d Fish ;6erman Foreign Frinct Rupert Daily Mwi Monday, February 13,1900 ussed I Minister Held DfcRUN 0) The BrM.ih-coa-tiolled newspaper Die Welt snld tuduy that East Germany's for- Boys in,, oumboots. Sale Price $i.85. Fashion Footwear. Remember Her With Flowers ..rf.ivrd the at- on valentine's Day. Balagno ' mldl I SHlffER-HILLMAN . CLOTHING L,..cllllL- , dsn minister, George Dcrtlnger, (30) regular Moo hp fiorisw. Green 787. (36) Mrs. J. W. Kastwood return . ... ivl i 14 hrhlir held bv Communist, m. Meeting, Tuesday , mC'CUOK " ' - - i , lice nnder house arrest. the Fcbruarvti "t:r "'oquiuam yes p.m. K'11' . ... hp ' " x iiuoj iA.ruay aiLt-rnoon aucrnoon from irom Victor victoria : 1 ' f m,.i ol VtZ Moose Temple, where she was called recently on (former Roller Rink account of tne ueaui and subse-lst Ave. at 2nd St.) qucnt Illness of her mother. Kav ' '"" '. . . ..ft u Dei-tinker's arrest, Die Welt said, followed police seizure last week of his personal oillee assistant, his chief of protocol and his ulil secretary as "agents for i,, ueiep""-" - Members please attend. (37) ol J. i ,d MIL' il.urfic aim Scotch Barn Dance, Fiidav Feb. 17. Oddfellows Hall, 9 untl. 1:30. Refreshments. (40 70 RADIO CABS for prompt, courteous and reliable service. the American and British secret service." a letter ior ......MPl. l-none -70 RADIO CABS", the ,,.. .... 'I'ic'lil expressing Savage A Bigger ond Better Showing of Shiffer-Hillman Suits . . . More Patterns, Greater Variety of Shades, Finer Quality and Greater Values. ; v. o "l-n ? rdl dLspatchcdlf children. Fashion Footw ear. (40) ,,ts ol Aia, : acted to mecL a reduction of jntC3 on frozen fish from Alaska through Seattle to American inilroads. Prince Rupert still cn- ;c Rupert. J- i ,!f gi7 ' j hi I y ; hat II".- i'. Mrs. Abbott and two childrer arrived In the city on the Co-quit 1 a m yesterday afternoon uterna-,J"J's a suosiannai advantage in under already rates. had irom Butane being here tc nu.iic ui i-nnce Jtupert. 24 hours service. (h Weekly gathering of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club this Wednesday will take the form of a dinner dance aboard the steamer Prlscc George. Following the af-ialr, a number of the Gyros will remain aboard to make the Tound trip to Ketchikan, returning to the city the next attend the funeral this after noon of Mrs. Abbott's sister, thr late Miss Barbara Dudoward. M.llk,. AA.m. s.r.ix, . f -.. Women's Shoes and slippers I as low as 99c a pair. Fashion I Footwear. (39) "The boss says you can cut this dance short; he wants to put the show on." In nHnnnAd Dial a a f rn In . . I Women of the Moose meeting i- lie IS payau'c in "" iv u uuui i .ifirda 2c per word per insertion, uuuiiuum LETTERBOX jln new moo.se T?mple. First Ac ienue at Seventh Street Wednes NOTICE day 8:15 sharp. Members pleasr 1 NOtH'eS out, tdiuo ui strain M'irrU"e and Knsaeement Announcement". $2. Kt'lAU DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Dan Kristmanson returned to the city on the Coqultlam yester. i day afternoon from a .