Prince Rupert Dciiy 'News Thursday, August 3, 19i0 Vice-Principal . I Funeral Of Nils Hamlan el Bills High? Goes To fnderby Home Canner Cans1 Funeral servios for t.hp lnt R. D. Cleland for the past few U 1 , years vicr-prnicipal of Booth i Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cladding and child left In today's plane for a trip to Vancouver. Baseball Sunday, 2:30 p.m. 'Nils Henrlk Hamlan were con-Ketchikan Eagles vs Abel and ducted Wednesday afternoon at Odowes. (181) St. Paul's Lutheran Church with Mr. - , . . ! the Rev. E. Soiland of St. Paul's Mrs. Jack lillt.nrlo ufVirt h I them uutyii --w i i , j i i . . 1 1 Memorial High School here, has c-hj ni, i Enamelled or Plain. In resigned from the local staff. The resignation was accepted last assorted sizes. Conven- night. Mr. Cleland has accep'.ef.j iently pocked. Twenty 9 White Nyior. Hosiery, for t of an msuiaiea nome uy installing IREGLAS Roll blankets. four to a Carton. u1imin,ijV 0 yi 1UV1JJU1 vja Liir i combination high and element I m :Z ZTZ ln!(VaC0UVt ward For Steadfastness of the from the, ' Mrs. W,Lund and dUBmr 1 i lm?1 city Faltn.. Mrs. E. Soiland was ths o , suuiji till lciii iirrnur bi pr innn ( , . ary school at Enderby in the Gkanagan Valley. REGLAS can easily be installed in your organist. The congregation ioin- fctsie, returned to the citv on!ninn THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. I' ) ed In singing the hymns "Blessed LTD. r in an evening, and costs only $6 per 7 h ' iNw').'.'.-' If the prince Rupert yesterday ' from a trip to Vancouver. I Parker 51 pens always In stock at Bulger's, pencils to Canadian Legion Ladies' match. $13.50 to $17.50. (It) Are The Heirc of Heaven" and "Life's Day Is Ended." ' Pallbearers were Gunner Sel- Vilf. Walter Rimnnspn H.uikrin D square feet. Martin van Cooten, who has ; been relieving the customs offi- 1 cer at Ocean Falls, returned to ! the city yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert. nujiiu;uy meeting lonignt at B o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Priest ar- Olsen. Georee McCord. Andv (It) fREGLAj complete with vapour Darner, I ut to fit between ceiling joists, just roll rived in the city on yesterday afternoon's plane from Sandspit. Mr. Priest is takine over the b WANTED Th:rQ class steam engineer, temporary employ lut. Kaardal and Bernt Kaardal. Interment was at the Fairview Cemetery. . Mr. Hamlan leaves as his near of kin his wife Karina, three sons, Sidney of Prince Rupert. ment only. Apply Pioneer Cana-' Civic Centre Dining Room from cUan Laundries. (tf) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baker who are moving to Smithers. G. P. Tinker arrived n the city on the Prince Rupert yes ... . Leonard and Arthur of Saskat- The Pralne dc not to appear jchewan and a aauchter , Mrs. terday from Nuramata Lake on asrec with Jack ScoLt, who is Okanagan Lake, being here on lulling the country, through the REGLAS can also be installed by your "AL CONTRACTOR, on a time payment 20'- down and 12 months to pay the ince. INQUIRE TODAY AT Eunice Johnson of -Saskatchewan. All were present at the funeral service. Floral offerings were received from His loving wife, His loving one or his periodical business -Sun, what he thinks of it all. visiU. iHere and there, comment is I breezy and readable, but it's plain Notice to Public- .. .. he has no use for mud and less and Mrs. A. Kuar- held the Oddfellows Hall Z Drani' Ch'ldren' children, M' Mr. are; dust f evl , the ' r Pra,ne not under the auspices of the all lJ 5 right "uV In "V'f.ff ; dal. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson and 3f spots ! family, Leif Sandhals, Mr. and ' ' III , IN I i VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m. OKjuitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitiam, 11 p.m. r I Mrs. Pat Phllipson, Mr. Ed Wahl bert & McCaffery Limited jl.O.O.F. (signed i Board of Man-jagement, I.O.O.F. Hall. (180) i Special Constable O. R. Gordon of the provincial uolice arrived Miss Olga Sather and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ol-sen, Mr. and Mrs. Sandhals, Irene and Otto Mostad, Mrs. S. M. ! Johnson, Waldemar, Agnes and left Fred, Mr. and Mrs. L. Husoy, P.O. BOX 160 r Off To Montreal 116-117-58 0i iVlli s FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS veaters MLss Olea Sather. R.N.. cn the noon plane for Vancou- Karen and Billy, Mrs H. Johan- u ti in! cAn MnrvonH Tvpr Mr nnrl Mrs Camosun, August 4 and 13 i ss VtTt JH LliC mat iUJJ Kfl x Vll iv j t- j Montreal where she will take a 'B. Kaardal and family, Mr. and five -weeks' course in prenara- Mrs. Lyle Vaagen and family,. FINE PURE WOOL PUbL-:: OVERS AND CARD iGAf-o ' BY GRAND' MERE. NEVV,' ST FORTH! REST OF YOUR ll ;here on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon and left the isame afternoon by plane for Queen Charlotte City, where he will relieve. He was accompanied jby Mrs. Gordon. ' A. M. McTavish of Vancouver, who Is identified with the Canadian ' Security Co., was the speak- er at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club to- jxlay. He gave an illustrated talk jon the International Refugee Organization. I : Mr. and Mrs. Don Rowntree of 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, July 28 10 p.m. FRA'K J. HKINNLR Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Ptiona 568 tion for bcoming,, a stewardess j Ole nd Lily, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bur-with Trans -Canada Airlines. ' row, Mr. and Mrs. O. Mostad, M iss Sather graduated from I Clarence Adlana, Mr. and Mrs. G. nursing school at Royal Jubilee' Selvig and family, lAr. and Mrs. Hospital, Victoria, three years A. Sandhals, Dolly Steinberg. "Bl'ILD B. C. PAYROLLS" always pAciF.e FIRST ' SMART STYLING IN-ALL. THE POPULAR SHADES:-'- Announcement ago and recently has been on the staff of Vancouver General Hospital. She has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rein-hold t Sather for the past five Vancouver, after spending the 'days, '"'UlATf O 'VlPCBt!0., Trades and Labor Council labor Day sports, September 4. Dance at Civic Centr. past few days in the course of a ; honeymoon trip by motor i i through the province, are sailing ' ! nat.hnHr RaTiaar. October 4 Modern Etiquette 71?" ' mm J and 5. tonight on tne Prince Rupert for Vancouver Mr. ' RownUree 4 . . . t WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING 320 3rd Ave. W Headquarters for the VIEW-MASTER Full Library of Color Regis Developing, Printing Enlarging Photographic Supplies Scenic Views Kodaks for Everyone represents a veu Known manu- q. what is the correct way to You'll find extra flavor, extra nourishment and . unvarying quality In the familiar Pacific Milk tins. For healthy, tasty L Flcx-o-Utoc mtttxiMt art mod efficiently modern, jiuuiuieis ugeius concern in van- , eat artichokes? Rebekah Bazaar, October 18. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 26. Sonja Bazaar, October 27; Moose Bazaar, Nov. 2 and 3. t mind ptddlnf control that lvi much lonjtt liFt lo lb icouver and pays yearly visit; A. Hold the leaf in the fingers; ,here. Mrs. Rowntree was the ! din into the sKiir-P the mri ,hieh j meals and for the baby's for-I mula you'll find it economical tn ltpinj comfort your furniture tor hat Riitmort . k . j . . 01 ' is to be eaten and with the f ing- 1 ! Grand Forks and Vancouver, I and convenient. i CIO I.U1I rtj tilt; VV lllUUbll. Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar A fork Is used to cut the heart ' and eat It. AIR PASStNGtRS I Q. Is It obligatory that a host- I PACIFIC MILK November 8. I Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. IB. ' IO.D.E. fall oazaar Ntember' To Vancouver (today) Mr. ! ess Introduce all guests at a j ... .1 23. ; . Vacuum packed and Homogenized L.Q.B.A,. Bazaar Dec. 1 aim iviis. c. oi.iuuuiK, J. L.ucnaK, i suiuu unnici ui lunuiieuu, ui R. Lelghton, Miss O. Sather, J. . allow them to become acquainted C. Murray. ' themselves? . To Sandspit today J. Sper- A. Yes; by all means, Introduce ling', William Rymyk. jthem. From Vancouver (yesterday) Q. If a man is writing a Mrs. Fairbairn and infant. Miss i friendly letter to some woman Therc'l quality, pattern, beauty and worle-maruhioin fifitmorc Furniture for every room. Ladies Suits Just Arrived -Xjr See them at your local store. acquaintance or friend, what would be an appropriate closing? A. "Faithful'y yours,"-or, "Sincerely yours." Y'Af j ' u! j ...on a - l7jiyfc hot day and Master Fairbairn, V. Thor-sen, C. C. Agar, M. Dorsey, I. Jones. L. Aurellio, Miss D. Fowler. Mrs. B. Siiieaton. From Sandspit (yesterday) William Priest. H. Graham, R. Chenier. A. Palmer, R. Baldwin. To Vancouver (yesterday) 4 Mr. and Mrs. M. Boyes, Miss E. Bovps. 1 r: ... v y - il .3 -fa You will want to see these lovely GABARDINE SUITS. From $27.55 Women's All Wool BLAZERS. Special $9.55 Children's BLAZERS. All sizes and Colors $3.55 SUN SUIT SPECIALS MANY OTHER SAVINGS! Interior Logger Killed By Tree Bob McKay, 65-year-old employee of Harold Hagman Sawmill, Houston, was killed Tuesday afternoon by a falling tree. Time for the inquest is not known. To Sandspit. Queen Charlotte City (yesterday I Constable and Mrs. C. R. Gordon. SERVING THE B.C. COAST anU ullEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Fiery, Itching Toes and Feet FROM PRINCE RCPF.RT ET PORT CLEMENTS JUSKATLA ' QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY ALU FORD BAY CUMSHEWA INLET SEE OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT DOM'S DEP'T STORE FOR SALE 3rd Avenue Business for Sale. Ideal for Woman or Couple. Location is one of the best. $2,000.00 WILL HANDLE . Information only to those ; Genuinely Interested S. D. JOHNSTON CO. PHONE 130 TIIMCE RUPERT 900 A.M. Hrro Is a clenn, Btalnless rtntlwpttc , oil that will do more to help you pet rid of your trouble thim any- i tlihiK you've ever used. ) Its action Is bo powerfully pene-; tratmp that the Itching Is quickly Ktnppvct; anil in a short tune you ure riU of that bothersome, fiery torture. Tlie same ts true of Barber's , Itch, Salt Rheum, Kczt'ma-other , IrritBtinK unsightly skin troubles. . You can obtain Moone's Emerald i Oil In the original bottle t Ormes j IJriiKs or any modern druij store. It la sale to use and failure In any of, these ailments Is fare Indeed. I 'Except Thursday and Sunday FROM PRINCE RUPERT V'. ARM BOULTER & WELTER (Formerly B & W "fransf erf Sand, Gravel and Cement Phone Black 774 (Office) T. Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue STEWART ' itlNCE RUPERT THURSDAYS, 9.00 A.M. 1EVVART FRIDAYS ! 9.00 A.M. For IIJllllkilLllll LLllllMlllllllllltlllllltllHIllllltltllh. iiiimimiiih; llHlniliJIII.iliiLi -.1 M'TS INFORMATION RESERVATIONS New Furniture PHONE 476 I CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. at REASONABLE PRICES An energy main dish with the "power" 6f corn so good and so nourishing! Made in the Kellogg way, crisp and fresh 1 Right for breakfast or cool quick snacks I And so easy to serve! JOHN H. Killas & Christopher Bldg. NEW CHESTERFIELD 00 iUi' LjTm Air Freight on all Flights CONVERTIBLE ljT'J HOBBY SUPPLIES NOVELTIES TOYS . Penguin Hobby Shop Cth Ave. and Fulton St. Phones: BLUE 446, GREEN 232 OPTOMETRIST DOUBLE BEDS I Don't Miss Reg. $90.00 Now $5950 John Eulcr Ltd.'.1 Third Avenue , Anson's Sale of China FOLDIN.G SINGLE BEDS All Steel Construction. Complete with Mattress. $23.50 rmes u $5.75 $2.65 T ANNIVERSARY SALE ICES SLASHED runs, NEW MATTRESSES O For Cots Only. O Heavy Ticking. PLAY PADS For the Children. O Waterproof Covering. COMPLETE BEDS 0 AH Sizes. O Reasonable Prices. the Pioneer Druggists ... PRESCRIPTION SERVICE.. Corn Flakes so fresh and enisp, they rustle out' of the box! Freshest of all cereals, because folks eat them fast as we make 'em. Give your family the best buy in goodness Kellogg's Corn Flakes! - Daily Delivery Service PHONE 81 B.C. FURNITURE anson's China Shop V ' Zf 3RD AVE. Phone BLACK 324 3rd Green 960 .1