TODAY 'til SAT. THURr , " 8 prince Uupctt.Dailg Btm iltD. Thursday, June 24, 1948 rABDEN 'NOTEhO' Lrsp . CITY SHRINERS WILL WELCOME OAKLAND GROUP Prince Rupert Shrine Club will be hosts briefly next Tuesday to more than 100 members of Aahmes Temple of Oakland, California,' who will arrive here on a charter cruise of the Union steamer Chilcotln. The group will leave Vancouver on Sunday, arriving here at 3 p.m. Tuesday. They will sail again for the north at 1 am. Wednesday. . The Prince Rupert Shrine Club plans to greet the visitors at the dock. Fez-topped Shrlner3 SOW PANSIES FOR NEXT SPRING THIS SUMMER yt. - . r . ' inMTiitr.ii 1 1 m j CARTOON NEWS Pansy plants such as are soldi in flower in early spring may, be grown quite easily by the gar-1 dener " who has a cold f ramp. The seed is sown in late summer in a seed bed which can be ' shaded and watered. j Seed of one of the giant' Bt.rains shnnlri hp nMolnoH if I SHIPS AND WATERFR0K one wants large flowers. Violas may also be given the same piJSV TUFTED m&V y rJ vious. VIOLA COPMUT ' should be given all the light possible and plenty of fresh air. Do not let them dry out. Protect them from the midday sun. When the seedlings have made their first true leaves they should be transplanted to other flats, where they have more space, or to the cold frame. Florists usually move them to flats where they are planted 2 inches each way; this is called "pricking out." They are allowed to grow here until they are small sturdy plants. The amateur may short cut this procedure end move the seedlings directly from the seed bed or first flat to the cold frame. Soil in the cold frame should not be overmanured, but should be light and friable -and reasonably fertile. The plants should be set In rows, 4 inches apart in the rows, and 6 inches between the rows. Let the plants grow in the open through the fall until the ground begins to freeze. Then fill up the cold frame with dry leaves and cover it with the sash or boards. In severe weather the sash can be covered with straw mats or any such covering, but this is not usually needed. In the spring as soon as the frost begins to come out of th3 ground, the leaves should be taken off the pansy plants and the sash put on the frame. The management from now on is the same as any other planting in the spring. The pansies will bloom under the glass mucn earlier than they would outdoors, and you will have pansies to set out in the border when the tulips begin to bloom. COUVIT Visit in.. " will exchange greetings from the wharf to the ship as the vessel comes In for a landing. Ceremonies and hospitality are being arranged by the local Shrlners during the 10-hour visit of their southern lodge brothers "IP Virions, wry ports enroute. treatment. All pansies are members of the viola family, but J the name pansy is applied to those which have "faces." If you have a seed bed made In the course of one of her periodical business cruises along the coast, the power yacht Caribou of Vancouver is In port with the redoubtable Capt. A." E. Baker, he of tall fiKhincr vom & -y y v J AIR PASSENGER; Southbound, the Chilcotln will ' fame in coramand Bak(.r.R stop here between 3 p.m. and 6 shlpmale8 thls trip are Bob T(l Vmirr,!,... . p.m. on juiy o. Douglas and Jack Hossie, both well known travelling salesmen. Johnstone, B. Ww(is , , if ii Joe Scott happened to be in the sklP. Mrs. B. Roaid. Butedale area, on angling bent from Vauwuvtr 'Thutso' tt'hpn tho ParthAii ...f In fir T t r . . ' Back In Vancouver Rev. John Antle and Girl Companion Made West Indies Trip ....... v.X. Ul. Ill bllCIC, LJ. UfiiUrai'h lu I l rr.L imi ... ' linn - , . . rr, ' ' L us ksuiu nc nu uuu ina lurner, H A. Punder uiere were no yarns 01 Dig ones j ncdy, A Mauiiison caugni or even getting away. From Sandspit -j All they have this time is alibis Slewart, Mr GRANDPA MACK PUFFS HIS CHEST If you were 85 years old and if your team were showing its heels to the rest of the American League, 'and if you had four grandchildren who can twist you around their little fingers, the chances are that you would act like Connie Mack, venerable manager of the Philadelphia Athletics, and bring the kids out to the park to see what grandpa can do with a baseball team. That's what the lanky octogenarian did recently, and he poses with them: (left to right) Connie 3rd, seven; Michael, 6; Susan, 8; and Dennis, 6 years old. lUi, J H: cock, Miss Roberts, A St- cnarieson, Mr. Chadwt nucnanan of fine soil shaded with a canopy of cheesecloth Or lath, and which can be watered, sow .the seed in rows. If you have no such seed bed prepare a flat shallow box full of sifted soil in the usual manner and sow the pansies in that. It can be placed in a shady spot and kept well watered until the seedlings appear. In sowing spread the seed thinly. Mix sand with it if necessary to prevent overcrowding. If the seeds are too thick it will be difficult to disentangle the roots Of the seedlings when the time comes to move them. As Canadian Can Co.s power cruiser Cancolim, Capt. William Thomas, was in port yeRtcrday Tfie yawl Reverie, aboard which Rev. John Antle, aged eighty-three, and Lucy Varty, 21, set out from Vancouver for New York in September 1946, is back in Vancouver. i The boat did not go further than the West Indies. The experience Included Illness, tropicui gales, change of crews and other unlooked-for difficulties, such as the opening of the yawl's seams by the hot California sun. Mr. Antle Is well but weary to the point of exhaustion. It Pays to Advertise: (on her first trip north of the reason, rne vessel nad been a Advert.w In tit Iraily fa INDIAN MINE Further Exploration to be Undertaken on Property INGENI1TY "What's the cat's name?" "Ben Hur." "How'd you happen to choose that?" "Well, we called him Ben till he had kittens." RENT RADIO - a - Indian Mines at Stewart plan further exploration work. A director, Dr. W. H. Patmore, will BY THE DAY soon as the seeds sprout they take a crew in, before long. BY THE WEEK BY THE MONTH Goin Modern Etioutte By ROBERT A LEE Steady MAGAZINE GLUT Local news agents are receiving periodicals and other bundles of reading