who are just looking for a lh,.. that will Rive them a mm h,.i,.. ! any event all this, together with but I al.oo want to see labor give newase problems. would be taken a fan- return and ; Hw W to its If r n, an 8 p wilh expert consultant, as anj jt.t thjy Bob McKay for Mayor prestige or nain ior ihems, iv. s or i the party tney represent. !j CITY MANAGER It is I 2 jprfncc Ruprrt Dailp rectos Moiulay, November 21, MrMBta OK CANAUUOrKs ?TPS,1t- M"na!ns Director cam, m wSgq. .,.00. - " Month. 50c; Per Tear. S 0O Xmas n soon as possible in orclT to pet a , th must (,ive M much ef fort finished plan wcrke d otit.Whe-i to earn th the rale rate of of pay Dnv as as thcv they i conviction that we should hire a thnr it s one vear or mi, wnai.- Manifesto man wn,n proven qualUicat.irn 1 Uvpr is done at the time will ul- do in asking for it, and put in the 8 hours as agreed to. FIRE HALLS AND POLICE Remember, you Ret Just what yon and put him in as City Manager Riving him a free hand and at the same time demand results Real S 'timatly be part of the coninletf Having decided to offer myself as a candidate plan, i am certain we do not - , ,. , . . have nor can we get anyone in for mayor, I believe that the voter is entitled to somsW council or present city staif . ...... .... ,,tfr, enfflcimt abilitv or Kpow- maication oi policy tor nis approval and what he mavi,P(i:e w lay out su.h a plan) pay for. I think you can get the ; City business is Retting to be big Kind of policing you want if the , business and is no different from Mayor and Council as a whole . any other bus.ness. It must demand it . It makes no difler-ihave an efficient manager to be i-iice whether you have Provin- j run properly. Our revenue is now cial or City Police, but I am cer- I close to the $700,000 mark unnu- talniy very mucn againot tne any ana increasing every year. Provincial Police using Prince totuay your candidates. Con expect in the event of a candidate being elected to of-iwi,l10l,t expert ad TELEPHONE This pros-am f tice. tv This would u appear to u be an essential i- i i. to intelli- . ,i- js the same in detail as was ut gent voting. Therefore, 1 offer you the following; (""y1 are used 'to"euFaoe the manifesto for your consideration. JfmueB o!!st?u" With reference to Texas, the ia new building and install a new City Council has no money at However a new buildin ejght and n t tf unat, is conecien irom tne le"s " except , , ., ffmir.. it nut for i i i im,i- "'"n rriim, pr ''"e gift Mak; Amas Gift pried frm o., 4. SPORT SIIIRT; fttion fr0m 0 u. "KN-SSl'ITS-'p;; Worslpd, buuu. k. Kupert as a proving ground for new recruit who are only here on probation and have not even been signed on. Our own force sider whether they have their own houses in order. Have they conducted their own affairs to warrant putting your trust in them to run your citv? Th would likely cost more to operate. POWER Negotiations will cnangeover to City Managership have to be started to settle our would have to have the consent ! fOWER status the Northern U. ( ana approval oi tne Provincial taxpayer. Doti't listen to any yourself! No one knows where it nnfs i- rlnllncr , mnnthlv mnnthlv in n time silly promises or make demaml goes, but. It. shows that our feeder , . mfttrial maKing tempnfaty line it ihns rornrii,.i U n .i 1 i'1 " ...... C. Fewer Co. wll have to be ask- uovernmeni. i win leave It to ed what they are prepared to your own good judgment as to offer In regard to advancement. I wno " the aspiring candidates rates, etc., in renewal. We must : including myself, is likely to re real barWi MEN'S SHovtfi;.,; COATS-Bfautif.,!,,: Thrrc colors. Rn at t , arrange for someone else to carry I receive the most favorable con- unless you are prepared to put "".'" i i natches that do not improve um up the money for them in the f lot ' leaks and needs replac- TnPSP tliiars are lost. "g' "P08'" pump ?P"5Uoa it's like putting a n-w link lone long run run. t-ropeny Property can can only 0P'y is costly to li JU just pump water down ,d clJin. u breaks hi stand so much taxation too some hole or holes. The reservtfir ; ,hr nlace tomorrow so let's much makes the property a lia- has got to be relined! This was , I j.ie om ch8ln at sideration of the Provincial on. This cannot be left to the Government. last minute. ! HrnsiNn1"hi tnni!. h t.- uui.y, who me iiiy eventually , done live years ago but appar-i""" " .w"nne The new rp.fs ently not to the satisfaction of, , m. the aid of a ship!! getting it back for taxrs and no tention if we are going to be able to offer satisfactory living If this program meets with your approval. I respectfully ask for your vote and support at the polls December 8. ROBERT McKAV. the engineer a Mr. Haines tho P.WTS-AII oo',(. from . .j Boys' I)cnim PA.Ni -lei'tiin !.,!. i In conditions to Celanese employ ees so that they von't move els? i loan, should laKe care oi necessary outside renewals the next two years. Ii pvent we can pet by wlih and was broken and letf in a much worse condition than be-iore. It is not large enough to J ! ttrhcri) A a want In nnA wlll rtaUA I subsequent revenue. The