1AIR SURVEYS ON Scientists Pay Prince Eupett Daiip ISitto Lto. Thursday, June 24, 1948 - , SCIENTISTS MEET Visit to Jasper ALASKA HIGHWAY VICTORIA Three survey parties are working this summer, on the British Columbia FISHING HEADS Members of the Fisheries Re search Board, the fishing in JASPER PARK Returning from their annual nwtlng at Vancouver, gome SO Members of the Royal Society of Canada, including 35 French speaking members, stopped off for a brief visit to Jasper Park Lodge. While here some of the mem dustry and scientific workers from west coast biological and experimental stations met here Tuesday to exchange Ideas on section of the Alaska Highway announces the minister of lands and forests, Hon. E. T. Kenney. There will be two aerial photo detachments and 12 ground survey parties. Two planes, specially fitted for vertical and trt-camera photography, will operate at different times from Dog Creek, . Kamloops, Comox, r 1 V .Jfa v bers took advantage of the time to extend their studies of the Flora and Fauna of the Rockies while those of the geological coaservation of various types of Pacific fisheries. At a dinner given by the members of the industry at the Civic Centre, the group of 29 heard professions examined the many interesting rock and mountain Port Hardy, Smlthers, White-horse and Teslfn. Dr. J. R. Dymond, vice-chairman formations in the area. - 4 "k- "'I of the Board, explain its objectives of conserving and expand LAST OF SURPLUS GOODS IS SOLD ing all types of fishery in tit v A A ' ' ' - i SEATTLE The last of the I if Timely Recipe vWWWWVVWWVMVVVW , Olive Tomato Supper Here's a quickie supper dish surplus United States army and navy wartime equipment in the Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Vancouver experimental station, spoke on experimental work carried on at his station to develop wnys of improving oil and fish north .having an estimated you can whip up in no time at Till o " : products and Dr. R. E. Foerster,! all. Most of the ingredients for value of $5,000,000, has been bought for an undisclosed figure by a pool of five Seattle salvage companies. The property is on Attu Island and consists "Olive Tomato Supper" come director of the Nanaimo Biological Station, told of the pro I I II ' 'I U-;M, I'M, , of jeeps, trucks, tractors, grad right off your pantry ahelf. It's hearty and nourishing with plenty of cheese and ripe olives to make it specially good. gress of investigations of the sockeye and pink salmon and herring carried out on a continuing basis. Herbert! Where have you- been hanging out?" ers .electronics, compressors, trailers, assorted clothing and numerous other items. Earlier, the scientific group LOVELIEST LIMBS Jane Wyman, actress, has been chosen as the girl with the loveliest legs, nie selection was made by,no less authority than the hosiery designers of i.ic-nca. Applying the tape is Willys of Hollywood, president of the association. Ankle was 8Vi, calf 12 and thigh 19'2. had met the four-man Skeena SHOW !S REAL VARIETY BY LITTLE THEATRE FOR FLOOD RELIEF FUND i H 1 cup ripe olives 1 tablespoon shortening 8 tablespoons chopped onion 1 can condensed tomato soup Vz cup water 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 cup grated American cheese 4 ounces noodles Fraser Valley Milk Production Keeps Up VANCOUVER The Fraser Valley flood, calamitous as it is, involves only about 20 per cent of the valley's milk production. River advisory board, in discussions of various phases of the salmon industry. Chairman of the luncheon meeting was Charles E. Starr, manager of Pacific Fisheries Ltd.' Still another local group has undertaken to do .... - . , mi T . 1 I T" J. T :.4-1. JHT1NG FIRES IN NORTHERN ONTARIO Nine great fires bit for flood relief, ine rnne uupert uitut- its Itlly swept the tinder-dry north bush of Ontario. There were a varied bin of emercainmeni at, Thpatrp is stainc Leverul smaller ones. The whole country was "tinder-dry" as An estimated 80 per cent of the dairy farms of Chilliwack, much mer about 5 minutes. Add olives and cheese, and stir over low-heat until cheese is melted. Cook noodles until tender in men battled the flames. Some commercial planes, along 30 departmental planes, were busily engaged in fighting the the Civic Centre on Monday evening, all proceeds of which will be devoted to the Flood Emergency Fund and ali services for which have been donated. Well of Sumas, all of Cloverdale, Lad- Cut olives from pits into large pieces. Melt shortening, add ner and Lulu Island are doing business as usual. Mrs. J. G. Garrett and child are sailing Saturday night on the Prince George for a visit in Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. jfs. Workers are shown here busy at work. Fisland wild life onion and cook slowly tender. Add tomato until boiling salted water. Drain, soup, ! Pour sauce over noodles, mix including ," ' . ' over thirty persons, be ruined for 50 years, officials state. Millions of dollars of will entertain water and seasonings, and slm- well and serve at once. helpers behind the scenes are W. D. Griffiths nd white pine were. destroyed. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS x I? with the monologues which have made him so popular' with Prince Rupert audiences.' combining their talents and efforts to make this program an outstanding success. The show has been named "Three Curtains" and will be divided into Uiree parts. First I vr . I h MY WIFE AKK I SS-Tj&Zl . MAO A TERRIFIC ) fe-j VjJ) kX VWHAT ...-v..-1,1. , . I 1 SCRAP AND NOW Tf 'SjC, A PIT Bki r v E32 V TY Kmm I t have no JrZ. -5ilnHEf?e u rl I IISi nL 3 i . S"gM i m A ; i 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "Charles went back on his promise." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "diagnose".? Curtain will rise on a radio skit .3. Which one of these words i tit, d Hiring the Maid," taVI Vpr M vg. 7$ .MtuuwwBw U V J. 1 " : TS ffl II- Us is missnplleri? misspelled? ForthrigM, Forthriaht. fore- fore-1 ! numbeftX S which hich will will introduce introduce a a number of variety turns. Directed by Mrs. M. L. Chappie, this group includes Edith Black, Grace stall, forfieture. 4. What does the word "concourse" mean? 5. What is a word beginning Brown, Kathleen Kerr, Dorotny with inf that means unf atl- , Keenn( Helen Marahlldon, Susie Knutsen and W. D. Griffiths. gjEHS' mg '? ANSWERS niiowcno 1. Say, "Charles failed to keep I I nimiii.iB.u. i ' tp- i -i I I v , f f - " oc j. . i 1 1 1 I i EXPLAIN THAT MARRIAGE r- ' L1J f 3WI I Y S-Vis give andtakj . -irj j "T j "rm" (' WEV" I ' his promise." 2. Pronounce di-ag-nos, 1 as in die, a as in bag, o as in most, principal accent on last syllable. 3. Forfeiture. 4. An assembly; crowd; throng. "The eyes of an immens'e concourse of spectators were fixed upon .them." 5. Infallible. Princess Line SAILINGS Ihe lne Second gecond Curtain curiam introduces miro- a dramatic period, directed by Rev. B. S..Prockter, in which such popular actors and actresses as Gsurge McWhinney, Thalia Moore, Doch Rqbertson, Joanne Langridge and Robert Irvine will be leatured. The Third Curtain discloses "La Fiesta," period of musical numbers jointly directed by Hazel Wright and Cathie Fraser. Vocalists appearing in this pro to VANCOUVER and way ports I I k i pt---.i i w si. riWJKr, i i . k i r-a it Lir. nxr yi.tL - "... i . : pnday 10 p.m. to ALAS K.A duction will be Harold . Whalen, Art Williams, Bert Teng, Alex ' Mitchell, Hazel Wright, Cathie Fraser, while the art of dane- ' VSTt' Al"5A ' - j n " WJ -1 I. The Dall, New wishes to ' f ' frZ&AKffk VSU ! T ' draw attention to the rule k."''! irA :'.'". & I 71 nvvssvvv 1r 1 L I I L f ' 1 'I that classified and transient ing will be exemplified by Hazel ' ' " " , , , , i advertising Is payable In ad- Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway June 25 and 28 f, to ALfcRT bay; and Vancouver June 23 and 30 l r (VOU'LL HIT THE ) I TOOTSIE FOUND OUT J ' '( 6KtW Stun- f th -t tlme . E.BLOKOE WENT ) fNfiT?;, ' BLONDlE ' 1 L.Z. CEILING IWEN WE PLAYED CARDS , 7 NOW J Vk'u 'T ( ''- J 1 ot copy for . adver- , r over TO talk v arwhw ) THE NI3HT we TOLD Wllfino presenting ; L TO YCUR (?xjfx'? the QUARREL. V THEM we WERE AT " jf J -i CX)T; TOO ! J tlsing. Those desiring to ad- ! everything s XiL , WAS about- ) THE LODSE MEETING J ' -w , vertise In this manner In the L going to BEJ rSXMl p1 Jyl tried to -WCiiV Dally News are askad to ' 'ILZLL ZrZ-S VJARSI YOU J '-' ' ' ' assist the office and respect ; : rJrTTl A HA VV ia. (T this rule by ref raUiing from Wright, Pat Clark and Ronnie Houston. For those whose taste runs to instrumental music, there will be Bert Cameron and his violin; Efl. Cicoone performing on his accordion, and George Rorle's demonstration of the marimba. In order that that there, ther? may be no no dull mcfcnerits, between curtains. ft s- t ti 1 I V L t L ' I - , SI .S -. - . I I " I I I 7, V 1 . I I teiCLMlullillK 1 3' K): .inoL ...15 n raKmi: v . wbjj 1 fvi : ;.i v,iy d i n . t iwm I 1 ? , H rr---s GET SONG OR k V COME ON OVE-i" 1 J I bttlerl Vrtil. Swk o. b wrvd VJ,-J-U-i K & CTlL ENdLM rWUVETOSEE J ; ; J Q S AND COPPEE y7f , ,ror today. A , V JC3 ' i V- ?M.?yf;Pg, STy ' BURNS i COMPANY OF CANAOIIMITSO ; , MIMilli OF CAMAPA'S HNtST CANNED MEATS. I jT " ' 7 pi CDCD I iMII' MLv J iSv1sgCHK ' I fL X'V' I 1 , 1 C GOODNESS, ) I m C3 iT I A srrr's ' I m HI I THANK H f"'.' ' ! I -L SURE AF1 1 ALL,i. I C3 I ( I WON'T HAVE TO M : I I Z ' f'i''ATt lT I 7 X!LfS? ncnn(:n w 0 OsoodforamanJ I Ml 1 7 spend mv J fTf U-iatt WrVl e; ' 1 CSfSSeJTV A LITTLE AGE VflTH T TO HAVE j" OLD - Jj V7V VJK-Z i" tr t I V-i THAT G'jy vaY ii&mi r uTrr freedom j rmr v 4 J BABY; Loveable little weasabloi for your loveable little cherub. Everything from sturdy creepers to dainvf dresses. c v "--T- tt - '-s ti ' 1 1 if v -v r - 1 -s. 1 i 1 1 Mr-r mw vhk i i Oi - WIS 4if IVA NEW RED AND . hCJ ! JTtti ' white Phone Red 400, pox 1118 I Us VJVLl JLML LMULL 1 ILMAvE