prfnrr Rtiprrf Cafi Joeing tu. Thursday, June 54, 1S43 Tadanji in Spawtv BIG FIGHT TONIGHT "V- ..jV IV l .v- - J. J j "JlsjietriPda: So ppr word pn Insertion, minimum charm. 60c Birth HaHnk-60c; Card', of Thanks. Draft, Notice. PunrraTXlcS' 5irrWt net Engagement Announcements: 2 .lassirieq Advertising is payable in advance. Pleaac retrain from telephoning. All Set For World's Heavyweight Championship Battle at New York NEW YORK Q Given a break Baseball Scores National Philadelphia 3, Cincinnati 2 Others postponed American Washington 2. Detroit 1 Philadelphia 12, 8t. Louis 1 New York 5. Cleveland 1 Pacific Coast Portland 7, Sacramento 6 IN MEMORIAM rOR KEXT in the weather, bulky fight-woary Joe Louis will defend his heavyweight championship OURVICH-In loving memory of FOR RENT furnished lln T .. 1 .. , ... . light x ," r - o 1 Mary Louise Gurvich. who housekeeping room. Red 471. ,,f, .V" 1 $ M 650 7th Ave. East. p.gainst Jersey Joe Walcott to-niht In w hat will mark the end of a boxing era. This Intriguing prospect, the last ring appear FOR RENT Comfortable sleeping room, reasonable. RO0 Fraser 8t.. after 5 p.m. U54 (11 Innings) Oakland 10, San Francisco 2 Scatty 6, Los Angeles 2 Western International Tacuma I, Spokane 0 Bremerton 2-2. Wenatchee 0-10 passed away June 24. 1943. The flowers we placed upon your grate May wither and decay: But love for you. who sleeps beneath. Will never fade way. ance of a great champion or an upset victory by the old south Jer.ey campaitmer. is expected Ever remembered bv her loving r-usband and daughter FOR RENT 1 room dwelling, furnished with bath. Summit Ave. Phone Blue 698. (147) FOR RENT Flat, K-and Block. Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweller, at) to lure 55.000 people to the Yankee Stadium. Odds favoring Lduls stand at - .. . -rrs X a I Vancouver 10. Salem 9 Victoria 7. Yakima 6 (10 innings) TUESDAY Western International Lea(iie Spokane 5, Tacoma 3. Bremerton 2. Wenatchee 0. Vancouver 4-7, Salem 2-2 5 to 12 and mav drtra to 1 to 2 FOK ..'iLl. by riiiKtime due to an influx of i . Walcott money. Both fifh?'-s are 34 which It FOR SALE-Gillnet drum, complete with caslhope drive. $50 . Phone Red 666. 153i FOR RENT Very nicely furnished suite for summer months. Suite 1, Summit Apts. (1481 d as fighters go. victoria 3, Yakima 2 Mo in- I.ouls weighs 215 pounds and Walcott tips the scale at 194 FOR SALE 3C h p. Semi Diesel . Gardner Electric heating sys ROOM AN 3 BOARD If. one of the milJei, ,obacf( panicubrly suited for your pi,,. Bec,u of the Hurley leaf, i, burn M, . toot . . . SUy lit ! . For mellou, flarUrful ,olucco beat Burley f . . . exptrtW If. a tobacco that new sm.,k'erS . . . . that BpKilI veteran smokers swear bj. T7 pip. tem, ' no torches. "ffj Apply at Pacific Coast League San Diego 7. UoilywooJ 1. Oakland 11. San Francisco 7. Lo.s Angeles 6. Sfattle I. Sacramento 7. Portland 6. l i Fishermen's Settlement Serv-,!ROOM AND BOARD $50 Receipts are expected to reach ! 5800.000 to SSHIO.OOO with a tc- vision take on top of that. j Dr. J. L. Moreno, psychiatrist,! ;e. (155) month. Rooms 415 to $18 month. Apply 622 Fraser St or phone Black 548. (tfi FOR SALE Five tube Marconi Radio, newly overhauled. $20 .'ash. Apply 640 Fulton St. (148) THE CHAMP'S IN SHAPE-At his Pompton LaKes, s J , tra' m camp, heavyweight champ Joe Louis pointed to his weight of 216 pounds to refute rumors that his scheduled fight with Joe .walcott would have to be cancelled because of Louis being over-welght. The fight will take place tonight. GENERAL MoWdEFEAT.