Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, August 3, 1950 Raj Reflects SUMMER ,Z Ofi- By Carrier, ret Week, 20c; Pur onth, ?5c; Ver Yeai W OO; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. Rcss Munro, Canada's ace war ' ! correspondent, writes -home that coing to Kcre in 1950, is vastly I unlike roughnecking it to Europe in the first nflf of the forties., .Today you recline at ea;e lu an j upholstered air service lounge, iwith occasional hot coffee and llffht rpfrp shmpnts RompnnB in and Reminisces DRESS j I t- 1 -"ak s jw .n? As ) ' By ELMORE PHILPOTT A brace of bandits stole three GREAT REDUci, Not Standing Alone CRITICAL as the position of the United States forces in fighting the Battle of Korea may be we need not be discouraged. Conceivably, the Americans may be even driven off Korea. Tn fart -a hurl gold bars worth $98,000 at a mine due for a rude awakening. in Northern Ontario. Less than ; i ten hours later, tae bars were found near an abaadontd car. j Better English The robbers must have suffered ' an embarrassment of riches. The , , Job of turning a lot of raw gold, : 1. What is wrong wtih thl: sen- ! Men',PureW Now j-' WHY NO SKEETERS? into legal funds of the state haj tenee "I took her for you.' better steel ourselves for the worst as far as that is ! concerned. But, if they are. all is not lost. It iust RADIUM CALLING' its dangers. Yet, such a quantity of yellow metal must have a mighty fine "feel." Morunent to cho Sherlock Holmes calling Sherlock Holmes. Wanted 01 s means that the decisive battle will be fought some where else and later on there will be the victory of Korea too. Assistance to United States in the Korean war from the other members of the United Nations mav the key to the great , " Roekv Mountain mosauito' Men's T.S!liRTS Colors. Rt.g. n'4 Nut 2. What is the correct pronunciation cf "negligee"? 3. Which one of thee wrds U misspelled? Impropriety, im-; pressario, impestor. 4. What does the word "demonstrative" mean? . 5. What is i word beginning with pro tha', means "abundance"? Answers 1. Say, "I nvstook her for you." 9 Drnnnnnna rtH'Krt n na I i. TL . N. i i I rJ'L i" ' i. J - Word comes from Minnesota that a tomcat died there recently, in his twenty-fith year. This, it seems, is explained by the fact uiti j.e went to bed regularly every night and shut up. mystery. Boy,' SWEATERS TJ Kelowna. in roasted brown I Boys' JEANS. This little haven in the Sinclair Canyon is full of refugees from Banff and Lake Louise who have been driven out by the moBquitoes. But here believe it or not not be so great as yet and that is not discounting ' the contributions which have been made particularly j by Great Britain, with her fine naval support; Aus-! tralia, with its air power; Canada, with its naval vessels and air transport but those other nations t Okanagan Valley, is having water events on a major scale With in me. Dreferred accent on last everyone smiling and streaming ' svlhible. 3. linpresario. 4. Ex- Not DRESS AND Woek there is not a single mosquit with sweat. They really seem to pressing much: displaying feel-enjoy a temperature of 107 lng or sentiment. "Her nature which reaffirms the old axiom was demonstrative." 5. Pro- Froir. and not a screen needed. f' . : tL. . t ? . a .t 4 . ... . .F-r' iurx mat mere is no accounting ior fusion. COMFORTERS. Larg( taste. ! PENDING A FULL REPORT from Sherlock Holmes here is; ON TOP OF THE WORLD MAYBE my own guess as to the explana- j the Toronto Telegram. . Drawn by Harry Hall In (CP Photo) Cel. O. S. Andrews, chief of The iue Sinclair oinimir river rjver comes tunifs leap- icap-i I can can ,land sland much much hotter hotter An authority says there are the topographical survey branch , more than fifty waterfalls higher of the Department of Lands and ; than Niagara. While not goin Forests, is in the citv on official i quite that far, we know of a high business, having arrived yester-one not so far from Prince Ru-day from Victoria. Col. Andrews , water i if. , ing down from the mountains , than can the rest of us. Here I hllrPh PrVlfP wtih such abandon that no mos- at artii,m tho hot uatr 1 vllUI lH JUl I IVV are living up to their obligations. Though most of the smaller members of the UN have not come forward with offers of troops for the Korean war, they have offered all sorts of aid short of military involvement. On this latter point it may well be that for them, as for Britain, realistic strategy dictates some husbanding of resources to meet threats elsewhere. We may assume that such decisions are being' worked out with much more understanding among the western nations than can appear on the surface of current diplomatic developments. MUll rSS a c..i..c iu iiaii j out of tne Roeky Mountains at