vided by the Chapter knd Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, fYb: iiury 13,l!'5o. , the lf leiidint; part is taken bv Record Fine obxer- ? u?m a. members in the annual "Ill y" ; FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY- " ' - Daughters Of Empire Are Wei I And Usefully Organized Here i By MRS. J. A. TENGi . Tii' i i I 4 knitted and sewn, for distribution to the bombed . out victims of Britain. " Stf'Ijilie'-t Vevti ntti' Poland , Large quantities of lieid comfort . wt-re also made by the members. The Chapter raised large .sums of money and contributed generously to all the Na CLOU Of Service VMirf nf Ufcoraliou lay. Many Aetivities Unfler its Child and Family. Welfare work the Chaple.-works for and contributes to the local Civic C.ntre. The Chapter ass'sted in raisin1' funds for the Canadian ror CoU u, . Prater kuju-it umuy Nvs Lttl ::nt Aveniif. Prince Hiwn, British CnlunibU. A CLTi:r. MMnniM:u' Terror. H O PERRY. M:iiiaslng Director. URMHKR OP CANADIAN PRF-S AI'IjIT BURM! OF IRITL.ATION3 CANADIAN DAU.y NFVSPAPFR ASSOC1 ATICiN fcUbSCRIPTtON RATf.r, uuj curler, per Wn-K a c; Per Mut.iii. 75c: Per Tear 8io Aj q A-'iTetj-. BT Mall. Pc-r Month B(ic. Prr Tear. 5 00 V;i. tional Futuls. iWritten in connection with the Fif'.ieth'Anniversary Observance) ,. The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, ' better known as the I. 0. D. E., was founded on February 13, 190ft, by Mrs. Clark Murray of Montreal Thev also contributed to Uie Institute for the Blind. Am Abridged History Of (ueen Mary Chapter I. O. D. E. By MRS. D. C. STUART) Queen Mary Chapter, Prince Rupert, one of the six first I. "9 JACKETS Special Mtn't Dresj SH Pure wool, 0!,:1" Provincial "Spitfire" Fund and The Chapter aiso sponsored . hal ed fh the adopt In of the a Junior Cnapter ' H. M. C. S. iri ;aie H. M. C. S. Prince Ku-', Hakia" which was organized in 1 Regular women's who envisioned an organization of ; 1944. and o. D. E. Chapters in Canada, port NOW Men's SOX Bigg J children's chapters in every city and town of Canada was agnized in aio and nam- Busy war Day : Empire st" has bPen ken . - , , ed after ne beloved Queen prince Rupert being a sra- 'P "y the Chapter since 1933. rrii t s t v, T-1 and 01 the t nl'ltisn - hmpire. lhe 1. U. U. L. W a VOlUn- Mother. It received its Charter ,efeic point, of defence and also ; During the war the Chapter tary, patriotic, non-sectarian. : in January 1911. sub-port of embarkation for i had addresses at their monthly nun-political, philanthropic or- and L0yaity - The Municipal The first task of the Chapter the U. S. forces, thousands of ; meetings by the various heads sanation. Its motto is "One cnapter .has established a was the furnishing of a ward both Canadian and U. S. forces of tne armed torces and war Flag. One Throne. One Em- Sl,halarship fund and presents failed the Queen Mary Ward in were stationed here and hun-! services stationed here, r-ire." Durine the cist 50 years , t1nn n, .-,w . f tv tha noulv hnilt Ceneral Hostti- rii-eds of them were entertained Duiing the years much nion- rrom ... f. inn Reauhrv ' - u tuu wuiomj tain iibi l7 utc ' ' 1 ' - ' ' .' ----- ' - - has been raised and has fifty nnlw he Order has made steady pro- student rankins hiihest in the tal which ward has been main- in the homes of the members of gross and now has a membership Graduation Class of Booth Me- tained in first class condition he Chapter ho aUo acted as """"u"lrl1 J f,u" M' ft I.O.D.E. Fifty Years Old JT HIS IS A MEMORABLE DAY in the history of 4 - - the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire .because it is the fiftieth Anniversary of its found-'-QAs Mrs. Frank'?. McCurdy,' National President of the I.O.D.E., says, the order can look back over the past fifty years with pardonable pride that it has courageously faced heavy duties and responsibilities and written in service to humanity a story that will long be remembered. The I.O.D.E. is a' voluntary, patriotic, non-sectarian, non-political, philanthropic organization. Its stirring motto 'One Flag, One Throne. One Empire," has 'burned like a flame in the hearts of its members in this Dominion since the dawn of the twentieth century. It was the realization of the dream of a Scottish woman. Margaret Poison Murray (Mrs. J. Clark Murray1, wife of a professor at it,v:ii tt:..,...'