-business j trip to Vancouver. On and after this date, February 10, I will not be responsible for any debts incurred in CONTEST .'NAME YOUR STORE" NOTICE OuesU at the last regular monthly, meeting of the Prince my name unless personally i, L itv Frid.iv Feb ANSWER TO GKORGE HILLS Editor. Dally News: : Well Oeorjle it may be kind of !ate . , To answer yours of recent lat. But It has taken thought and ' ' T time time FOl'NU FOUND Automobile chain. Owner mav have same bv ap-Dlvlnir at Dallv News and pav-ins for thlsad. (if) rtRSON.lL Rupert Chamber of Commerce authorized by myself. (37) , VICTOR GRANT. were William Brvant. Dr. Dun Jane use a-lovrd mother Marshall. Mrs. nd Mr. Paul For Complete can. Black and Harold Falls of Prince Rupert and Dan Mantle of Vascouer. r Ki icri. mi It's business wtse co advertise. Classified adi, onng result. Flnton aim Kpir(;iALI.ST-Oil Burner Sdc-I .,.1 will con ,.,.nl cialist. K-rvU;e and Repairs. To find h wards' that really Ymi Ntighborhood Store Now Known as "John-in'f Grocery," 1 048 Hays Cove Ave., is Seeking ? i . ; v ' . , o New Name fr.OUJt IDEAS MAY BE WORTH MONEY. ENTER TODAY ! 1st Priie Groceries to the value of $15.00 2nd f 3rd Prize "Surprise package" hampers ' , ; ' worth $5.00 or more Five additional prizes of $1 .00 or more Ivr Black, D. Ilonson. Phone rhyme. Sheet Metal Grcnville Court (30) I 900 HOTEL ARRIVALS rinont to foll- i NOW AVAILABLE There's a proper time for every motion. .-, I dldn'f gree it was a iood notion-.; PLUMBING and Iloatuiir .Sliect Mi tal work. Phone 543 or call tiM. Sixth Ave West. Jl Letourneau und Sons. (tl) JUST PRIOR to the accident MiT'-'X Ul ill - ui: To harass a Company with. "four"! years to bo ' which occurred on Third Av ENTRY BLANKS fit STORE .'WITH PURCHASES OF Contest Closes Feb. 28,, 1950 . . Enler Uizi CALL ( BLACK 884 s ' ' o near Ormes Drue Store Would not. hp. pricfeM. for us vnn enur (Prioee Rupert) ' S. G.. Stinson. Kciowna: James Kltcliciv Vancouver: W. J. Joll. Watson Island; E. Bolton, Port Fssln-rton; F. I. Coulins?. Pi;r' Essinlon;' A. FJholzer. Watsor. I.-iland: Jl. C. PangsU-r. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Uernard. Watson Island. $1.00 or MORE s Bike. Mrs. uc Green 487. (tfi ilvilramaUi- !;HI r(llllll',t' s firM ela.ss it rcuMinablr. '. i l,ari:e. HI i on December 31st. 1949. about know 3;45 v. in.. I had stooped at MM"v -. Hie Intersection to allow v- ' ' dchlrkatiK to pass on their Northern Tower or the PimVr wav to the l'o.st Oliice and al- fVmmlatilon so to hIIow two cars to pro- W vim,p lMr niUi. ,.. i,,.,,. Improve u,- the exlst- ..,i.. cord West. Will unv of the uedestrians or ociuounts of condition. the e.irs ri'iiiPiuberlim this If the' Northern Power ran de- Incldent i4ca.se eoinmunl- iVir Ihe kk1! " FINE PRINTING tX regal mm service workmanship' dependability T H OM i' l'ihkI con-t35t : catc with J. P. Mai-Donald. ,,"., ,,,, , Announcements i Canadian Legion Card party February 15. Card louniament, Catholic Uox t lall. or ohonc blue m. . "' 'm u.M 138)' Mfk of the woods. .,0'N NAMEf-1 LOOK tun llih NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL diT fclr.'velx : ui.c.v. Aiwlll i 11. r I OB-IPIinMP. 