Prince Rupert Dan? i!3eto0 Lto. , Thursday, June 24, 1948 Local News Items Baseball Tonight, Savoy vs. Merchants. 6:30 p.m. UO Ed Coughlan of the social wel Arrow if J. :tlIl fare office left on last night's DECORATION DAY Sunday June 27, 1918 All members of Canadian Legion are invited by Queen Nary Chapter, I.O.D.E., to take part in these ceremonies. Members are requested to "fall in" at Legion Hall Sunday 2:45 p.m. e ALBERT & McCAFFERY First I for Building Needs I ' I U MBER . . . CEMENT ... FIR, CEDAR AND BIRCH PLYWOOD . . . I RED CEDAR SHINGLES . . I ' GYFROC WALLBOARD . . . I BRICKS, LIME, PLASTER LBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. I PHONE 116 FOR PRICES Mrs. Barney Roald left by air this afternoon for Vancouver, j July 1 Dance, Civic Centre. Four Dukes Orchestra. (153) Ben Evns has" been indisposed for the past week. It has been found advisable to remain at home for a while. Meeting of Internation Union of Operating Engineers, Carpen- train on a business trip to Smi-thers. REGULAR BAPTIST Sunday ichool Picnic, Saturday, June 26 SHIRTS XI NECKTIES HANDKERCHIEFS Meet S.O.N. Hall 12 noon. Leave , to march to the Cenotaph and Digby wharf 12:30. All scholars I tnen Proceed to Soldier's Plot for decoration of Mem- (149) graves. and parents welcome. 1 tors' Hall, Friday, June 25, 8 p.m. uers wuuug iu piace cars at uie , (149 Mrs. R. D. Eva.-.3 and son, are sailing on the Prince disposal of those attending are requested to notify the Secry-Mgr. Canadian Legion as soon as possible. ' (150) Harold Ponder, who has een on a holiday trip ,to Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, returned to the city on last evening's r n Rupert next week on, a trip to Vancouver. Special marriage evensong, St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sunday, June 27. All couples married at St. Andrew's particularly invited. (150) BATMEN TO GIRLS CFPR 111 WEST plane and will proceed at the end of the week to Premier. , Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle (Subject to change) LEGION HALL, 8:30 p.m., Friday, June 25, Germans Being Used In Auxiliary Territorial Service LONDON Amid roars of laughter, the House of Commons learned, recently that German Social Evening. "Bring I C. C. Mills, who . suffered a Your Missus ' Night." : heart atack some weeks ago and gOOFf : Cmir M,m, m. has since been a patient in Prince Rupert General Hospital, Legion and W.A. Members only. (149) THURSDAY -P.M. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Wally Wickon 4:45 Lord Caresser prisoners are employed as batmen to the Auxiliary Territorial Service girls. continues to make good recov- "Mommy, lu iike to go to steep":" Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Brooks of ery. He is now able to sit up Terrace, who have been on a two and will be leaving hospital for rrarvMn?rr,n tm ino weeks' trip to Vancouver and i home soon. i -w Hotel. . ROTARY OFFICERS Installation Takes Place at Luncheon Today Victoria, arrived in the city on (OUT THE RED FRONT the Prince Rupert yesterday and I The Midway Islands, 1,200 Lt. J. P. Dodds, U.S.N.R. was northwest of Hawaii, were an air tourist in the city yester- discovered in 1859 and declared day, having made the round a tj. s possesSi0n in 1867. I A 1.1 left by the evening train for rr Oay all .ruiiciiuiu uiuui Am sals ! ilJ his union members: their home in the Interior. trip ingm norm irom vancou . . i . D. C. Stevenson today became president of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club for the forthcoming year which begins in July. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ItiiiS country a vjouimuuist is Prince Rupert N. B. Larson, New Westrnin ster; J. Bruhang, New Westrnin wlio keeps his heart and Moscow and his skin nd ,n the U.S.A." ARROW ensem- . ; bles, that is " matching shirts, " ties and handkerchiefs that give perfect blending, and no guesswork. ARROW shirts are Sanforized- labelled guar- anteed never to"""- ' shrink out of fit.' We'll gladly help. you make a selection from our wide variety of patterns and colors, f He was Installed at weekly lun WORK W ANTED Good care for children by the month. Apply 203 9th Ave. East. (150) Dr. J. D. Galbralth returned ver while on his way to his home to the city by air Wednesday at Ames, Iowa, after having from Vancouver after a trip to been at Oakland taking train-Ottawa where he attended a ing as an officer in the supply conference on Indian Health 'corps of the United States Navy Services. He also visited his ' Reserve. Lt. Dodds is a foreman home in Ontario. , in a factory at Ames. His father cheon meeting at the Broadway I ster; Mr. and Mrs. J. Bunn, Van Cafe by Duncan C. McRae, char J how Communism sucks in ti ... 1. I .1 U L:1. couver; M. Juvik, Vancouver; A. C. Skipper, Queen Charlotte 5:00 The Happy Tune 5:30 Canadian Caravan 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask 6:15 Freddy Martin's Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 The Mighty Fraser 8:30 The Nation's Business. 8:45 Sports Review 9:00 Ernie Adams Show 9:30 Vancouver Theatre 10:00 CBC News 0:10 B.C. News 10:15 Points of View 10:30 Nocturne 10:55 Recorded Interlude 11:00 Fish Arrivals 11:05 Weather and Sign Off nteiicctuais. x bhuuiu uiuul an intellectual was a is a professor in Iowa State Col- iFOR ? "Chicken in the Rough' person who did a lot , of independent think' City; J. Hitchcock, Queen Charlotte City; I. Engvik, Vancouver; George Ashbrook, Vancouver; S. Black, Prince George; M. McNeil, mg; out amongst the ter member and first secretary of the club. Other officers installed were: Secretary, H. T. Lock. Treasurer, Alex McRae. Sergeant-at-Arms, Fred Scad-den. Directors G. C. Mitchell, E. T. Applewhaite and Martin Stu tCall the 5 Dominion Day Sports Entry forms available at Civic Centre, Canadian Legion, Watts & Nick-erson. Entries must be turned in to Civic Centre by June 28. Eight track events, Gilhuly Cup Football, Baseball, Roosevelt 'ark, July 1. (tf ) lege and formerly published a daily newspaper at Ames. RXXrVCLOSIHG Office Here Being Discontinued Temporarily 4 V i h CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM PHONE 231 J tommies you nims. what they tell you to think and if you get out of line, they crack' down on you. If you're not allowed to think If, how can you be an art. Alice Arm; A. Niison, Vancouver; ' W. E. Bottomley, Smithers; D. ' Derecz, Sandspit; E. S. Inskip, Vancouver; Dr. D. L. Thompson, Montreal; Miss E. McKim-1 mie Vancouver; E. McLaughlin, Whittier, Alaska; G. S. Barker.' Vancouver; E. Lotty, Victoria; J. R. Wothers, Vancouver; C. The Prince Rupert detachment Mrs. W. C. Osborne of Terrace, Jcjtual"? Announcements Catholic School Hall, June 24 WILL YOU IJE PREPARED WHEN -WINTER COMES? my, too, how some workmen who has been in Vancouver f or ' ",c """"7, the past few weeks receiving ,folice 18 to bf sed temporarily medical treatment, arrive from !f?r u,an,T,a. Td .Pvf d C?"" I W" K who u has the south on the Prince Rupert 1ttable McLat;chie. hllriJ I'llPtli MHintrl' I