PROVINCIAL IJARY PRDVl:,':iAL L12T.M1, vic. :.::a, 2. c. OnMES DRUGS . Z)a7j Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NIWSPAPXR Y CABS I'ublishPd at. Canada's Most Stxatejrir PHf Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest. PHOIIE 81 VOL. XXXVTTT Nn 971 MJTMf'P 15 1 TDFDT n r Hrwr A V wnVTritOE'r 1 n,m botw tttte' rtpM-r PRICE FIVE CENT3 tntgomery Sees No Immediate Danger Of War Military Chief r- : ' i nim imww . urn I I . v 1 : , ; : -. ( ( I iadian Destroyer in Heroic Role Western Europe on ReSCUeS Bus-Pro Heads Justice Reports COMPANY AND MASTER ARE BLAMED FOR NORONIC FIRE Pay City Visil Survivors United States Visit 'NEW YORK Field Marshal . Viscount Montgomery, military chairman of the western European Union Defence Alliance, said today that he saw no immediate threat of open conflict in Western Europe "If there was any mmediate danger, I wouldn't be here, would I? Montgomery asked with a grin ?i his arrival aboard the liner Queen Elizabeth. .116 Is scheduled to fly to Washington Ottawa (CP) Owners and master of the cruise Mi.;s Minnie Bcveiidg, provincial president for Brills!) Columbia of Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, and Mrs Madge Hall of Victoria, regional ship Noronic were blamed by a Supreme Court of rmwiiiK Kx-Afloat, on At-; ftcr Crash TON T li c , i Canada judge today for a fire on September 17 that dhector, honored Prince Rupert Willi a two-day call and were took 118 lives as the luxury vessel lay at a Toronto dock in the course of an excursion cruise. Mr. Justice II. L. Kellock. repoitina as coininis- suitably fctvrt as thpy paid an Canadian hs-. i ofliciul visit to the local club. Miss Beverldgc and Mrs. Hall a i rived In the city on Thursday night's train from Edmonton and Prince Clearer and sailed today. He will return to New, York next Monday and sail lor England December 2. sloner in the Departmnt of I Transport Inquiry, ordered the I master's certificate of Captain L r' V'--. ty into Ham-;;1.v after snat-m the stormy ciirli cfii sur-la4 Wed n es-k f a P. 2t. Box With 8 Wheels HAROLD WHALEN 1 FIRST IN FIELD I William C. Taylor of Sam I a suspended for one year. His Lordship also recommended a series of measures designed to tighten safety regulations for vessels like the Noronic. last nhrht on the Camosun for Vancouver. The visitors were entertained :.t luncheon Friday afUrnoon by Mayor Nora Arnold, who was l,"st year's "Woman of the Year"' selection of Business and Professional Clubs of Canada. Miss Honora Silvcrsidcs, local president, and Miss Audrey Wrathall had Miss Beverldgc and Mrs. Hall as their guests at the Prince Itupert Symphony ri a soectac- Railway Tar I'ninipiessive Put Important MONTREAL There are many 5jt:ir.i iv lion k-pp ! nri'-n from 1 1 f raft In The 30.000-word report was presented to the House of Commons following reading by Mr. Justice Kellock nl his brief court Judgement suspending NEW .UNION TO REPLACE U.E.W. President of the C.I.O. Philip Mjrray (li ft) Is shown In Cleveland as he presented the chartsr for the new International Radio and Machine Workers to James Carey, C.I.O. secretary-treasurer who will head the new union. The labor organization has been formed to replace the recently ousted United Electrical Workers Union, Canadian U.E.W. is split on the question of adherence to the C.I.O. or to the "old guard" U.E.W. executive. it First nomination for the civic election next niontii,; went In today. The papers were those of Harold S. Whal-en, manager, candidate for mayor. Proposer is A. 8. Nick-erson and seconder, , C. G. Ham. Lat,"r this afternoon Aid. George B. Casey was second to enter. He Is seeking re-ele tion to the cuy council for! two year term. Agnes A. Ro sound reasons why the railway car has not changed much in appearance during the past 25 CHILDREN IN CRASH OSLO A p!a.