UIOUSF. Umrt.Jl prince nnp?it,Dafip mv$ Tuesday, December 28, 1943 f0 Modern Etiquette .By ROBERTA LEK rffMSPowfroA' costs mm rrfi mkms To GIVE CONdI WINNIPEG (f niez.o-snpni..,. An fi1 I mEZWgyg hjS,,, 6.400 174960 90632 ikiim hkii'm T-7 t m s domestic n , Bic a concert in It the h auditorium is 30-ycar-oui Gjli- who hu.H n, r c COIH-ert t . uc k USE YOIK X!M.S GIFT MONEY BOYS' Windbreakers and Snow Suits For All Ages Oa.l who speaks J Ukrainian mi , ntr pxttmttm ( a was mother i.wi L. lrt lri '-'i..t.i -Tii i II ! '417 .-r "'...,..'; Uncut l'lU.547 SV01 j'-v ueiore the Q. What arc the most important things to remember when setting the dinner table? A. Two of the most Important things are that the centrepiece be placed exactly in the centre, and that the chairs of the guests are exactly opposite each other. Q When calling on a friend, should a guest smoke without being Invited to do so? A. No. The guest should either ask for permission or await an Invitation to smoke. A hospitable host will usually suggest it. Q. Where should the carving knife be placed on the dinner table? A. The knife should be placed at the right of the meat platter, the fork at the left. lOCOMOTI M"f Cl5 MATIRWt a coal rw rm h bo,' r ' ' "',uiea Berlin the Second World Wir She said -chr. k.. I OIL i !U 0-3 U .r y 111 . "OY S WINDBKEAKEKS AND SNOWSl ITS 7 Complete stock of all size boy's Windbreakers and both - two-piece and three-piece Snow Suits. her nio.i.e, V .."au.lri seas but Slt HA lsi w ty 7; I 1 Lv ,-r.L 1 ' r2-J E RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE mum umimimmium m I i - III 1 h. W , The altove wrkKin, published in the Christmas issue of The Swnner, house orij.in (if the Canadian Pacific R.iiluav. lr.inhir.illv iMiistr.iu.s ilt AUSTRALIA'S AREj """""" area u 2w where many items have increased more than 50 ter cent ovrt pre-war rst. The same unprecedented increase is true in such important items as rolling stock units as well as in materials and wane. In the latter two categories costs have juni(ied over 65 per rent and 70 ier cent respectively since pre-war days while the price of most freight transportation ileitis lias gone up only 21 percent. if the C.l'.K. is to continue to pay its way and remain in business it simply cannot pity out for equipment, materials', wages ami other expenses, more than it takes in. The "baby clinic" cartoon shows that transportation costs in relation to freight rates have outgrown their "britches" to the point ,7 v siiRlitly than the United Statei. LIVELY HISTORY OF EASTERN PORT Advertise In the Daily News! nasslfteq ita.ea,') SUBJECT INTERIOR MINE n i f r SHOWS HEALTHY MILLIONS FOR SCHOOLS CLOVERDAL, B.C., Oi British Columbia plans to build schools la the province costing $50,000,000, Deputy Education Minister F. T. Fairey told a meeting in this Frascr .Valley centre. He said $16,000,000 already had been spent this year. of the harbor approaches netted nothing but hard work for the sweepers. These and many other aspects of the city's rule In half a dozen wars are outlined in "Halifax, Warden of the North" (McClelland and Stewart), Raddall's account of the city's 200-year history as naval station, garrison town, colonial and provincial capital. Anyone who failed to realize that for six years Halifatf was "in the line" may get a slight shock from some of Raddall's casual understatement: "They (the Germans) never attempted to sink the harbor lightships these were too useful as seamarks for their operations.' ' OBJECTIVE ACCOUNT mi end of No. 4 vein has been put up 175 feet since the start t;f nulling and has been continuously in good ore. The 1301 drift north is about to be extended to test continuation of a new ore shoot discovered prior to milling operations. Three additional flotation cells have been ordered for the zinc circuit. This will Increase mill capacity and reduce tailing losses, Mr. Wilson states. Silver Standard averager 52 employees In November of whom 18 were on undergrou.id work. two years after incorporation of the company. During the first quarter of 191D, Mr. Wilson expects the operation to be showing operating profit of between $25,000 and $35,000 monthly on the basis of milling 55 tons averaging $45 per ton. In the next few months it is planned