matter ; which date away back nearly a month or more and local readers are having a hard time to catch up. The goods keep on coming. One dealer, commenting on his accumulation of "funnies," says, "There will be more than what we will know what to do with." The reason is the suspension of through traffic due to the floods. ALL NEW 1948 MANTLE MODELS AT "FEATURING . S : HOSIERY'S BEST BRANDS ' HOLEPROOF KAYSER 5 MERCURY 'WALLACE'S OF COURSE! Q Isn't it discourteous to a speaker at a banquet for the guests to continue eating while he Is talking? A. Yes, it is not courteous, although it Is often done. Q. Should the address be omitted when one's stationery bears a monogram or crest? A. Yes. RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC The position of the mine lias been improved by new high prices for lead and zinc. During 1946 and 1947 there was a total expenditure of about $20,000 in roads, trails, buildings and equipment. Dr. J. T. Mandy, for-merely resident mining engineer here, was in the city last year in connection with the property. Q. How can a girl dismiss a nan without causing ill feeling f he takes hpr home in a taxi and she sees that he expects to be invited into her home? A. By being very prompt to bid him goodnight before ht has has time to dismiss the taxi. PHONE 644 313 THIhD AYENTE WEST BOX lffl lfi Hollywood Calt 1H IT-TO-DATE RESTAl'RANT OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 3:30 AM w rziiDnniuie The Popular S.S. 10 r b CHINESE DISIIES A SPECIALTY For Outside Orders Phone 133 QA9QUME mow MELN cnor SUEY PRINCE RUPERT Sails For Relax at the Wheel 2 VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT ll:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT ""t Information call or write City or Depot TVket OUIom PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Do you steer your car or iIEKD" it? Steering Wander? Shimmy? Tire Wear! Restore new car steering control! Inspection and correction can be carried out accurate!" only by use of specialized equipment. In accordance wit the LINDSAY policy of having the right tools (or the i WHEEL ALIGNMENT and BALANCING equipment hasbtec Installed and Is now in operation. Drive In and let us check and report on your front ene condition. LINDSAY MOTORS LID. ' O PHONE 8G6 t IRON FIREMAN STOKERS GET 30 MORE HEAT An Explanation of: THE SOCIAL SECURITY AND MUNICIPAL AID TAX (The Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax is to be applied as of July IbI, 1948) Its purMse is to create revenue for the maintenance of ltritinh Columbia's high standard of Social Services and for assistance to Municipalities Ic meet their ever-rising administrative co-i and, concurrently, to relieve the tax burden on real projrty. The government is faced with the tank of finding an estimated 2l,000,m0 for Social Security measures. Kining cost of government is responsible for part of the increase In the Social Security outlay just as rising cot,t of living haa affected the public 'generally. Cost of administration, service and supply has gone up ciiormomly and a new source of revenue had to be found to insure payment for expanding social services. The average worker will pay less than 1 of his sprnJiutfs as his contribution to the levy ' because he has leen protected by the exemption from the tax of living essential food, fuel, rent, medical and dental expenses, and insurance. The Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax m entirely equitable. It is not a hidden or regressive tax. Everyone contributes. The low-wage groups have either -n immediate or deferred benefit. Everyone should know precisely for what he is paying. The Social Security tax is iecifically designed to improve the general health, protect the aged and relieve, want in the province. SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 274 IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines In Ladies Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . plus a new Self-Serve Food Section with a Free Delivery Service. HfrluB THE SKEENA MERCANTILE m. tipr week W WO owning VANCOIVLR -V1CT0BU Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Car j... n m.. Cau STEWART and ALICE Sundays, a FOR QVEEK H'1101 FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick chev. Trucks Pontiae Oldsmobile G.M.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage . TERRACE, B.C. When repairing the old or building the new see us for all kinds of construction materials. Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors ISLAM" June 8, s.s. Coqultlum. and 29-11 YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY TAX ON: Kent. Foodstuffs. Farm implements and machinery, horsey livestock, poultry and farm fencing. Agricultural feeds, seeds, fertilizers and other materials. Insecticides, fungicides and disinfectants. Commercial fishing equipment, including boats and engines when used in production of a food catch. Ice. Gasoline. Coal, coke, fuel oil and wood fuels. Doctors' prescriptions, iiivalids'cquipmcnt, dental and optical appliances, artificial limbs and other aids. Restaurant meals under 51 cents. Any purchase priced at less than IS cents- FRANK S. ',lt ! Prince Rupert AuWjj, SOCIAL SECURITY , means continuance of: Old Age Pensions. Mothers Allowances. Child Welfare Service. Control of Tuberculosis, Cancer and Venereal Disease. Operation of Public Health Nursing and Medical Inspection of School Children. Payment of Doctors' Bills in all cases of pevsons in receipt of Social Services of any kind. Government Contribution of 80 of the MuiiicipulilieV Social Assistance costs. Continuation of Hospital Grants and Mental Hygiene program. -MHBBiBHHHslsBasMM IN THE FLY Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Huntine GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR P..;,. rr,ctrrtIon - Alteration" Fishing Sightseeing SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. . PHONES t .- Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd., 35 Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 THE aOVEItM:T OF THE IHOVIXCE OF IlKITIsn COLUMBIA Floor Sanding a Specialty Phone RED 561