t I PROVINCIAL-1 L13RARY I F20VINCIAL LX33ARXV , 113 152 tictohia, b. c. y&rtt?r? ORMES DRUGS Daily Delivery , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER N Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHOIIE 1 VOL. XXXIX, NO. 180 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.,' THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1950 . PRICE FIVE CENTS V DISPATCHED cabs pent Here V7 w FngCit T Fitmislni U midair ay u n yirsa lry Condition by N.E.S. IMllce I yitient situation in United Nations Lines y Shortened Thirty Miles rt continues m uc New Conservative Secretary Named OTTAWA (CP) George Drew, Progressive - Conservative leader, yesterday injected new blood into the party's organization by appointing W H Kirtd nf Van Hart Highway !s Progressing On one of his periodical visits here on political duties. Frank fc.ng to E. V. wnu.- r of tne locai oymcnt Service of- t said in an lnter- Canadian Ground Force For Korea Held Ready OTTAWA (CP) It was reported today that the cabinet ministers are now broadly agreed that Canada should provide a force of ground troops for service with the United States forces in Korea. A volunteer force that would run to at least 1000 men now appears to be likely although details have yet From Important Pusan couver as national secretary St headquarters here. Drew indi ,day that Columbia cated that other moves will be npany was continu in labor from- Van made to strengthen the party's organization both at headquar I halibut season had Clark, Prince George,, district organizer, British Columbia Liberal Association, is spending a few days in the city, having arrived on Tuesday night's rain. Mr. Clirk returned recently from a trip into the Peace River Block. While in that area he travelled the 151 miles from eiy good. Empioy-i packing plants is salmon fishing had TOKYO (CP) United States Marines and United States Army Second Division reinforcing troops rolled into the combat area with Pershing tanks to join today in the intensifying battle for southeast Korea. It is being called a "fight to the finish." The American beachhead has now been re ters and in the provinces. Terrace Man to be worked out. The cabinet is meeting again today and an Dawson Creek to a point seven teen miles north of the Parsnip ,d to date and that !ected on the labor winter If earnings are not suficlently arily trollers and -mid not be on the In the winter, now at a high peak, continued, and the River. Then he came out to duced to area about the size of the state of Connecticut. Reds Hit By Allies Hit By Train Clarence Merrill, Newcomer, TOKEN FORCE? PARIS French Government leaders are debat'.-is a "token battalion" of troops,, to fight under the United Nations Hag in Korea. France has some 140,006 troops in Communist troubled Indo-China. !I TOUGH ON KIDS 1 HALIFAX This U tough Ti'-ws for kids. Halifax manufacturer (Moirs Ltd.) announced its chocolate bars will probably sell for seven cents in the near future. Reason 4 150 per cent increase in the cost of cocoa beam. PEACE MARCHERS BRAWL 1 NEW YORK Two thousand left wing "peace" marchers battled 1,000 police late Wednesday in fist swinging brawls that led to 13 arrests. . The marchers had been banned from staging a rally in official announcement may come late In the day as to whether a special session of Parliament will be called. It Is doubtful that the proposed force, one created, would leave Canada for months, possibly not before the end of the year. , They were assigned to positions supporting American troops who had withdrawn on some fronts up to 18 miles In three days for their big stand on shortened lines no more than Weather Ship Plan Changed rlotte Islands ana Prince Rupert and drove north to seventeen miles south cf the Parsnip. This leaves a gap of 34 miles which it is expected will be closed by the coming winter. One hundred men and modern roadmaking machinery are engaged In two shifts on the pushing through of the gap in the ;. en areas are takin? Loses His Life Tuesday Night Clarence Merrill, aged 40, a recent arrival at Terrace, was ber of men. In the Hen price of lum-:?ht a large number thirty miles from Pusarj. De The view here is that the killed on the railway track fence positions have been de short distance west of Terrace liberately chosen by the Amer Korean war will last for months and that a long build-up tor a counter-offensive may be necessary. - . , ., completion of this road which would then connect Prince George and the central interior I., into operation and 9nrbod much labor ?ions. v ig is good in the TOKYO Allied warplanes continued hammering enemy troops and supply centres in Korea today. Flying more than 400 sorties, they took heavy, toll of North Korean held territory. At