Im-iprovement Tax, to my rnlhd. Is a imost vicious tax. It penalises the party who builds and who I helps to make your comunlty to assist and co-operat with any take iaKC the tne load ioaa In in any any emergency emergency. price from I ISoVS' llrne . I ide Irtsenl board if we get mit'i as was proven just lately. We IP d ,lnes , good sh,.p. need another reservoir onstruct Mrs. B. Sirherk returned to the city on the camasun on Friday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. SIirKTS-Good Mf, However, it is there, and it is ed on Montreal Heights of at' " .EV "T im.l - party or organization who will offer to provide suitable housing. In looking over the workings and mistakes of past councils, it seems to be an impossibility tc I impossible to carry on without it. least the same size or larger to ft.llw nmfArt IVa ,itf tn i f ,1111111111. 1U11J ;iUlCLb IHC 111 CTClll Ul a break in the main line they' CITY HALL City Hall shon'd sometimes haDDen even In newlhnve someone in charge who 1 would try all other means possible to raise revenue and thus obtain some relief in this get the right men to .otfer them- VvTSERvT HANGOVER installations. There Is a 12" con-1 would be responsiule lor themselves up for candidates. Those irom ,-RovV Plaid All V.Z SHIRTS-Kral Sat Xmas Girls' and Him' S Sizes up to six. All $3.50. For Xmas Sp. LADIES,- Prints iVfice Rupert's Defences pPJXCE RUPERT may well have more than a I mere passing interest in the "matter of Canada's national defence. Major-General G. R. Pearkes V. C. is not the first to see Alaska as the Aehille heel of the North American continent in the event of another war. Prince Rupert is the nearest transcontinental railhead to Alaska. In the event of attack by an enemy from the north, it is but realistic to anticipate that Prince Rupert would be an important objective: Therefore, it is very fitting that Prince Rupert people should be most interested in the matter of defence and might well be concerned if due attention is not paid to this port's important 'and potentially vulnerable position. In a message directed to Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder, who visited there a few days a ?o, the Ketchikan Chronicle mentioned Prince Rupert as follows: . "Alaska lies at the western terminus of Canadian National Railway line into Prince Rupert which supplied many Alaskan bases during World, war 2. This line is as important to Alaskan defences as is the Trans-Siberian railroad to northeastern Siberian defenses. , ;'Vet Prince Rupert, a major wartime base, has languished. Its buildings and equipment have been surplused. It needs an airbase, supply depots, antiaircraft guns and troops. Possibly Ketchikan's big $3,000,000 Coast Guard base, if properly garrisoned and supplied, could undertake defenses of Annette island and Prince Rupert, with assistance from the Armed Forces. If so, there should be cache s of mines', anti-submarine nets and antiaircraft guns. There should be troops trained .in demolition and other defense activities. The Coast Guard base has housing and recreational facilities. It should also have more surface craft with a vlar of defense to use in emergency. Its job should be to keen tbe .In-. side Passage, open and operating and the airways clear. nection to the whole water, efficient workings of the City who have the ability are tied up ! system at 9th and McBride Sts.'Hall and from whom you could in their own personal business ! BREAKFASTS that would connect with Mon-,get a correct answer to an ques-and cannot afford the time nor treal Heights and overcome the tions and not the run-around the criticism that they must take Hays Creek crossing at Hays as it is now. !in order to give efficient serv- Cove, as well as under the Booth1 LABOR I want to see labor ice. One makes enemies, loses School. I don't know what would get the equal of any comparable I customers and takes a lot of happen if the line ever broke work prevailing in the district abuse. There are candidates EDUCATIONAL TAXES - I Will do my best to have the full cost taken over by the Government. After all, an educated boy or girl is an asset to the whole Dominion and I feel that the expense to educate a child should be ntiid . lor out of Income Tax. The' country as a whole derives the! maUh. Beautiful p IcKUlur to f t.00 Sow, a set 2 raw eggs 1 small tomato juice 2 aspirins AND ALL OUR SYMPATHY ALSO Best Hamburgers in Town SNACK BAR oenefit from our educated vonth Imagine what it would be like if we had no children for fifty years. Who would carry on Hie affairs of the country? It is the responsibility of the whole country to foot the bill for ihpiti A New Travel Otherwise, a citizen could bp i)PEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILi Just off Third Avenue . Station Period tALAG0 U 6th St. Ph. Orders Blue 92 I Phone Circen earning a large income, have pupils at school and still not pr.y taxes if not owning property. UTILITIES-As far as Utilities are concerned. I think they should pear rates to provide operating-cost; 'sinking fund, interest alid replacements without any asisUnce from