to bring the daily milling rate up lo 65 tons. About one-half the values will be in gold and silver, with the balance in lead, zinc and cadmium. The report states that at urcs- : N.S. Author Catches Color i of City Founded to Defend , British America In "Halifax, Warden of the. North-By CHARLES BRUCE , Canadian Press Staff Writer - German failure to mine the approaches of Halifax Harbor emains a mystery of the war, says Thomas H. Raddall, the Nova Scotia novelist. So close did the fringe of the sea-war come to this nervp- TOD STATE IN YEAR From 1,578 tons of ore milled during November,' Silver Standard Mines Ltd., realized gross value of $46,700, reports Ridge-way W. Wilson, managing director. Heads averaged about $32 per ton and overall recovery was 92. f 7 p.m. - 9:09 FIRST FIR2 TrtUCK HARHISTY, Alta., 0 Residents of this Alberta municipality are to have fire protection. The town council has decided to purchase a truck and have It remodelled intp an up-to-date fire truck. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Qentre of the convoy system that merchant ships were at The A11(- book uuult Is 18 an an objective oojecuve ae Values vh.iucs arc arc in in gold, guiu, silver, stiver, lead. lead, cnt during . initial stoping operations, 10"s' it 11 is ls necessary n.tctS!ary to to break wreak tacked near the harbor, the cor- ar- velte Ciaquot, was sunk five 'count of Halifax from the day 'zinc and cadmium and the mine. miles off Sambro lichtshiD on 11 WIis founded as a fort in 1749, ships both lead and zinc con-lover . tons, of ore dal'y. in- Johnny Weissmuller . . l)afnport Iirenda Joyce , Michael Dm i" I 1 'Tarzan and the I I 'Keeper of Mermaids the & SHIPS and- ing and general repahr liig. The Escapee visited Prince Rupert n the summer of 194. to offset French power, until to- centrates to Trail Smelter. Cal-1 creaSin6 costs considerably. As marine sank the minesweener da'. v'hen c!tJ' planning is a w BO ulc """e siope is cuiated mill heads were $3.15 w Esquimau within sight of it in postwar problem. All through in gold; $9.50 in silver; $3.G0 in wiiijicw;u uus CUIlQUlOn Will disappear. April, 1945. But except for one iu iiisu.'iy iwo largely conn a- j itau, aim i.io in zinc. dictory roles have made Hali- I . . w - . . . .v. W J OWVLC Oil i U . MATINEE WEI). 2:30 M "catch" of several mines in June, 1943, the Canadian Navy's sweep larTOrli fax a city that can't be typed I ine mmc averaged $12,000 in l vein, 1301 leei, has shown according according to to formal formal nattrn i Peratmg Profit in October end ore reserves aDDroximarpiv Mutp EVENINGS i ENINGS 7:(M) 7:00 - - 9 9:15 ' The Canadian Atlanut- liners. Empress of France and 2. l; press of Canada each spent Chnntmas Day on the ocean. Eaiih vessel could boast more tnan a ton of roast turkey, plus plum pudding with none of the trimmings overlooked. And each hr.d a twenty-foot Christmas tree, cut in the forests of New Brunswick. Her world position in wartime iNovembcr after starting produc- times the original calculation of . I tion on SeDtember 9 1ok. ihin wi a ,,. .. CHIROPRACTOR strategy has always been at votis. n lame on me norm WATERFRONT AAA Waterfronts all along British Columbia's coast lacked the cur-tomary sounds of marine activity between Friday afternoon and Monday night. Ships were moving, of course. But as far as possible all craft large and small, tied up, officers and- men enjoying holiday" fare, and in frequent cases,1 Christmas trees were lashed to masts. odds with her place as the trading and cultural centre of her own hinterland. Her very incorporation was delayed for nearly 100 years because it. would have restricted the application of military discipline; civic development had John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Bcsncr Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOIKS '10:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. EYF.NrsoS Monday and Friday. 7:30 p.m. foi those unable to come during tlx day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. to adjust itself to arsei.als, block houses and barracks in the centre of the town; ipon- sible government for Nova Sco TICKETS NOW ON SALE Show Starts at 11 :.')