out too soon. Even often-washed I Prince ttupett Daflp fictosf tto. 7 tnursday. June 2i, 194B . . . v CATHOLIC RITES ! pyjamas now may be made from 1 It. ; Amonjt sports costumes was a Social D( V ool Jersey Is Popular I Called Stockingette and in ooaU, suits, dresses, s ports Mdered Third-Bate, Iff wear and beach wear. Wrinkable. Hard-Wearine 1 A recent. Wnnl Sprrttarlat hnm 'omgs will will be be welcomed) welcomed) International Interest In aiy Wedding A honeymoon trip to Ketchi "country week-end" in mauve (ConttfbaUeas to this section f MURIEL NARRAW AY !?"blt L mr possibilities of toe knitted ma with turn-up cuffs. Tennis suits had long, loose tunic tops with 1 knife-pleated shorts. kan followed the marriage here at Annunciation Chapel last night of Miss Beulah Marie nia" ian nco .- terlal. GIRLS' DAI1CE RECITAL A four-pieee 'sailer" beach suit IDON, "Wool Jersey" The models were said to have small bouquet from their par Lavlgne, eldest daughter of Mr. I. Lavigne, 622 Eighth Avenue West, to Ralph L. Heaton son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Helton, of Geraldirje, Alabama. The ceremony was" performed by Rev. In navy and white had a long I tie skirt and short bolero wlt't I three white "sailor" stripes. The two-piece swim suit underneath (had a navy back and. narrow I navy front panel confining the jsli women used to call It none of the faults which marred gette and consider it pre-war stockingette. The ma-,rate fabric has trsen terlal, say textile houses, no formed into an unshrlnk- longer clings Joq closely t loses f hard-wearing pace-maker its shape when washed or wears V- ' " z ' " ' 1 ' ents. Pupils at Mr. Coleleofh : Entertain Farents aad Friend Dressed in gay costumes, seven youthful students of Mrs. Mavis Colelough's dancing school whirled and tapped their way through a series of waltz and tap routines before an audience of Darents and friend at the The program was as follows: Elsa Insulander, tap; Anna Colussi, tap; Janice Taylor, waltz: Roberta Walker, tap; gathers of the white silk jersey t Outstanding Quality Delicious Flavour Fahter J. Carroil. The bridegroom, a former 1 merrther nf ttw American Armv UYS ak YJUtS r ttZ Anna Colussi, waltz; Jackie Gus- I here during the war, returned side" pieces. The outfit was topped by a matching sailor bonnet in navy jersey. SWING-BACK BEACH COAT tafsen, tap; Elsa Insulander, - - . - r A w fkty thopping 4 Jnrermatiea service It iedsr's MM ' to the city several months ago after spending two years at uni I waltz; Pat Wide, tap; Caroline Newton, waltz; Janice Taylor, .MITQFITM I LCI FTTFRS ICJ0 before the first bridge spannei ;MUDt-UIVi Rehreiher nlflneer versity in the south Sons of Norway Hall lasf night in the first dance recital to be held in the city in years. Under the good-natured and A short, loose beach coat with ' ' tm 1 1 .? wAa nl...n In i IMnH Dnr..rl Mnuum hflR . .... , . . tap; Anna Colussi, tap; Elsa Insulander, tap ; Jackie Gustafseii, walte; Janice Taylor, tap; Jackie full swing . back in brick tan covered a turauoise blue suit of Informal direction of Mrs. Col tailored shorts and plain bras Gustafsen, tap, and Elsa Insu.- i t.i, June in ome people hare cm luck I I was tulking to a friend of mina wbow husband has been " ia hospital " (or several month after it trnoug accident, liut she's very cheerful about it grid u'l he for their Mutual Benefit Hearth and Accident Association coverage gencr-otisiy makes up tg him for money lost whila h wa away from work. What's more, H help pay doctor's and stiiwin's, iio-pital and surees fecal Yea, icti-aVnta rua huiea to uli of u to il l a good idea to lie Tirer.urpilt tt'liv luit arrifa at liwtctv clough, the student, all girls, nrovided 0 minutes at rythmic siere top. Popular with neat linen shorts for beach wear are ander, tap. rib-length jumpers with three- j entertainment. Solo .perform-quarter magyar sleeves and, ancea on the