provincial Lic.ny, IA, 3. C. 3:! rfv'1 1 Mi onnEs DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHOIJE 81 VOL. XXXVII, No. 303. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1048 PRICE FIVE CENTS i ' : ity Back at Work After jjngQuiet Yule Weekend T rymam Hints C 'CEASE FIRE' DEMANDED IN HOLY LAND PARIS, Britain -called today for an immediate "cease fire" in southern Palestine and the withdrawal of Israeli forces in Negev. The demand came as K A k n No Major Mishaps Mar Observance of Christinas Here he long Christmas week-end past, Prince Hubert SUMNER WELLES-CONDITION SAID 'SATISFACTORY' WASHINGTON, The condition of former Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles, who was found Sunday in an unconscious condition in a frozen field near his home was today described as "satisfactory." Police, who earlier wanted to investigate, said today that there was definitely no foul play. They believe that ne sunered from a heart attack. vii ay the Security Council of the United Nations , debated Egypt's claim that Israel violated truce peats in their coastal attacks of December 22. hirneu to wuiiv mis morning wun mingled leelings egret for a departed holiday and eagerness to get ; to a more ordered form of livinc. The three-day holiday was unmarred by major . j vmmamm awry 1 'MU i w mg5 Jmmm m.m ' Jtmmm " l" SpC' 'it- ( haps or irageuies sucn as accompanied the obser- ln In AIRMEN RESCUED FROM ICE CAP Some Reds Anxious for vance other parts of Canada, despite spells of violent weather and Ice-clad streets which made walking and driv RUHR VALLEY POTENTIAL FOR WAR RESTRICTED LONDON (CP) The yptian v't Head SLAVIC PRELATE IS THREATENED WITH EXILE WASHINGTON, P) The United States Air Force announced today the rescue of 12 airmen who had been stranded on an icecap In southern Greenland since December 9. They were picked up by a C-47 plane equipped with skis. - ?VWW) hit ing both hazardous. Between Friday night and this morning, practically every type of weather possible visited the district. It Included snow, rain, gales and bland sunshine. Casualties, however, were confined to bruised anatomies. sassinated BUDAPEST-Ten high members of the Catholic Western Powers today set up strict international control system to bar Germany's industrial Ruhr Valley from war production.; The decision was announced after six weeks' conference here of representatives of Britain, Most of the men had been stranded after their plane , was ViiKO, 9 Prime Minister caused by falls on icy streets and Church in Hungary have been ttoucl Fahmy Nokra.shy forced down while others were to the reaction to an excess of taken into custody by the Com U.S. Accord KANSAS CITY (CP) President Truman disclosed for the first time Monday that "certain leaders" in Russia are "exceedingly anxious" to reach an agreement with the United States to end the cold war. . Talking "off the cuff" at a luncheon here, the President accused the Russians of violating "sacred" agreements and said that the Soviet government has a "system of morals that are hot morals." He added that "there are cer i was assassinated here uy. Police say that a stud-liiguisod as a police officer live shots at him from a re- munist government of Hungary it was announced here today. crew members of a plane which tried to effect a rescue. Extensive rescue efforts during the last three cays had In- VATICAN CITY (CP) pltlUM flirt H,.i,ntnh!nn tf tV,n Vatican -S 0 U r C e S said 'aircraft carrier SaiDan to p .student men iriea to Monday that Josef Card i- ! Greenland with helicopters. United States, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. ' It contained no admission of Russia as a partner in the control board to be known as "Ruhr Authority." The move is regarded as a himself but was prevented doing so. K good cheer. City police reported one of the quietest Christmas week-ends in years and with amiability customary with the Yule season, acted as guides and counsel to befogged celebrants, rather than their nemesis. Prince Rupert General Hospital reported no Christmas babies. $ The fact that there' wo s less general public merriment than nal Mindszenty, who has c assassin was lncnuied as been placed under arrest by the Hungarian auth mber of the Moslem Bro-Mii Associatiaon, a na-,;tic group recently out- orities, may face exile in Siberia. They did not say how framework of the plan to keep the Ruhr from once again becoming a war-making industrial i by the Prime Minister. U.N. DEMANDS FREEING OF INDONESIANS PARIS, O The United Nations Security Council today adopted a Chinese resolution calling on the Netherlands government to release political prisoners in Indonesia forthwith Prime Minister had eharg- that could be done. machine as it did under Hitler group with the respon-, usual was attributable, perhaps, tain leaders in the government of that great country are