() Friday, December 51 ON THE STGE . ON Till; S( III KS First of the Canadian Pacific's tvo new 6,000-U6n pas.senp.tT ships for the coast service, the Princess Marguerite is due in Victoria March 12, following a 9,500-mile voyage from Scotland, there will bo trial trip.? on the Clyde January 26-29. Thu Princess Patricia will follow In April. tia had to be won in a breathing-space between wars. Raddall treats it all objectively. The people who- hud a hand In the building of Halifax move through his puges with the color, of life the governors honest and corrupt, the generals, (.IM.Ul ItOdlKl t'OKN'LL W1I.KE in GIFTS TO LUCKY GUESTS To help Nova Scotia Uher-men avoid serious bait khnria NEW LUXUKT STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY " at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT 1i ci F I jl 1 1 "It Had to Ik You sagacious and foolish, tne mer i i if i is tail lis British Columbia herring opera tors are expected to start out chants upright and knavish, trie, ladies virtuous and otherwise; the nameless thousands who '.(sacjo:!, m early in January, for c,s as two million pound., much ill be l. To lived within sight of her cita A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" NEW YEAR GIFTS AND VERY APPROPRIATE LAKGK ROOMY HOOKING CHAIR covered In tapestry, fits in with your chesterfield suite. Priced at SS'-SO BED RECLINING RELAXING CHAIR can be made into a bed for your guests. Priced ,$!)g.r0 OTTOMANS covered in green vclour with attached cushion $35.00 LlqUOR CABINET with all accessories, finished In walnut burl. Priced $123.00 Many other items suitable for Mew Year gifts. I'hime 773 327 3rd Ave. needed on the east del, the nameless tho housitnds j ' wait-! catch herring in B.C. wat:rs who tramped her piers to to now will require snecial nrrmk. lng ships. V.YI I OJ 1 VIA slon in view of the closed ,n For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFI ICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. and such will be granted. Tin-government will pay freight i 1 u I lv V A costs up to three cents per pound. JUST ARRIVED (JILSON GAS WASIIKKS Urigjfs and St ration Motors 2-Year Guarantee Rupert Radio and Electric I. .wi! SHORT WAVE NEWS SERVICE VANCOUVER, (P Canadian university, newspapers have established a short-wave radio news service operated by amateur radio "hams." The first "ham"' credit line appeared recently in the Daily Ubssey, university newspaper. Students' news is transmitted from campus to campus. The three British Columbia bachelors, "Pip" Brock, Bob Fortune and Jack Wells who sailed last summer aboard tin sailing cutter Escapee for o vagabond cruise to the South Seas have been having advtn- 313 3rd Hox 1321 tures. They were chased by o fiji hurricane, and aside from the necessity for repairs, the Es SKIERS PLAYHOUSE FOIt PRINCE Mrs. Clement' Attlce wife "of England's prime minister, is coming out of the 10-foot high Tudor cottage built by three firemen and accepted by H R H Princess Elizabeth on behalf of her baby son. It is now on display at "Quality Fair," in aid of the Margaret McMillan Memorial Fund for Nursery Schools. Sponsors hope to raise 250 000 by this and other displays. The little boy at right is not identi- capee is due for a bottom scrr.p- SWISH, into theNewYecir f Mofoirists Oct your supplies ak Gordon's. We are in a position to offer you an excellent stock of equipment. THIS AND THAT i I , ! hi ! x ' BE WINTER. WISE! Present road conditions make your car work harder. Protect it by having a complete lubrication job done. Drive In now to BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION with the gay assurance that comes with that feeling of being groomed for any occasion. Sweet Sixteen has a fine display of striking formats and after-five gowns that fit right In with the holiday mood. MARKDOWN NOTES Prices are reduced on COATS, Fi ll-TRIMMED ANI TLAIN CKEPK and mm-mi t r I WOOL DRESSES RI.OI'SES and 2nd and Mr Bride OR riione 791 CREPK S KiinS. A small deposit holds any purchase and the Sweet Sis Personalized -BUDGET PLAN can be used to take care the balance. No Interest No Carrying Charge. Our Sincere Wishes to All for a .Happy, Prosperous New Year MM i:iLINDSAY.lMOTORS LTD. HI ill THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Avenue "My, what a lovely tree!' Phone BLACK 884