the Red held naval base of Mokpo, two British destroyer! damaged military installations. MALAYAN PRODUCE VICTORIA ff) Plans for floating weather stations off the West Coast may be cancelled cr revised by the Korean war, it was speculated here . yesterday. Waterfront sources said that with McBride and the Alberta near Sande's mill about 12:30 midnight Tuesday when struck by a train. . ; j The body was found between-the tracks by Joseph Pau'.is. a member of the train crew. De border. L but many mining e employing in Mr. Clark mentioned the unusual winter that Prince George The cabinet met in a four-hour session Wednesday and then adjourned until Thursday without any announcement on its main agenda which was the possible recall of Parliament and LirouKh offices there. ceased had suffered a , radial , had had this year-the coldest' tne Navy gate St. Stephen, January on record, the warmest . e here aD0Ut August 15 from ican commanders for thei climatic holding action. Communist spearheads are reported only eight miles west of Pusan, vital United States base. On the new consolidated front Americans and South Koreans face the Communists on virtually even terms in division strength for the first time. United Nations forces have ments of ten divisions while the North Koreans are estimated at fracture of the vertex of the i companies are glv-pnt during the lum- Halifax, may not be handed IWon Square. SUBS OFF AUSTRALIA ' i SYDNEY Four submarines ! ; have been observed off the skull as well as broken left ribs, February, the hottest June and Malaya produces one-half the world's natural rubber and one-Uilrd of the world's rice. jlazelton area. Bulk- over Immediately to the Depart the dispatch of ground troops to Korea. the wettest In July. llieries have resum ment of Transport for use as a es on a small scale weather ship. .va area. The ship has been in weather broken left arm and severe abrasions on back and legs. The skull fracture was found as the cause of death by a coroner's Jury which sat before Coroner Will Robinson. The Jury consisted of Stan Smith, Albert Harrison, Hans Koch, tras have been dolnu service off Labrador. Coast Ship Strike Seen this summer and nine or ten. . , . mploying more men. tat Columbia Ccllu- Under a plan decided some months ago the St. Stephen, the St. Catharines and the Stonetown, all frigates, were to cover two weather reporting iwmg no apparent VANCOUVER ; Threat of Bridge UWcr ' Queen To Be Chosen ' "l ' . "Miss P.II.E." Conlesf Being Launched In Prince Rupert Two years ago Miss Marjorie Brain of Prince Rupert won the "Miss P.N.E." crown at the Pacific National" Exhibition. This , year Mias Brain, now Campbell - Bennett a strike that could tie up British ating for some time stations about 800 miles off the Columbia's coastal passenger me construction, Mr. British Columbia coast. shipping looms today. beves. Uranium Find The Korean war might make Dick Deeley, business agent for coast of Australia. Nothing could be learned of where they belong. It is known though that these undersea craft are large for submarines, and that they may equal in speed any afloat. .'" REGIMENT GOES EAST LONDON Three hundred officers and men of the Wiltshire Regiment sailed Wednesday for the East Indies. Nothing is known as to their des-tinatiuiu ' ' RCMP TO TAKE OVER VICTORIA Announcement was made in Victoria Wednesday that the provincial police will be taken over by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Present B.C. Police will remain employed. n men are presently Walter Warner, William Osborne sr. and Arthur J. Harmon. Merrill, whose funeral will take place at Terrace, had been working only half a day for Harold Smith, having Just arrived at the interior town. . He is survived by his 'mother in Vancouver. Previously he had been at Smith -ers. Burns Lake, Lloydmlnster and Winnipeg. the navy decide to keep the St. Stephen in service here. in dismantling the tewarehnuse and bo some employment "Mrs." Vernon Ciccone, is the convene f of the Prince Rupert Fair and Carnival's Committee to select an e new diesel power irthern B. C. Power the Seafarers' International Union,, said that a strike ,vot$ among deckhands and engine room employees of Canadian National, Canadian Pacific and Union Steamships will be taken within the next few days. Stewards on Union Steamships will also be polled. entrant for the 1950 Miss P.N.E. contest being neia third nlace winner will also sal pood times are serve as a maid of honor, re in Vancouver in late August. The winner of the Prince Rupert area contest will have the added honor of being the Car- the transport and cling lines. Waterfront Fire-Blast jof the new schools up a lot of labor, celving a $25 prize. The contest locally is