For Ukrainians pert. Its situation is on Van-department has several parties couver Island and it's worth a ln the field ln northern and uul 111 v- rtuu " a"y wy 114 degrees. But it cools ofi mosquito fries in near the hot; raDf(1,, ln thp hio. , British Columbia this .central second look. ; year. NOT SO HIGH water poo! and takes even a tiny the further awav from th tn i drink of the water-napoo-fini !ake you , Ire he cSter ! ChUrch f the Annunclation he's all washed up. The radio ! IN REALLY COLD WEATHER had a sPeclal visitor on Sunday in the : morning wnen father Michael activity water is just too natuie acU a hatter to the much for mosquitoes and other 1 1Isprs nf thi i t,im r Hawryluk of Edmonton, f.ele- R- W. COLLI There are at least 57 waterfalls in the world higher than Niagara'. , i bug pests. Authorised Deaie: FXECTROin cn the hair of bathers es- rh " u pecially after they have come out. catnolics Many parishioners Yet it puts new life in old crock humans. It would doubtless be a comfort to many Amer- j icans to hear of troops of other nations .fighting Contact the abov d The pool itself gives off clouds ' t Jlne fegu'a . SUBURBAN OIL Closest oil well to Edmonton is within two miles of the city's limits Services and Su. See the new thrw i. ELCCTROLtX flu THE MEN WHO WORKED of steam, so thick that you can T , , X a" all last winter on the construe- see only a few feet. iner uawTyiuks Mass. tion project tell me that they; With the pure white snow on A sp1"' fnir of Ukranisn had some grand times in the ; the mountains the red rocks volces acquitted itself very cred-open-air hot pool when the air ' and the evergreen trees, the ltablv aftr only one practice, temperature was. 45 degrees be-! place is almost unbelievably F1'11" F- Hayner O.M.I., assisted low zero. .j beautiful in winter. In fact, I tne celebrant at the altar. Moie Nobody has ever been known have always claimed that it has tnan one hundred people at-to catch a cold, after emerging the makings of a far better ,ended the after which Fa-from this hot pool winter or winter resort than a summer ther Hawrvluk addressed th3 summer. The local theory to ex- resort. ... congregation in Ukranian. sicie Dy side with American soldiers in Korea. But the front against aggression extends far beyon.d that unhappy peninsula. Both Britain and France are fulfilling heavy responsibilities already in the Far East. And the British Far Eastern fleet is fighting alongside the American Navy under General MacArthur's over-all command. In view of the fact that the American rlprisinn 'Better vineqar will qive you better pickles sure its 'Kay NOIKIS WAII' POLIStfU Applies the wax m: polishes PHONE 45! Phone today fur a im-.i stratum of the 13X1 of the ELECTROin WITH All THREE FEATURES 1 ql. Vopw SmI SovCApon f PVRIFIER and ELECl itt rwa TH1 rcrr) plain this is that you get so THIS TIME I CAME TO Later the congregation posed thoroughly heated through in R3dium aione witnout my for a group picture, the pool that you carry your better half or any of the off- During a three-day stay in own furnace inside your blood- spring. The family gave me Prince Rupert Father Hawryluk stream for the next few hours, orders before I left to "cut down formed a committee from the h5h? V' ? r6 that corporation," otherwise ranks of the Ukranian Catholic kidding It is also i in line with . ( pauncn population. Fred Prystay U wif oV the r V , hot-water kP7 But Em Hess. 'o used to be chairman of the three man com-who are greatest j cnef at the Hotel Vancouver mittee which also Includes Alex X JJ tt" .the WOrld' ,t0? won'1 let Two day, ago Emi Kingersk and Paul Sokolowskl. C?' JLCaIS?J? W KootenS Na' . . Father Hawryluk had resided V in Korea surprised Americans themselves it would not be surprising if the marshaling of public opinion in other lands were much slower than it has" been. The fact is it has been remarkably speedy, due to the existence of common obligations among nearly all nations to the UN and the sincerity with which most of the nations of the world regard these obligations. America is not alone in Korea but the fact that the United States took the risk of standing alone there for the UN is reflected in such statements .as have been made by the British Prims Minister. ut hot wu. baths. ." 7 : -j nunai raric. He caught only two,'n tne tamonton Cistrlct s:nc trout but I got both of them. I his arrival in Canada eighteen The Japanese, by the way,! I. VAPO SEAl locki in lead flavor, vilamiai and minraU 1. STAINlltS SHEl lattlngly auliftil and (ailar t claan 3. THERMIC AT COPPft lOTTO ditiribuin hat annly, am fvt bill Classifietis bring quick resmLs. IN IOTTIES, j) I OAUON Last night Emil had a treat months aeo. Another brother is for all the customers. Resplen-Ia priest In the archdiocese of dent in his big hat, he wheeled j Mntreal. out a huge roast of beef on one j On Sundav afternoon Michael of those moveable cart affairs.! Zeporzen of Terrace drove the Youpick your own cut, just like i visiting priest to Terrace for an we used to do at Simpsons' on! evening service ln Sacred Heart the Strand in, London in the old i Church there, days. ! . 