45?JNGTON Pi Wxiiuc Uitprrt Dailp Jchis Tuesday, December 28. 1948 Ad Uidepandnt dsil? newspaper rinvoled to the uptralidlna nt Print Rinrt I Capt.W. F. i,. f'nds at n, ... 1 uu in comnummm compiling nnrtnern nd centra) uritisn common (AuUmnrpd as Second Ciass Mfcii. Post Ofltce Department. Ottawa) Published ever afternoon exrept Sunday bv Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, prince Rupert. British Columbia. ' O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. "MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDrl BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS i CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION the i.-i i berth. 'JP at SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Year. tS 00. JD& The dinwr. eoiMigy.. By Matl. Per Month, 50c; Per Year. 5 00 y and ham coir.p;. U'winiinjis Was George Poster cook Islington " 11 it tt;,, . nary triumph. Mr aisled in thr prf, ', miu Norman g. .ervea r;! -( W lHtS r.l r - r--,; 7 ;;- f Mi' n3-MA Guests were q,.,k Kristm.,,,,,,,, Jiartson, Engineer Dav; ' K. McLeoc!. -About Banking and Socialism, naturally enough, COMMUNISTS profess to be quite unequal to the task of fli.-s-; coverm;? any virtue in banks and hanking-. They ; say that sortie remedial action should be taken forthwith so that Canada, a country not without " great promise, shall no longer feel the weight and ;rippljn control and influence of a malign power. I It all sounds so disturbing. Happily, however, ; the situation is not enty-ely divested of hope. The ; general manager of the Hank of Nova Scotia, H. L. ; Enman, speaking recently, had this to say; "The business of banking is tarefully regulated in the '. public interest. The ten chartered banks are the prlnei-! ' pal, though by no means the only. Institutions providing banking service to the publie. The sphere in which they operate, ihe kiiui of business they do and may noi do, the maximum rates which they may charge as well as many other rules concerning their activities are laid down for them in the Bank Act. Moreover, triese rules of banking conduct are carefully reviewed and may be changed by Parliament when the bank charters come up for renewal approximately every ten years." It is fair to ask how the foregoing compares ; with what could not but be in effect if it were handled according to Soviet belief and practice. Those accustomed to doing business w ith the banks of Canada would soon perceive the contrast. m Steamship Movement QUINTUPLETS IN ESSAY CONTEST-The Dkmne quintuplets are shown studying for the Navy League's essay contest. Marie. Cecile, AmelU, Annette and Yvonne, now 14, listen intently as the teacher explains Canada's shipping routes. Subject of the essay, being conducted in co-operation with Tht Royal Canadian Navy, is "Our Navy and Seaborne Trade in our Daily Life." In their well-appointed dming room, Marie, left, and Cecile do their "homework." Sunday Cxultl.iro. 11 p.: MANY ATTEND SERVICES AT FIRST UNITED WW Tuesday ss. Careen a. 1:30! pro. Thursday ss. Prince George, 1 t . 1 n m THIS AND THAT . j ). ui- There were large iimrrega- . From Vancuurer tions at the various Christmas Sunday ss. Cardenn, p.m. services held at the First United 1 Wednesday -ss Prince Oeorge COMMUNITY JOINS III CAROL SINGING The Civie Centre Auditorium was well filled on Sunday evening when the second annual community carol sing song, sponsored by the Civic Centre, tvaok place. Th msin feature of the program was the singing of the carols by the members of the audience. Their whole-hearted participation in the singing of the well beloved Christmas r -KPimca rriM . It 1 ...., oncr MntIC! ccommodition nd h k ....... . mum terj olt bio KmtK. 10 a.m. Friday ss. Coquitlam. 1 p in For Alice Arm and Fort Simpson Sunday ss. Carclrna, 11 p m. From Alice Arm and Fori Simpinn Tuesday -ss Cardena, a m. PRINCE RUPri SAILINGS Southbound frnrn Ormn Fall Wednesday ss Prince Oeorge WKDNESDAY, J W 10 a rn. I Ocean FsJI." HOMES PLENTIFUL IN NORTH AREA )- WINNIPEG, (Pi Troubled by the h,o using shortage? Then northern Canada is the place for you, says Weldon Hanna-ford.' federal government geo- "physicist. WEDNESDAY. WEDNESDAY. Fi shortage. 