M j:Liil Communism can neip tnem Russian Communism puts lea and home cooking sale, 2:30 1 p.m., card tournament finals, 8 i p.m. United Church W.M.S. tea at Leslie, Vancouver; B. Charleson, Ocean Falls; R. G. Small, Alice Arm; R. E. Lane, Vancouver; Ralph Green, Vancouver; E. Kennedy, Long Bay; George yesterday and proceeded by the evening train to her home in the interior. ri 12,0(JO,Uoy ana u.uuu.lwu into slave labor camps work army of slaves in all St i . And no denial of the fact home of Mrs. Faught, 701- 6th West, July 8. (159) trora Moscow. Hansen, city; A. Magnison, Long, Tourist groups aboard the Bav: L W. Turner. Queen Char- steamer Prince - Rupert, vriich ment since 1941 and in charge of since the ceparture of Corporal John Piper, is sailing Saturday on his way to Grand Forks whence ne nas ueen transferred. During the war, the "R.C.M.P. detachment contained two and Catholic Eazaar, October 6 FKUaI A.M. 7:30 Musical Clue 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Bong 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert i:0O BBC NEWS 9:15 Mornlne Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Bemie Braden Tells a Story 11 : 15 Reminiscences end 7. (168) I -n t seem to make sense that lotte City. t ,'immunists Uncle Sam won t was1 in port yesterday afternoon bound for Alaska, Included a party of fourteen led by M. Jay A fc-s into lus country, cunning SAV0 HOTEL Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar, October 20. Rebekah Fall Bazaar, Novem- : ber 3. are Goodman of "Travel Unlimited," S. V. Cox Mr. and Mrs. three men in charge of Corporal fc agents of Russia and against fcracy, are running b;g union on the Prince a Ltis Angeles agency. They left piper but activity in the area sailing tonight it lit country. i i i i ft most pualing of all to me ll i c n I Carl Zarelli, Prop. fcv"PCI1' vilivsuvv ikimk niiiw jvuHci' .ci,i-A.iAiwaii jicu. uix tuicf uie wur una uih Canadian Lesion WA Bazaar ' they nave"""been "caHe'd on ac- today and are proceeding north staff was reduced. The branch Novem b er 10 . count of serious injuries receiv- from there by plane to Juneau, was opened in 1941 after being Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov ed by their Dm Sjtka, Fairbanks and Fort Yu- closed since 1938. 18- Healy, who was hurt this week kon. They will be here again I Mrs. McLatchie expects to re- aw i me people ngure nociansm is P.O. Box 544 I Phone 37 k l.tF..r..rit- frrm C.t mimimi m Iwth were started by Karl " FRASER STREET 11.31 Message Period Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale in a logging accident on Van- next Thursday night on the main in the city for an indefin- November 25th. couver Island. same steamer southbound. ite period. Prince Rupert If you are going to instal a furnace or replace your old unit, see your FAWCETT DEALER THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 NL f, U'th want the State to own it i .iiis of production and run the rect who produce things; because Ruio put it into practiccnd there youi-Ji see how Socialism works ki you try it full scale. 5W 1 1 :33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Famous Voices p.M. - 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 to(3tecri)8 Gee? Cbte 9 Flowers For All Occasions! 'mWi Sivs . . ." is shmsorei by the tntii (Jdumhid FcJcTdti(m of Trait end IV. W-1S 0 cfntfi i BOOK SALE o Any Title (plus others) 75c 1 2 : 55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Symphony Hour 2:00 Feature Concert 2:15 Family Favorites 2:30 Comty. and Needle Pointers 2:45 Don Messer and Islandei 3:00 Ethel and Albert. 