exceedingly anxious to have an understanding with us. He did The Hungarian government and the Kaiser. :y for violence that had to the weather and the condi- announced in Budapest that 11 several ocams ana Uic.tlon nf the streets Mnxt nrnnlp Cardinal Mindszenty is being C.N. REVENUES, not identify the leaders or suggest what overtures may have been made by thein. h)eld on suspicion of plotting against the government, spying, observed the holiday in their own homes, following the Christ miis feast with visits to and report back to the council had followed a series, of wins that had occmred in j businesses. ,c ..laying will brii.i; a new e minister to office at a . al point in Egypt's struggle ;M Israel. neighbors and friends. There was less widespread visiting than usual. GERMAN RABBI LEAVES FOR CANADA German Rabbi Abraham Davidson and his family leave Genoa, Italy, for a new life in Canada. The rabbi and his wife spent' six years in a German concentration camp. They sailed aboard the SS. Nea Hellas under International Relief Organization sponsorship. treason ana Dlack in a rK c t , within 24 hours, money dealings. ' Tho prisoners, including Re- He Is the higest-ranking pre-'public President Doctor Soekar-late of the church to be arrested no, were taken when the Neth-in the conflict between church , erlands seized Jogjakarta in its and state east of the iron cur-1 newest "police action" in Java EXPENSES UP MONTREAL, (f' President R. C. Vaughan said today that the Canadian National Railways has Just completed 'one of the Rainfall between Friday night and this morning totalled more than an inch, mast of it falling tain. j and Sumatra, uumc mmKTDV CHINA PEACE MTH TREMORS Christmas Eve and night Snow im I.' ill Jimajiui RUMORS BLOOM PCK NEVADA fall was slight. most trying years in its history," even " tttough gTOSs" Income Had reached an all-time high. The gross of 1948 revenues, with December estimated, reached $492,000,000, an increase Despite street conditions. OVERWORKED church services were well at U.S. Congress Faces One of Biggest Years in History By GEORGE RONALD tended, with communicant flocking to services both Satur day and Sunday. of $54,000,000 over 1947. Operating expenses were $406,000,000, ESO. Nevada. Vf Two sharp m in an hour Jolted Reno twiiity Monday nluht. The i :hiM-k 'made our whole ceak and almost upset ChrUtmas tree" said Frank iill'K'h, a reporter fur the J Gazette. The first tremor, -bed as "relatively sharp," chandeliers and rattled an increase of $09,000,000. NANKiWG, ) A new crop of peace rumors blossomed today in China's capital. Several sources hinted at plans to reorganize the government as a preliminary step to a negotiated peace with the Communists. Top government sources vehemently denied the reports. Meanwhile Nationalist forces poured into the city here but the Communists continued their onward roll. A highlight of the season was the community carol singine Canadian Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON, D.C. The New Year shapes up WEEK-END DEATH TOLL IZ.VV TORONTO W Canada's Christmas toll of violent deaths stands at 61, a cross-country survey showed today. Nineteen persons died in fires during the holiday period, 21 were victims of traffic accidents,' four succumbed to asphyxiation and the rest from drowning, shooting and falls. Canada's record brings to well over 400 the total of holiday deaths on the continent. At least 55 children died in the United States in accidents which " took nearly 400 lives. ' Fires took 32 young lives, mostly in homes. The predomi-nace of fire deaths was in contrast to the chief cause of adult fatalities traffic' accidents. MISSING PLANE SOUGHT IN GULF in advance as one of the biggest in United States OTTAWA Unless the recent international agreement for protecting th c world's whale herds is followed to the letter, the great mammals are threatened with extinction, according to W. T. Larmour, Ottawa writer. Canada, he says, must set an example to the other 15 nations who signed the convention. "Besides keeping it herself she must help to see to it that the others do the same.'' Deploring the lack of protective laws until recently, the program at the Civic Centre Sunday night. Trl.i:riHKS OUT The spirit of fellowship suffered somewhat by the fact that "S and windows, but there Legislative history. Congress, with victory-proud Democrats holding MIAMI, Florida A char no reported damage. ter twin-engined plane with a the reins as a result of the November 2 election upsets, crew of three and twenty-eight will tackle matters ranging from history-making for passengers aboard was reported JEWS WINNING DESERT FIGHT eign aid to the still-irksome ME CHANGE five hours overdue today on a flight from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Miami. A great aerial question of how to beat thf housing shortage. TEL AVIV, Israeli