Prince Rupert Dailp Jetos UO. Friday, January 30, 1913 Local News Items... J. C. Gilker returned to the city on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon from a trip to Ketchikan on Rupert Fish Co. business. CARNIVAL TO BE HELD AT USUAL TIME 5 i ; l ' Af 1 t 0 'A v -, i 4 , , J,erl'iing end Information wruit lor tod ay 't woman 1 ...,-rnl'lT T . -mil. f M - Dean's Quality Ckaners, pick - up and delivery. Phone 283 (tf) A. E. Martin of the local Cus- toms House staff sailed yester- day afternoon on the Princess Norah for a trip to Vancouver. SHIRTS and MIGO J J' ......' i i ui mini iiiau , vilest that jours will be I he fin.-t cnruVn in ilio i)-.:ibouiliio1J if you In DOMINION hM.l!) llii'.i; of Geoigi town, Ontario, help youl i'-'il ,;. :i't n lit. .S liTl your f :iv mirito cnl-, bulbs cr .j.stiU fiuiii tin: wiilc ai"l rful tanVty in :li. ir i!!.i-iral-l "Srtd and Xurncry ISunk"' ItV m.ii:. lor tiio ui-kioa i-imply ritc to me, Uarbjra lir. in, 14U ('f .-i 'nt .St., Montr-til. !'. for your inv cu;y of linn oli-no-litliiful gardener's guide! Mrs. Gordon Haueland and 1 R'cnard Thaln of Nelson, Miss Edna Robson of Terrace brother of City Clerk H. D.jare visitors in the city today. Thain, arrived in the city Thurs- They arrived from the Interior . .... . . .... rt afternoon nflnvn.. V., nl. J t. (o ftr.ii: . lit' it i 'i ii out out yujir , - wh'u " iiiipt liti; iiv-tfl 'I 4 , , ni i -iiili-1 to your , : el .ity . . . u-k vimr ('.,,.( ii -i d Sii'ii II' in! l 'i .Imdn W urn .ti rliira Tin ii wriif- to Inc B.uli:ir;i :,t. .-!., Mmitrral, l'tj for ,! I H () I Oil llOW to wall tin . famoni li ins day by air to attend tne funeral of Joan Thain, which took place this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. V Henkins and family of Douglas, Alaska, ar-l rived in the city on the'Prin- cess Norah yesterday afternoon from the north and are leaving ; on mis evenings train ior urn-; cag0 i 1 1 - ill iff : . . M m City police have received ar:lC0Uver: c- D- Marson, Wlnni- enquiry as to the present where- abouU of Ignatz Stossel .La;,L:J- A rodie. Alert Bay. A'.ex heard of in Prince Rupert ir. Aid- Edmonton; R. Nicholsin, 1923, Stossel is being soufcht b'. Vancouver; W. Urquhart, Van- relatives in Europe. He is be- couver, a. ynson, prince George; tween 45 and 48 years of age. Mr- and Mrs- c- Henkins, Douglas, Alaska; Joan Haugland, Ter-Distribution of Prince Rupert's race; Edna Robson, Terrace; in ' z ' "1 DRESS by ARROW Whites and Patterns $3.00 - $8.50 -. We recommend these as excellent value in view of expected price increases on Spring deliveries. GEORGE HILL P.O. Box 737 GORDON'S Mi Bride St. Phone Green 917 P. H. rv 4'. V 'T.Y 1L Jusf fcock from the frknuir t inn-trv . . . uU'l it iJidn't iiirii; nn- in tin- li.i-t to M .: tlit lil'U full of li.i ; 'V hki'rs f-porlinn b r a n il n e w w;im ki jjeket-! Yr, M rnllm-ia.t. an- rr ally takini! to the m w, in .it. nylon jarkt is ko p the witnl out tlic warmth inl Tor nylon jaikils tin- liirlit not bulky . . . atnl ro amuziiiirly durable. Tin y'w bi-fn t -' il by top-notch pn.-i . . . uilhu.-ia.-tically Ticotn-iii' inl. il all fkii rs who I. kill :c-. .il p. ri'i ction in their .--ki ilntl'i. So why not a.hl to yuur kuni! Ii-.-.tri by K'tfmg one of lln . o fin --t nii .lny fki jacket I - t-tifn 'I l.v ihp trv im pnrt oil i: i i ..." r.m:ic ma in-; of C-I-l. NVI.oN V VIIN". Th.yru available in all bulb r utoresl Ift run to "Hug tht Hmarth" win n mill wiiiicr ' wiinU aro vi...;li.-ii; niii-i.lo . . . mill those i i-y im. lu ml-r renini:i are jut tl-e :.:i.- to link: up the subject el i ' . r hoiin -iiniroM-iin lit plan. b-ii-.n; j.,-:r hurne in (oo, re-;i. t ; k.m- 1 him... k.. iiiiit .mil in t.n ' .in: lllll it. f.iM-i mow y, too. Ii :t s l. .i.iy c i-li i on nefii why ! i id the HAXK OK MttNt-1 In lp : ith y.uir " lnunc y nii '' !i tin v hr l .1 me with i -!..i .' ur II of M niaiiiiK' r or i ."unit. IM i. ill be ill id to ih.-cll.- i'.e l'i...,i,d Lin. n ).' in with you i i-l your im ban. I. And you 11 1 I ! .i ll:e low eni-t only SI ii - a uiunih for n SbK) iom, n i;.l.!i in J2 monthly ini-uu-i H ni.-.. You Can Hay 1 , ' i ! I e r l:.. r: , . . ' Ai -1 tin , n t . r!-' I.i . t a y v- ! ;.i i'ji il .-.111, !', ii i-oer ;..r :.'..t:-.lf .il! . tii.ii 1 1 "tmaly" li?hcs (ni i. ;n It-.- - -.iiiii (vi! You Fee, o-.ii the cinxinr-,. anil llivour : i-.:-ii , I' an ii, c MXTtitrat- ) James Arsenault is leaving on the Cardena tonight for Van- cnuver where he will enter tech- nical school. Olof Hanson, who arrived In the city earlier in the week from Vancouver, is leavine on to- night's: triiin frir Srr.ithprs I I Mrs- Mdh' of sixth Avenue West s?il('d by the Prince Ru" , Pert t.t la-.t l..rf evening In to visit rl L-if tilt with t Vl 1 her daughter, Mrs. Kwan, in Vancouver Juds,e Erlc u. Woodburn of 'Prince George who has been here to preside over a case in county Court, is leaving by this evening's train on his return t:) prnce George W. R. May of Edmonton and A. Barber of Vancouver. Can- adian Pacific Airlines officials, I are arriving in the city by this j afternoon's plane from Vancou-j ver for a brief visit on official ! business, Mrs- 0 T- Sundai was brought the city on last night's train from Terrace for treatment at tne rince Rupert General Hos- Plla- Accompanied to tne city bv ner daughter, Mrs. James K. 1 Smith, she was met at the train I bv tne ambulance and taken to hospital. Mrs c r jpcKergommeux ar- rivpri In t.hp fitv nn 1ar niirhf.i train from Tprrarp Rpturnintr' hpr home in tne interior this eVen'ng' She wUl be accomPan- ied by her father Henry Halll. J n v. i. i weli wn0 nas Deen receiving treatment in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. So rci.ned, i i i A. T. Parkin, who was obliged to enter hospital in December, has since been able to leave for home but does not expect to be down to business for some time yet. on last nighfs train and will be returning home this evening, HrTI7l ADDIWAIO nulC-L AKK1VAL5 Prince Rupert Douglas Burt, Vancouver; P. L. johnstone, Vancouver; R. J. Mc- Williams, Edmonton; N F. Acton, Saskatoon; J. H. Cunliffe, V.n- Peg: s- c- Huson, Alert Bay; Ross Thompson," Vancouver; A. MacAsKul, Vancouver. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Canadian Red Cross Society Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, 1948 at 8 p.m., fivic Centre Business: Reports for year 1947; FWHnn election nf of nffinoro. Officers; General Business. (27, HOURS j0 Civic Ontre Executive Critical of City Council for Allowing Crescent Shows Here July 10 The Civic Centre Association I will hold Its annual carnival in August, despite a decision by! city council to allow Crescent1 Shows to come to the city on , . . Julv 10. a meeting of the rtvi Centre executive decided Wed- nesdav nleht. i Association i.m.iauuii members niemoers were were critical of city councils action which, they believe, will leave .... t.ii,i, at u uisauvaniaBe by allowing an outside show to or i, up ior a weex nere prior to wie community monev-raisintr gala. Council Monday night grant- J. ed Crescent Shows the richt to come to Prince Rupert on July: ! 1C after Henry Meyerhoff, owner io' the show, had aDDeared In the council chamber to make his re- quest. The proposal was sharply ! opposed by Aldermen Stone and Black. jto Date of the carnival was not set definitely, nor was the type of entertainment which the car- nival will offer. However it was decldrd that it will be held at its usual time in the lull between the sockeye and coho salmon fishing seasons. "" t-vci.ui.iYi. rtisu utLlueu 10 authorize the Construction Of a concrete sidewalk along the Sec- Ce'ntrTbuildrnThp0 e Civic y e centre building. The u-nr work will be u rjaid pm for iur bv oy thp me rivi t,ivi - Centre Association and will be nemo nnHr nLnn i . " "woveu uy , tV nu , Catholic Ladies' Bridge and Whist Mrs. J. Hardin proved her competency at bridge at the weekly card party sponsored by j the Catholic Women's League in! the Catholic School last night when she emerged with the top ladles' score for the second time in two weeks. The party, under convener-ship of Mrs. C. P. Balaeno, had 25 tables In play. Mrs.' Balagno was in charge of refreshments, assisted by Mrs. W. Whiffin, Mrs. P. H. Lyons and Mrs. A. Smith. Mrs. A. Smith also was cashier. Prize winners were: Bridge Ladies, Mrs' J. Har din, Mrs. B. McDonnell. Men . N. B. O Toole, J. E. Kenny. J Whist Ladies. Mrs. J. Bacon, Mi s. J. MacDougall. Men Mr. i Weatherby. J. MacDougall. . ' Cribbage Ladles, Mrs. A. Astoria, Mrs. D. Dupont. Men, G. E. Adelman, S. Wilkie. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, making a speedy run north, is due In port at 8 o'clock this evening from Vancouver and waypoints and will sail at midnight on her return south. Announcements All advi rtLiemi-iUs In this column will bo chnrsPd fur n full month at 2b cents a word Ski Club Daiu-e. Valhalla Hall, Friday, Feb. 6. Tea and Home Cooking, Lutheran Church. Feb. 7. Cambrai Valentine Tea, Feb. 14. United Church Valentine Tea Feb. 19. Mrs. A. Dominato, 500 Taylor St. S. O. N. Basket Social and Dance, ladies with baskets free, evervone welcome. Black's Orch estra, Oddfellows' Hall, February 20, 9:30. Job's Daughters Dance, Mas-1 onic Temple, Feb. 20. j Kinsmen Leap-Year Dance Civic Centre, Feb. 27. Canadian Legion W. A. Spring j Sale, March 31. j Anglican Easter Sale. April 1. j Orange Tea, April 21. j United Church Spring Sale,; April 29. ! Home-cooked dinner from 0 to j 9. 60c. Bosun Inn. (33) j U.F.A.W.U. whist and cribbage, Metropole Hall, every Saturday,! at 8 p.m. PRINCE RUPERT CIVIC BAND Wants new members and seeks all the experienced players in the city. We have some instruments to spare. Beginners and students are welcomed and will u ..,.oiit hv exoerlenced men. Practice every Monaay myuii at Civic Centre. new telephone directory is nov. taKing place, including names turn auverusing mere are icur more pages and, had it been ' possible to meet all of the appli- cations received in 1947 the dir- ectory would have been substantially larger. FnrmprritPramnitim,CrW T Airier nf Prinr-P Runprt rptiiri-iPrt to his home in Victoria a few dW aS after a ten weeks' triP t0 Chattanooga. Tennessee, ' . , . where he resided many years . I ago and where he still has prop-, ft I erty interests STORE ft ... .. Ac hr T0 . f;l a (TKWll v .. i!n r , i,:' m i .im ! i i CIji'' V' 'i -',r!:.lC.i of ... r, mi'- . . . of liu.t im- uy" ,-r, K'll I- (ijITk ' 'Jli.'lU .r !"; r .v. A ' . - '.It -1111111-i.j: ;!;il Something Special '.ir . - .t-i;x C'M- i . . . '!.n' , , fT I - :i.,lc -,.1'ii I I r i o u ' - I 1. 11, ' ' I ' . . . l (' () A 1) Mi '. i (' i ! :i t '. ti 'I- ' 11 ,-s I . ::!,'. r-' ; - ; lm: i. lM' (. :r r ' 1 " ii i id -.. !. .. :.i ;. Thau Aic " .: ! tl. i' 'I ; llr i.i el.- v. t f'l'.r in:, V UMi . - S 11 (I'-tp. t ke ",.lu!. .it and ' : c i 1 :r i ni - n' 1 hi'itt. ; t wi'.l ,-. ' ' -:.ilf i e m -i;ill 3:-- .i'i -n'n i?:i n 1; -j ni.iiulcs. HERE! i-1. W'IDK WALL 1:' t " 1 AM- mimm P''X 1 1 1 K 518 1 f 11. ' i i' I. V. ( i J: ' ... -J I it I r ,1 i r f i 1 "I cm.' an. I liqui'l 'of in. S' rve it in v. citable .-oui" Villi rm atlc.-a . . . rn ike riih, brown Oxo ens-y in .i j.lTy , . . put extra ; inn' . in ftfws bv ml.lini: Oxo I-:, ii 4 or tlunl Oxo. )U has rein iiin .1 Mablr in pre . . . ami you Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! i ..a Ii 1 1 proml ot yiniri'lt lor tinu-i..' thm ionn: fur y. ur biiiltfet t',i:i ta.-ii: treat for your family! Ho Nff Woyi iimbi tin son to in- ' ni oi.r life . . . bill Inn 's an i j leillv imnlliliU ! linke liitn Hi ANSlx IH X CAKK FLOL'H, ile v .;';.(,( . . . l, J I II..-; l nOD rKV. . . . tHi-n niea-ure 2 cut.. Swans Down add 1 It l-p. li:ik:nq .Hta, U tea: p. s.ft a tmie. In yrparale Ikivv. cieain bntlrr or ha. adit 1-4 caps brnv.n Mn-ar (-radual'v. cream Add 2 unbr.iLn ees. ( lie at a time-1 i.(icr earn. Add 2 n.' 'A square mrUca ,-nd h'vnd. Add Itmir irnMiie. ai'eni. amnin's: real af-er cath additien. 7 (teen M-mr'i laeer psn wh'di h.iif r. Il t-n nr. a'.'d Rake in modem!-? l-'ill and cover with ft caramel ar i ra lvien ana ooys i RUBBER BOOTS Hip-Length, i-Length Knee High, Ankle High RUBBERS IN ALL STYLES & SONS LTD. 624 3RD AVE. Since 1847 the name has stood for the finest in stoves that money can buy. See the smart full ? white enamel models J now' on display at ... HARDWARE Phone 311 LINZEY 214 4th Street HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 ICE CREAM THIRD AVENUE It pampers your skin.' Yet this popular-prized luxury tissue is supcr-fougfi, super-absorbent, Moving:, Packing Crating, Shipping- and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 TRY SUMMIT HAEGER POTTERY Beautiful Pastel Shades VAKIKTY of VASKS ALSO VASKS, CANDLKST1CK IlOLDKltS, ASH TKAYS. BULB BOWLS RKASONABLY PKIC'EU FOR YOUR PARTY It is Good, FRESH MADE and Delicious VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 (tf) RED 400 Third West WEEK DAYS 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 to 2 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. PHONE 81 irmmes HDrags PACIFIC REPAIR t XSIIIMi M W HIM S, KI KCTKIf MIITIIKS, ti ll IKK lltONKKS. .rini l.l:KKS. iK.M-I'llONKH (Electric & SpriiiB) All llilllll' lilhllHCH 326 2nd Ave. West Red 367 NEW OFFICES Margaret McLeod OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING 3rd. Ave West pnt Gyproc Plaster J2 Roofing Material Shingles I1'1 -ETK LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES TltV Eex Cafe SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion. Fountain Pens. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY LI TMP.EIt OF ALL KINDS COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OltR SPECIALTY NEW PHONE blue m;i for appointments OPEN $ AM. TO 2 A.M. Citizens, get behind your uivie Band and make it the success it could easily be with your support. Let this- be your invitation to "' 26) Join us now. lb BESNER BLOCK SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL ue PHONE U1