i3rincc Uuprrt Daily JlcUis, DD. Friday, January 30, 1943 Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS imperial palaces, vast tracts of forests and other income estates owned for generations by the imperial household. He retained an estimated 400.000,000 yen RITES FOR JOAN THAIN Hirohito's Tax Bill The Quality Tea 1. What is wrong with this 1 1 $8,000,000) worth of personal sentence? "I shall accept of your St. Andrews Cathedral was filled this afternoon with sym- possessions and imperial trea-lhospi'ahty." But Has S8.OO0.O00 Fortune Left n o 1 . v sures. 4. iiii u inuuuii-..ki,in f,ij ,.( ri.,i Diet VoU?d the impertal.ciation of "ungent ? , TOKYO .AP.-The uibute Joan ,5 eJopl effect Japan-1 45 000'0O yen 00.X-. 3- hlc of ords in have g'famUy thesf old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EmJ3 Hi'hitt "L2Krg?S'" 1U f!?U J"? fed,- J"11"" treSpaSS',H. D. Thain. who passed away .From this budget, the imperial , ammass in of confidence. I household ministrv must mnin- 4- What does the w ord "hy- S 1 , It ' " I kL J t I 4 They did it by showing obvi-! Tokvo-s imperial palace pogeous" mean? ous and genuine relief as for-and such detached palaces as: 5. What is a word beginning nier premier Hideki Tojo white- the Emperor chooses to occupy 'th STI that means -to bar-washed the Emperor before the ; with the eovernmenfs wrmis. : gain"? ORANGE PEKOE Monday Schoolmates, and fellow members of Job's Daughters mad--up a large part of the congregation as Rev. Basil S. Prockter conducted the service. The Job's Daughters' choir, of which deceased w as a mem -ber, sang the hymn ''Abide With Me," the congregation joining. t ; 1 n palace staff Answers "ar rmeSSion. The Tokyo reduced to about 1 Omit OF. 2. Pronounce -uun. jrecently was " ' ' ".''-V J Fighting for his Irfe, Tojo in-!i.0OO persons about a fourth of ung-gent. U as in RUN. E as in 4 i portfolio. WENT unstressed, accent first MACKENZIE V f :i f'-i Wn 'Di-,M-v -siited that Hirohito had no re-"what it used to be. L .'.'" & 1 s:;onsibility for the war. evenli 'vnrp vrir I Peter Lien was organist ar.d 0 H w hile giving evidence t h a 1 1 Ai.LIED POLICY choirmaster. Ushers were Ale syllable. 3 Amass. 4. Growing or ripening underground, as the peanut. (Pronounce hl-po-je-usi, I as in HIGH, o as in NO, j IS COMING Mitchell, Alf Rivett and G seemed to indicate the Emperor had a part in reaching the de All this resulted from policies of the Allied occupation designed to strip the imperial court cision to fight. E as in ME, accent third syl-i Davies. j OTTAWA 9 Senator Ian At a ceremony on conclusion I Mackenzie, former veterans' of the service, Job's Daughters'; minister, left for Vancouver Honored Queen Solves Mori ' Thursday nieht and his deDart- lablei. 5. Stipulate S-!- i'N 'l K r'TJL " .'J-.n Newspapers throughout Jap-of SDeciai nrjvileees. Emperor Free I 0nlv the Fmoeror and his im- r,r.r4 bannerlined and I ' , p.jr, y oi war Responsibilities mediate family, of the formerly X 5 i:3;' V.Vr? nese every Senator Mackenzie u be considering to scout the'-" ' ' election scne. CIVIL CASE ENDS TODAY A civil case, which u k heard by Judge Eric D w burn, of Prince George' County Court here, ig ex5ft, to be concluded this aliens, Charles Anderson, a carjr-j ir claiming $379 for service Mrs. Loretta Barnhardt i-Diamente Zarelli. J. t, is appearing for the p. and Roderick MacLeod for wnere seemea extensive Japanese rovalty. re and clean the palace grounds ' flanked by Processes Lorr.a ure quic-kened speculation here Dona!dson and