-CO-OP First Encounter of Season strength on occasion. The vie-Last Night in Fastball League tory was General Motors thl-d WORK WANTED Wartime WORK WANTED Grade 10 stud- FOR SALE 6 room MARINO BEATS JACKIE TURNER HONOLULU, -J-The world's flyweight championship contender. Dado Marino, won a unanimous decision over Jac'iie T'tnicr of Vancouver In a 10-round bout last night. House. Good condition. Har em. rvnowieage oi typing and bookkeeping. Would like work bar view. Apply 1428 Piggott Place. ' (148) during noiidays in office or store to gain experience. Phone IIUIIU', A nine-lnnlne hittinu hQrr o " ' " F. (I48i'by CeneraI Motors kept Co-oo iff kninH i . UThePIck of Pipe Tobacco, Dorothy, Green 848. picks Louis to win by a knockout In the early rounds. 1 ouls ts rated as the superi r puncher and. if he can mat- Walcott fight hi kind of fistK. he should catch him early. Otherwise, a long fight mlg.;t get Louis' legs in which Cane Walcott would stand a chance. Although It was threatening again this morning, the weather bureau predicts clearing; weather tonight about the time Jo-Louis and Joe Walcott climb through the ropes for th? 15-round .bout. If the weather ' adverse the fight will be furtu.-r postponed until tomorrow niRt.t , ! FOR SALE 24-foot awning with -roller. Snap. Apply Maceys. '.- (180) uaiitt ana resulted in the garage boys taking a 14 to 7 vie-torv from th n.v, FASTBALL STANDINGS li games) HELP WAXTE3 of the season, lifting their pt-eer.tage of wins two notches above C.N.R.A. but still wV under the unblemished mark set so far by 99 Taxi. Due to the complications of arranging a six-team schedule, General Motors had not had n chance previously Tv.,o.j to fcy tiu-i, meet Co-op wu-ou - .'.it. iiirn in uieir iELP WANTED Automotive or first encounter of tie fa'sth-m 4 0 1,000 ! 3 1 .750 ? I 12. 4EMtr ..3V FOR SALE 20-ft. pleasure boat, .4 h.p. Easthope engine. Complete with 8-ft. skiff. Phone 6lue 148 betr.een S and 7 p.m. (148) Chrysler season at Gyro Park last night Marine Parts Clerk. Box 358 Daily News. 99 Taxi G eneral Motors CNR A Co-op . High High School school G & A (150) It was one of those one-sMr-H A .5.1 I J - HU 1 T wMTinrta. n.w games which seem to be v- ' char- ItldHT FROM TO HOUSE'S .MOUTH- Here's a hot tip for weather tir:vi;:j Our ttnp,. oi .ooo idr Sr-rgb - 0 4 .000 j V?K $ wuc iw.& man wun miner's licence. Steady work, 1 arterUlic t both Oeneral Motors although Motors has played four $130 per hour. Apply at 1207 and Ule Iea8ue-topping 99 Taxi games and Co-op three anatiut water St. -"- has shown "ther 148), einil- ;eams. Hifh SclwO, oe lar. but not as conclusive cause 01 bad breaks in th cneclt - up sir. i.c j ' SH0R1 biOK FOR SALE New St Jsed Furniture Si Hardware. SlighUy uaed bedroom suites, good juality; used carpet; kitchen sets from $18; Electric wash-"rn? - machine, best condition; 2-piece chesterfield bed $35; Good mattresses $8; 3-pieee bed $15: Underwood modern weather, so far has had oppr tunity to play only one of ihre yjur car in first rixis ship,. MACH1NKKT r-Oh SALI WANTED Two experienced waitresses for Cafe In Prince George. A;ply in person for full lnformaUon at the Hollywood Cafe. ( i5i 1 assure Ujp perfurrranc Protests against the hiah cos'. through the ret of mst scheduled games. night. General Motors left room for no early duubu as to the fart that they were out to win. Ted Arnry. Motors K) SAW better iu,oc, ,,. economicaUy use the moue-. nd up-to-date type Nation.. Portable SawmlUj manufac-turni by NaUonal Machnr-Company Limited Vaiu-ou. . 