1 Prince Rupert Daily Newj Monday, February 13,1950 Seattle to take a course as an airline hostess and, possibly an' art course. ! Lenora Faupht "Vote for Lee" may be seen on every board in the school Maybe gome are wondering i what and who this popular girl 1 - v I ! Lee Fauht. Is rlre-nreslrient i ol the Cheer Leaders Club, and j is the Grade 12-1 candidate for BALLET CLUB ! The ballet club is under the direction of Miss MacDougall. There are about twenty members In the club. At the present time they are working on a primitive ballet whk-h, Miss MacDougall says, they hope to stage some i Stranse Welcome I Personalities d Fish j Queen of Bo-Me-Hl. This well-j i known eheer leader is a cute j I little 5-foot 2 Inches curvace- j Lf prince Rupert (The Senior Matric Class hasi CLAftA TAfTXT ,is brunette wh ean roil her adopted the use f a distinctive : ' Nearly everyone knows and rge brown eyes in a likes Clara Varfeit, for not only , m0t citing manner. Although Class Sweater t time in the spring. That depends oa the work of the members. The president of the club is Luella knacDonald. by Sheila Bennett. STAFF Editor-in-Chief I). Kerrigan Fclitur Bernard Garcmd. I Lr porter Carol Mwireheuse, J y e e Morehmise, Tommy Moorehttuse, Sfieila llen.rvlt, Irene Reekie, Irene Hanson, Kritee KM'htMn, Willie Wilk-innon, Henry Marlinusca, (Hive Strand. ,hai s what any t ;i you. He ll alw ! fnoy fishin!. j uf me I emit' - 2-7 '., I does Clara have a charming per- " Wears to be & frail, gentle Egad! what was it that fateful !onaluJ it also a eombination swe aon i in this iooi built on the Betty of blond hair and mm erea that She k morn Hutton basis, tnu of tin and vigor, and watch out for those should enjoy j squinny fish, 1 A-marchiir in U) Booth? j Stripes ttioy iiad upon the arm, ' They bore the slf.ns of youth. j should please anyone's taste. Clara was born In Regina - on March 14, 1OT4, and straiehtaway went to Vancouver where she lived until 1942. In that year she fCpp Rodio Dial V I i l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) r that wa maut. .lull's own child-j wmseles tee has been a student of Bo-Me-JH for three years. She first brooht sunlight to Into-faiL Alberta, on June 12, 1932, and to Prince Rupert seven years ago. ,h. kind that necessary that every sardine I we Rasped, we stared, we fuxl moed In cello-! saw had been mutilated beyond I before came to Prince Rupert where she has attended Seal Cove and King Edwad schools and is now attending Booth. Clara is the 10-2 representative on the Senior all possible pjm,mjic recognition inuKiiiuuii. iuu j nit: awim green and erev i beitrins no P"- might still further question me to the HP We could not speak. astonlsh- Shf i vrnll Vnr.,., iiM,,u ! which, we ,-mus fillet and as to last but, as I have. never eaten a fish In the sea, that can hhgUu hn litem iuf ment Had taken speech away. on the council. contagions sturea. iured. I piaus to auena me convent ior .-."j 1 Wppier days. ! However, even as my taste for laugh. Her favorite hobbles are 1 ku.,LU - ni l . . . rs l,sh tihe kind in rih Oh .v,on m,.,., tv, the ..in village squad j arrived , """"i course, orre Keeim in by pIaving basketball and swlm- covered that milk bottles and ,,n trees or some . ,1 i nt h riwtio tirnro rfinnii.H tvtw a "K K'jy';-" gangsters found, mm- It is then not surprism-They packed them off we know that Clara is a candidate for the Al)W U tJ W t.u.i i i - vuimi tt.U, 111 y I (ante Z has varied in- for fish Is reiumiw;.' And " that I iw (concludes this renort for that Is MONDAY -P.M. : 15 Stock Quotations and. int 4:30 Magic Advertises 4:45 Voung Man With a Song 4:55 CBC News 5:6ft Solo For Orchestra 5:30 Album Leaf. 5:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Boy Scout Program :30 Musical Varieties :45 "SafWle Rockin' Rhythm' 7:00 CBC Kews 1:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Calangis Show 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show :O0 National Farm Radio Forum 9:30 Producers Workshop lat wtiere title of School Queen in which ontest we wish her all the luck In the world. pnoto tinting, drawing, and constantly dream.ng of an ex-grad. She may be seen any time swooning over a picture of Burt Lancaster or Anthony Curtis, or a record by Bill Lew-J rence, Frankie Laine, or Doris i Day, who, she says, are "Simp-j ly out of Uils world." j There's a rumor that she ! WORKS at the North Star Bottling Works after school as a 1 ssible that yM all I know about fishing or fkh. iTiwy all were gagged and bound 'Xny statement by j ANONYMOUS. I j ust have eaten j - j Then peace returned to Bo-Me-Hl i -..Un what a a Alter ATlor her her fort fortnightly nlrHt lv vnvurip ,w.w u.. j. Another nw a GUN! NEW RAIL CHIEF Donald Gordon, CMC, devoted his first hour iif ; oftice as president of the Canadian National System to a press conference. "We are conducting a public service, and it is essential that the management should know what the public IS thinking and that the public should be informed of what the railway is