,as follovrs: Kinsmen vs. Boy; Scouts, Junior High School vs.' Frmee Rupert Daiiy Hewi Monday. February 13.1950 ;h SchotJ vs. i ,Sea Cde. and Hit Peoples. - '"iffUo,, between the BASKETS Basketball Brownwoods TASTY & ECOHOi c i i . "V rur i-uncnes Or Cold Plate Supper MAPLE LEAF Bologna . IS HARD TO BEAT :pr Quality and Savings This week Prince Rupert Jets are playing four games in Alaska, the lirst tonight at MetlaKatla. Tuesday night they play KeU'hi-kan Elks; on Wednesday, the second and final game f thi Metla-katla series, and on Thursday, again meet the Elks at Ketchikan. Coach, Angus Macphee is unable to make the northern trip and the team will be masterminded from the bench by George Howe. The players, enroute on the Princess Norah this afternoon, are Rupert Holkestad, Ted Arney, Ray Spring, Syd Scherk, Joe Davis. Don. SiUerk, Jim Flaten and Bill Sunberg. Don Forward, business secretary of the Basketball Association is acting as team manager. Buy Bologna by MAPLE LFaj Move Ahead High School Relegated to Cellar in Senior Basketball Brownwoods iuoved into second ulace in Senior Basketball League on Saturday night by virtue of their 55 to 44 -in over Bo-Me-Hi. Second place Is an j important berth to hold as the season draws closer to play-oils which will be limited to the two top teams. Co-op has a secure hold on top position with 11 wins and three losses. Brownwoods haw 5 wins and 8 losses and High School 5 wins and 10 losses. Res;. Lavie.ne paced his team to a smart victory, getting 18 points. Everett Herec was a key man with 12 and played bang-up ball throughout the game. Spring was high for the students with 13, Webster getting 8 and Carlson arid Scherk, 7 each. High School was in command dol ing the first quarter and until nenr the half when Brownwoods headed off their lead at 23 to 22 : "a .., - Vt 1 Rupert's first three years, i meet real i on their Elks i 'iS ..fi norhr w,1" Xfwu SL Wa l." and they expect U to v TNf'AIui 4 opposition. They w series by a narrow margin annus i MANUFACTURERS' AGENT Wholesale WarehtNtse carrying represm pnNipt Mnrice U Uia tr. GOODYEAR TIRE It RUBBER CX.-. Tires, t, hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO. Lamps (, and incandescent, B to 230 volts. GENERAL BATTERY, CO. of CANADA R4 flashlights, ignition butteries. O. II. WOOD & CO.-Industrlal sanitation. pap?, deodorizers. DUSTBANE CO. of B. C Dustbane, Risal, fe hotel and restaurant gupiilies. IMPERIAL WIPINO RAO CO. and nllwri CANADIAN ATHLETES PARADE The Canadian team at the British Empire games is shown here In a rehearsal "march past" at Auckland, N.Z. Although it mav not have made much of a showing, the Canadian team had the reputation of be . the smartest apjearing at the games. (CP. Photo) the Christmas holiday, but the . Elks have the advantage of play- I ins on their own floor this time. Meiiakaila Vets always have a top-notch team and here again the locals are assured of stiff ; competition. The games will be covered for fans by Don Forward, who wire in reports to this news and kept, alxad for the remainder of the game. The students ' played well but could not get scored 6 of 10 free throws. Brown-their shots in particularly in the woods making 9 out of 15. last period when they missed Bo-Me-Hi Spring 13, Carlson enough to win them the game. 7, Scherk, S., 7, Moore 4, Webster Brownwoods proved that they 8, Bill 3, Ratchford 2, Sharpe. Mc-are a better team when they have Chesney, Kristmanson. Total 44. a first period deficit than when r Brownwoods Sunberg 8, Gur-they have a commanding lead, vich 2, Pierce 12, Lavisme 18, i Saturday night they did their, Shier 5, Owens 2, Thompson 6, Fans will have plenty of bas- j this week even though Senior League will not oper- till Saturday. Tomorrow night j are three games scheduled,, PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY 712 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 The besi known home remedy you can use to relieve i ! miseries is ' MICKS i : VapoSus WE CANT FIX BROKEN HEARTS BUT WE CAN FIX BROKEN RADIOS Call Blue 992 90 Day Guarantor KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 PHOTO FRAMES Frome Type Mounts Roo our fine selection of fdass and melal frames WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday, 9 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday 1 :30 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AN II PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. FOR NORTH QI'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Feb. 17 ' ' 10 p.m. ' FOR SOUTH tJl'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Feb. 24 10 p.m. ; FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5(18 BLONDIE A CLASSIITED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILLS Professional and 11 i best work in me secona nan in stead of .shooting all their fire in the first. Slatta and Ciccone rofereed a hard-fought game and kept it well under" control. They called 13 on Bo-Me-Hi and 10 on Brownwoods. Sid Scherk left during the final minutes of the game via the foul route. High School DOLCIN EASES THE PAINS OF Schedule For ! 10-Pin Bowls j Iriday ; Feb. 17 Thorn Sheet Metal vs Paramounts, Leftovers vs. City Transfer, A. E. Smith vs. Clover-leafs, Gyro vs. Mugwumps. Feb. 24 A. E. Smith vs. Mugwumps, Gyro vs Cloverleafs, Leftovers vs. Thorn Sheet Metal, Paramounts vs City Transfer. Munewumns vs. Leftovers, rata-'! mounts vs. A. E. Smith, Clover-leafs vs. Thorn Shoot Metal..-Sunday ' ' Jan. 29 Pr. Rupert Plumbing vs. W.E.A.C, Savoy vs 99 Taxi, Roval Hotel vs GroUu. Comnie rial Hotel vs Liquor Control Board. Feb. 5 Savoy vs. Royal Hotel, Liquor Control Board vs W IJ.AC . Pr. Rupert Plumbing vs Commercial Hotel, Grotto vs 99 Taxi. TU1 adyertlsemelit la not puhlisheil or dUiilityed by the Llnnor Control Board or by tha Government Ot frilikh Columbia. -By CHIC YOUNG Feb. 12 99 Taxi vs Pr. Rupert ; Plumbing, Commercial Hotel vj loeal Grotto, Liquor Control Board vs will oy;d Hotel, W.E.A.C. vs Savoy, paper. ! Feb. 19 Liquor Control Board jketball ;vs Savoy, W.E.A.C. vs Royal Hotel, .the 'Commercial Hotel vs 99 Taxi, Pr ate Rupert Plumbing vs Grotto. there Fans 1! 1 1 654 M.a.t a.M i or . tJvrrltMmtnt not publithcd or displayed b) : Liquot Contrl Bowd by iht Govemmen SAVOY iioti:i. W. L. WOODS, Proa ellONF. 37 r.). 1H)X 13 ; FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Bill 2. Total 55. INTERMEDIATE The Merchants won a smart Intermediate victory over the league-leading Fashion by an overwhelming 37 to 21 score. The game was featured by some fancy ball-handling on the part of young Bob Anderson for Merchants who scored 7 points. Lead-ling the scoring parade for the .winners were Marshall with 14 and Boulter with 11. The game was much cleaner than the usual set-to between these teams and referees Large and Calderonl called only five fouls on Merchants and 7 on Fashion, Merchants shooting 5 of 9 posibles and Fashion 5 of 8. Each team was without regular players, Haugan and Hebb are on the Fashion injured list and Dumas of Merchants is on the j Sick list. Fashion led 10 to 6 at the first quarter but was held to one single point in the second, the half ending all even at H points, for each team. In the third and fourth periods Merchants swarmed over Fashion for their decis ive win. Merchants Marshall 14, Walsh, Currie, Christoff 2. Boulter 11. Anderson 7, Davidson 3. Total 37. Fashion Gill 5, Intermela 4. Lien 2, Morrison, Hill 7, Scharff 3, Watson. Total 21. It's business wise to advertise. Advertise m the. Daily Newi! Lilies We Hope! -t'-:'?