'typewriter; house Si office HELP WANTED Housekeeper f living are becoming common- j place but when even baseball) umpires complain , Max (Fort: William Times-Journal 1 Rav i desks & chairs; chtnaware; 'New British India rugs, hand I made, beautiful designs; new; .Gurney stoves. Other useful! Father and four children, age. four to thirteen; near Terrace, Could be steady employment. Apply Box 69, Copper River, B.C. ,i49) lN T't'T'XME fOTJRT OP BRITISH COtDMBIA IN PDflDlTB 7 v-' minks it s t me to sit un and aa opening batter when he take notice. When umpires tluee hits that resulted in tw:, ation failed to get much atten-runs in the first inning. n Uorf when . they complained Thereafter, Motors rang up- 1C about lo" wages they went un hits of Co-00 Ditcher !.- strike. household articles. Come and ,JUQ& this over. B. C. Furni-ur Co. Black 324. in the Maltrr of thr -.tdmliilMmlloa WAXTtD ilOTR)! '"OTOnNYsiuNt; INCOME TAX i W ArtiM Develorjine. Printini K Kit 'HNS PRlPAP.rn.sf . .ifl In the Mailer irf tl F.late rt Joh.inna loutlilaii. iNrasmt Slater in seven innings, one nf It was all very legal. Ray re also Cedar Poles. Advise quan ? Excellent condition. Apply 13 lTaxj- (tf) ! tnem a home run hv .? uo' rv,m,. ports, with the umplre-in-chiel j f quick" sekVics; . II. K. MORTIMTll I I Prnfruinn.l G,.-ll.. I I Vli Inti (KesrmF tities can supply, earliest ship- takk notice that bv omer of ,V Z, ment, prices f.o.b. shipping Jl"0",0' Judf w "atj" the flfth- Sl re- point Niedermever - Martin xXlVT! c ?' "eved C' K n the ei,iuh FOR SALE Furnished 6 room bungalow. All modern. Owner leaving town. Will sacrifice. Phone Red 666. (1491 nri miorming the Association by letter that his staff was no longer willing to toil on the diamond for the regular fee of $3 50 each per game. When the deadline passed and -the letter had brought no response, the Co.. Spalding Building. Por'- f."' A,D '9R PP'n Admin and Kt"'iett struck out thre land 4. Ore. ,150, Couan u L Johanna men" aliowin" hit in tla. co,: on'TiboSrr innin In mth. he walked iJia oy of July. 1M0. . s.w. man and struck n.,t PlIONK ' 654 5e Per Dozen Paid For Empties ehl TTm-nt 1 not published or tlsplavred bythe Liquor Ontr.-M B.rdr t theOnmrnnwntof Brltlsb Culumbu. PERSONAL MrlllL Motrs tM 10 "Core during the FOR SALE-34 Cher. Sedan. New engine Installed. New , tires. Apply Long Motors. . ' ' (118 FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE quired to to par i the .no amount .,.,. Anal final two two innin-s. lnninn "7 j4iled to P tot i ndcbvxin to mt itthwith . "cheduled games. SubsUtute the Interior rrm -r.n. mi n i I,,! P, Lkw irZJrlng cl" trie1 " waa nl wntU the fifth tn- officials were found but Hot. 2U eventu- Hotei. 244 miles from Prince ,'dh "i4 to fti. thn ning that Co-op kT..I. fj I got 1 th allv on on a mn beUwn Rupert, Just half wav tn PHn 7 Jr."? "r w... 7 .th" Uy. a. the As- Ooree WOrpe' 7.. in .hT-s . i or JulT ,98- 7 u,ey wnt Ilrst soclallon and. the regular urn- which (tf) ?g dtatributlon will b m.dc class when thev riirf r. ,u piring nlrln. suff .f.rr . ,.5 was called. , FOR SALE Used six months Converto Lounge, chest of Urawers, vanity, plate mirror, tables, porch chair etc. Phone wn 993 after 7:30 p.m; U50i u.vmg rrard only to nuch claims of fi,.. . , which t .h,n h, bee not?ned Hrst four innings, they had been DATED t Prtnntt O-. ... Vtll a.