Prince Rupert Daily News " W r"' 7 Thursday, August 3, 1950 ' 'j r- Still Ready To Negotiate Railway State Their Csae In Wage Negotiations The UiiiversaPs July Clearance MONTREAL, Que., Aug. 2 Tr3 17 FAIR & CARNIVAL QUEEN CONTEST and Miss P.fl.E. i960 Grand Prize: All Expense-Paid Air Tour to All Provincial Capitol and the Federal Capitol, the City of Ottawa. OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK I hereby apply for entry as a contestant for the title of PRINCE RUPERT CARNIVAL QUEEN a til rc!a me louowmg statement was u-sued today by the Canadian Pacific and the Canadian national Railways jointly in the Now light of developments In labor negotiations: L- of the fbarp fall la the price, of snany f nckl. it wise tf you own them to have tZK viewed and analyze! in the liht of rnui""B i r.r.niAar what fffitt ffh A "In view of the fact that meetings designed to effect settlement of the labor differ I nf events, inu w - ; - ----- I11" , . lova iinui the earmold nf ences between the companies and their employees have been tied ate tuiure rr fCompai whose securities joa pwn. Only Two Days Left to take advantage of this sale ' making place and have been ar L as a list of your holdings. Our Research and F . r. ...,, mill make careful analysis ranged to continue, the railways are surprised and disappointed by the action taken by the in em. and send yoo auci comment as may be ternational labor organizations, for, ana mane roummtuvi... . ta Leodation are justified. Don t hesutate to ,. I . - -,l rmiM. TKr a nn headed by Frank Hall, and the Canadian Brotherhood of Rail SPECIALS lor Wis aumM" ' ' - l"e us for it. All information provided , by you wjll leld strictly conhdentiaL The service is rendered . matter of goodwill building to clients and tpectivt-Jclients. way Employees and otner transport workers, headed by A. R. Mosher, in announcing that the members of their unions will go jii strike August 22, if a satisfactory settlement is not reached by that time. "Before and since, the recommendations of the two boards mes Richardson a Sons LADIES' JERSEY NIGHTGOWNS ESTABLISHED 1SS7 pacific Coast Offices VICTORIA Lncouver of conciliation were made I known, the railways have sought Maize and Blue. Size M Only .... 1.00 h 80-1 a utieiul settlement of these cac and the opportunity to compete for the right, to participate In the British Columbia finals for Miss PNE 1950 to be held In Vancouver, B.C., August 26, 1950. I understand that If I am selected as the winner of the official preliminary contest, I will be obliged to go to Vancouver, B.C., during the time required for me to appear In the Miss PNE 1950 competition. I agree to abide by all the rules of the local and Pacific National Exhibition contest now in effect or as announced hereafter from time to, time. I hereby agTee that the time, manner, method of judging the local and Pacific National Exhibition -contests shall be solely within the discretion of the respective organizations directing the contests and the decision of the Judges shall be final. I agree that if I am selected as the winner of any of the contests I will not sign a management contract with any individual or corporation, and I will not give any written cr verbal endorsement of any mercantile commodity or commercial organization, nor will I permit my photograph to be used In connection with any advertised commodity or service not associated with this contest, without the permission of the Miss PNE committee. I hereby specifically agree to the rules, regulations and Instructions on this form. dif ierences. On May 1 last, they I informed the minister of labor mat -naving weighed their re-1 LADIES' PAIIIIES CANADIAN PRODUCTION' Canada leads the world In production of nickel, radium, platinum, asbestos and newsprint, nnd ranks second In woodpulp. aluminum ana gold. Maize, Blue, Pink and White. Sizes S-M-L 2 P 1.00 sponsibility to the employees and to the public the railways are willing to accept the findings contained In the majority reports and are ready to negotiate a settlement on this basis." "The railways stated that this undertaking would Involve them in an additional expenditure of $19,225,000 a year when applied only to the employees concerned and that this cost would rise to approximately $27,OOQ,000 a year when the benefits were applied to all employees. "The recommendations of the conciliation boards were summarily rejected by both the Canadian Brotherhood of Rail Signature of Entrant MEN'S ANKLE SOX (Substandard) Pure Wol. Shrink Resistant. Sizes lO-llVi : way Employees and other trans 1.00 Signature of Parent or Guardian , pair port workers and the interna tional labor organizations but nonetheless the railways have JUST ARRIVED ANOTHER SHIPMENT! Address ' continued to hold discussions with labor and have Indicated their willingness to go farther than the recommendations of the boards and give the dis Telephone No.... :.. Age.. sident labor groups a reduction MEN'S WORK SOX Heavy Weight. Ideal for Gumboots ..... in working huors from 48 to 44 hours a week with no reduction in take-home pay, thus putting them In an advantageous posi- Where born... .. . Date of birth.. 