1 FOR FLANNK FOR BUILDING -k uik. vv o7 lxj ; FOR REPAIRIK So, family, prepare for the! ! A distinctly Canadian delic-worst. The paunch is holding! acv is the pickled cherry which. Its own notwithstanding what, originated in British Columbia. ! McBride St Phone 311 "ui in yuurs iruiy eacft in the hot pool.. . . Call 363 MITCHE1 COLDSUflCtlS TRANS-ATLANTIC RADIO Marconi iirst transmitted radic j messages aross the Atlantic in loni &CU! LIMITED Kuildera & ConM Better fer)f with (Lre u Luggage FOR THE MAN OF THE HOUSE! Gladstone Bags Twin Sets WHY STUDENTS QUIT THE result? of the most detailed and comprehensive educational survey of its kind ever performed, have just been released. Notable in its findings is the alarming fact that each year 100,000 students leave Canadian high-schools without graduating because they find no meaning in the course of studies offered them. The survey was conducted by the Canadian Research Committee on Practical Education, a group sponsored by the Canadian Education Association to study practical education in Canada. Highlights of the survey appear in the current issue of Maclean's magazine. With the revelation that more than half the students who start high school in Canada never finish their studies, Maclean's points out: "It seems that our high-schools, costing somewhere close to $100 millions a year to operate are giving us 50 per cent value. Half the work they start is never finished." The survey has brought into the open the con-troversy among educationists seeking an answer to STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPEE; :! I SMITH : ELKIMS I y'Wl ' p,mb"'"3 & Heating ll j Prompt and Efficient 8ervlce ' n a L' MODERATELY PRICED SAILS F0 Vancouvef AND I.NTERMEPIATtl EACH THURSD at 11:15 p PREPARED MUSTARD : a v m For KETCHlM I i mm i'"n l WEDNESDAY MID1 FOR THE LITTLE LADY! O Your choice from our complete ossortment of Finest Leathers and Fabrics. Completely outfitted matched units in all sizes. For Reservations r.r rail III CITY OR DEI'OI Ottj ne problems. The issue is this: 'Will secondary education continue its swing ' Prince Rupert, FAST IFFICI5NT SERVICE We know that when you order printed matter, you want delivery as soon as possible. That Is why we've arranged for rapid printing and rapid delivery on all orders. Call us! ' :: Phon 234 toward a more practical form of schooling, or will it shift back toward the old-style brain-teaser type of education which aimed at the development of mental discipline and hard thinking and left the student to pick his everyday, knowledge on his own hook?". Asks Maclean's "Is the job of mass education to produce breadwinners or thinkers?". "Say the modernists: high school education must I BE EH pWCTON BRt-WINO COMRWT L HINCeTdN . i - b, made more practical, it must deal with the prob- j ft I 1 W', ENGINES & HJ 3RD STREEf, PRINCE RUPERT PRINTERS STATIONERS OFFICE SUPPLIES, We rto.k and " Cumnilnii tll('"'..- rxU" Flrxlhl lli-l Hevlhlf fiH I'",. Trolling Pole fJllrhrW 11 n" . Hruiw una " iU ihi pip rww Habbllfd llo Jaw riutihM " Jems students see in the world around them; otherwise many quit school and get little or no secondary education. It isn't a case of which system is better, the modernists add, it's a case of which is possible." "Say the traditionalists; high-'schoQl education is too practical now. It has sold its birthright for a mess of contemporary courses dealing with trivial things. Too much of it teaches students how to work with their hands, too little' teaches how to work with their heads." . Says Maclean's: "Whatever the solution, the survey reveals that the majority of students, quit high-school because the schools are boring them stiff." Royal Canadian Air Force Those desirous of enlisting or re-enlisting ln ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE, please arrange for personal interview with MR. E, CLAUSEN, J. Clausen & Son office, Waterfront, Prince Rupert PCIIlCGTOn head MtiM 8l. and W'lZlA Holt. Mil, 8,ul" J Hallhut Hldf Boll'" ' U Anrhnr (lurily " 1 Flat Mild '. o'" , ,t Various artlrlw ware and inilme'" I out to mention. ' BYT0WN I Between, 4 and 8 p.m. ir Terms to Suit on our Budget- Plan! Fashion Footwear P.O. Box 648 Phone Green 875 tt Thu advertisfment is not published w displjyed by the Liquor Control Boord , w by the Government of British Columbil 1 MACHINE W