Land or Improvement Taxes. All those should be taken care of before any moneys are turned into General fund. Be assured v.e we would not be tn the fix v.e are today with our water nri NOVEMBER lOtlt REAL EST INSURAM INCOME T, HETURLS PRI l v. I4 .telephone both worn out and no R. E. MORTlj 324 2nd Ave. (N- money lor replacements if this had been done in the past. FINANCE -It is imperati ;e that ways and means be fou d to raise money to take care of he AS ANNOUNCED BY THE MINISTER OF FINANCE, THE REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF U.S. DOLLARS FOR TRAVEL CONTINUE IN FORCE. As in the past, it will be necessary for Canadians to obtain a permit from their bank if they wish to take out of Canada more than $10 U.S., or more than $25 in U.S. and Canadian currency combined. - CALL IJM'E r For Satisfactory 10 OFF OIL. STANDS Ordered before Saturday Noon ALL SIZES Phone Mark 881 T H OM : SHEET METAL LTD. already ovorcie replacerr.-n' of our w ater and sewage sei vices. KEN'S RADIO! 718 2nd Ave I Pleasure Travol witn Mwproper appmneh. plus the proven' acts.tUat u (son ab-' solute netekiity l.the Minister of Municrpatitl-errmnwTi;tir,t l:i either refunding our debts or paying off the balance of our Consolidated bonds two years Le-for they ate due. If e can get the Pmui.-KI Government and 80"f of ih CHANDLd M ' flrrfl PORTRAIT El Film Finislihif i j bondholders to o?ro, It could be The maximum amount of U.S. dollars which any Canadian resident may obtain for pleasure travel purposes during the twelve months beginning November 16th, 1949, is $150. In the case of children of eleven years and under, the amount is $100. There is no restriction in the number of trips as long as the annual allotment is not exceeded. Flash Pliolof Iakf: Ptioue Green 339 . none hi nne rrinte R iit-L owns $1,000,000 of her own bonds as well as those of the Provin- prince Rim: 1 T 1 I .! mm i.i. h1 y j,iv!.i.,iiirn. more nr now a great many private holders However, this will have to be gone into ajci' worked out aftci I am Mayor. Before any money is spent on a rehabilitation program I would positievely call in a consulting limn mr auiiii'a9 jitMiim ur 1 Ediicnlioii PHONE 79 lUallarr (engineer with A-l standing to j advise us just where we stand, 1 perferably Mr. Breckenridge who i has had 25 years municipal service as City Engineer with the jCity of Vancouver and is now ; retired but would be available in ;an Advisory capacity. We will jhave to be content with present i narrow streets for manv vear Reasonable amounts of U.S. dollars may be obtained for these purposes by making application through ony of the chartered banks. Travel lo Europe Special arrangements exist whereby Canadian dollars can be used to buy the appropriate currencies for travel in the United Kingdom and Other sterling area countries, as well as in most countries of Western Europe. Travel expenditure in these but the necessary materials and machinery are pa fur to sur-lace the balance not already done. This can and will be done out of regular maint enancp "A civil act'on involving a verbal agreement . . anybody Interested ' countries does not come out of the $1 50 U.S. currency ration." jRushbrook Heights, providing the j necessary names are put on a riuiiuu, win dc aone under a liocai improvement ulan. Anv (work other than maintenance or HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. ' 7 p.m. to !) p.m. upkeep of major proportions l should b3 carried out on con Further Information available at any bank or from FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD ST. JOHN'S MONTREAL OTTAWA TORONTO WINDSOR VANCOUVIR SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVE btvtcf tWr authority of tho Government of Conacfo -4 tract basis. WA'jER -While the main Intake line is not perhaps in the Lest of shape, it is not the most urgent job at hand. Tr.e pipe, ordered three years ago is now on liana to replace th : worst piece of the main line and there Reserve Fund to lnstal it. The meter on the main line shows there are 2''2 to 3 minion gallons of water coming over it dally. This, for a population of between "OVER-ALL OVERHAUL" SERVICE Steering is all too often a matter of life and death. For maximum safety your front wheels should respond instantly to your every movement. Our wheel alignment srevice may prevent an accident. DRIVE IN NOW! 1 i MAKE THIS A ' mil ll CHRISTIl ues at LOW P TOP V rices DECORATE FOR CHRISTMASTIME With TREE LIGHTS, HOUSE and FOR THE CHILDREN New Assortment of di a ctip DFrnRDS AS SALE CONTINUES with SWEATERS CRUISERS TIES SHIRTS Reduced to Sell TREE DECORATIONS Xmas Crackers, Candles Angel & star Tree Tops Xmas Napkins & Cloths a tirtu i iv nI1 HAVE JUST ARW , XMAS CAROLS CHILDREN STORIKS-M ,tslj SONGS MOTHER GOOSE RIIVMKS j r i r it. Ar each r SPORTS JACKETS VP TO SIZE At CLEARANCE PRICES MARCHAM) OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL RURNEUS IKON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations Call in today to ACME CLQTHINrf W STORE SMITH & ELKINS LTD. BOX 274 Third Avenue Phone 359 18 Srd Ave. W. Box 1118 Phone Red 400 "M