.. tit i ...t, : ,: i ., mortal High School. This bur- throughout the years and tnis chape rones for the dances held "' uuu v,iin m Ca:vacu. irom rrince ward Island to the Yukon, of fary was wort last year by Ken- year is being completely refur- by the Y. M C. A as well as to our own Provincial u v Kt.OAT5 Cancer Fund. J tvU. WUl m re than 32.000 women in 930 nished neth Laurie. who is now fur-; The Chapter contributed gen- chapters. thering his education in the In 1912. two lots were pur- rously to the Servk-e Librar- lllr " " n a very j g , p.- ,.harf frnm t ho Provincial tnc Wiimi.anrl alan nrrvi!"Lert healthy Condition and BianV J '"IJ With a program designed to gont'n Carss Chapter! Government, which were later books for the troop stationed nfw and yun? member! have wool cloth, tej stimulate patriotism, foster when Adair irtuty withm the British com- disbanried in 1932, the "Hill turned over to Municipal Chap- in barracks adjacent to Prince "" " "M fixes the old timers, many of whom wealth and Empire, assist m chapler having a .large iter on which lots a Hall was Rupert.. membership, decided that half 1 erected. . Queen Mary Chapter Bv request the Chapter held wve -h oir my, ina; the youth in Canada bv further in their education, cherish th of their members would form a contributed towards the build- a "tag" dav for the Chinese War : tve or passed away memory of their heroic deeds, n-w chanter tn he named T.m. I tne and its maintenance Two. Relief at which over 700 was forward every good work for the hra" after th httb nt Com.' vears jpo as the buildine had rnitiprl Now only I cetterment of their country and people and develop hiuh standards of cuizenship, the I. O. D E. lias progressed along IS Classified ad b-'r.g results: Listen brai, taking' for their motto: imtlived its' usefulness, it was Tne members .also canvass-' By Faith -Not by Force of sold, the Chapter receiving iis ed lor the Auxiliary Sei vices Arms." This chapter is still in .--hare of the proceeds of the : Drive and did their pjrt in the existence and doing good work, sale which are being used for distribution of ration books. Another Junior chapter was educational and other I. O. D. ; Educational work has always formed in 1944. This chapter! E. work. . 1 hinh-lighted the Chapter's ao- was named "Galloway Rapids"' , During World War I, the Bursaries, prizes, calen-but was later changed to "H. Chapter raised over $4000 to- dars. magazines etc. have been iuctim univeixiy, .vtoiiueai, wnu lMtuieu an ws represented bv the follow ! I 1 1 tui organization of women's and children's chapters r-i major departments; Edu- . ' - . . , , . . i cation. War Memorials. Child m 'every city and town of Canada and of other parts : .,nd Family welfare. Ex-Ser- ?-:t-ri F.mniro fwlm-it! TVTnv.inir.ol Pvm-iV,,; -.1 Personnel. Empire Infor- M. C. S. Haida," a proud na-1 wards the equipping of the old given. Four schools have been tliv. J i 1 J I J J 1 . 1( 11V. 1 (llttl 111 illLIJU. 1 JUl. 1 1 L' i ti V. IU1 . j. .i , T ,. , . . . ..ijuu:,. iimnisuuun u w.r 'tive name. The younsr jrlrls of. steamer Prince George as a adopted and libraries and pic- aiiti iciLnmui . napteis tor seiice to iing ariti acuanizauon. rums, war-ume this chapter are striving to hospital ship. lures presented to them, keep that record of hiah stand-1 After the formation of the The Chapter has taken part ard in all their work. j Red Cross in Prince Rupert the in the observance of all patrio- f Fluwrrs (in All I, 300 3rd Aw Bmii i na post war services. Bursaries and Scholarships are awarded to children of service per- The last chapter to be form- Chapter worked in co-opera- tic days and also in Interces- Country and for the promotion of a better understanding among the peoples of the British Empire. Mrs. Murray's vision has indeed been realized. The I.O.D.E. has no paid officers. Its work is sonnel of both the First and ed ln Prince Rupert was thej tion with them In their vanei sion Day Church parade. For HON. Second Great Wars "Duchess of Edinburgh the war activities. i many years the Chapter had a 1 The first chapter m Prince nucleus members bein over-! The Chapter took part in the thriving Brownie Pack. In 1935 For Friendly S W. T. STRAITH Rupert was organized in 1910 seas War Brides. They selected i nation-wide registration of man , the Chapter received through the voluntary effort of public spirited women who by tne iate Mrs. h. f. Du u Vernet veinei as their motto "Second to None.'i power in June 1918 and also the kindness of Her Excellency And Advice ir jana was namea auer ine men and tney are Uvlng up to tWs participated in the raising of . Lady Tweedsmulr. two books ! Queen Mary. It's motto being mftto ' . . . 