program were sup- hvif.e nwlr Vnr warmth afte rilpmefited lafrf bT brief fOliJ" ine pTiur, w b" , ... - Business man, witn nis uon marriage by her grandfather, come Into possession from T. J. puning a large Salmon "out of Albert Arsenault, We a floor- Fuller, well knowa city pioneer, the creelc Thig pk.ture hT evi-length gown of whiU satin and of two exceptionally interesting (Jenty been taken the peeviou lace with long veU crowned pictures taken In the very early ,faU or sunljner with a eoronet headdress. Her days in Prince Rupert , One of the pictures stow. No. bouquet was of pink roses. Ad- PRODirCTION UP . 2 bunkhouse on the townsite orning 11- her neck u was a three- (i,,M. ng tract. it was taken Borne 400,000,000,000 pounds of strand string ox pearls, gift of edibles wUi flow from U.S.- food . the bridegroom. mea tQ b(f' includeg Mr. Plants this year thanks to speedr I Her attendant was her sister, F(jUer nlrngelf and the late John ier, ultra-modern machinery , Miss Vina Lavigne, of Victoria. vlerecc The bridesmaid's gown was of The second picture appeared FOREIGN CHEESE WANTED turquoise blue moire with shouU ln ..Canada" magazine January The demand for foreign ,typel der-length veU. Her bouquet 30 19ogi and was me -Novel of cheese in the United Statef f nfnk nftrnnlinna t n-i T Ua inerfnsftrf tremendOUSli tines in which Mr. Colclough a swim sioppy joes aoove snorts Brent, UU Cwnl St., Montreal. P.Q to Snd out mora fnin ,'t low-cost Imt truly priceless MUTL'AL hl-Nr'HT policies that ..... in uniif ni-ifl?si in titrua i.t tti ii n 1x4.-at nr a0irluiit I III OIK' J " Wa " awav acted as partner to each of the eirls. . - or slacks are attractive. For day wear, wool jerseys can be msute up to look like tweed. Wmim Waaikae lying Triekt Mi Your C- Q 1 can ba pretty us- Music for the dances was pro wo-teci. Eediord cord or silk. vided by Mike Colussi at the eoml ortable lur bubv, too . . . eo here'a a timelv lar .. . tryim in j 11I an you ur t llQ m you I Two lovely examples were In 11 hi "ti nairiotlc red. whle and blue. A i intorenerii two accordian solos. l... sl.'itoeil Kboppinc tip next 1 navy and white suit, worn with : "MarKeurite. Waltz" and "Accor- t;uie vou ioii, for liirnt Ank foi Z.h T. HittiV Pnwiflpr .tir wi&o u jiu eport a L rriiiuc xvucii... - . i a fire-eneine nre-engine red red sweater naa dianaT between dance numbers. hi l k:i by tdow " do-notliinii! " lya lie moritli? W'iy hotlier, lieu Ciikints along 'lA.MHAX niiai-b proteetwip.. you can Kvirj, urn! Lim in roainlHo conifort sad Little Marline Arsenault, 01 Ehows the mouin o: Hays Creek since tne war. collared iacket with fluted bas -4 At the conclusion of the pro- Terrace, eowned in pink, was " que. The back from neck to waist Mrs. Colcloueh was pre k lenee on " tliotw " d-)-l Here was in hand-knitted navy wool wUh from I flower girL She carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds. r (.'.iane ii iry jan.pax... rib repeated in the yoke or the , studenU and iiiver for youracu wrwt truly full smrt. A navy ana wiuus n anitsry pro'er'Hon ch each of the dancer received a Smart ways ' strlned dress, its built-in waist kn to you 1 for jaw a nine 10 Er inailinic emit, a trial peck- Groomsman was Craig Miller of Victoria. A large r.'imber of friends attended a reception which followed at Valhalla. Hall. Guests toiniort'a w.kel Try thia moitur-proof test and you'll be aoiaced, aa i was! .. .Smooth a little of the porriee on your hand, then erinkls H with water. The water will roll off, leaving the powder still dry and toft, Z.B.T. made with olive o:i is pure proterUoa for tender i-kin auomier and winter. ..ia warm weather and cold it cuariln auainrt the aquiriny irritation of "aad moiture". Bo, for haby'a ake, write to me Barbara Brent, 1411 Creecent St., Monfrral. P.O. for your fret emJe of Z.B.T, BABV FOWlltKI if 'linpax i yoiirfl Drop tn , H.rhnu Bnnit. Mil re accentuated by a wide red belt, had a high neck with a tiny collar, buttoned bodice and wide skirt. J For teen-agers there was an I -1 1 A 1 kl..J Montreal, I'.Q. e:tfy-l),m rSt., mr. vfHl winh Reaulif the sophisticated town model with high v-nectt, magyar sleeves and slim skirt with back bustle. An exquisite black afternoon VioH q nlain strntfrht. bo I), r Junior. And, recienibfr V . 