doing," he said. "I hope, at -soon as circumstances will permit," continued Mr. Gordon, "to go over the system. I want to get to know the men and women who make- it tirk. The railway is faced with almost every kind of problem one can . think of, but it seems to be a first-elass working organization and its foundation is sound. My work with the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, perforce, kept me in touch with every phase of our economy, and in that respect my duties will be similar with the transportation system. We must provide a service to every phase of Canadian industry, and make our contribution to the progress oi the couutry." ; , , shave put two and io yueen cnarwue, uumsnewa i Proceeded. tinm.iiiMted But no one knows, or cares to ' " know d tome up wiin sou'n viieen nanoue , isy cue irotip In Iron gray fish on dry land Lsland points,. Union steamer ire one and the cniicotin. capt. narry McLean. I some wonder who the tnvie The secret oi the scene. stenographer but who wouldn't i was juSfc - . m 1 v- 1 JUl Cai as eute naps were, !And no one mourns or wonders as Lee for a 1' 1 prenT h or- enini? ana sauea ai 9 p. m. lor ; For many a tale is spun why aieno ! 16:00 CBC News late oi-eni. -u "; . "ii"'"". "ne says it was a socker team There's no snore Grade Thirteen. ' Nex year sh hones to go to KARLY ADVERTISINGS Ct-f WILL Rfi APPRKf'lATKif DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Henry Russell's Oich. 10:55 Interlude 11:00-Weather and Sign Off TUfcaaAJ-A.M 7 ".Musical Clock :00 CBC New. SilO-Hcre's Bill Goon IFOR SALE FUR COATS Clearing or the Lowest Prices in Yeors BUY NOW and SAVE 40 EVERY COAT GUARANTEED - - 1WUE & MJTTSi 8:15 M-ining Song 8:30 i4usic for Moiems 8:45 LiU Concert 0:00 BBC News and Commentary. -i5 - Morning Devotion 9:30Mi-ning Concert o-SO-Time Swnni 10:60 - Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 1:30 "Melody Time" 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Air Kinder ;arl en 11 :15 Roundup T'nie 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Perioo 11:35 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album P.J.1. Mid-Day. Melodle CBC N7 ri:Q0 2:15 '2:25 1 12:30 Program rcestmn B.C. Farm Broadcast Recorded Interlude Afternoon Concert Bernie Braden Tells a Story Comty. A Grant B. C. School Broadcast -Records at Random -Let's Read About It -The Music Box -Western Five -International Comty. -Divertimento 2:55 1:00 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:30 2:45: 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:40 I : JjZsS l vA. y'VrV Utnmk, mtd it ksri I I'ressej must not break down. 5 sV W---2Ur- SgSlJ WfZ f Jfw uhfct to unusual wear and . ST yTiSg1 ; U, ' "S -'-"'te Mdc of Nickel alloys. f - hlA l-y ' 11 grg JJ I f I J JSwJ-illliltl Iblrli X To tur. this pile f lo.s V DON'T DON'T FORGET YOUR COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF VALENTINES AT II your subscription Is In arrears and you do not receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the new boy or the post offi-je. Jur do a little straight talking tc yourself. Co-operation of subscribers in this regard woulc oe appreciated. It would savt a lot of trouble and everybody would be. nappier. Subscriptions arj payable in Now Here NEW 1950 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH You get the Good Things first from the Chrysler Corporotion O High Compression Engines Hydraulic Brakes Floating Power - All Steel Bodies Automatic Over Drive Transmission Fluid Drive And Many Other Firsts See your local Chrysler Plymouth Dealer RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED .jn.sifc7 aA 1 ffran tomorrow s newspapers, TUf Ztd machinery will be ased -also acids and other corrostva 6 &ri v 4fce ttftr chemicals. That's why ss aaack equipment in palp aad PPr. plants is rnaue ot iirkci Nickel alloys. ( TWO DAYS LEFT TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Forty-three years of research have uncovered haadrwJa of irses for Nickel in the United States and 0tbcr countries. Now Nickel exports bring in million of U.S. dollars yearly. These dollars help pay the wages ot the 14.0OO Nickel employees in Canada and also help pay Canadian railwaymen, lumbermen, iroa m4 steel workers and other men and womea naakinf supplies for the Nickel mines, smelters and refineries o the trucks, trains and planes which . J nistribute newspapers far and wide, Nickel . "l nd 'hr Nickel alloys prevent A--l jaMkUowna and long wear. V., ZZ- SPECIAL SALE OUR ENTIRE STOCK I " V - A - EVEHY M.IFE 10 2 I' VALUES V of Men's and NOW Women's Leather Footwear OVERSUPPLY OF LIVE HAMBURGER The stockyards at AniaiUlo, Tex., are jammed with cattle as ranchers flood the market with their herds. Remembering dust bowl days, the stockmen are anxious to get the beef off pastures which are already beginning to powder under the. freeze and drought conditions. In spite of the quantity, prices remained high. (7 29 KING STREET WEST, . TORONTO NJERNATIONAt NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED,