prtnre Ruprrt Dailp Bern LtD, Thursday, June 24, 1948 NEW STRIKE OH PORTER-IDAHO STEWART Reports during the week from the Big Four .indicate that a high grade vein of ore has ben struck on the ; Porter Idaho ground. The vein is 14 inches wide and has a high 'silver lead content. Information as to the value of this find is not obtainable at the moment. ; INSTALLATION 'AT STEWART j- STEWART rortland Canal Chapter, Women of the iloose, held their installation of officers ceremony last Thursday in the Moose Home here. Past Graduate Regent, Mrs. V. Fisher, was installing regent assisted by Mrs. S. Rozaire as installing guide; Mrs. F. Blasher, installing chaplain, and Miss K. Thompson as installing pianist. Officers for the ensuing year are: I Graduate Regent Mrs. H. Stewart. Senior Regent Mrs. H. Wil but Angelo Bugnello. who is In charge of the work, seems to be highly pleased. 20 or VISUAL CARE Is ImporUntl Defective eyesight reduce efeiency and greatly lumpers die activities of those yfefted. Many who are afflicted with fading and unpaired vision do not realise what is interfering with their work and slowing thera down. Nature gives warning of eye trouble by causing headaches and other symptoms. Relief may be had through an Opt.-metnc examination and the u.- of whatever the findings of die examination may indicate. Optometry it the rt and science of visual care - ouuundingly success-fa! in the grrct nu;cr:t- of Zies ci impaired eyesight. The abit of a regular examination is necessary toward keeping vision at its best. 3? Dr. Jens Munthe and Grant Stewart will leave on tomorrow evening's train for a week-end trip to Smithers. They will return In Dr. Munthe's car which has been at Smithers since before the recent floods tied up the highway. THERE IS HO FIMER CIGARETTE kinson, j Junior Regent Mrs. F. Risch. : Chaplain Mrs. W. J. Wake- ' .field. ! j Recorder Mrs. W. R. Tooth. ! : Treasurer Mrs. H. C. Ben- I nett. I Guide Mrs. G. Kustas. Assistant Guide Mrs. J. ; Thompson. j Alaska Cn ei . Idea Is Abandoned RFATnr Jl This time It can't be blamed on the flood. There is big interest, land money" by the hundreds of thousands, of course. Quite a i lot of the world however, it may i be salely assumed, remains calm Reminiscences B, wj. nd Reflections "Boy, I just got home in time! 1M . uar.and. tied un w .-. STEWART NEWS a labor dispute, a&s up far eted by the SaUn' Csbf "The working stiff." How did that ever find its way Into the language? There is this to be said for the expression. There Latest from Portland Canal Mining Centre ,iir) vuuciwu. WI Mauritius COUiU say there was more excitement when Corbett Oetnroned Sullivan or when I nzsimmons entered the ring once too often. But today when there are so many other matters people are thinking about, this affair is just another fight. BRITISH COLUVFIA OPTOMlTRIC ASSOCIATION' operas her in the on a co-oper&uve ready Involved situation prevailing there. At this distance, it looks like an increase In confusion. In Berlin, the United Nations, doubtless for good reasons, are following a drastic course. All that's needed now is to introduce daylight saving time. UPPER SALMON nia.r rtus The pupils of Stewart Superior School were treated to a picnic on Tuesday of last week by the teachers. Miss Rhoda Krow-chenko, principal; Miss Dorothy MINE LEASED rnnniTtftr.c it a , is little or no trouble in remem-,bering and most everyone understands perfectly what is meant. The tinge of slang takes are of that. There is nothing jvery indelicate. Anyone who bestirs himself and gives an honest days work for an honest days pay fits the description. From that angle we are all 'working stiffs." Arrus Mrs D. Hague, j Sentinaj Mrs. J. Bouzek. : Pianist Miss M. Dickson. I Following the installation members and guests were treated to a series of very fine films through the courtasy of the Parent Teachers' Association. These were educational films of a very high quality. The first one featured Toscanini conducting the New 'York Symphony Orchestra, with Jan Pearce as soloist, the laying of the Atlantic Caole from Newfoundland to the Azores, and The Passenger Train. Constable George Nelson was the projectionist. Supper was served at the conclusion of the showing. Birthday cakes were cut for Betty Walker and Sarah Young. The newly installed Regent, Mrs. H. Wilkinson, was presented with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and the graduate regent with a pin. Open Stock DINNER SETS I Burdensome times for the mail staffs, both in and out of post offices, for a flood can be Maxyrnuik, intermediate grades; ' . , . . , , . . STEWART .1DT A Mr. Bodecker and Miss Laura Krowchenko, ... , . , . . . j . and Mr. Mundy have taken a primary grades. The youngsters r . . . & lease on the Phillips property at had a big time with races, ., . . . ,. , e cPPr Salmon games and popping corn. The weather man behaved himself "P on this occasion. i portable compressor