3:15 Spotlight on a Star Till; M'NMIIXE A WOMAN Ipholstering V1 Ni Kl NX Boston Aivi;vri ui-; ...... WIMiS OF Till'. (UIKMVIi somi; ! TlltSE IIAVS HO BKi . . . Frank Nwliirrtwi iVlH7.ll IH' In Hmhc 4i-all Htiillin- . .lean Hiwll Ne(;ulf Mlhir Turkrr . , kilna FrrlM'f1 I'l-url Buck' Uos4iinunil Miiruluill . . . Ihirothru umwall 4VIIAT AMDKICA M CANS TO MK PAYROLLS" III C'HKSS IIOTM'I K . . "BUILD TIIKV DARK NOT liO A-IHMINU VICTORIA ;KANIOI,IT llFlirylil-llailinilll KOOSTi:K ( HI)IVS FOK BAV Brll Lurid) lllirman Till: I'FACOCK SIII.US BIS TAIL . . . ." Allie TlKUall' tlnliart A f'IKCM; IN llll. ATl;K "... Helen Hull (jl 'KF.N annk'h i. vcK '. . . Fraiirm Parkinxon r-yt H INTKR Ml.i:TINi Fthel Vaure (iOOBNKiHT SW FKT riilNCK . Oene I'liwlrr WHAT BOCJMK OF ANNA BOI.TON Lmits BriillllinJU I'KIIIF'S WAV Knhert MlHI Till: KM I. All AND Till; SOI KCF liosuillilllfl Leliuiimnir- H. M.J'l I.HAVI. F.Mfl IKK Jiillll Mariliailir lil l SSI II AUK 1IIK MKKK Jnl'la KtWKalt kffl 'WRAD1ATCO FURNITURE REPAIR Children Love It UICK AND AUTO Tailored Suits to Clear! Till; K.MI'KIIOIi'S l-IIYSICIAN J. K. Perkins KITTY IOl,l: .. Christopher Moiley CHRIST IN CONCKKTK I'lrtro 1)1 lXlllnto VAM 'lis I I' TO S."i.7. tsw them in our nlmlow CUSHIONS RECOVERED Ask for PLASTAIIIDE available NOW! Kaien Co-op HOUSEHOLDERS Give your Kitchen ths "New Look." Drop in and chuck the new line of Cabinet Hardware matching your kitchen color scheme with pre-harmonized paints and colored Inlaid Linolfum. OptL-af town orders given Box 1127 351 3rd West Children find that cocoa is hard to beat for a warming drink. You'll find that cocoa made with Pacific Milk has an added measure of goodness. Use Pacific in all your cooking recipes. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Phone 179 special attention O V I N ' S (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 3 Exceptional values in Gabardines and English Woolens. The business girl or family lady can look at home in any company with one of these smart suits Broken Sizes. For the dainty feminine touch to your tailored suit choose one of our JERSEY, CREPE, SHEER or PIQUE BLOUSES. ,VkWV;W.VAVWiViWiV.VVWIV,1VWVAVi NEW ROYAL HOTEL r ALE: Coin operated equip- 0, Pi Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones, 60 and 68 Juke Boxes, Pin Tables, Venders. ! ULR 1 Pin Table. 1200.00; , H7BO0. Kii'lli'llt rniitllttiHi. !' : NIP OOWEN. 1069 Nnntoll 0 A Home Away From Home SO Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE. RUPERT. B.C. Phone 231 P.O. Bos 196 I' incouver, B.C. (1"8) When you buy at Sweet Sixteen take advantage of the Personalized BUDGET PLAN. No Interest No Carrying Charges. i SALT LAKES I'ERRY SCHEDULE WITH I'ly except Mon. & Tues. BULKLEY VALLEY MILK AGAIN TRY Rex Calle i'ave Cow Bay Floats (I., Thurs., Fri. 2:30, 6:30, 7:10. A. MacKENZIE i FURNITURE Limited Lean Back and LA-Z-BOY leans back with you for reading, reclining, relaxing, reposing, retiring. Call in Seeing is Believing Phone 775 27 SrdAve. Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging Box 645 216 4th St. PRICES luiday Every hour "i 10:30 a.m. 12c Per Pint FOR TASTY MEALS 22c P 'cr uuart f "lay Continuous from a.m. . . , I boat returns 10' p.m. Chop Suey Chow Mein OPEN 6 AM. TO 2 A.M. CHINESE DISHES OVR SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Iilts 50c. Under 16, 25c VALENTIN DAIRY I PHONE 657 ? (148) v Return urn Tickets good only on day purchased. m