Pe' Pullen. about the Liberal nomination in here at a consequent saving to the emneror s mirse j placed a crown of lily-of-the- ( Vancouver Centre riding which K E V t-i"1- hiah v nlpasprt Ti's word was,tain that status. f Hirohito and his descendants generally accepted by Japanese j as assurance that Hirohito' Hirohito's numerous -trlns "c " wle cei wnicn a.ne vacatea recently. d,o retain unusual security on throughout Japan, incidentauy, i surrounded b" scores of floral There is said to be consider the throne, so far as the Japan- are a;s0 no drain on his funds-' t offerinSs- The princesses then able support among British Col could not be incriminated. This adulation is one of the ese placed her choir gown and umbia Liberal ranks for the can- people are concerned. No they are financed by local gov. h S few perquisites retained by the i political leader of any conse- fmnifnts Tht. Irwr-at onvorn. oi lai uoaru cap aiuii'siue aiaaiure oi Alex ri.sner, youin- perial family after its con- quence yet dares to advocate m(.ms ain maintain snmo nf hii ' While the rite was in progress, ful Vancouver alderman, who is -,. 1 I "1 r f 1 - , . ' a . ... rsion into taxpaying Individ- j abolition of the emperor sys- vUas inciucjine one in Kyoto ! Uss Barbal"a Teng sang the solo said to be in the running. i- . . . : i l , : , ,i "t iui me iiist iein. it wui continue, unless uie hih hoc hun iot in inn mn- pecU to leave for Prince Gw I a A 4 f( , ' J : - 'j uals forced to 1 fM I 7.-- I I ?J time a fixed ' r ' " i . pervised income. tkflK i j. Hirhito the rr5? -V t ""'.f f , eimiiem ernment said-st anthem "I Know That My R"- At the same time the presence -ieemer Llveth." here of R. O. Campney. Van- Interment took place in Fair-j couver ban ister and former sec-view Cemetery with high school i ; eta ry of the Prime Minister, classmates of the deceased act- 'tirrea conjecture that he has and closely su-, Allies force its elimination. . dlUotl for years without ever It is also unlikely that the re,eiving an imperial visit. Japanese gov- Emperor will ever feel any real- And when lhe Allies dPDart on tonight's train saia-siariea Hew i ear imanciai pincn. wis suDjecis are ( the emperor may get -back his private train and some addition- in? 35 Pallbearers. They were strong backing for a nomination BR0I1CHI1 j aa uiic ui uie lew Japanese wno not nseiy to ngnien me purse , paid all his tax bill. It totalled strings any further, of their own al automobiles. Bernard joraan, trenest tuiof. tnat mint carry the fisheries The emnemr hnsino it sMil n ! Burns Pierce. Everett Pierce, paying proposition in Japan. 3.338.206.702 yen S66.764.134 1 or volition. 90 per cent of his assessed as-' Even today, . volunteers are sets. booked through next fall for He paid it by turning over the "opportunity'' to rake leaves Norman Shenton ar.d Charles ', mony. all the girls of Job's Curne- j Daughters passed on each side Following the graveside cer? 'thp grave, dropping flowers. COLDS v ICKS Advertise in the L-ally News! CANADA'S PLOWING CHAMPS LEAVE FOR OVERSEAS Win- ; neri-of the interr.ativnai piowins? match at Kingston, Ont.. last Oc: c., a..d a trip to the United Kingdom, the four champions ' ::rn 0:-.ir:o left Toronto to sail aboard the Queen Mary. While i vyi Mpk Leaf for New York to sail on the QuQen Mary. While j in tf:e British Lies they will participate in international, plow- i Lih r:a-."r.fci In En-land. Ireland and Scotlar.d. The first event iVi.ioe Siint Field. County Down. Northern Iieiar.d. Febru- ! ar;. 