9 9 ""WOKE,,, 4 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, August 3, 1950 i Building So Far This Year In AooiftiWiAW POi'OLAUON. On June 30, 1949 Australia's population was estimated at foronto M.P. Is Visitor Haiti is th , 1 P"bUc in Z RM markets phere, Impressed with the scenic beauty of the British Columbia coast after his first visit ihercto, Prince Rupert 1$ Over $250,000 Over a quarter million dollars worth of building permits have been issued in Prince Rupert so far this year, according to statistics released by the city hall. Permits in July at $77,115 were second only this year to April's record $117,750. Total to the end of July is $257,203. In July last year permits issued amounted to $47,410 to make a total for, (There mav tr. varlatlcis In onces in various stores depending on whether soermi or standard ouauiie 're listed.) frena ull Bananas, lb. .. .2b Aoricots. lb 2d Peaches, lb 26 Hums, lb 29 Lemons, lame cai. doz tb (raoeiruit 3 for .23 oranges (Navel) 33 - .75 lates 37 Cnerries. lb 3 Watermelon, lb 2 tor .2a CaniaiouDe. each 2i Veitelaoies flelerv. lb 12 in Flavour i 9) mm m m A .J. P .Cameron, Toronto barrister and Member of Parliament for Toronto-High Park seat of that city, wa'i a visitor in th city yesterday. He also commented on the obvious prospe-jts for Industrial expansion alread;; demonstrated by the establishment of the Celanese Corporation of America at nearly Port Edward and the prospective hu-ie Aluminum Corporation of Canada industry. "It Is certainly evident that Prince Rupert Is on the make," Mr. Cameron observed. , ' Mr. Cameron who was accom 1659 Herman Place. Bud Schuman, (R. C. Mutch) NEW CANADIAN WHISKY store, $10,000. Second Avenue in Texture and Seventh Streets. juiuoarb. 3 ins 29 Beets, bunch 2 lor .2a i'arslev. bunch 10 C. Rudolph, garage, $100, 1155 Seventh Avenue East. 1 mums 0: Ben's News Stand (Greer and Spinach. 2 lb cello 2 for .25 SETTER than ever before! ..uuiMirt. huncn Ot Bridden) repairs, $100, Third Mushrooms, lb. .75 Avenue and MbBride. the year of $198,830. Two major items in the July mildins list are for the new r0.000 government liquor store at Second Avenue and Seventh Street and just across the street a $10,000 shop and apartment building being erected by R. C. ..utch for Hud Schuman of Vince Rupert Plumbing and .eating. The' following permits have en issued: Liquor Control Board,, liquor tore (Fraser Valley Builders) 60,000, on Second Avenue between Sixth and Seventh Streets. B. J. Fortune, addition, $200, Head Lettuce u-.u rnnkinir Onions. idi 2. panied by his wife and daughter. Dew Drop Inn (Greer and Cauliflower, lb 23e stopped off on the way. west a Brandon, Calgary, Nelson. Bra- Bndden) re - shingling roof $200, 504 Third Avenue West. Tomatoes. Calif., lb. H.H 41 Cannae ib - 12 verdell and Vancouver. They ar H. Muncey (Greer and Brid Potatoes, new. 4 lbs. for 25 rived on the Prince Rupert yes den) re-shingling roof, $240, 741 Cucumbers, lb 20 terday morning from the south and proceeded east by the even ing train. On their way back to vegetaoie iviarrow, lo. ui Sauash. lb. 16V4 caoaea ttcutfiie Dill Pickles, gal 1.65 Cut Green Beans, fev 17 No. 5 Peas, fancv 2 for .25 Mixed Vegetables 25 uired Bee is. per tin .16 Wax Rpans. r.holpe 21 Toronto, they will stop off at Jasper and Edmonton. aixtn Avenue West. Swan Peterson (Greer and Bridden) re-shingllng roof, $250, 1417 Graham Avenue. First Baptist Church, Sunday School, $300, Young Street. Jce's Grocery, addition, $50, Cow Bay. R. E. Johnson (Eby & Sons) 1 During their stay here, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron were entertained by E. T. Applewhaite, MP. for Skeena, and Mrs. Applewhaite. I Mixed Deaa and carrots 2for.35 DISTILLED IN CANADA " II LEND ED IN CANADA BOTTLED IN CANADA for CANADIANS WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST CANADIAN WK; MANWOM WSmLfS (CANAOAI ItO. addition and cement basement. $2,000, 1151 Eighth Avenue East. D. McRae (Eby & Sons) Foundation work, $150, 607 Fourth Avenue East. ninsliiutfly R. E. Mortimer (asent), (R. C. Coconut, lb Almond Past lb Kruit CRKe Mix. 10 ....... Dates, fancv. I Ih r kt Seedless Raisins. 2 lbs. Seeded Raisins. 15 ozs. .. Shelled Walnuts. .'- lb. Shelled Almonds, b oz. .. Shelled Brazils. oz. ... Shelled Brazils. V. lb. .. Mut.h) foundation repair, $300, Washington Block. A. S. Hamilton, repairs. $100. This advertisement is r.ot publi'-het. or displiya" Liquor Control Board or lv the governm of British Columbia J40 Ambrose. , r'umoKin I lor .1 Baxed Beans, 2'1-oz. tin . .23 Baked Beans, 15-oi. tin. ea. . .l Tomatoes. 20-oz. ea H 28 - oz 2 for .39 Quart , -2b Pint -13 Cream. V Dint - Large Grade A 65 -.70 First erade. lb 61 Margarine, lb 3i CtiertM Canadian Cheese lb 50 Mil Evaporated Mil. i;t-oz. tins, i lor Case .7.50 Pastry Flour, 7 lbs M Ki""r. 49'8, No. . 1 hard Wheat 3 80 Flow. a4's 1.82 'lea and CoMrr Coffee, lb 1.00-1.06 A. Campagnola, repairs. $100. The new "MARGENE" !t the result of test proving the texture and flavour that Canadians like best! Fortified with vitamins A and D . . . delicious in tast and smooth in texture ... the NEW "MARGENE"' th ; , most economical and BEST margarine for the table . "'"'' and for cooking! 66 Fraser Street. S. Rachuk. alterations. $150. 368 Sixth Avenue East. j P. Ma gee, foundation work. $200, 302 Sixth Avenue West. rieajuea pleuMn-)MHCf Save P0OP(( N. C. Powell, addition, $25, 313 :evciiih Avenue East. Wrathall Photo Finishing, Al-r rations ,$1,000, Third Avenue Jcflce Shop. R. E. Roberts,- addition, $100, 55 Eighth Avenue West. R. Nault, addition, $100, eventh and Conrad. ' lea DeLuxe uuanlllv lb. 1.22- i2;.r "Sk n v. ::' .rfW-S S i r aice Blended. 20 oz Orat"truit t . lt'S?f i T CANADA PACKERS LIMITED. Sdnwitai v '6'lVV"ii'. Please lend me your new 42 pege, full Tomatoes. 20-oz. ea 16 f Vv1'" i ' colof Rec'P or wllic'' ' I 1 1. N. Rowe. mink shed. Mc- , 4ri oz gallon , ... 48-0Z. . .. lUi To hit dvertUcmflnl ) not publifhtd w dileltytd by , " 1 Name I 1 I Liauw Control Co' Sy je v.! ..holl Street,. $300. John Furniotis, repairs and Jd.tion, First Avenue and Sec-.id Street, $100. E. M. Hardinz. renairs 318 UannM truitf Pineapple, crushed Pieces, 20-oz el 6VtWi Ctjt4, Aoricots. 20-oz r 3( Cnerries, amy, 20-oz. .38 Loganberries. 20-oz 33 Peacnes. choice 24 urd nee Rupert florists 1 -l u Flower fur Ail Ovrasmrat Flo 300 3 ii&h'.h Avenue West, $100. Robert Montgomery, addition, v29 Pigjott, $50. H. G. Varfeldt, garage, 1523 eccnd Overlook, $125. . C. Knutson, addition, &26 .Seventh Avenue. East, $2UU ! 3rd Ave. Box 51 IVI. 7? ie washers HOW! Pure. lb. ... . Shortening: - doan. face, bar t.aiinrirv pqIta oaD Powders, la'rse 2 Tor '.2b ' Ai " ' -' - . " OIL HEATERS Cherries. a lb, pkt, (iCTRIC WASHERS BUY NOW AND SAVE , Mr. Davidson, addition, lil9 i'ihth Avenue East, $loU. John Poiucik, addition. Second Avenue and Eleventh Strdet $300. C. Johnson, addition, ll8 Seventh Avenue East, $75. I. Guyalt, alterations and re- $54.50 and up UTmmV NOW ON DISPLAY Cup Mitt $139.50 $149.50 'airs, 149: Ninth Avenue West, $50. t4 Cwp Shurlf tln 1 tip Hiflrd Alltiurpnr I'lirW 1 C'upa Hur 1 TwipDB tnim 1 M Tmiiwih Omm mi Tartar at . THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., LTD. GORDON- RONSON Hi pump 200 atrfkei! (alwut 1H vaum bowl and spoon often thrown Cream fthortcniriK in mixing howl until liRlit nntl flufly. Bift dry innnnlicntB ovef cn-amcd chorteninK. Adil milk anil vanilla. Stir until all flour is damix-nrd, then beat ,r,,i.. A.I.I in, lu.,,li.n cffif W' '" lUmm $289.50 Always Prompt and Courteous itn.kea. IJake in two 9-inrl r, rtn nana in mm lerate ovrti (J We're Here to Scrv VOU U 40 minut. Kroel wilhrwn buTled frueting. ' OTTAWA (?) - The Unitef States government, seeking l! eighters from . the New York shipping market, to transport supplies to Karea, has alreaty obtalned four Canadian freighters and may charter more,, a g?vernment transport officla' said today. He added the trans action Is "purely commercial, ;)r which the rovernment has not nm r-nulted." Commodore Cafe OTKERN B. C. POWER CO. r-ormriTr "i.iNCeuiurtuT PORTRAITS Films Dve'oped and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STI DIO ' n - 4 Hi Street ' i Box 645 lioi-'e Green 389 Prince Rupert HTEWART, B. C 'Hospitality and Good Food" PHONE 210 u . i ,a Horn I Phone 17 for Send-Out Orrtcl " nl i,..... - . j S0QGD OaQGCD. Ird Ave. David Chow. Mgr. 13U. Muutreal. ji;ip-sTiCK . . . Not only hov much oil there is in your crankccsc, but how CLEAN it is. . . . Let us moke this test in your crankcass. .' . . See for yourself the importance of proper lubrication. 1 ' 'SI : f M KX Ma v III 1A II H cun-drenched tomatoes pncticd 1 kttit$ffiMm T-'Q- 7 ir and packed while tlicy're still wet with morning dew asli Cor Libty9s Tomato Juice! SALE MEM'S SUITS O Tailored by the House of Hobbcrlin 3 k EXTRA PANTS FREE Wi(h Each Suit Ordered! EXPERT TAILORS for Men's C TOPCOATS PANTS SUITS (!(;. hc4 (!!i!a!iy CJuarant'-fil Jj'it K OF? ON ALL, SLACKS ' V ' ' . . DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK if you don't ogre lhal o" libby'.-CentU Pre" 1m Produet.-JUiCE, SO CATCHUP and CHILI SAUCE aro Ih moil deliciou V0" hav vr tatttcl. m THE TAILOR "GENTLE PRESS" TOMATO JUICE PHONE 64D Z20 - GTH ST. ii.:r;:: y.n