PRCVIr.'CIAL DISPATCHED CABS ' vicro;:i,, d I 0 COO Daily jVlCTO NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Delivery Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 VOL. XXXIX, No. 280 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., FRIDAY,' DECEMBER 1. 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS TO HONOR LATE BISHOP- Memorial Tablet to be Unveiled at j St. Andrew's Cathedral on Sunday , , ; r i Revered memory of the late Rt. Rev. George Where The Drews Live Alexander Rix, canon and rector of St. Andrew's SecurityJCouncil To . Parish in Prince Rupert from 1913 to 19Z8, archdeacon of Caledonia from 1923 to 1928 and third Defer Korean Action y s Bishop of Caledonia from 1928 to 1945, and Mrs. Rix will be honored Sunday afternoon at St. Andrew's SYNGMAN RHEE WANTS "A" BOMB SEOUL, Korea President Syngman Rhee of the Republic, of Korea today advoated u.iing the -atomic bomb in North Korea. He suggested in an interview that the Allies should use "old style" atomic bombs such as the ones that pulverized Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War. i Cathedral with the unveiling 01 Till After Conference 1 a memorial tablet. The Cathedral Church was completed under the leadership of the late Bishop Rix and Mrs. Rix who was diocesan president . LAKE SUCCESS (CP) The Russian veto yes : ' r r-1 ) : a , from 1925 to 1933. terday killed a six-power demand in the Security V Alexander G. Rix, son of the Council of the United Nations for Chinese Commu 57 late Bishop and Mrs. Rix, is coming from Nanaimo to unveil the 1 V 4- nist troops to withdraw from the Korean battle .V'4- V Weather This Year Improved hup The western powers are expected to press for juick United Nations action against the Chinese Reds n Li in the veto-free Assembly under' Fifty-six point nine hours of the western anti-aggression pro cabinet's view that no decision bright sunshine were recorded in gram. American sources said the to use the atom bomb in Korea Prince Rupert bv the Dominion tablet In the erecting of whicn every parish and mission in the diocese has participated. Mr. Rix has presented, on behalf of the family, a new Holy Table in the Cathedral in memory of his father and mother. The table will be dedicated Sunday morning by Bishop James B. Gibson at Holy Communion service. The Bishop will lead the unveiling service which will be followed by a visit to the new rectory which is now nearing Assembly probably would be Meteorological Station at Dlgby should be made without prior consultation with .the United Nations member states whose Island during November, HONORING MEMORY Late Rt. Rev. G. A. Rix, former Bishop of Caledonia. So far this year there has been forces are fighting there. 928.9 hours of sunshine rn Prince asked to act Monday. In the meantime, Prime ;Mjnister Clement Attlce is coming to the United States on Sunday to confer with President H. S. Truman and it is believed that the Gen fcjw-V"" v ... - T , v i 7 2. Try to settle differences Rupert compared with 85.3 hours in the first eleven months between American and British theories over the manner in For Defence of last year. which approach should be made The precipitation this year to for a settlement with Commu date Is 73.83 inches compared eral Assembly will not deal ' with the Korean crisis until after this conference. The sudden trip of Mr. Attlee to with 92.34 inches last year in the completion and where, after the saying of prayers by the Bishop, Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, on behalf of parish and congregation, will kindle the first fire in the SWAY This is Stornaway, the 35-year-old Rockcllffe residence at Ottawa, purchased hnanent residence for Canada's leader of the opposition. George Drew, leader of the live Conservatlce Party, now lives here with his wife and their two children, Edward, 13, same period, 01 Europe WASHINGTON, D.C. Informed sources said today that a meeting of North Atlantic Official weather readings for tar-old Sandra, two aogs ana one sman mucii uiau ic uraira ui nist China and for resolving Far Eastern problems generally. Mr. Attlee Is expected to press for withdrawal of United Nations forces in Korea to a defence line well short of the Man-churian frontier before seeking settlement with Red China. (CP PHOTO) the month of November from the Dominion meteorological wireless station at Digby Island the United States is taken as another indication of the gravity of the international situation. Before voting on the resolu At the conclusion of the proceedings, tea will be served in the Cathedral Hall. are: Maximum temperature, 55.7. Minimum temperature, 17.6 Maximum tariomete'- reading tion yesterday, the Security Washington observers believe military leaders had been ar-l ranged to seek immediate egree-ment on creation of a combined defence force for western Europe. ! Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower Council rejected a Soviet-spon that the Prime Minister also will explore the possibility of calling sored Chinese Communist de 30-.67 inches November 18. mand for United States troops! HOCKEY SCORES National Toronto 0, Montreal 0 (tie) Pacific Coast Victoria 2, Portland 2 (tie) a secret high leyei meeting oi ' , ; . : - '. i t ' ....i. 1 1 ' I ' ' I ! . ... ' I! ! .: :,5- -i IL'.4 the western powers and Russia to end world tension. has been mentioned as supreme I commander of the force. to- withdraw from Korea and Formosa. Russia cast a lone favorable ballot with nine against Minimum barometer reading, 29.34 inches, Nov. 16. Precipitation, 7,28 inches of rain and 1.4 inches of snow on 19 davs. Bright sunshine, 56.9 hours for and India not participating. FRANCE TOO The French prerier, Rene 16 days. Maximum wind velocity, 36 1 Not States Situation Critical But Hopeless, MacArthur Plevin, may join in the Wash- ington talks of Prime Minister Clement R. Attlee and President Harrv S. Truman, it was miles per hour from the south east on Nov. 23. The mean temperature for th reported today by the Foreign month was 35.7 degrees . -. i- -j.' A spokesman said he understood the premier might hurry to Washington If the National THE WEATHER Synopsis Two Inches of snow fell on the east coast of Vancouver Island Assembly gave him, a sufficient vote of confidence later tonignc. Whether Pleven remains in of- and up to one inch over the I : " WASHINGTON" (CP) While General Douglas MacArthur was saying at Tokyo that the situation in Korea was serious and critical but not hopeless, President Truman today asked Congress, to provide an ; additional $17,500,000,000 for arms, including atomic weapons with "utmost speed" because of the "gravity of the world situa- ; r ; tion." i ward the Manchurian border 40 General MacArthur's chief in-'to fi0 miies northward, retreat- fice depends on that vote. Iower matiuana as me icawug Prime Minister Attlee today e"S" anumc puiu u uia prepared to fly to Washington I movea soutn over me areas iwu Painters Are Joining Union Eighteen men were signed at a Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America Union meeting held in the Carpenter's Hall last night. Jack Eaves, special B.P.D.P. organizer from Vancouver, wa3 chairman at the meeting. The Prince Rupert organization will operate under the Vancouver agreement, said Mr. Eaves, who will return south next week. for his talks with President Truman designed to end Com munist China's Intervention in Korea and preserve flickering world peace. telligence officer said today that ed to the south bank of the Changchon River. flowers in the drawing room o fher new home. The mE Mrs. George Drew arranges Attlee and a small group 01 the predicament of United Nations forces in northwest Korea is not desperate enough to war top-level advisers are to leave land walls are pal green. The lamp-shades are oi parenmenv u . . . .. i i. mmiiM mVipi-o she visit.prf this summer. in a special plane, probably Sat rant the ust of the atomic bomb lesign. Mrs. Drew Drougnt mem ow. - urday or Sunday, after a special on the Chinese Communists. cabinet meeting. The Eighth Army situation, to five inches of fresh snow were reported in the valleys of the southern interior. It has been clear and cold in the central interior regions of the province with temperatures down to 25 below zero during the night. A disturbance In the Gulf of Alaska this morning is expected to move south during the 24 to 48 hours, bringing snow to the northern coast and Interior during the late afternoon and evening and to the southern regions of the province tomorrow. North coast region Clear at first, clouding over by mid-afternoon with intermittent snow beginning this evening and stopping early Saturday morning. Cloudy and cold Saturday, clear MacArthur's spokesman said, "is On the vulnerable right flank, a Commonwealth force, made up of British and Australian forces and Turks each In brigade strength and United States First Cavalry Division stood firm. A comparative ground lull on the northwest front continues. An Eighth Army spokesman said that most of the activity N DEAD IN HALIFAX HOLOCAUST not of a desperate nature calling for desperate measures." Major General Charles A. Wil-loughby said that the Allied battle position was being stabilized and at an appropriate moment In Ottawa there was speculation that Prime Minister St. Laurent of Canada might be invited to sit in on the conference. It is also reported that Mr. Attlee may visit Ottawa before returning to London, Meanwhile it was learned that United Nations forces will strike f Million back against the Reds. I was in the air with Allied planss : TODAY'S STOCKS : Prime Minister Plevin and For General MacArthur himself Europe Will Settle Issue LONDON B Suggesting in eign Minister Robert Schuman inflicting an estimated 1300 Red casualties. It was the heaviest aerial assault since September. Ltd.) then said that "the military situation in Korea Is serious and critical but not hopeless." Johnston Co. ing in the afternoon. Winds light, increasing to southeast (Courtesy 8. D. of France were due here tomorrow morning to meet Mr. Attlee lar Blaze (20 mph) this afternoon and and Foreign Minister Bevin. Mr. Attlee Is expected to re shifting to northwest (20) over night. Lows tonight and highs main in the United States for ilFAX (CP) Fire. the House of Commons yesterday that a Big Four meeting should be arranged "while immense Nearly 700 sorties were Ilown. Fighters and bombers . rained explosives on Chinese attacking United States Marines and Seventh Division Infantrymen around Chongjln reservoir In northeast Korea. -at Port Hardy and 30 and 36; at Prince about one week and, during his Saturday visit, he is expected to: , Sandspit, fobed today in ruins superiority of United States 1. Emphasize the British Rupert, 25 and 35. STABILIZING LINES Retreating United States forces on the northwest front in Korea today pulled back to a line 30 miles north of the former North Korean capital of Pyongyang. A high army official said that the critical situation of the Eighth Army in the northwest sector is being stabilized and the gutted a depart atomic bomb organization off ure where at least sets Soviet predominance In Bcvcourt 63 xh Bobjo , -11 Buffalo Canadian .. -23 C. M. & S -124.00 Conwest Donalda - 4 Eldona - -2 East Sullivan 7.15 Giant Yellowknlfe 610 'God's Lake 33 Hardrock 24 Harrlcana -07 Heva ' 08 pons died in a spec- every other military respect. former Prime Minister Winston George Evans of Prince Rupert Serving in Pusan-Korean Note George Evans, Prince Rupert's first soldier to r fire starting from lighted Christmas win- United Nations Tenth Corps Churchill described Communist manoeuvering in Korea as a forces are holding their own. Way. bodies were recovered diversion. VANCOUVER Bayonne 02 Bralorne 5.90 B. R. Con -02 B. R. X 04 Cariboo Quartz 1.00 Hedley Mascot 43 Pacific Eastern 05 Pend Oreille 7.80 Pioneer 1-90 Premier Border 07 Privateer ' 07 V Reeves McDonald 3.75 Reno 02 Sheep Creek 1-30 Silbak Premier 30 V2 Taku River -06 V Vananda 09 Salmon Gold 02 Spud Valley A..:... -03 Silver Standard 202 Western Uranium 5 Anglo Canadian Northeast forces are holding up against attacks by 80,000 or more Chinese. Allied divisions, spreading to- f t but one body Is still in the ruins of the four- He declared: "It Is in Europe that the world course will be Hosco - -05 Vi Jackknife - 05'4 decided." Mcling of Kays Limited, lion of which is still too LIQUOR STORE IN NEW STAND Liquor Vendor C. L. Young-man and his staff are doing business today at their new stand on Second Avenue between Sixth and Seventh Streets. The transfer from the old building to the new was carried out according to schedule yesterday afternoon. Continuously throughout today, liquor purchasers were noted going to the old store, apparently by force of habit or not realizing the change. serve in Korea, is on duty in the port of Pusan. Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Evans, he sailed across the Pacific as a member of the Canadian party aboard the United States trooper James O'Hara from Seattle. George is right in the thick of things although us to search. I'y damage is estimated (over $500,000. toman is in hospital suf- this does not mean that the i(scene of present day fighting is rom facial burns and this is only guessing. Today, with Korea torn and distracted Saturday, December 2, 1950 near where ne is stationed ior National Anthem Writer Descendant ROSS, Cal. The death ol Jane Francis Brice, aged ninety, Is reported. She was the last granddaughter of Francis Scott Key, who wrote "The Star Spangled Banner." 1 W the fire, teen-ane Rol by war, the note is worth 2y2 High 7:01 17.5 feet 18:50 16.9 feet the city of Pusan is In the extreme southeast. . The Chinese Communist drive cents. The note is slightly smaller than an ordinary bill. In the Joliet Quebeu 84 Lake Rowan - .07 Lapaska 04 Little Long Lac 54 Lynx 13 'i Madsen Red Lake 2.05 McKenzie Red Lake 43 McLeod Cockshutt 2.00 Moneta 3f Negus 81 Noranda 69.75 Louvicourt 05 Pickle Crow 1-65 Regicourt 05 San Antonio 2.35 Senator Rouyn 21 Sherritt Gordon 2.55 SteeD Rock 6.10 Jlholland, led two other p. Con " A Low 0:23 6.5 feet 12:58 10.0 feet ! and three women to is.u Atlantic .71 finrouEh the rooftop to Pol mnvi t. centre Is a picture of a small, plain looking building perhaps intended to be a bank. The note has evidently been in use for a tpe ladder. j listed the known dead Central Leduc Home Oil - 13 Mercury )f rf-Lln 1.11 Is away north by the Manchuf-ian frontier. But Pte. Evans, nevertheless, is having a lot of experiences he never dreamed would come his way. Just now, the Canadian unit continues to train and make ready for the arrival of the Princess Pats, now TONIGHT Navy Drill Hall DANCE 1.40 Princess " " .. no considerable time and likely been in many a purse or pocket. Another reminder of the Journey to Korea was King Neptune's reception, when the troopship crossed the equator. Anyone who has never crossed the line be Royal Canadian - Sturgeon River 14 Silver Miller -83 NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS To make necessary changes within Cow Bay Main Sity Sub-station it will be necessary to cut off power supply to all circuits served by this station on Sunday morning. December 3rd at 3:00 A.M. Period of shut down will be approximately two h..m. Areas affected-Section 1, 2, 5 and 6, or from Hays Creek Bridge to the west end of Section 2. NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. enroute across the Pacific. George has written both his 1.65 Robert Sullivan, 24; n Moser, 17; N H. Bundy. 51, and his Hton; !an Robar, 24; fny Mills, 24; Jj McEachern; Grey, 67; .Alfred Peach; Annie Carter. "(laze started wVien nn em- TORONTO Athona ; ' Aumaque Beattie Upper Canada .08 .25 .632 Manitou 5.50 In aid of Kiddies . Christmas Tree Party Waltz Contest Jitterbug Contest JOIN THE FUN!! 4 Dukes . 10-2 Golden father and sister Lucy. He enclosed what possibly Is the first fore was in for attention and here was where George received his certificate. It Is a very colorful and original document, ture. Korean bank note ever seen in Canada. It is called a "100 won." A won, it is said, has a normal value of possibly a shilling but bearing the name of the owner.j quickly started a curtain of flame across the only entrance and flamed licked up a stairway through the 57-year-uld struc Police reported that the store had no rear exit and there was no sprinkler system. and is certain to De nigniy pnzea. JWugged in an electrical ? a window display. It