12. Ir.iir i:;ne" irv includes visits to farms and ancuitural ' censes, s well as points of intere.v. Photo shows, left to riant, j i''d Brunton. of Tara. On,, Russell B. Hare. A Nanti- j co:.--. C.. . front. Jh;i 'Jap:...n, of Oi..sv,ek.en. O,.! . Glen A Mc-FiCici;.i i,i MillbanK, G:it . and W. L. ClarK. of Gormley. Ont., ' prs!cen: of .r.e Ontario Plowmen's A.ociat;on. who at'r-.jm-pir. .-Sn the champions as eoaehr manager. Brantui; and Cap- I to:, a.e tht horse clas winners; Hare and McFadoin are tractor ' Cit-.-.s champions. (MB). D!:EW LETTER ON H0H6 KOHG IS SOUGHT AGAIN Building In New i Glasgow Destroyed NEW GLASGOV,'. Nova Scotia The Fraser Bail-line, on this town's main street, was destroy- :' ed by vteidav. i heavy industry C T T i.'A'A John Brcker.. !'' ". ' the Opposition. a:ke:: in the House of Commons ves- Steamship baiiinys - :.t Prime Minister Kin? rr Vancouver V '..: a letter from Col. G. A Monday s P- nc-e.-.s Louise 10 i. m. Tuesday sa Catala. 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Ruper; 11:15 p m. Friday s.s Cardf-na. midniehi. are goodf news for everyone because tne record shows that more than half the profits earned by industry are ploughed back into new plant . . . more efficient equipment to replace the worn-out tools, to make more jobs and more things that people need for a high standard of living. No profits, nonew jobs. No profits, many lost jobs ... no new opportunities. No profits, no security in employment. now rremier oi Ontario, i-" -': '" he l.ad rnticiztd th-f.TsCirig of a commission which had "w"nite-ashed" the Cana.--"Ian expedition to Hong Kong prrr uur.t fail of that base i.i X.a wir L:-t year M Z. Cold well. CCF l-' r' hid a.kec Mr. Kinj h.":'- prew's letter tut the Prime MirUtr bad.. --8 id thai it could not bt done owin? to confidential nature. 'ju saw :; ;( t-t.'.v Xe-.v.-1 I i 3 M$3V 1 1 1 1 t 5 4 4 t 1 i ! -4 I HOTEL A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY R E N C V A TED Roans Reaf-rorated .sprins-Eilled .Mattresses .jfj encourage people with savings to use their money to build. SHOULD KEEP FIT FOR WAR Ainateu- Aero Cluhs .May B'i of t.se Again. It is S'irgestr.d VNCOUVER Amateur aero :lui: ;n:y again bt failed upo". to play a part in defensive pre..:ai ations against war. it wa- sug; ever: at a meetina here. Chief Justice Wendell Farris. or.e f'he speakers, predicted that aitrralt would play an eve.-, more tmpon-.int part in anothe: var. W. R. 'Wop i M:iy of Canadian Pacific Ai: lines, veteran bush flier, .urged aero clubs to keco in shape. Tht war was still on. be said. New -M an a if c merit enrich a community by pumping vitality and enter n Proprietors: TOM PESUT SI EVE VliKLAKN prise into its economic iife. No profits... or profits so low they don't wairant c risk... make unemployment and depression. Breidert i ,. -i f - ri kOroeers - Restaurants - Camps IXC.S OF QUxM.ITY ir-X-Hausters Direct from Cloverdale O Over a period of many years to 1947 the average net profit on U.S. and, Canadian Companies has been less than 6 and the average profit distributed ta shareholders only about 3. Year around supply, shippe wfblj,- from Vancouver IH OII CI KKIE 4 'P.O. .Box 131, Cloverdale, B.C Provide POSITIVE VENTILATION for HOMES. SCHOOLS. Pl IUHNtiS. BOATS, FACTORIES, BARNS. No HitMn-Djafl, no matter which way the wind blows. GUARANTEED FFFIC1ENT WE, ARE EXPERTS ON MOVINO CaH I s and Be Satisfied Thorn Sheet Metal LIMITED 253 East First Avenue PHONE BLACK SK ( CITY TRANSFER I VC MEXZIES MtWride and First Avenue ! PHONE 50 1 1 r-r jr