- ... etn ith dny of or June June. A A n D Taa."1- 1 ." "e r'11 0fI P'ht r tsruce simundson but in - i.IJTT OCEAriVIEW "Out of a welter or recrimina- tion, denunciation and genera! name-calling by most of the' parties concerned.- Ray records. ; "the umpires agreed to accpet an Increase to $5 for the official ' PERSONAL WE'LL SHOP FOR YOU. If you know what you want, but live too far away to find It yourself, write to the Select Shopping Service, Dom inion Building, Vancouver, (tf i . We can supply all your needs in ... . BUILDING SUPPLIES including-WALLHOAKDS, FINISH LUMBER, FLi WOODS, SASH AM) DOOR. NAILS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. "Serving the North Since 1910" Phone 651 652 COAL LUMBER PAINTS CORDON FRASER FORBES Official Administrator Prince Rupert. BC JM) FOR SALE EnglUh Phone Black 752. nun mey got two singles and two bases on balls that netted buggy. (150) IN THE KCPRPVE mmiT HOTEL FOR SALE Newly painted OP BRITISH COLUMBIA tnem four runs. They were held hitless in the sixth and seventh but in th LOST AND mrvn room wartime house. j block at tne plate with the fee for the man on bases remaining at 50." It all goes to Drove R . tn fKOBATE In the Matter of the "AdinlnlMraUnn from bus. 1520 2nri rWrifv-a- : Art eighth they knocked three hits 7 im. ruuNU-T pys on chain in And - leels. that umpires are not pes-pie buck . . . on the uma uui. rart ran. Owner owner in iPalllster. rUBlw Scharff rU mav! mayim the Matter of the rtnte of and and Slater Slater- De one one sho, should ,w andeniCa"lnS a' DalIy Blr,"hU'"- n'' A" thout seeing any diamond or off Nt News and paying for of their -. caALt. -b room wartime house. fUiy furnishedi brlck this ad-t takb notice that by order of runners home ----' ""3 Ulie. VerV .......v. I n nmioc JUO W. O. Pu Inn I-rval rl.IL ... . tre lot. Partial basement IT: o. XT me supreme preme c Court of Bri-i , " a ' on the 17th day JlJ'r ul earnest lutllltv. to 'Full price $2700. Aonlv Rob.; ,wu?u-r rd Atniue. Sat- X,TTTL:" Bowling Standings Canadian National Recreation urday uraay afternoon. afternoon. Bail Ball-noint . nnint "X latmtnr o, '.,. Z'D lat t0 in the game but a last Montador .niip Ltd. r m . 1 cn E. . (Formerly Kno A Quiet, Pleasant , flare to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATFO Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses Now Management Proprietor, TOM PESU1 MION'r. 7 pen. Owner max, Btrtwhlstle. formerlv of Prinr Ru. Opportunity to save thpmvlvAt Association Club by Identifying and paying for," .boTtne","". ?ln PMy celuEed. MacPhee this advertisement at the Daily IFOR SALE s4 h p. 0 cycle elec- trie motor, I Beaver wood lath, chisels . and wood worker s equipment. Phone Red 656. ir un vm.uiu v.jiuiiiui. nu per- ".. ...ire 1111,3, two aona Indebted to the said estate are of them doubles hv Kellt Voile and j required to pay the amount of the.r r, ,Dy "CW5- (tf) Arroll McOreish 1 i 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 0 0 2 0! rriliun a.C, ".uroiwnm to me forthwith and anu a single wntch re- r u u w u Bathing cap. Owner ?" r haini? claims acamn suited in three runs Pal-aw TJj::je bv C hVronr score, but Smith. Ke,! McMeekln Ross Frew Paul """j 5 ana paying for "or " i day of July. 1948 lett and Postula. who had got on base on balls, came home. mis advertisement .... "" wmcn dtatributlon will be ui made havlnr n ... claims of which I ahull k notified General Motors AB Arney 2b 6 B. Simundson n 6 .j.DAIED ,.Prln ""P- B C. this 17th day of June. A D 1948 GORDON FRASER FORBES Official Administrator Prince Rupert. BC (15( MFrAL WORK PLUMBLNO - Installation, ana repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roof- c,i?f" itourn" Sons. 629 6lxth West. Phone 543. (tf) r BASEBALL SCHEDULE June 24 Savoy vs Merchants une 27 Moose vs Savoy June 29 Merchants vs Moose B. Smith 3b 5 B. Windle ss a Lambie lb 6 M. Simundson cf .... 