1 were received by the brides mother,' wearing a dress of black lira witli hlsiek sunA white mo 1 7 ! eiepnaiu-grry aim (iratuufc-uiw roiufort and eomplc'a ro- with rounded necnune dress, uicn, il., t v ..... v. Eion on thorn; " elenriar'' dyl hair hat and white gloves. Her .r"1 -W :'' -r liicoa m o - ' plain bodice and heavily-gath- dice buttoned to th waist, soft . A tntr .amflllen. Hget Youf Tma for time it -, - .-if ft Can't just ba roincidenoathat W out of tverr erea mpune. iEnouiocrs, ifg-ui-.iuu ; firrcioin ...nod t 3 her-a one tirna- .: .1. .L old-fashioned Saturday (The j Night treat hat become a standby for almost ony meal, any day cf the week. Pork and Beans, at made by Heinz, provide a maximum of nourishment mi minim en cost. Creamy yellow with green and a. high Chinese collar, lae 1 ' 100 homemak polka dots was used to create peg-top skirt was dxaped at the I) era eaid they She was assisted by Mrs. George I Murray wearing a black, tailored suit with black hat. Pink carnations also made up her eor- 'sage. ' ' I Toast to the bride was pro Kel- - 1 front with hip accentuation at preferred . too' th nnv ?"y I juht miaulei --ty tiitlioiirnl Keep ' "' rirrirn fat-r.m- JW other com flakei! That was the air with Ilillctls I.tia twaper. IIAMDURCERS lliisi...rr.aVe a Time- Beautiful for garden parties was a gaily-colored printed wool dress with frilled fichu neckline, tiny waist and fuB, frilled skirt. l,r. over a period of weeks and cm come ; of a iccent consumer aun ey . . . and when results were carfully checked and double-etieeked ...filir.res proved thia fact --that 4 out of every 9 oi w like KKi.UKitJS VOWS FLAKKS best. (The reason? Wfll, hem are jijMt a fw...la UUa &-,y abd age posed by Father Carroll with I response by the groom. Th.? I groomsman proposed the toast to the bridesmaid.- The newly j married couple received the con ( hours ito v.hen you clfan your drair.n tlimvgMil with '.tl)'.e.tcor.s a week of CULT'S 1H A1N CLKANF.H! It niuiklv keor a drain clear Mrs. H. 8. Parker is sailing Saturday night on the Prince George for a brief business trip For meatiest meals there tt -no thriftier, mora tatisfyiha - with lirioea noarin A-v high il frpe. from c'.Mcinir sediment gratulations 01 uieir 11 imus under a floral arch. ' During the evening the guests to Vancouver. ; SKI-PAN i'j ROMANCE Fraulein Hildegarde Nesch, as she arrived in New York from Germany to be married as the climax of a romance that started when Miss Nesch got a pair of ski pants. The pants were donated by Lawrence F. Doty, of Yonkers, New York, to a charitable organization for distribution in Germany. She wrofe "thank you." He replied "you're welcome." That was eight months ago and the mails have been working overtime since, until Miss Nesch left to meet her fiance. They were married in Yonkers, June 13. ll.es fink and tub-rieaninr eaicr enjoyed dancing to music by main dish than Heinz Oven laked Beans Without Meat in Tomato Sauce . . . that luscious spicy sauce only Heinz can make. Mrs. George Green is sailing Saturday night on the Prince Andv McNausthton at the piano ouirkf r for ymt. f?avea iioi,e-ktiinrf Aud. of course GPlett'f n C'Viuer in Mp-nfy.:. on plur.iTur' l.i!h, you eel if nir4 to know that family " Bavwiritea " lie KelUxtg'a Corn Flukes are 6till 0 reasonably rnwi 1 No woader they make fnctuiet And you have ealy to tasie a bowliu.1 of Kelloau'i Com FUUea to find out vhy tliey're a iavonrite !ood with all Use family. Ii'a tiat rriip, deliciaas ftavour fiut n.akes them aa very popular! Try them and feel t George