1.00 2 pair for """i In relation to Industrial labor generally in Canada. Tms "itt would cost the railways AT 'it $27,000,000 a year when applied to the organized employees con- , cerned and $37,000,000 a year when applied to all employees. I "As late as Tucsoay talks between the Jailways and the men were continuing and more are ITIHIE TUKfUVECLSAIL 3RD AVE. AT 6TH STREET scheduled to take place later this week. Therefore, the out- of-hand anneuneement by the leaders of the labor groups that they have set a strike deadline for August 22 comes not only as a shock and disappointment to the railways but seems to REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED SEW and SAVE! LADIES ... OUR LATEST , SHIPMENT OF LOVELY SIMPLICITY PATTERNS HAS JUST ARRIVED You MUST See These ! R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR. Entries received at the Civic Centre office till 8 . p.m. Saturday, August 19. RILE3 AND REGULATIONS 1. Contestant must be a citizen of the designated zone In the province of British Columbia In which the contest is held. 2. Contestant must be single and never have been married, divorced, or had marriage annulled. S. Contestant must be on August 23, 1950, not less than 18 years of age nor more than 20 years of age. 4. Contestant must be of good character and possess poise, personality, charm, beauty of face and figure. 5. Contestant must bs in good health, and have education equivalent to one year in high school. 6. The winner of the zone contest will receive free transportation for herself to Vancouver, B.C. and return, first class accommodation and meals at Hotel Vancouver. 7. Contestant will be disqualified If found entering hotel beverage rooms or drinking alcoholic beverage. 8. No grand prize winner is eligible to enter future Miss P.N.E. competitions. 9. Final judging will take place at Exhibition Park of the P.N.E. during the period August 23 to 26 incl., 1950. 10. Contestants will be Judged as follows by the local P.N.E. official judges: - (a) Charm and personality 20 percent'. (b) Deportment, bearing (poise) 20 " (c) Beauty of face, figure ..' 25 " . (d) Ability to speak in public 15 (e) General Intelligence, special ability 20 " Regarding "e" above, any of the following qualifications may be considered: 1. Final grade and standing completed at school; 2. Oeneral knowledge of town, city, or district; 3. General information, about cuirent affairs; 4. Ability to join in and to contribute intelligently to general conversation; 5. Any special talent In the arts music, drama, dancing; or In sports swimming, skating, skl-lng, softball, athletics; or in leadershipschool clubs, Teen Towns, community centres, etc. Each contestant will be judged in (1) Gingham dress; (2) A sports outfit. The gingham dress she must provide. (Simplicity of style Is the keynote). The sports outfit consisting of shorts and "T" shirt will be presented to her through the courtesy of the Jantzen Knitting Mills of Canada, Ltd. them to be an unfortunate method of conducting amell-oratory negotiations and to show small concern for the welfare of the public or the workers which has been, and continues to be, uppermost In the railways' mind. "Despite this unexpected action of the labor groups and having regard both to the domestic and international situation the railways are sincere In vnd-c-tmjrap basy-to-Follow Patterns of what is New for Late Summer and Fall THE BEST ittong tnd heavily waxed to kp food fresh, nd rl.vorjoma. No wast . . . the Jed metal edge gives an their belief that negotiations (tear exactly where toward a peaceful settlement of in Snt it! this dispute should not be abandoned." mi"-- BRITISH JEWELRY A survey shows that during the first four months of this -;f. Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD SCHUMAN Oiu Pol Otfice BIQk. year exports of jewelry from BROADWAY CAFE Britain doubled those for the same period of last year. Best Food Hours 7 a.m. tc I am' t ITAHGO PUMPS ! For Take-Home Orders- -Phone 200 aV OPPORTliniTY KNOCKS Teirirace MotoiPG Limited Announcing opening of two new Electric Gasoline Pumps IMPERIAL ESSO I ESSO EXTRA Hours: Weekdays 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. continuously. Sundayr, and Holidays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. LOOK FOR THE LARGE ESSO SIGN Modern Rest Room for Your Convenience YOUR DODGE. DE SOTA DEALER Terrace, B.C. 184 BLACK KID NAVY KID BLACK PATENT FOR A BUILDER OR INVESTOR Exceptional Offering Large subdivision in Prince Rupert's better'residentfal" section. All services available. No taxes to pay until 1951. Panoramic harbor view. Area comparable to 38 city lots comprising nearly 3 acres. Easy walking distance to schools, hospital, downtown shopping centres, waterfront, and churches." Individual lots available will sell entire property for much needed housing development. Priced to sell below city ' assessed value on similar property. Terms If desired. See Allan, Armstrong for lull particular.' Flume 313 ait Green 297 (eves.) Office f Armstrong: Agencies. ,. .. . Various Heel Heights and Widths FAMILY SHOE STORE L TD. Charlie Roberts. 1 I 1 Phone 357 Box 638 'c is a CHZISTIB BISCUIT for every fasfe a 4 JO