91 S.viiuiil Ave. H ATTHNTION HOLLANDERS So here's for some action, and I Hall. February 10. !" ljlMi-ford Ba. ah Hollanders una canaui-jns niltrhtv mm. t i 4 t : SHEET METAL LTD. i .. w . . ..... . oi I'liu ii oi-Mcnv urp ruioiiui: oclui r we'u b singing a different, Invited lo our next soc I NhiiitciiaiK-e . V'.HII Clu lll.ll'.'i ! - m-k Oranules: I'liTPlc MUer: tune. mei-tlns which will be held on Hoy Scout Concert, Civic Ccn-1 Ire, Fcb 17. ' j Shrine Band Concert, Civic Ont.ee Auditorium, Friday March 3rd at 8:15 p.m. Tickets from members. ' lot moie Wednesday, Fib. 15, 19a0, at 8 o clock in the hall of the Anglican Church on Fourth Ave. 136) iTni'k.s: N'-l.-iiii ; (nr Slm-kuilf fcval; Rice Purl-Punuis: Na- 'Now Is So let's all work for a Power, And remember, folks. The Hour."'. HAROLD S. Si-raners an;i iul All HI pel ' :" ' ! St. Patrick's Tea Sale of home WHALEN." eookhiK and card party, Catho- : Uc Hall March'10. N:.li.na! FOlt RENT FOR RENT-Sinule room. Phono' . Uluc ai!8 aiur o. (301 ill. Niitiimdl l Hid CoiiVfVdi.i. I iu MHwarUI : FS'y Stiff' JM ffJ) 1 ; Canadian Lesion Easter Sale! 11)4 van Suprrrrie Huprrrrie curtar C'Hirtv'at fun li'i.mi N- i ui . Fruisnt ,n c.t. POll : RENT Electric oortnblo . f'Ofiinihln ,, to LUI,, Mfi Sale-April 13. v' .-Cathedral ':St.V j'ctors sr'iiig Sr-iie April ; m . - . . ' . in Qic Qic MklUr. MklUr, r- t, J': J'j lAdililniJt A-Mims inacnmes. JaOO a niontli" Cull. UU4 Siuircr iicw-1 ' Ccnire. : . Ill V t3uri;';tM -h v uninilnled ms. .sli'Tlitly ii.l Mai-hliies: 1 liMALE HELP .VANTI.I MatUt; vf "Ue In April 25. -kI rumlltion lijsani! iacks iIIht articles. TAKR NOTICE (Imt b orrti-r- of i;.,7-sonj:'1fea Miav 13VV; of Frl-' . "; -. iiii-x'. Timiour JiiU?e W.- O. Fulton, JnrlRP of U) Snrremc Court luh Caiuinlilv. I v3 on trie ciav of JutiUBrT. A. f). l!f0. appoint' unccs. B. C. s 3:4. (tf) iibut ccar. 20 a::d Manila, eac. $000.00. (30) VmiD.IAIkll MATE Prices Slashed! 0UR.L0SS IS . Co.i.t Pis- i 1W) acn-s tim-f Jk Paint. Por- CAREERS irT- "psychiatric NUKriliHG The li. C. Civil Service has number of ou-enlntis at tlie Provincial Mental llosnital lor: PsyCHIA-1HIC NUKKEb - IN - 'l it AIM - , 1NO Youna women. 18 to 30, wlin at least Oraae 10 education (Diclriablv Hicll Scliool Uraduationi. in aood hetiun ana of uood moral character, wlio are lulere.stcti In careers In this brunch- of nurslim wlileh oilers: Tiainine WITH PAY over a 3-vear ucrlod. Permanent positions after trainintr. Suwrunnuation ulan. lntercstuiK uiul chailcnKim worK In the service of others. Attractive residence accomodation and meals provided at nominal rales. Uiulorms provided tree. Monthly salaries: Mnetudiiv.r current Cosl-of-livin-r Honus) tor Nurscs-ln-tntlnlnu': ctl AdmlntetTOtor uf the t5tt of Jacob (llorlncbo. . lat of rrlnce flu-Dfrt. British Columbia. tio s last k.no.n to lx- living on March ?nl. !. and ' i.i now presumed to lie lfU. All ucnona Indebted to the utul rtlale are required to PT the wmimnt of Uieir lndebledneja to mo forthHllh arid all pertous havlnt? claims against the said estate arc rroulred to file them with rue properly ,vrlllcd on or before the 15tlj dav of March. '1900. falllns wlileh distribution ulll t made having regard only to such claims of Ulch I have been notified. DATCT) at rrlncc riupert. B. C. irf-r Kiiuviii us Ladies Dresses Lingerie i Centre of sal- b P I hi-ll. LADIES GOATS t -hit ami w tn- SILK NITEGOWNS In Crepes, Reg. $15.95 Wools, and Silks ON SALE f ii uui-n water. ""'11 minutes to r. Ideal fur . 