WORN Periwigs, first mentioned In IGE CHEESE , ed - preah Made MIX DAIRY i Icar Daily 1TEZB. BERVIC1 Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 700 a.m. to 3:30 a m. y England In the 18th century,! were favorably impressed with court bv : are still worn in English Judges and barristers. the thriving southeastern Alaska metropolis and close nei-phbor of Prince Rupert, which i - BINESS AND PROFESSIONAL this week! comes 5WBAY having had one of the mast profitable salmon canning and fishing seasons in years and with prospects bright for the early establishment of a pulp mill close by, is enjoying an era of prosperity just now such as it has not experienced for the last few years. Despite pouring rain, coming .after one of the driest summers on record, DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 165 P.O. Box 1401 ff WORKS GREEN 391 "6 - Repairs imship Estimates Kermath Marine I Engines specially-arranged drive to near by points of interest was enjoyec by several of the passengers. FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK CALX. BLUE 939 .11. J. SAUNDERS JUL KMBaaBaflUKH WE DON'T WANT TO KEEP IT A SECRET ... We've the finest collection of "THIS AND THAT" in Jewellery that yu ever saw. You know what we mean-small articles of vari-,us kinds that should be in a complete jeweller stock. We think of these: n 35 00 EARRINGS - - BRACELETS $10 to $18.00 SOUVENIR GOODS 50c to $3.50 50-00 CUFF LINKS . '5c to $15.00 BROOCHES IATKFTS t0 83500 :::: a CIG4RETTE CASES $100 to $10.00 SIGNET RINGS $2 50 to $23.00 , COMPASSES, Magnifiers ...75c to il.su Dozens and do'zens of small articles to numerous to mention. f TECHNICIAN oicing and Repairs iCGLUSSI BLACK 756 10th East , New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed MARGARET McLEOD trrsoN's OPTOMETRIST In New Office ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING isIERF.RS AXD I REPAIRS Watch fot Sortens fvapo rated Mk at your door! r Mattresses i Curtains Cushions ftn IHanH p.. New Phone BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 s - ui uiiure P.O. Bux K0 mmd Ann,,. Do Try It! ; RUPERT. B C HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavlig Beauty Culture In all Its branches L. HUGHES Fopractor pNER BLOCK Phone 6.")1 for "Foothills" Alberta Coal All sizes in stock. PII1LPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Order your supply NOW Be comfortable later. Don't bo left out in the cold when the first chill blast strikes with- Borden's is irradiated for extra sunshine vitamin D. Borden's is homogenized to make every drop equally rich and nourishing. Borden's is sterilized to make it completely safe. t Borden's is especially easy to digest, even for infants. Borden's pours like cream. 204 th Street Phone 856 We know you'll love Bonlens in your tea or coffee . . .on cereals, fruit, desserts ... in your cooked dishes! There in No finer Milk in any can Borden's Evaporated Milk is concentrated from only fine quality, fresh, whole milk. plont Blue 442 !E L. ROniE Jntant. Auditor, etc. n.nrninll VJo'TP TeHA tO HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS our No Friction Please!. Has the Oil Filter on your car been changed at the manufacturer's recommended mileage? And while on the subject have 'all the other points requiring perlodicaUattention such as: ." Wheel Bearing Repack Change of Transmission Compiled, Phone 387 serve you promptly . prices are right. PHILPOTT, Bulldlnj and Repairs of all kind; Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners RUPPPT EVITT S CO. LTD. J ELECTOR PHONES: Red 894 evenings Lumber, Building Supplies Your grocer has a fresh supply today! , v VitAHIH D nnm pf j(ml&MA EVAPORATED iViDILlla If it's Borden's, it's GOT to be good! Black 887 Lubricants Cleaning and Re-Oiling f Air Cleaner, etc. been taken care of according to the Instruction book? Many of these details are overlooked even by the owner who conscientiously has his car lubricated regularly. We remind our "Regulars" as these services become due. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD., BLUE 810 Ltd QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 510 Tel. 777 PHONE 866 t ongoing For All Occasions UE 880 Flowers