blows writer says they could easily appeared today to have cut CKS SUPPORT . search was at once launched as This is the 1949 timetable: Dec. 31 The 80th Congress. the Egyptians' coastal corridor to Gaza. An Israeli spokesman the fuel supply was believed ex between 300 and 400 telephones were out of commission. Rain penetrating the cables was responsible ln practically all cases. Oily telephone superintendent limce Ijove said that the fact that the cables were admitting moisture in widespread parts of the city made it Impossible to give speedy repair service. The situation inspired a repeated, radio broadcast to the effect that complete service was impossible to maintain and tnat consideration be used in employ Republican and Whipped, meets 1-UNT JOHN, N.B.-To avoid hausted at five o'clock this said that the battle in southern Palestine was slackening. The fate of Gaza, Egyptian garrison morning. threshed out in a series of top-secret talks here. It Is the Senate, with its treaty-ratification powers, which must make the final decision for the United States. The alliance providing it reserves for Congress the final say on the United States going to war (as required by the Constitution) seems assured of approval. Government leaders hope, SEATTLE MAN CHINESE SHIP point north of the Egyptian border, seemed to end ,the second fight for control of the Negev Desert. have resulted in Canada having an iniiMrtant and lucrative whaling industry. Today, whale products have a multitude of uses; in the production of margarine, lartl and. soap, to mention but a few. There are 10 species of whales found in Canadian waters. Of these, three are on the verge of extinction, five are at a dangerously low population level and two are not commercially important. "The salient, fact concerning Canada," he continues, "appears to be that she has sat back ment of the telephones 3tlll in operation. meanwhile, that it will also get FROZEN DURING XM AS TREK FAIRBANKS, (P' William S. Street, 18, of Seattle, is in serious condition in hospital here today after a five-day trek In sub-zero weather In an effort to get home for Christmas. He border in the rugged White MAY BE STOLEN , SHHANGHAI The 5,000-ton Chinese steamer Haichl was reported missing after radioing that explosives had been- discovered in the hold. The ship, which carried 80 passengers and military supplies, is thought to have been seized by the to adjourn. Jan. 3 The 81st, Democratic and full of big Ideas, convenes to hear President Truman's proposals as laid down In his State - of - the - Union Speech (equivalent to the Governor-General's Speech from the Throne to the Canadian Parliament . Jan. 4-10 Truman delivers his budget-economic message, amplifying his Legislative suggestions. Jan. 20 - Truman and Vice-rrcsident-Elect Barkley are officially sworn into office for the next four years. the approval of the House of Representatives. That is not legally necessary but is con FIFTEEN JAP LEADERS FREED . TOKYO 9 a surprise amnesty order freed 15 high-ranking Japanese war criminal suspects this Christinas Eve. Three of the men were lnein- sidered of great moral-support nslun after Newfoundland Mrs the tenth province of ia, a movement aa in-' u(l here to change, the h" t this city, but the sug-on lost out. 1(1 Board of Trade appointed oimittee to study the id;-a. since then the Common '"'il went on record declaring the city luis no intenlion iakint? any change. fious organizations have 1 1)rotest inrt any change. llMl John was Incorporated 7M The chief city in New-dland is St. John's and with '"iindland as much a, port -anada as any other prov- 't is feared by some that two cities, each with almost sa,,if name and each on the 'n Atlantic coast cannot 10 some extent conflict. value to the Pact. POPE DEPLORES WORLD TREND FROM PEACE Two big money bills will be since time immemorial, uncon I bers of To jo's "Pearl Harbor" cerned, while foreign whalers closely lied to the Atlantic Al got lost near the Canadian River country and suffered frozen toes. Finally with the help of an. Indian guide he made 1S i t i pillaged our waters. . liance question. One concerns cabinet and some other, former cabinet members. Most of the the amount the United States "In 1948,' the one whaling industry operating; off the British 15 had been imprisoned for three years awaiting trial. should provide to bolster the Scott Creek Lodge and was thence taken to hsopital. Easily the most noteworthy i Columbia coast caught less than VATICAN CITY (P Pope Plus, drawing up: a sorrowful balance for 1948, declared to , .:.!., ,..,nrL. . iii military strength of Britain piece oi ium.smi.iwii v-unb'-- . . ,, r ....... lTYniirn tinH f tile Ho r benelux coun HELICOPTER . BEATS STORK ANCHORAGE ffi A baby girl, Winnie Marie, was born Monday to Mrs. Frelda Johanson, get IS me pi ujju.