wATiur rrtn n A n T A II C C U CTinTf i"11 Eaard 111 1 1 iti. u r w n 1 n m 1 I 11. "i us.. U I I II I J I THE MARKETS w r a v sr mm- mw bw mm a btv 1 ra 'j t Lot Left Leg For Second Time l?rta VLuptzt PailE Cttos Lid. Tuesday, July r- :ms iVSlINU I Via I V l I U U k k II rflMltlJI tv .... ;v-F ir i.;. I J lH,. YYOUlO-mMO the fivt u 'Wl ii-Yinnl r,, u ' m b.s , cast ballots for I I rirl candidates. TefetaMw . Celery, bunch Cauliflower, head Agnes MclnUsb f Brde Street Stbwl Takes Uad one 01 t horn 1 BaiioUng s,..' -. 1 raiirn nvr, tr Pn-t T c. tj Living Cost Voting for Prince Rupert f jestivities next August 2V conduced ; Swiss Chard, lb, j Parsnips (unwashed) lb. QUEBEC VOTE ON WEDNESDAY 0I Sii, i SEMI-ANNUAL j PHONE BOOK The five girls were introduced j Here tile ! Turnips, lb. IMS Port Queen opined last night at the Capitol Theatre when more than 5O0 patrons - ' j AlBL'RX. Maine Levi Mor- - - i id, 49. employed in a shoe plant. - -21 accidentally lost his left leg - -09 i in 1J55 Since then be wore an - -OT artificial leg This month he - 85 1 had a second accident. The left - -lij leg this time wooden was cut . 22 j 0j once more on Grand Trunk - RaJway tracks. - 29i by F. E. Anfield after Junior tings; Home Makers Orr" Here Mushroom, lb. i T Hrxr Mf. and M LA. Chamber of Commerce Presi-j Agnes , 'Head Lettuce, bunch j Prince Rupert's citv tele-jrEBEC-Th provincial el-'. pij0ne ,-m be re- ection campaign in Quebec is Tised eTerT over and vot-r.e will take place .,4 oI eTerT Tear u council dent S. O. rura. no aso u Street Sch ,)i Port Day committee chairman. 1 Shirley h had spoken briefly on the back- School, no'""''' ! To consider the problem of Cucumbers, each . the cost cf living, a meeting open Ireea Onions, 2 bunches -1 to the general public was held Australian Onions, 3 lbs. 'list evenmr in Valhalla Kail. j abbage. lb. : choose tomorrow The voters w t adopts a utilities committee Hotel. . . Ml ies lor fnaci among 312 candidal recommendation presented by ground ana prrwrui y.aii ui uic 1 Manor, w Port Day celebration. School. 102 Ballots were distributed to Margaret CONTROLLING JO Alderman Robert McKay last ! Another meeting will be held Rhubarb, lb. ipinaeh, lb. Beets, bunch 9i, .5 OF CANCER the patrons as they entered the , tion Schr theatre by R. G. Moore, chair- Marjorn man of the Queen committee High Scht Turnips, new, bunch Tomatoes, No. 1. !b ew potatoes, 5 lb. P2 electoral divisions. The fs:e of Prenuer Maun re Duplessis" Natisaale government will be in the hands of about two rniUion voters from 9 am to 6. S3 px Eas:em Daylight Tune S a a. to 3:50 pa Pacific Daylight Tune-. The campaign, winding up to is Prince Rupert A. Dixon. Courtenay; H. Dixon, R. V. Caider, Montreal; G. M Ferruson, Vancouver; A OTTAWA A means of controlling cancer may be before the exact cause of next week with the Member of ; Parliament and members of the legislature in attendance, j Last night s proceedings wer: I at first of a further organii.-uor.ai nature, several detailed matters being taken up and de-i cided or., such as the forming of a committee, and the giving of a name to the group initiating Canned Vefe cables Pickles, gal. 1.99 f YOUNS BR1CF rt Riiunn.. wum H 1 17 ""UL - (ST Bematte, Vancouver: R. D. ! Icy. eoucmr sonureu offtfJ , .hit Green Beans, Jo. 5 Peas, fancy Mixed Vegetables night The suggestion was tabled along with a report on the proposed new telephone system. Alderman McKay said that, because of changes in population, there were now 240 telephone numbers not listed in the 153 directory. He suggested that the directory be revised in March and September in future years. A.-ur.r Mayor Black agreed. I understand that there is about 15 per cent change in telephone owners and it is getting greater." he said. L'..u - .... Bristowe, Vancouver; F. C. Penny, city. A. E. Love. Tuisequah; R. Baileu, Courtenay; D. H " r "T B,r' n Rgt liced Beets, 2 tins ; inftwrw t npTf!eri to pniira- . , j4: Harder, vice-chairman of the British Empire Cancer Cam-5 Jk ' pa.gn, who visited here. One , 1 type of the scourge, he said. jj j ' cancer of the prostate gland, has been successfully combat-ted jj with a drug taken by the : mouth. Known methods of Bates. Portland; V. S. Reisler. ! Portland; Mrs. W. Hanbury.j night, his been one of the lire-1 Lest in a year that has already ! seen three provuicial elections . The rr.air. issues hare been the 1 rtuon Nationale's administrative record over the last four, years .anti-eon-unurust rneas- ures, interpretation or previa-j c.al ng.-.ts and opposition to the Dorrni jr. tax acreeuitat. j " 4. jax Deans, cowce , vorir.g to reduce expenses. pyis and Carrots It will be knowa as the Home pumptin Makers' League. Among those j corn, choice on the committee to work fur corn Niblets : m -tip 25 ; treatment snousa oe pursues vo tin tin their limits. Carlisle; A R. Snort, Vancouver, John Fraser, Oceanic; B Stad, Barrett Lak e T. Stad. Barret Lake: R Posthoumas. Houston; B. F. Talbot, city; S. R. Emeeth, Vrirtuer; H A MarDonaid. Vancouver; Mr and Mra J. Swansborough, it the promotion of Leaxue acur.-; uked Beans, 25-oz ties are Elsie Pyber. Lillian Baked Beans, 15-oe... Doane. Kathleen Phillips and K.J frwit Kuison. Strawberries, rit There was a fair sized attend-' Bananas, lb. Ab Canned rwha ' JH Apricots, 20-oa. 2b Chemes fancy t 20-oa. ii, Loeanbemes. 20-c. t w m - nnka. fl CsaBn m V Si M .41 2S ance. citeHy women, with Mrs. Apples, cooking. 2 lb. Ross Richardson presacmg and Fancy Apples, S lb. Ear.:el Boswell of the Br:tsh Columbia PuSItc Ctiltaes Com-misaion with heaiQuaners in Prince George, is in the cirr on official business, having arrived at the er,d of the week by r 1 II I .V IV I h' i rain Schedule fat the Eass Monday, Tednesday, Friday p.m Fri the rst Ttfrsday. Th arsday, Saturty-15 45 p m M-G-M ,4a Peaches, choice Lara 22 Pure. lb. . Grapefruit, Texas (white). treasurer. The meetin", which IMVTtOOUCXiL 1 y X'tJ 95 s, 3 for . car. visiting various interior , began at 8:30, adjourned shortly betore 10. fpink), 6's, 6 for Oranges (NaveH 25 ki a ut.c. to return to Prmce THE GREAT WI There was an informal cis-i 2V Shortening .49 : Sa 2t Soap. face. 2 for . Laundry, cake i Sunlight, cake Dates, lb. is w-eek. Geo.te Frest XUk Local cussion, the cp'nions heard, or any suggestions offered, all centreing around the ever increas- , - 5KT-WAVDEEXS Plirrft is a Greek word mean-irt wanderer. HOUSED MENAGERIE . The Tower of London one? rr?Hiij a menagerie. 22 Soap Powders, tarre IUIS SttktND Uim Quart Pint . . 1 ing cost cf everyday outlays es-; .12; Glare trait WORLD'S FIRST OIL The crlc s firs" oil was cri. in 1E59. in the maintenance of a RAlnER - GRAVcT - KOR 1 sectia 2i Cherries. i pfct . pin Cream, home- Eats 1 EDCI lUKIT.UMaiim Grade A: .42! .71 ,4a 3i PROHIBITIVE FARM COSTS cartoned, dot. Arge, Batter Grade, lb. i Princess Line 47 5a le of Ladies' Suits. Coats, Dresses G. P. Lyons, invited to the; floor, spoke of how costs kept climbing and of how it seem-.d :here was no way yet of avoid-; ir.g this unhappy condition. lie , ! Almond Paste, lb. . Coconut. Ib. i Fruit Cake Mix, lb Dates (fancy. 1-lb. pkt. .73 Seedless Raisins. 2 lbs. Seeded Raisins, lb. j ihelied Walnuts. lb. J3 Shelled Almonds. ,I lb. 7.7s Shelled Brazils, V.b. j Jams Pare i3 trawberry, 24-ox. ' taspberry, 14-oz. 58 Blackberry. 28-oa. Milk Evaporated Milk. 15-ai. tins, 2 for Case NOW ON AT re.atea an tncioent nea.ir.g with . cbeese a recent nait to Terrace. Ht aia cheese, lb. had gone to see about buying' FWnr zr:2l SAILINGS 3sj .. to VANCOUVER 44 and way ports ,46i Every Monday 10 p m. . - 44 1 to ALASKA .45; Ketchikan. Wrangeii. Juneau j and Stag ay ,1J ! July 3 and Aarwsl some new potatoes for his busi- pasirv Flour, 7 lbs. ness in Prince Rupert but found nour, 49 s, No. 1 hard wheat 2 99 Cherry, 24-oz. We Would Uke 10 More Girl, MISS P.N.E. BEAUTY COK ENROLL TODAY prices prohibitive. He cited the Flour i24's 159 each, 24-ca cost of farm labor in the interior Coffee, lb. IrS .pricot, 24-az. country which, he understood, ' DeLuxe Quality, lb. 1.14- bmp Rupert Peoples Store Including Peoples Famous 2 jor I Dress Sale -as $1 an hour. j Tea and Coffee Once, youngsters had been ! Jaices working on a 50 cents basis but Tomatoes, 20-or. other young people had made it ' 40 ot. ; so unpleasant for them that i gallon toALERT BAY and Vancouver July 21 and Aarnst I Fishermen! i Canned Soups, .11 to .. Meats .la Earn, boned and rolled. 1 is Earn, reg. lb. Si BvMOgr.a. ib . .14 Werners, lb. ia Garlic Sausage. Ib. , ii Bacon, pkg, Ib. Bacon, side, piece . .15 Cottage Roll Ib. M Liver Sausage, lb. 0 1 --1 4f j 40 45 45 P3 .70 .45- they could not continue a: thut (?piei, 20-oi. tin, per tin . raie. Lyons had good words to) 0 ox. say lor the Home Makers' League Orange, 20-ox. and ry.erlced his co-on-rrsii.w S.erxk d 'orarge and grape BE SURE Have your Radio ff War Assets fruit, 2tV-or 48-oz. by Expert Servicemen at riipprt PAnin & r Bffi I What yas wanted was more and , fulier co-operation, a live interest, and the presence of more : men. as ?U as women at meet- ings. In a review of some features ! of the general marketing "situ- auon, Mrs. Bartiet: mentioned several commodities, the cost of which kept going up She touched on the home and th? BULLET bs mi UDowii L with Proffits!' rt arir.ff of a family. That every child be well nourished was vital. The children of today were the men and women of tomorrow'. W. D. Griffiths spoke briefly, recommending the mandating o the committee that was to be That's what be iys said. I a-ay nth protts ari tcj"11 txr-prcve tic k: ci the w-or'trtg man. And be could Removal Of Head Office 1 On and after August 1 st, 1 948, the Head Office of War Assets Corporation, now at 4095 St. Catherine Street West, Montreal, will be located at No. 4 Temporary Building. 56 Lyon Street, Ottawa, Ont. Your Iksi M ft 11 r ! it. At feast, be ax-.rtcel a" bu friends be vt-as rlcht! formed. Mention was mad? that ! at th next meeting. Monday, it was expected there would be present the sitting Federal member. H G. Archibald M. P and Wm. Brett. iiLA. It was also said there was a possibilr.r of W. D Smith, member lor A.i'.in. being there DB'I be left at the pw.ll Get lbhe auuloor rvna.trt done hiW the sun shines. f r I. He 9ns taTxcr.g for an trm rarvdry at the tirr.e. When be heard the firm's pronts were $57.C'0 that year, be qxt m disgust. No me i5 going to make a rnariry exjt of hm. time Artwd racing agaist and weather. pave that Ore xx bis rnends, u-bo ran a snail rr-acrjrje shop, brs a )ob. It didn't pay as rr,jch as the fxrndry. Kit cadn"t matter so ice.g as be tneTr ins friend u-asn"t m. fiKdous profts out of the u rrk be did. WAR ASSETS CORPORATION Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 3U Bnilders and Coctrac lan -Ml' Kis 3-.. J ; v AIR. PASSENGERS For Vancouver Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Smaliey. Kiss R. Liiidjay. G Brer.r.an. L Donajds-ei. R. au-han. For Sar.a.-pit J. Doyle. Kr and Mrs Bernard W. Ccper. J. 0"Seill. F. Upton and H. Bedard. Fram Vancouver Mr. Bns-j tcw-e. K Diion. A. Dixx. T. Dou-cette. E- Baiy. Xtisa MarUnsoc, F.'Perjiy and J. Laurie, j From Sandspit D. J. son. G. Secord and G. Brennaa. We can supply all your r.t-od.- in . SATLN-GLO Beautifies the home and increases the value of the things you own Jiany attractive pastel tnts front which to m .-. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO, LTD. BUILDING SUPPL! Six mrr-ths later, their best customer didn't renew a crr.tract. The price, the customer said, u-as tx high. Why didn't they get scene modem equipment and meet tier competttcrs prices? Bet they couldn't do tiit. They hadn't rxr'.t up the reserves to meet such needs. They'd kept the profits too lea-. One by coe otier customers dropred out. Tie irao laundry pve bum bis old y.c back. He u-a$ Furpnsed to nd that bts u-iges bad been increased sr.ie be kfr ciesptte tie protts tie foundry bad been rj'r; which were begier tKm e-.-cr. For the recced, it's tie Fjccessru! rusines5-es which make tie proftts, pay the beghest waej and have cred Dr. and Mra R. V. Smaliey of RXlits. Ca.if.cma. who have been ' or. a brief visr. here wjih Mrs j ! S alley s brother and sir.er-in- i law. Ur and Mrs. W. u "Waits. 5 i left by today's plane on their j return south. i wallboardn finish nIi; WOODS, SASH AND IKK)R. PLUMBING Sl'ITLlEf PAINTS Your BANK Uses rjEraspflPEB CitvMerchants :st f tan curd xx irir.r m the u rrli trLv tce PHiiPon Evin&o & -Serrlni tbe ?irtb Sin' , Phone 651 - f,:,: COAL LUMBER iznsH coluk?a rt:jAToi of t?lade i jsojsrxy ! City merchanti are asked j in future to hare ropy for &2 .; display advertiseinects into ,' ti Daily Sews office by 4 ; p ef the day previous to j their puhheatira. j This co-operatiaii w-I2 greitlj assist the mw-ti"! ', aeparment ta keeping to the rerslar hour lor fnibheaaaa. ' twr f tr-n if , "f owrn r nr wt. j -Do You? TST OCB CLJLSSlTTI-n AUS-tT-t