535c D tor Belgian relief and from Her Majesty Quern Mary ! ' Lyalty to the Order." This A11 the chapters have adopted contributed huge hampers of to be given as prizes to an aa- Building, Insulcl Decorotion Prot J 'i s 9 .. I t mapiei nas uone auu sun t a milies overseas and send food1 clothing for the people of the opted school, doing a great work. They have pai.cels regUlarly. Replies have' devastated areas in Europe. The Chapter raised $1550 for as their adopted schools "Bor pledge true allegiance to the Crown and who are sewing their country faithfully and well. Possibly in no place in Canada is the work of the I.O.D.E. more splendidly exemplified than right here in Prince' Rupert where today, as in the past, many , patriotic and hard working women pre engaged in its activities. - - !v r . ISLAND Cf been received from recipients During World War II, there the Second War Memorial of these parcels and it is heart- was a large increase in mem- Fund. ening to hear how these gifts bership and activity. Several In 1932 the Chapter assumed are appreciated. groups of ladies, not members the responsibility of the care The members of the I O D E ! of the Order, worked for the unrl imltppn nf the "Rnlrlier's BUILDERS' Sl'l den St. School" in Prince Ru-! pert, "Elementary School and High School" at Terrace, th "Queen Mary Ward" in the M L A. will broadcast an important talk on 'Education' CFPR 10:15p.rn.Dia1 1130 General FtniiV-r nor, Mci'.iidc st. Prince Rupert General Hospi- jn prince RupeI-t are proud to Chapter, turning out enormous Plot" in the lo:al cemetery, tal is maintained by this chap- long to such an organization quantities of clothing, ' 4)oth Markers for the graves are pro-ter. ' Monthly donations are giv- . and on their fiftieth Annivers-i - - - en to the Civic Centre and many ' ary are pledging, themselves blanches of work, too numer- anew to live llp t(J Oirobiiga.. ST. VALENTINE'S DAY EARTS ATD FLOWERS, love and kisses, are H- -. pretty weak Valentine's Day fare. . 4--.. 1 1 .1. 11 -t i MILLIE"! Ihe New MONAPXH Is Here! uii.-. w "'"iMUM a.c "ii tion to be of service-to God, by this chapter. Klng and country. . - SNACK tl me iangeuiuiK cnapier was , wean, mat is, comparetrTo-Toruarv m "go- formed m 1914. This was a jun- H MORE BEAUTIFUl F ft THAN EVER! xST- 'ZTx ' NOV.' McKnighl Case Bigger and i in 1 1 if! inus-on in years long past. For Valentine's Dav has k''' chapter. They later changed V . . xV," . I their name to ''Girl Guides wt-ii, celebrated m some form or other 4'isince chapter" and did a great amout RolilPn times . ' v t i J o work until they disbanded. ivtulWn limt. . . v f .t- . i frneV "Hill 68" ' -chapter was Is Adjourned , riiLU In city poace court bh Satur- wt What beeran as a naean festival in iioiwe"' honor-t.fomtect in i5-nd named af- hambur: ter the "Battle of Hill 60." The lav lnree aajournments on tne members of this chapter did a rpnuest of defence ccjnsel. Roc MacLeod, were allowed by Mag Better and ! AND -wonderful, work and only re Full Cmnsi' V.-. cently disbanded,' ' . ' "The Adair Carss" chapter was formed December 13, 1917, istrate H. D. Thain Preliminary hearing Into the breaking and entering charge against George McKnight was ."Moving, Pa kinc, Crating, Shi)iin anil General Cartace and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd.. 'or Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies, Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Ef 1910 Phillies 0 and fi8 5 " p!S and was named after Lt. Adair m-n saint at all and certainly ot the good Valentine was gradually changed in Christian centuries so the story goes into a feast ;oTve and goodwill . ' . '. V 2 : The beginnings of this long-lived custom .are rathsr uncertain. There seems to have been no fewer than eight saints called Valentine. " Historians, however, have settled on one of tho Carss young Prince Rupert adjourned until Wednesday. OPPN 6 am. toll Angus McEachern, charged barrister who was killed at Vi- Just ntf Tliin! 