-i ii ivivu TO STOCKPILE WAR MATERIALS OTTAWA, (Pi Defence Min isler Claxton said today that iantic Security Alliance. Its im-1 plications, in terms of formal. United Slates military agree-' mcnl with non-North American countries, will make American history. Terms of the Pact, a tvo- tries. The other involves the second-year contribution to the European Recovery Plan, which cost the U.S. $5,300,000,000 this year. The Domestic Defence 'Budget, which Truman .ougges should be $15,000,000,000 rue.y wife of a Kenal homesteader, steps were being taken to stock day that once again the world is menaced by war. The Pontiff said in a Christmas message to the world that the past year, which at first appeared to be the hlart of a surge toward true peace, today "seems, instead, to be opening upon the edge of a precipice." Moral strength, the Pope who was rescued by helicopter AUPER" HAD 200 whales. In 1911, the take was 1,198. The catch of whales in Quebec waters in 1935. was 577. In 1945 it was 00. A Newfoundland whaling .station reported 105 whales taken in 1948 against 500 in 1917." Sunnninn; up, the writer says the slaughter of the world's whale herds is a classic example of the predatory nature of modern civilization. And today the fulur of the great creature is uncertain in spite of the fa"t that it got an eleventh hour reprieve by he International Convention of 1946. THE WEATHER Synopsis A fairly active storm approaching the Charlottes this Horning ls expected to have crossed all of the B.C. coast by tonight. Light rain is expected to precede the storm In the coastal area while snow flurries will accompany the storm in the interior sections of the province. Cold air Is following this storm and snow (flurries should be s'cneral in the Northern coastal section by tonight. continent reply to Russian tac pile certain strategic materials which Canada might find hard to get in event of war. He said there were six or seven materials but declined to name them. He also announced the production of an American jet fighter in Canada anticipated for 1949. tics in Europe, still are being spark another fight. SEWED UP AlGARY, Lemuel Bar-65-ycar old pencil peddler to the poVce today that ls '' penniless pauper. A l-0,-'arch revealed only "f- nts In his pockets, he ' ,wed them $5,000 sewn 1 lilt tnderweai-. , in a blizzard from a frozen lake last Wednesday? The Infant, weighing six pounds nine ounces, and the mother are both doing well. Mrs. Johanson was being flown here when the plane was forced down on a lake southeast of Point Possession on Cook Inlet. Three rescue planes tried to rescue the stranded passenger and pilot before the helicopter succeeded. said, ls necessary it trie worm Is to ndvance with a firm step towards peace. Also necessary is "the courage to look the truth In the eye." ONTARIO USES EXTRA WATER PRINCESS MAY VISIT CANADA LONDON, W The "London Star-' predicts today that Princess Margaret Ro.e will make a Forecast North Coast and Charlottes-Overcast with' rain this morn ACTRESS CUTS HER WRIST ing, becoming cloudy with showers this afternoon and eve WASHINGTON & The United i POUGHKEEPS1E.. N.Y., (f) nine. Cloudy with scattered NEW SKIPPER FOR NAVAL VESSEL "personal rather than official" holiday trip to Canada and the United States during the coming year. Faye Emerson Roosevelt, beau IK ... snow flurries Wednesday. Winds States state department said Thursday that it had approved plans by the .province of On intkknatiosalV basketball KKTCHIKAN, AU-Alaska Champs, vs. 'lUNCE KITEKT B-C. Champs T,UUSDAY, 9 P.M. southeast 35 this morning, shifting to westerly 25 to 30 this afternoon and decreasing to northwesterly 20 Wednesday. LOCAL TIDES OTTAWA 0 Lieutenant-Commander William S. T. Mc-Cully, 29, of Vancouver, was to- tiful actress wife of Elliott Roosevelt, son of the late president slashed her left wrist with a razor, early bunoay, police said today. Police said that the tario ior the diversion of water from the Wclland Canal to help Wednesday, December 29, 1948 18.7 feet appointed Commanding Of- meet the Ontario power shoit High INDIA'S PREMIER LEARNS ABOUT JET PLANES-Palldlt jawaharlal' Nehru, prime minister of India, Is shown in the cockpit of one of the Vampire jet planes, recently acquired by the Royal Indian Air Force, during a -demonstration at New Delhi An officer of the RAF. ls explaining the controls of the speedy aircraft to the premier. The R.I.A.F. also acquired some Liberator bombers from the R.A.F. wound was scll-infacted but 0:55 12:26 6:27 19:16 Continuing cool. Lows tonight and highs Wednesday: Port Hardy 33 and 37, Massett 29 and 36, Prince Rupert 2G and 35. 21.8 feet U'cer of the frigate H.M.CJS. 8.4 feet. AnUgonish, a unit of the Pacific 2.0 feet,coast leet- Low ag. An International treaty govern the use of Great Lakes water by either Canada or the Roosevelt maintained that it .was an accident. KID AY, 8 P.M. United States. ;