-(! carrying 28 undernourished Jewish refugee children from North Africa is missing today. It Is believed to have crashed in tangled forest country somewhere near Oslo. The plune, with 35 aboard, 28 of them children, three nurses and four crew members, sent out its last radio message as it neared. Oslo's Bprnebu airport. Soon after a sharp flash of ligVil was ser. i followed by an explosion ,- (it m ire than the captain. . Tho report said that loss of (years and although It, has some icrs of Hip life and loss c. ihe ship was! caused by failure ' of Canada j Steamship Lines, the Noronic's times been it f erred to as "riilit wheels and a box." it Is a credit to tnc railways that the Orchestra concert Friday night. Saturday nhht a meeting was held at the home of the Misses Joan and Frances Cross and i Sunday the visitors were shown I the sights of Prince Rjpert. million d.llnrs, as Mr. Campbell illi'; t.rat?d the great amount of mny Involved in car de-sign- TODAY'S STOCKS owners, and Capt. Taylor to take adequate pit-cautions against fire. Tlin judge censured the own about amile south ot Oslo. - design has b-cn kept so simple! that it is referred to in that manner, Allen N. Campbell, mechanic!. I engineer. Canadian Natinn-lal Railways told the monthly h'S. If the designer, can by hi nlanniirr, save ten dollars per chester is his sponsor and John McNulty, his second,' Aid. Casey gave as his occupa tion, retired. . ' In the maintenance cf each! meeting of the Canadian Railway, ,n a-!1 brlifvr'1 . di' when tlio 300 miles Jrrmn'ia Nil Hie Haida si das dpslrov - ;!,"!(. I t' the jiifi- r n by an latitiin',: by tlie :-!t M.i':niIircnL L:h' pi, hips wore itrk e( the ciir- fii.Pps piano iirv 'v -irs un their if tiHlng In an Club ' List wffek ers and master sayln they tailed to provide means of dc-tpcUng, and fighting fires, while in dock and for getting passengers off the ship In the event fo fire in port. ills rmnpuny several times the SAW UNICEF. . DOING GOOD Visiting Salvation Army Has Nothing But Highest Praise Former Cily Pastor Dies "The designer of Hie box ear may be consifl. red to be restrained by various rules and standards- and must work within salary paid fo 1!k president of Ihe United States. Equally, (:1v?up.!i, ho mi?,ht appear un-progrcs-sivc .should he fall for a new idra that fails, the additional maiiit"! anee cost could in theory surmount the net operating Incoms of his railway. CITY MAN IS OIL DIRECTOR Rev. Allan McDaugal McCuil who served as minister of first the area bounded by the requirements of the Association of American Railroads," said Mr. Vancouve r Bayone . .03 Braloi-rTo'-r::"..'::.:':.!::: r I0W B. R. Con : 03' i B. R. x. or,1 j Cariboo Quartz 1.35 Congress 03 ' 4 Hcdley 'Mascot : i .30 Pacific Eastern .00 Pend Oreille - 5.G0 Pioneer 3.40 Premier Border (Wi Privateer 16'2 Reeves McDonald 2.15 Sheep Creek 117 Silbak Premier 38 Taku River 16'2 Vananda . lu Spud Valley 08 Campbell. "The reason is simple United Nations International Children's Fmergency Fund iUNIC'EFi has been seen In action feeding children by the The name of Dr. L. W. Kcr-gin of Prince Rupert is listed as a director of Intrr.vnvlnclal to te'ffti miles ALBANIA GARRISON ' ' !, . R I)F. . . Ktsponsihlc ouwu-t- iht. Russia hi increased the number Wf '. her military men stationed in Albania to an estimated 12,00(1 (o 15,000, about twice ai many as were there four months ago. . HAMILTON WINS VANCOUVER A last quarter touchdown enabled the hard-righting Hamilton Wild Cat squad to eke out a 11 to II victory over Blue-Bombers in the Cajvidian jun.or football 'championship here Saturday. ALOl ETTES WIN MONTREAL Montreal Alou-rtles won the Eastern Canadian senior football title Sunday downing Hamilton Tigers here. Montreal will meet the defending Grey Cup champions, Calgary Stampeders, in Toronto next Saturday. Every railroad from Canadi to Central America, must b" certain the car it builds Is capable Petroleum Co., a recently or hundreds In starving China and i hs liiinirdiHlciv o Mir rr srue by the "Personally, I think I can safely go out on a limb a solidly reinforced slpel limb and riiceliet that the box car of 1 POO will look very much MJte F-rigadicr Clinton Eacott of the Salvation Army, who has b?en visiting in the city from the ot operating safely over Its own. lines and those of all other roads i for it must be interchangeable under Uk present system of ganized enteral l-e whlh has 70,000 acres of holdings in southwestern Saskatchewan on which it Intends to prospect for oil. With headquarters in Vancouver, the company Is hearted by Dr. Victor Dolmage. Its holdings Include two parcels of land i Presbyterian Church here sfor . several months In 1947, died in" (Vancouver recently at the age of , 75. He left Prince Rupert to go j into retirement . .. A veteran of the First World iWar, Mr. McColl served overseas , with the C.E.F. as a chaplain. Burial took place last Thursday at Uie Field of Honor, Mountain . View Cemetery with Rev. George Turpin officiating. J11 , Surviving are one son, Alan, ,of Chatanooga, Tenn., a daughter, Mrs. F. B. Spieler, ol Lincoln, Nebraska, a brother, Rev. Angus McColl, of Glasgow, Scotland, freight, shipping. If it OU dlS f,iT ,.iJ i ,,..,,t..., 1I Country lllltll .