Murray acted as master George for Berkeley, California, where she expects to spend the of ceremonies. A buffet lunch was served. II. yot'r trocr ur i en)er- next three months visiting with relatives and friends. ...ind fo!l?w 1h (hrcctioB! etec'!ect'r.tuU(! I The bride's gift to the groom Lmer Woi.f TfcrauBB Craaa JeMt tennis and Rolf. . .all there: iwas a golden ring, while the bridesmaid received a three- strand string of pearls from the PREPARED MUSTARD Fourteen industries unknown in the United States in 1870 now employ 25 per cent of all workers fuuimertune paFtimea are nara anu iiui uu ctn Bert way I know to keep active feet dainty is to apray them with Kno-Mist right after you bathel Sno-Mist is 3. For variety coupled with economy try Heinz Oven-Baked Red Kidney Beans V wJ J that manical Dew powoer aeoaoraunnoi uiuicouu T. f women are making a beauty habit ! The " spray way L IVl 'th Sno-Mist is the perfect "answer to many a warm- V yy weather problem of peraonal damtinera. You see, jno- V Mict ia the one and only antiseptic deodorant with an ' f - $pfc with Pork. On the label you'll find m recipe combining ground steak, chopped onion, etc., in a delicious nourishing Chili Con Came. atomizer top. us aaie aaa eaey um y ... nfiil to rlothinit! Ho why not dwoover for yourself all the delieht- newly married couple. The groomsman received a gift of a cigarette lighter. A large number of wedding presents were presented . y , friends of the couple. I For travelling, the bride wore a three-piece dressmaker suit of green, witli brown accessories. The couple sailed on the Prince ! Rupert for a three-week honeymoon at Ketchikan. ! i l -g BAKED ! k 1 ,'I2!a A iluiutv wavs it can aeep you uaiei-m- .. 8NO-M1ST Powder fcpray Deodorant. l our dniRititi to-raorrow for i i. Best JooJi have one flavour- 4 secret ia coin-, uion ...whether they're nerved, tiwed and lus-eiiiimiv iireett. ia a-se """wrt?sxoral,y syv . kW- t I On their return, they will take up residence at 243 Eighth Avenue West., Mr. Heaton is em trni . or coloutfully ployed by Columbia Celanese Co arranged in sjscs fruit. diehe... they're always flavoured with HEINZ K(iAK.Sl Yi-r it's good LARGE PARK AREA t lor "salad insurance to The National Park system of to mi . i .' i l i I A Jl l GOOD GARDENERS Vst Vitamin B-l for Better Gardens. It makes for Rapid Growths and Works Like Magic on Your Plants , One Bottle Makes 200 Gallons Solution 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. the United States embraces a e your sulails with tne Desv uur you can buy just a yon wmim, ; total of 169 acres, containing them with the uesi lnins vevelvlilea. Kn ask VOUT yir Yaanyrtart Will Moat Cam of sprayini! yur lawn witl1 thia so-light, gayly-coloured Vmy-lit plastic howl While father relaxes with his evening paper... son of daughter can happily do his gardening chores for him I Yes, these Vinyiite platic hoses are truly remarkable for more reasons than one! They're just one-third the weight of ordmary hose . . . they're weather and ecuff-resistant ... and they've been prrosure-tested so you bot lltyH good service for a long, long timet And dp 1 aw they're ruade of VI.Nv-I.ITK plastic, when you're buying! approximately 20,500,000 acres. r to-morrow for Heini White c.iwr . . . marvelous toruinni U and smoother boiled dress- nn.l ttoin Mult VillPHar COTTAGE CHEESE W.cioua for heartier aulails.' One VKT- U New Creamed Fresh Made e flavourttri eeret...it tne i and mellowing, in wood that nke HK1NZ VINUUAKS to VALENTIN DAIRY Tour Dally ALL-WEATHER 8ERVICK very good! k Tfli'f far TiflV Ualtime Dw4- It's simply wonderful ... the difference in jam and jelly-making when you use Certo. Vou get jams nd jellies that look better, taste better, are better . . . and much more of them. That's because Certo is "fruit pectin the natural substance in fruit that makes jams "jam . pnd jellies "jell" extracted and refined ready for your use. THE CERTO BOIL IS SO SHORT With Certo you boil only one-to-two minutes for Jam a haU-minute-tO'a-minut for jellies. NO prolonged, tedious boiling to make sure your jam or jelly wiU et: Certo makes all fruits set "just right". This extremely m iw . . . plav It's Sue fun to maka your own " licach , clothes " at borne , v . and they'll be the smarU-st sun-n-r,iia suits on the newt What I -f..i ' pinjtiui 11 " I Graduation jelly, aecdlesii raieins. stewed men or apricots in tlie botttn votir youngster'a eereal bowl. ver completely with " Cream of heat " the idea.ia to guess w beah, too. But before vox settle down with needle and thread... be sure 3 v ur thread vn SUITS 1 ;it'a hidden - underneath! And Certo short boil means : Vou get $0 more jam or I because practically none jelly your precious fruit juice is of iv your youngster will love her 'ream of Wheat" treat! It'; "0 od . . . anil so good for her! You . 5 Minute" Cream of Wheat' brimming with blood-building u...and it provides important It ium and Phosphorus for dints tifMont in fheca ulementj. Cooks EVERYTHING HASN'T RAISED IN PRICE . . . ? It may surprise many but 1847 Rogers and Oommunlty Sliver flatware is the same price as before the war. And, as the tax is now off it should be doubly. attractive. - Bulger's always sell standard goods at Canadian advertised prices even though express charges are more than those of places nearer to the factories. For instance a Big Ben clock or set of silver sells . for the same price as in Ontario where it is made. A large part of our stock is made up of standard" advertised goods and we try to keep the balance inline with the prices of other cities. And we guar-' antee t he satisfaction of our goods. ' ; Something from Buigers is always something , worth having. IXO THRKAD! Seants sewn with this wonderful aylon thread will Wxt and last... no matter how active a swiuinver you are. re avion thread ia elastic . ..it provide the needed " give " m seams tliat makes for longer wearing, bo for most satisfactory summer sewing .. . ask for strong, durable Corliclli Wo Se'"" ?-You'U find it is variety of love y ahades keved to your yt hol p complete digpftibility in 5 win 's ot boiling. That a wny 1 urao , i. mviM OK fllF.AT" a family habit a so nv thrainaiitii of Canadian boiled away. J The time you spend is cut down to fraction. 3 The natural colour and taste of the fresh fruit are retained. The Certo boil is too short to dull jthe one or spoil the other, , If you art only beginner, dent worry. You'U have no faiianse if yen fellow eiaclly the recipes provided with Certo. Since diSerent fruits am ferent handling, there's separate, kitchen-tested recipe for each ene. day mood I milics doj ' Highest honors go to our smart selection of gradua r ri l tion suits. They're correct City ar Country I coeo good old wmmertw-l day? who doesnt lova their ' . 4008 when AUd k theTw ttat tollarcl that 't h you starch "em nens makes linens daisy- clothes 1 i in 1 ree w . iron ng easy keeps r 7 I for the important ceremony and the festivities right tor wear In the months to come. DISTINCTIVE TAILORING FINE FABRICS feCtTocifttoortF U KONOMICAt-M SMAII- -MAKE JAM AND JULY THf OUKX IAST MODEM CWTO W T. ASK YOUR ROCU FO CEXTO TOOAV. Ho.tond Won't Be lnTfi jam, and jell.es ar. "better than M'" 1 "...not if vou make them with ChHl "'.yfno 1- the magical, modern touch to jam-n-jeliy wk " . . . iie sure way to consistent good results, wen" " . xHthe natural jellying substance oi fruits -nvenient concentrated fonu. Cuts boiling tinM : to 1 Percent wore ne or two minutes -and gives yw fifty CLOTHING STORE i mw" i w u n i i 1 1 A Srodud ft Camroi 'Mdt Bim or jelly .from the same amount ". fvor rt be sure darkling, appmling color ... more true, fw'.h'Jk fiavr ,he label -fo follow eZtly the instructions: jnH Certe i unit A A..r . ..inn nii um and leliy Bums' uc v . U their jams and jellies. ,