'Plenty of building material, said Mr. Hannaford. explaining that 11 you ned for an Igloo is snow. He is a member of the Dominion Observatory in Ottawa and stopped in Winnipeg on his way to Baker Lake, N.W.T., where he will collect data on changes in the earth's magnetic field. Mr. Hannaford said the eastern Arctic was vastly different hymns was proof of the com-plete success of the venture. Musical accompaniments were ; provided by an orchestra com- posed of members of the Prince j Rupert Symphony Orchestral and the Prince Rupert Shrine For Information ai reservations con'a Tf. It. E. .Marlran, Orncr; Church over - the week-end. On Christmas Eve ft Candlelight Service was well attended. A short address by Rev. R. A. Wilson stressed the significance c.t the candlelight as an indication of the birth, of the Christ tnnsins light into the world. The sinking was led by the Junior Choir who also sang two .-perial numbers, "The First Noel with an effective descant srrangement and "We Three Kin of Orient Are" with Mary Lou Limn. Jacqueltn Moore and Linden NicRerson taking solo parts. On Sund:iy forenoon the. Sunday School combined with the ordinary congregation and heard an interesting sermon by the minister illustrated with a flanneluraph n the Christmas story. The Junior Choir saiVf "We Would See Jesus." At the evenina service Rev. Mr. Wilson spoke on "Where do re go from here" and stressed he need of carrytnst ' on the The north has no housing Thursday -ss. Prince George, 11:15 pm. For Alaska Wednesday --n Prince Oeorge midnight i rn Alaska Thursdny - ss. Prince fhnre.e. p m. AdverUte In Um Daiiy Nes! from the romantic north depicted by authors. That "north" was the eastern Arctic, which had trees, more prosperous natives and less violent storms. w Band all under the direction of Peter Lien. The singing was led by a choir of 50 voices and included members of all church choirs in the city. In addition to leading the general singing the choir gave a spirited and harmonious rendering of Moazrt's Twelfth Mas; "Glorious is Thy Name." Other features of interest were the solo parts taken bv Dr. R. G. To share yuur hopes glad New Year with your "I've found out how I can manage on my household budget you take us out three times a week for dinner!" Large, John E. Davey and J. A. Teng in the carol "We Three Kings of Orient Are." you wi!f ftr.a -fHting -v WRONG LANDLORD VANCOUVER 9 -A tenant here has been paying rent to i the wrong landlord for 23 years. The B.C. Electric company received $2,760 rental money that should have gone to the city The error occurred in connection with a water lot used as a tie-up for logs and barges. among our a&urtrirnt o YEAR CARDS. practice of Christmas Ideals throughout the year. Special music included the solo, '8ta of Bethlehem" splendidly suiir by Dr. R. G. Lnrge, and the anthem "In the Bleak Mid-Winter" by the choir. Mrs. L. D.ikin was organist and J. 8. Wilson choir leader. Reminiscences By w.i. and Reflections F. E. Anfield was a capable i master of ceremonies, with his; comments on the various carois; providing interesting information on their origin. Dn Forward was in charge of the lantern which projected the words' of the carols on the screen so 1 LOVE'S LABOR LOST PORT ELIZABETH, South Af ¬ that the audience could take : full part in the singing of the carols. With a beautiful flourish of j publicity, Ottawa has announced to war veterans who happen to be land-owners, as well, that they are also entitled to Phone Kti1 518 3rd Ave. W. ry r i t 1 1 rica -9 A native girl, Katie Libbok, asked the local Red Cross to find her brother, whom she had not seen or heard of for 35 years. After a five nioulhV search, officials found her brother on a farm near Humans-dorp, but now Katie has I O iJlW lll(l III . . . IF IT'S A SMARTLY STYLED Sl IT FROM ACME IT'S RIGHT AND DON'T FORGET OUR SPORTS JACKETS, TOPS IN STYLING AND' SO PRACTICAL. ACME CLOTHING FEARLESS RIDER AT 73 ROSS, Tasmania CP Mrs. Arthur