5 Morgan If 5 IN THK SCPREvtw cot-RT OP HOUSES FOR SALE Seal Cove 5 room house on two lots; harbor view; $2000. Terms can be arranged. Sixth East 5 room house; 3 lots; new oil range. Near M Bride St 5 room house; full concrete basement ; furnace; corner lot; garden-a snap for cash. Section Two 6 room house; bungalow style; view; gun-porch; 2 lots; excellent value reasonably priced. Ambrose Ave. 6 room house; 3 well kept lots; view: furnished or unfurnished; ideal family home. 5th West Five room house; full concrete basement; furnace; hardwood floors; surjerior JOHN H. BULGER . OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Vhlrd Afeisue iki i ish COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In the Matter of the -Administration Art" An In the Matter of the rtate nf Perry nharpe. lerea,. Intestate TAKE NOTICE tftat by Order of His Honor JiiHm vo r v..,. . S. Dominato rf Pavlikis c 5 5 5Pra COTJRT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE " ... the Matter of the tstate nr . In the Matter of the -Admlnlatratlon Keep your car running Sweet- You'll be sure of t sweet-running motor if you bring your car to odr experts, Whether you need minor adjustments of major repairs, you 11 find our rates are reasonable. We abide by cost est inures and have your car ready when promised. H 3 I 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 17 II 0 1 1 I 0 3 1 2 0 H e are pirated to anno that wt hare now oM'll the services of a Tfrj t pelent body man, nxa Mr. Charles Hcpp"" who wUI be only to & to rive you a frre estiiM" frndrrM on that bod. or .Mr. Heppnrr ak ort lies in uphoUirry R 2 2 1 1 2 ' 2 1 2 1 14 R 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 7 SCHEDULE MEN'S FASTBALL June 26 High School vs. and Anderson. 49 Co-op AB Postula cf 2 W. Smith m t TAKE NOTirr . Judge of the Supreme Court of Bri- HonourYud". "f i.T. 5" cpuiuiea Administrator nt t . . I lot. --rr-y onarpe. I B.UUOI 'Can. (ChiVrAlbSrt iLll! wto d JEl? Vuh 3b 5 RUPERT MARINE REALTY All partle. harlng eltbn, .. nSV? CUy Prlnce Ru-tna said estat aiT hirebT tJif.! ! ttth c,,lumbl All peraotis to furnish same WTrJ 1 'Ti to th w re-ma on or br( ueTd.To,ulk,nrtJ W ,mo,,nt A D 1948 after which aV,. rt T' deDt4'1 o forthwith and aU T tit construction; excellent pron- Keiiett rf p Bellis c , Palllster lr Scharff 2b Slater p rf Warren lb .. 5 .. 4 -. 5 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 34 . . . . i,. .U . , ' el-lnu-i which! thenhad ".'.h n"? 'l erty. Armstrong Agencies, .Ph. 342 Eves. Green 297. asn (J. CLAl'SEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICE SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) 801 541 ,' Phnn. r. Superior Auto & Body m aamTari Gen. Motors 200 144 300 14 Co-op - 000 040 0037 Pert, Ir'Brlt, LP.AIE? " f"nRupert. B C. this i r n u iaim mn day of Juu a n iui rTou iw n in tne Daily News! rtiss:ti-a Pays! OORDON r. FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BC. OORDON FRASER FORBES Official Admlnlatrator Prlnct Rupert. BC (158) Advertise in tne uany News! ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BFST