- Stones vs. Boy Scouts, Dom's vs. Peonies. Fashion vs. North Star. will have an extra night of' basketball Thursday with games -t-inrir7i C333IDGCD 0OC3 Tills advrttK uttnt in not putollstatd displayed by th Liquor Control Board or by th Government of BriUvb. ColaatbU, CHIROPRACTOR John V. L. HushM, D.C, Ph C 21-22 Besner Block Plume ISLL'E 442 for OFFICE CLOSED During Cold Weather Open Again About End of February Bytown Machine Work! RfKK 4', Rales Service and Part CMll M. J. S.V Simplex Gas Engines New, Mndr; Jhp.- 185 hp. I All Wort C. Cummins Dependable Disel 65 hp. 5Mhp. A P. GARD' Inquire about our lonR term Chartered ,' Warranty and Service a L BI Prince K i Apprrat : SIDNEY GONICK Feb i-is-o ! OPTOMETRIST , f, Feb. 15-April j rt' Tf "' Complete Visual Analyst OFFICE HOURS 1 ' 9 a m. to 5 p.m. M ARC AFX 23 & 24 Besnrr Block ; ' Telepnone 212 j Evenlncs by Appointment I STONE t DR. GARNET E. II. "Z I MONTGOMERY VZ 1,1 j DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block p0 Phone 525 P.O. Box i21 Hera i huhi of iniportnnr to all wh iuttar tit and diMromlort of rthnlia and rhfumulutm. 1 nouaiuiu el vitiima ui Oieno (iiaeimea reporl tlml they have bta tl.le to rinuine their normal orcupatiODJ and eiu-a mora enjoy the fuJIneas of living by taking IKH.CIsT Cm to your druggist todnj and get DOi.rlN which ia a akiUfuily roninoourh d iiriMiuct deaiKnerl to bring promof relief of palna tine to tirthritie, rlieunuttiatn, a itira and neoritu. l'rotit hy the exiarieore of niHiiy thousand. HrjaulU are what count. Whether vour rheumalmm ur arthritia bi mild cr severe. dtn't delay! tiet your UOi-CIM l;dkjLa today frtrn your druegiat . . . foi pritmpt and jiroloneed relief Iroo. tha paiiii anil miaerv of rheumal iom, arlhritia. lumltago, tt latu-a and ueuritui. Tliere ia no reaaaa (of you to aufler W'n thai may t) corupletela peeillem. lor DOl.t'lN eol amazingly lillle. One hundred recioua (ahleta rust ouly . . . tha itrge. eininnv-ii.e bottle of 50C tahleta niilv $10.00. The aooner you uM 1 a X.CIN. the wainer xtntr condition may bi improved, tiet your UOI.OIN today I lili.Uin l.imiteJ, Turonta 10, Ontario. -Trimmed With Water w GEORGE m Public Acmliu tors. Incomf O. L. BOH: S. B Besner Bloc HAND HOME GENERAL CO: Building in' li ROOFS -OIL B PH01 Black 334 P.O. B & W Cord Wxk1. KinrllinR riioNi KAIEN mil ROT K : BASEMENT nluii MAT' UFH Phone BH"1' 330 9 ' Rupert Bakery Ltd. For Cakes Pies . Bread, etc THE HOME OF FINE BAKERY PRODUCTS 519 3rd Ave. Phone f.43 MARCIIANI) VORTEX IKON IMu miring SMITH PHONE 174 OIL HEATERS OIL BURNERS FIREMAN STOKERS f & Healing Alloralions & ELKINS LTD. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waring Beaut; Culture in all its tranche 204 4th Street Phone 855 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE C0LUSSI Phone BLACK 758 072 10th East DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 0, SMITH BLOCK Phone 75 P.O. Box 1401 QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels and Worn Sole. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Bo 774 Second Ae Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West Prtnce Rupert Really Co.) Phones: Green 667-Day.i New Residence Phone Number Red 004 Newspaper advertising pays of r In dividends. BOX 274 The Bumstcad Sanitarium. " r-TjnFs& : .ijjiLiiiaiiiiM' J 'A- f.p'.Cr A MOUSE i; 1 -Iji CZ e- fs , . "'I I XJ-L1-- JUST PAN ACROSS I:'- --- 7 ITS SO GOOOTO) Ij IT'S BLOMPIE J-r,t- - JTyi $Sf BJe K ' w" SET HOME -THAT C t SCPEAM.NG.'A' V "T. MURU STJ?' OFFICE IS SUCH ) V I I I'M COMING V1 OV& Jn ?uP ' a madhouse & i DEAR- iV.I 1 -V nic? ?lrl VLy- A, 4 O iNm 'fs$M Sway-Back! zszf&pjr-r Pm tee'&s rKi fM , . ' ' " " , , hi - v 1 ' j", t.V, ; r3j'jii -r BING! BANG! BIFF! THE GRUDGE BASKETBALL BATTLE The Mid-Century Rotary Giants "World Circling Stars", versus Gyro Giant-Killers "Hometown Kids" MARCH 2 CIVIC CENTRE ' Feoture Event 8:30 Preliminory 7:30 prim