Bennett is 73 and an member of Midlands Hunt any mineral rights attaching to the land. Fine, but don't, we beg of you, indulge in too ntreh "get-rich-quick day dreaming BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL A Happy and Prosperous New Year PRINCE RUPERT , . PfMrFT Club. She has been riding for j However, gold is where you find 69 years and still enjoys taking i it. So is oil. fences with the yungest of th MOTION BY SQUIRT Squids move backwards I - -4- ! squirting out water. OPTOMETRIST nui iijii hjiVjj t ri AND MESSENGEU I i RfHIM 10. STOVE ft' ; of London lost an arm i:i the i t i I war, yet he's recognized as one j Beer, Soda, Ferfex and Olnt?er Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 of the most exoert Datwr l. jnsr- ! (mm iMtiKis rnoN'E BUJK Sf p.o. nx iis I ers In the business. He even papers the ceiling. Rapidly and ; skilfully, he pastes and paper, with one natural hand, and a hook at the end of an artificial arm. He make a good living. MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERERS AND FURNITURE REPAIRS ' Plastic Materials Dunlopillo Mattresses Drapes Curtains Bed Spreads Cushion, etc. Second -Hand Furniture Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52B 330 Second Avenue 4 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Let the army of able-bodied malcontents think that one over. HELEN'S BEAUTY SH Permanent Wav ' Beauty Culture all Us branch" p 204 4th Street Any number of Prince Rupert folk, between December 24, and Monday discovered how an American president feels every now and then. To shake hands ', a dozen times in succession becomes tiresome, and when it GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. HANDYMAN HOME SFJ; rnrorne Tax Returns Compile Besner Block Phone 387 i r-te?7l BEST PROCURABLE GENERAL CON1V R.iildlnff .and repair"' runs into the scores, the gesture of friendliness becomes classified as painful process. Of course I like you, and curse 1!. all, why shouldn't I wish you a happy, happier happiest yeaf--as well as myself? j ! No one seemed able to make a good guess at anything, as 1J48 n. PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles and Colors , J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 Roofs, Chimney J - - WE THANK OUR CUSTOMERS FOR OUR t GOOD BUSINESS IN 1948. WE HOPE THEY'LL HAVE A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON-ALSO A GOOD 1949. FOR WE STILL NEED THEIR BUSINESS' ' i rne" lis t.-.-- .v jrwrn a t i j 1 1 ir w w r .v jr mr m PHONES Black 087 i f P.O. Box lC7t drew to a close. Dismal fore william oKAN I & SONS. LIMITED n;t;tl,. DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 705 p.o. Box 1401 Tins vertisement is not publ J,ed cr d .,,,, cJ L ( Cot.lA:l ncarj FOR 10& the (-ovcnmicnt of British Columliia casts' of certain shortages inj superior forms of refreshment were misleading. Weather, while not without little weaknesses now and then, could have rivalled Vancouver, but did not. Think of that, for a blessinj. No one ate margarine. And no ROCK and CO?1' WORK CALL BLUE8' M. J. PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repair MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 75 , 972 10th East New, Modern W All Work Guar' one went shy on turkey, although a few with faces longer than half-past twelve, predicted savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. PnONE 87 7lO. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT RUPERT MARINE REALTY J. CLAISEN & SON) We Take Listings of BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IX BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY-RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QI ICK SALES OR C HARTERS (Just East of Lipsetfs, Waterfront) Bo 548 Phone Green 975 scarcity. Everybody fared sumptuously, and in the majority of cases wore fine raiment. ..THirrV Rw nnarntrod'1" " . Ulnrll nn " Wells Cartage Ltd. ! Complete Moving Service ! Crating Packing Cartage! BM E 780 ' blue' 9g AFTER SPANISH KING The Philippine Islands were named after Philip II of Spain. MAC SHOE Bo 774 1