1 with unlawfully making nitro- Riilirp in in the the lirst 1 i i-Qt 9r 'Great my fiih St. Ph.HH War. They took as their motto glycerine, was again remanded until Tuesday afternoon. 'Lest We Forget." One of their projects was the uoket-p' and Sol- eVht as being most closely connected with the day. ' caring for the Returned oiers' Plot in Fairview C il !i I T" Ceme Charged with creating a disturbance, Kenneth Panter and his wife Harriet, charged with intoxication, were both remanded until next Saturday morning. The two were picked up in the early hours of January 2f on Third Avenue. . jui-in n. Win WE BULGER tery. After the chapter disbanded this work was taken over by the Queen Mary Chapter. I The Prince Rupert Municipal Chapter was formed on Febru-, ary 1Q 1919. This "Chapter has jurisdicton over all the other chapters. Its motto is "Unity EBY & SONS Contractors REPA1KS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.n.A. Phone Green 883 Box 546 If Winter corr-e Spring be forbi Use Bo prone fa decoration Thompson Her Co. Ltd. ; ' ' i OITf)METRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue CABS York Hotel, 3rd Ave Stand : 1 his is the St. Valentine, who was beheaded m Kome February 14, 270 A.D., during the reign of Claudius II. He died at Rome's Flaminium Gate. It is believed his death coincided with the Roman pagan festival of Lupercalia, observed on February 1TC Love entered the picture even then. The day, in honor , of Jan and Juno, gave Roman-youths a' chance to pick lots for their sweethearts of the coming year. That's the historical background. Legend ha.-; proceeded to weave other stories around the name of the good St. Valentine. It is said he was a matchmaker, that he defied Mf emperor's decree against marriage by Roman soldiers and secretly heard the marriage vows 01 young lovers. For this, it is said, he was thrown into prison and subsequently beheaded. Legend also holds that St. Valentine was a friend of his jailor's daughter and that before he died he wrote her a letter, signing it as young-lovers do today "from your Valentine." HOLLYWOOD cafe See Os Fid FOR BOYS WW MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY A, OPEN FROM 8:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. ve bpeciallze ln Chinese Dishes Always Prompt and CourtequsJ We're Here to Serve YOU Commodore Cafe? ; "Hospitality and Good Food' J " Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders ? 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr 5 1i!l!!!IIIIflf!I!lliI111fflB tCXli HI STEAMER CHOP SUEY CIIOW MEIN O SNOW5UITS PARKAS JACKETS and complete outfits the school boy For Outside Orders PHONF. 133 V 3 Tills advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boari r by the Oovemment of British Columbia. PRINCE GEORGE THE SPORTS SHOP COLD or HOT ! 5 ' i i ! ' ' 'i C ':'-'. i ; f i- '';.' PHONE 79 PHONE 79 C22 3rd Ave. I HUtlUUT pmrmanj' SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermedial. Ports Each Thursday . at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGH1 For Reseivatlon KC OH Ml- DRVCl ( j V DRUGS ' " if! J : J ! PRESCRIPTION CHEMISE b'lOKE HOURS--WEEK DAYS, A M W 1 Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. A new home built right is never too cold or too ho Plan to Build NOV CONTRAClwRS AND BUII RERS RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 For Plans and Estimate- It's GREER 8, BRIDDEN SUNDAYS AMI ' .13 N(H)N T1 ' HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE 7 P M TO P M Emergeni'J ... MANTZ CLAIMS NEW SPEED TITLE Famed speed pilot Paul Muntz is shown at a New York airport after setting a new unofficial transcontinental record for conventional, piston-driven planes by flying from California to New York in a reported four hours, 53 minutes and 17 .seconds. If Mantz's claim that he has broken the rf xistiwg record of five hours and five seconds is sustained he will f,nm 1 UN. 1 Daily car delivery service from 9 urn. till B p.m .nrl Sun