(IIM ill (.1 IIIOIWII. ILV7W- ever it will be improved In many down away from home or re-1 quires mat' tenance. the repairs I unseen ways at a coat of many I oils Orir-nt. has nuthinqc bllt lnP highest pralsp for Its fine work. H strongly supjiorts the appeal for funds which UNICEF Is now making and to which donations may be made through the chartered banks. "Just a year aso I was In mi or work must be able lo be done with the parts and by the meth-rds of the railway which is us-in? it. Anglo Canadian 4.30 of 35.000 acres each adjoining the Alberta border in Saskatchewan, lust south of the main millions of dollars in research and it will remain the most efficient means of land transportation in the world. la!if, First Div. line ofthe C.P.R. .25 1.30 .53 7.35 1.42 A, P. Con Atlantic Calmont C. & E Central Lecluc THK WKATHH.R Home Oil 13.50 Cbultmi Athletic 3 i; Cily 1. Fulham 1 :'.ws 3. Munches- II IVLmoiilh. 1 E'.-Tt, i, 2 '!y 1. Ni and several grandchildren. 9 A HOCKEY SCORES DONALD FITCH FOR ALDERMAN .15 , ro Nanking. China," recalls Brig. Kacolt. "One day h brisk Am-"liean lady' came to our Salva lion Army lull to plan UNICEF operations. Could wc promise the use of our buildings, was the first question, and then, could our Salvation Army personnel t;.ke part? We were glad to assure the lady that the buildings Mercury OUalta - "Every day," Mr. Campbrll added, "an average of 20.000 cars from U.S. roads are operating over Canadian lines and a like amount of Canadian cars are in use of those in thj United States. Therein lies the reason for standardization of equipment. He outlined for the gathering the great amount of testing that each new part must undergo before it can be used in operation and the amount, of research behind each Innovation, all of which means a huge cost to the railways. The meeting learned that the 3 '.'b.indniircL after Pacific Pete i.i-5 Princess 3 Royal Canadian 07 Toronto Donald Fitch, 29-year-old Prince Rupert born man, well ' Pl.-.y. fojji ! AMi.ii Villa 1 ;ale warning Synopsis An Intense storm in the Gulf of Alaska Is drifting northward. Coastal regions are near the limits of activity of this centre and showers are general along the west coast of Vancouver Island .and over the Queen Charlottes. Gale warnings have been Bill Wakefield, Slewarl, Passes William J. Wakefield, for many years engaged In the transfer business at Stewart and formerly located at Prince Rupert and Telkwa, collapsed and died suddenly at Stewart early last week, according to word reaching the city f.oin the north. The lun-era ltook place at Stewart. He was a son-in-law of the late Aid. and Mrs. R. F. Terry. ; umlod 2. Middles-1 SUNDAY Detroit 5, Toronto 2 Boston 2, Montreal 1 New York 5, Chicago 2 Pacific Coast San Diego 3, Seattle 3 SATURDAY N.H.L. i) ' 0.'ld known as a sportsman, announc- eel today that he will enter the . 111 Incoming aldiimanic race j for a two-year term in the De- . ember 8 elections. j Running as an independent, his original comment on his weio avaiiaoic lor oayunie use and that Son. Capt. Shcn, commanding officer, would be happy to direct work for the UNICEF In our own buildings. "We aiv prepared to feed 400 children daily from this centre" f i)3. W 'iverhampton Athona lf)U Aumaque 15V2 Beatie sr Bcvcourt 28 Bobjo 16 Buffalo Canadian 09 ',z Consol. Smelters 109.15 Conwest I-10 Donalda 56 nmiHintnil fur flip north coast. . , Canadian National alone . ,,, cloudiness i,n.1.. ; opcr-Stadilv 1 Increasing . ... ates almost 104.000 freight car I candidature was that he favor- j ' ! ed "vouth in the City Hall." He lid the lady. "Can you find that ... :t.i im iir ' 2 1 .lv..l!ll! x J will be noted in western regions which are valued at about 010 .has no afflliftions with any! I group in connection with his candidature, he said. Mr. Fitch, who Is employed Detroit 5, Toronto 2 f Pacific Coast j Vancouver 5, Tacoma 4 I Seattte 3. New Westminster l" Portland 3, San Diego 3 (Itte) San Francisco 6, Fresno 4 Los Angeles 8, Oakland 2 -FRIDAY Pacific Coast . Vancouver 7, Seattle 2-Victoria 5, iacoma 2 San Francisco 5, Oakland 2 Los Angeles 5, Fresno 2 .-59 485 670 .38 Eldona East Sullivan Giant Ycliowknlfe God's Lake ,c'"' 1. Sheffield lllv " (:ibandi:ne('. rui;ul. ; r,, . today and showers will spread to the Lower Fraser Valley tomorrow. ' Forecast North Coast Region Overcast and mild with Intermittent rail today and Tesday. Winds south east 45 mphi decreasing tt southeast (30 mphi this evening . Low tonight and highs to- lumber ol nccay cnnurenr c ssurcd here we could do this ery easily. Crowds of children ived close to our hall and many ot them were sadly under-nourished. About 150 of them used our compound as their playground every day. We would be glad to serve them with meals there too. "I moved to Shanghai shortly after his UNICEF worker's visit Toll-nhair 3 a n. at. the Prince Rupert Dry Dock, was born in Prince Rupert and ls the son of the late Frank Fitch, for many years in the Customs service here. He studied engineering at the University of Washington an has been prominent in sports, particularly basket ( liesleifiel-i Hardrock W Hakiieani 0!) Heva - Hosco 3 Jacknife 03 Joliet Quebec 67 ' Lake Rowan -O6 Lapaska "J,2 4 V.' !, I -avi U r ' V. ' 2 v" . morrow-at Port Hardy 48 ana 54, Sandspit 44 and 00, Princf Rupert 46 and 50. 'n0. Hull City 3 Norlh t'-ri 2, Lt Iccstr- !k Kiin:;eii l, Biin G U'"'--'l 2, Card) r but In January '49 paid Nanking a return visit. I saw the UNICEF program in operation under the ball, for many years. Mr, Fitch's announcement Little Long Lac 4t .11 came shortly before the opening of the nomination period at noon I capable administration of ben. I Capt. Shen. Every morning and 1 evening hundreds of meals were Prime Minister In Air Address EXTRA COPIES OF SPECIAL AVAILABLE . Extra copies of the special international edition ot the Daily News are available for those who desire . them. They may be picked up at the Daily News office or they will be mailed at a price of 10c per copy which will cover the mailing charge. P'.ymou!h Pt..n ' 'lie. today. The nomination period Lynx Madscn Red Lake McKenzie Red Lake McLeod Cockf-hutt ... Moneta Negus '.closes at noon, December 1. 3.25 .59 1.73 .40 1.95 r,.m,n Minister L. S. St. Laur T;'" 2. Ilradovrt 0 served, and besides this help I to older children, milk was given I to babies and infants. So far, the line-up of candid ' lliletl 0, Blac't ates has a decided top-heavy aspect. Three persons have definitely announced that they will 11 ln ne liio a 1 T . ' "All thj families were Investigated by Salvation Army workers, but the much needed food was supplied by UNICEF." cut will be heard over a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation intional network broadcast at 8: 15 Tuesday evening. Prime Minister's will be carried by station CFPR of Prince Rupert. I 'alk irk 0 run for mayor while up to this morning aiv equal number Is ali Earl Barr returned to the city l F;re l Clyde 2 St. Mirrrn 0 Noranda 68 00 Louvlcourt IS Pickle Crow 2.08 Regcourt 04 V San Antonio 4.05 Senator Rouyn .35 Sherrit Gordon 2.70 Steep Rock ' ; 2.01 Sturgeon River 21 Silver Miller 3.10 LOCAL TIDES ON SPEAKING TERMS AGAIN Social life Is in vogue ag-ain between zone representatives In Berlin. To celebrate the Czech anniversary of independenc, Antonin Sncjdarek, head of the Czech military mission invited other zone representatives to a soiree at his establishment. Here, enjoying a polite exchange of Pleasantries are. left to right, Col. Kozar, Csech military attache; Mai.-Gen. J.P. Hodges, VS. military representative; and Soviet Cfilet of protocol, Col. V. Pirogov. . Tuesday, November 22, . 949 Hiesailth 0, HcRrta! that has proclaimed Intention toby air Saturday afternoon from seek the six aldermanlc seats J Seattle where he attended a open. However, with the opening , Northwest Lumbermen's Convenor the nomination period, a def- : tion. Mr. Barr is connected inite speed-up in pace Is antici- with the forestry department of pated I Columbia Cellulose Co. (High 2:42 20,6 feet j 14:22 23.4 feet Lieut. M. J. Stapleton leit oy air Saturday afternoon for Vancouver on army business, he plans to return on Wednesday. j ;ts 1. Glasgow R-n i ilk!. !Low 8:22 7.4 feet l li 21:05 1.4 feet 0, Aberde