ia beirg 'taken in to trie property. Values T I ' c rr nu snirig. u: the fp time in years, open tv:k pi;; '-'u in alio m up to $36,000 per ton have been Mil.;?, wuiic.ww!, wi;c jdufrr 19 The average classified advertisement is so impersonal that YOUR BEST far-reaching. Trains are layed, schedules are all shot, delivery time is hard to reckon, ; makeshifts have to be borne, 'and regular sleeping time becomes unregulated, and one : must suit his own convenience to the service, as is. But then ; nearly everyone will say his own job is the one least to be reasonable. and Frank Metcalfe, old timers erai p were made net. of .he aistnc , visited Stewart u subsUntial returns. and Hyder, Alaska, during the ; week renewing old acquaint- ... EATING PLACE ( e aiso nave a .arzf st -xt n! m wuc ktiiii iu8 diiu JsJU.tTS Si It ances. iTiiners, company the reader, even though perhaps interested, does not suspect live news perhaps vital to someone. There may be only three or four lines, or less, but freighted with more heal mean- ; ing to somebody than any- ? thing else in the paper. as a targe selection c: Brt-itiist Su. Unable to Agree SEE IS FOR YOIK DISHES xijaer,, STEWARX. emplovees Aka has ben apomted cus- of subak toms officer at that port. . at , referendum meet. Oil a MrBRIDE ST. PHONE ing held last week, rejected the Vouit and W'aicott will swap slaps tonight. The event was to have been staged yesterday, but was postponed because of rain. Walter Hansen has joined the FVLL-COIRSE MEALS '11 a.m. to 8 jura. 3?ANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS. DINNERS AND PARTIES -CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY ' CAFE " M4 Ave W " Phone 200 company's offer of $1 " ' " " per day Currency changes in Germany are not helping simplify the al- P,:rCQ r,t DV,H DJ .1.. 1 " aua Ul across the board. It appears, that they insist upon the raise j TV., . being made retroactive to De-The t-T ViLage Commissioners celn5er m7 but " ! are experimenting with a new officials think u ' 1 "dewaik. a cement one. much in view o on the block between Victoria icec k tw ,..- i Flood Dance At Stewart Net 60 STEWART Under the auspices ol the Portland Canal Lodge Loyal Order of Moose, a ' Hood relief dance was held on ! Saturday in the Moose home. It netted over $60. Arrangements were in the caaabie hands of Jack Wolstenhoime. The music vas supplied by the Premier , Orchestra. T. Bailey on the piano. H. Taylor on the trumpet and J. Smith on uie traps. and Columbia Streets. Tarvia. the past few years. The matter : pressed earth and wood, have vU1 submitted to a Govera- u ..m varjmg results ment concUlation board, and- it is hoped that this will be Advertise in tne Daily News! Try ;i Ciasstr.rfl Ac m The ews the solution to the problem. STEWART WINS " "'11 i . FROM PREMIER r -w )) t Make it 6$k in the cup! a.flmp M be milk ! j STEWART Two softbail games wre played during the week between Premier and Stewart. On Thursday. Premier : got eight runs to Stewart's 11, and on Sunday, June 20. they ; were again on the short end. Pour on hot milk or hot milk and water and stir. That's real Cadbury qua'jty you've got! Smooth, satisfying, true chocolate ftavor! Put 3 teaspoons of Gadbury'i Instant Drinking Chocolate in the cup.. Stewart winning 9 to 5. II " - " : - 'Jjr II SUMMER MEALS rCx i HOW CAN I ? ? ? ; Bv ANNE ASHLEY lje$ fJE and so eq -to mate! v Q, How can I smooth a scuffed place in the leather of a, shoe? A. When you discover a piece of loose leather on a scuffed shoe, do not tear it off. Apply a little liquid nail polish, paste i'. down- securely, snine the shoe, and the place will never be noticeable. Q. How can I take away the cloudy appearance or soup? A. Try dropping the white of an egg into the soup, and when it curdles remove it. This mill take away any impurity that is in the soup. Q How can I make the teeth whiter ? A. The application of a solution of peroxide of hydrogen diluted wiht one-half water will be helpful. Q. Eow can "I make maple candy. A. Take a pint of rich milk and a pound of maple sugar. Cook until a soft ball is formed when dropped in water; riavor with vaniila, add a cup of pecans or other nuts, and pour out on a greased pan to cool. Mark off in squares before it becomes too hard. !'! ! delicious ' Royal Qty " Pork & VL MllpTrtjtV i Beans and make light work vt hot If ' ", " ' leather meals. Ak your grocer for 11 j I uiiei roon fyjL ' ; NDIE The Transient Trade. ' T TICl It's quick! It's easy! And it's delicious! It's Cadbury chocolate and you know how good that is. And now you have that wonderful true chocolate flavor in an instant drink, made right in the cup, in a matter of seconds! Don't delay! Try it today! Ask for this newest treat-in-a-cup at your grocer's NOW. IT HAS OTHER GRAND USES TOO! MAKtS AN INSTANT CHOCOLATE SYKUPl A QUICK CHOCOlArt ICING I A CKAMY PUDGE By Chic Young You'll find th&e recipes onthstirt iPllU LSSii- iLffSi ' t! ' 4