'tlii-rs to make Reguldr $49.95 i in:r.AitTMf:T of minis MIVUIAI. AI T OclUm .".8 (d) V ul Irr of Application fur trl If liale of Improtenienlii MllU,ltc M'n--rni Claim. Bituute In the Portland Canal Mining Division Casslar Mining Division. Where located: Clearwater River, Upper Klkault Vallev, Alice Arm, P. C. , IhfIuI Holder: Charles K. Welrh Nuudier of the Uoldi-r'a free miner's cert.lt leale:- IMCns-F". Take Notice that Charles F. Welch Reg. $5.95. A give away at Also lovely jersey $2.95 hulf slips, -Mnti'U. no en-;irllicr infur- WillKim Sim. this 3ltt day of January I9i0. flordon H-aseJ- Fpruca Oflldal Admlu1:.lralor Trliice nuiiert, B. C. , (40) Now to Clear $9.95 to $15.95 Kuix-rl t37l iiiK' tour lo- panties and bras at greatly reduced prices. First vcar: un.su Second vear: $143.00 prlced tu LOO down Third vear: 149.aU For P.svchlatric Nurses $8.95 & $7.95 Sweaters For Ladies Reg. $5.05 DOWN DOWN DOWN $3.95 $3.29 $2.95 taltcr ill i-a.sy inim- of Vancouver. Prlllih Columbia Frc Miners C.-rtltlcatfl No. ,HK ', .,., t ,nn. Intends, at the end if ui.y day3 I tu IM OM 11. lock (Jblr"" Mtmg recorder for a Certificate uf never. It,. I . llor. i fven m, U- TmprotPmcnt3 for tbe purpose of t of tvince Kupcrt. Map 9J3 ui,ying a Crowu grunt of the WimrtKAS natlsraeiory- proof of loof tho above UcrilltoJ. f T Itle u un. Hiue.1 lu the name of lU Free- " 8 u( ...,. LADIES CROYDON RAINCOATS 'ali'd in See-' urn (luatlon i Slca.aO rLsina to $182 00 In lour vears. Further Information and ,,li,..t i.,ti fiimiH 11111V bO wltwl, priced sir. I'Tcent return I'l rentals. For Reg. $27.95 NOW $17.95 liriVillo nr In. 1-3 OFF Housecoats Bengaline Satin, -Wool and F lahnel ttad. uas ucen " commenced beture Hi Act." must be notice Is hereby eeix , that I t-hall 1,,,1,.t. " of such ccrtlllcate of tallied from the Director of Nursins. Provincial Mental Hospital. Essondale. or from ol flees of the a C. ClyU hcr-vieo OimmlKsion IG30 liur- 'lies Sec no-' Limited. (3D) at the eXplrallun of one ruoutb from ' 'P" ,rDreu""n'l, " 's-or, the dale of tl. ru..v publlcatlou bere- ",Pd ,ul!" 31l Issue a TrovUlonal Certificate of ,' fjny of Dcconibr. KNT SPECIAL! SLACKS Til If in Heu of aald lut,t Certificate, rard Street. Vancouver or Weiler nmldinc. Victoria pi from Government Aacnclcs in oilier centres. .Ji'ina room fur vm.cit Witness. GABARDINE SUITS While they last $39.95 CIIAKI.KS F. A J. tonsil. ' tinier In thi meantime valid objee ! lion he made to ine In mrltliig. . Ojusc " ill. Phone Reg. $6 45 Priced as low as 4'1'mti at. ,iif ind pi;U,uy or $2.95 25 OFF Lodirt Lugse (30i flee, rrlnee ttupert., B. C, thl3 18th j day of January, taau. . v. Andrew TUompbOU Deputy IlcglbWaj of Tltlcc (41 1 'f 1 1 1 1 r I hrn l!L- ''Ji'iors. ii,n NK.I. ... ........ MiTicr ' KxHinlnallona for tha position of, Aisl:Uul f orest ItuUKcr will be hcld at the following centres al the: dutes and times indicated. Mouday. February 27th-9:00 a.m. Oi-mu l-alls. I ThuradiiT. Murch aud- 9:00 a m Prince Kuperl. Moiidav. March Otli 9:00 a ill. I BARGAINS CHILDREN'S WEAR lll".I,r WANTKD . 1IEI.P WANTl'.D AmillcnUons will be received bv the iincler-.slnetl for io.sitlon of cure-tiiker at Cltv Rest Kwnj". c5lle(e,srll applicant. ul c iTtiulreil to flc:in and super-vI.m; the Instu llatlon in return for rree rent. heat. llRnt. and water. I'leasc stnte marl-t.il Ktatus antl number la AT 'I' Mill' f.lt. l,o ' 'JS' '"'If olU. Hox BK: Certilicatf of Title No. 31007-J Uj Bluck Vuw . Subdivision ot Idjt Kour Thou: ml One Hundred fjtjl ONLY live I TerriKC. ami Klblecn .ctllO), fnugo f 'j f five of. I"1 :,v,tx. Wednesday, March 0th 5:00 a.m.. CI .11- 1.0. t:,'B-t l)l:.lrlct. Mil to famllv. (1.09, ii, iu,n riwluial Sit Nine 19c SNOWSUITS SPECIAL ! ! To Clear $4.95 n. v. Tiiain .... Cltv Clerk. ttr mora or Iru-i. Map w W11RIIKA3 iMllslactory tiro,)f of BOYS' SCHOOL PANTS Ken. $4.25" NOW $2.95 COATS and COAT SETS Keg. $19.05 NOW $9.95 BOYS' WOOL JACKETS . To Clear' $3.95 'Reg. rrleeti lit $11.15 nurns lake. ! Atlic:,llon fnrnia and full pur-! tl.-uiui'rt may be ohtulned . from th Dlilrli t d .renter at Prliuo llupert ' nr the mircpt Hanger's office at examination centres. Completed appll- and Co' (n"kcr "Ml,,,... (Ui -'.'ill. l'linni! x- .P WANTI'.U- 1.1-f-lon -J7 t iuu of the home Crrtincum r.u ... 1 ...ot 1 px- i 1 1,1 imi lit .h mtmo uf MHLOJi Al- j cation tonus uhould be forwarded I" For Children's " SOCKS Reg. Price 40c (3lil b, inkkei'pcr. 3. Itt'cepUoliliil. ! Mt thP ,XpiPuti,,n of one month from from I'lli-eU ' & $9 05 Keg. $12.05 wutiiun to .1.- .1.1. ,,f Hrc.L Dili, 1C8I1 OU O'Mt. Annlv .stallnu aue. experlcnee. Wnrklnv ! tor t'kiv, anil salary expeelcd to Leylon 27 Club. Uox o::. i'linre Unpen, j llux G!.(l, (30 IT., 4-r 11 n 11. THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE BARGAINS AT DOM'S DEPARTMENT STORE IVici to the nt:trlct t-'ori),tcr by February Sand, or fulling this must be pre-nputed til the cxumlncr at the tune or ihe eMitninattou. Cuivildilcs miiiit be ciIIkhiib ol oue of the natluna of the British i:onmiouwealth. and mutt have resided In llrllKsh Columbia for one yeiir. Tho candidate must bo phy-i'hally c:pablo of the work. Candidates must be 31 years of ag. Mo cxumliiullou fee lu charged. () Hereof, Ikiiio a Provisional ertlti-culc nf Title In Heu of mid w.-t C"rilllcic. unleH'i In the tueanUiuo valid objection bo made to ui 1" vtrlliii'T. , . DA'lliM) at tie land Itegtsli 7 O f-fl.-o, rrime llupcrl, B. U, ,Ul8 lUth day of January. IDoO, A. U. in.iipw Thomojoii Cove. Slulluji B. (311 ,l AGENTS WANTED j AOENTB -Sell Ulrect to nu-a a fast sell ina reoeat uateutea nrtlele that is not sold m' stores. Write: Station li. Boxi 41l limn.-,,,, Tu Phone Red 846 BoX 71 McBridc Street I" 0 tin Ucyuly lh.-gialrar of Tlllcj Center, im. 23. Toronto. ' l,UJ