being conducted under rules set out by the P.N.E. which are announced In full elsewhere in the Daily News today. VANCOUVER IB Tne British Columbia Chamber of Mines yesterday reported a "promising" uranium find in the mining district of Bridge River. Samples from the vein, reported twenty inches wide, are now being assayed and it reacts "amazingly" on geiger machines, an official said. "This looks like some-of - the most highly radioactive ore Jyet found in British Columbia, said Glenville Collins, Vancouver mining engineer. - Veteran prospectors are working the claims including Ernie Johnson and Egi Lornsten, original discoverers of uranium in the Bridge River district three ' years ago. . nival Queen at the Tall fair and Carnival being held here August 19 to 26. She will receive a $100 prize at the Carnival, will have an all expense trip to Vancouver and, if she is fortunate enough tn win the Miss P.N.E. title, and kitchen help In are proving a prob- Fishery Patrol Vessel bycrs during the fish- Mr. Whiting said. iing said: "We are wll get an all expense trip to every capital city in Canada. To Probe Franconia In Flames On Harbor This Afternoon ' Takincr fire earlv this luh a period of high Man Claims To Be Aristocrat's Son . VANCOUVER (0) William Elackett, 30, who claims he is descended from an aristocratic British family, will appear lr. police' court here to face fraud charges obtaining money under false pretences from a Vancouver hotel and bank. He told police he is the son of Lady.Hobhouse, now wife of Sir Charles Chisholm Hobhouse, Somerset, England. He also claimed he enjoyed a film career In London and Hollywood and had appeared In Walt Disney's "Treasure Island." He was arrested in Montreal and returned here Wednesday for trial. Owen Sound, Ont. 'Devours' Paper LONDON 0 The mass-circulation Dally Mirror isn't 4o sure whether it's a good idea to be Willie Pep Easy Winner PCRANTON, Pa. Cfi Featherweight champion Willie Pep was the master boxer here Wednesday night as he 'easily outpointed Proctor Heinold of Oklahoma City In a ten-round non-title scrap. Both fighters weighed In at 13lA Dounds. The fight was Objecting To Being Checked SEATTLE 01 Members of the Marine Cooks and Stewards Union balked yesterday at having their sea papers checked by maritime security officials. Some 65 members refused to sign aboard the steamship Alaska unless assured that their sea papers would not be turned over to a "third party." Coastguard officers have been screening crews to weed out "bad security .risks." ment that will prob- The Prince Rupert contest will be held the Urst night of rough until at least OTTAWA It was reported tnl ,, , , . , eptembcr." Ottawa Wednesday that the "f"'""" ' ui the Carnival, August 19, with entrants from Terrace, Smlthers and Hazelton, competing with the Standard Oil Co. of local girls, se British Columbia where she had just completed The three Interior towns are having their own preliminary Pep's last before he defends his crown aealnst Sandy Saddler 3rm contests and each are being in fuelling preparatory to next month. vlted to send 2 contestants to i.h Prince Rurjert finals. The goini out on fishery patrol duty. steamer Franconia, which struck a rock about ten miles from Quebec outward bound. Is being repaired in drydock and that tho circumstances will be the subject of a thorough Investigation, for It affects a matter Importancethe St. Lawrence pilotage. The announcement came from the Department of Transport. Tocal" tides" Friday. August 4, 1950 Hlch 5:13 16.7 feet Apprehension about Near Tragedy Car In (liver-Men Swim Out Two men had to swim for their lives when a truck plunged Into the Skeena River near a railway tunnel at Salvus between Prince Rupert and Terrace at 11:30 last winner of the Carnival Queen the 52-foot fishing boat Gikuml II, Capt. William . Ness, was Y travelers in Alaska brrent International towed into the harbor to save neighboring waterfront prop illy unjustified,-and planning to visit Hj,, iimmuu .1,1 .1.. . " "T"' trvr-'" ! - v ertv from damage. ry this season should honor will be crowned at the Coronation Ceremony on Monday, August 21st, and a Coronation Ball will be held in her honor. The winner of second place will receive a $50 prize and will be the maid of honor at the Carnival Coronation. The Iwo explosions followed tne heir trips on account removal, of the vessel Into the popular in Owen Sound, Ont. Alaska Development harbor where she became flaming mass. 18.3 feet 6.9 feet Mrs. F. Greig of (1548 Ninth j 17:41 U:15 d tour agencies and Low ve fi.) Owen Sound wrote the; peatlons this week. Ralph Matthews was returning Ness and Raymond Anderson, 11 l ntkfl. In ! who were cn board the vessel, to rumor which ap-ibi oad in Nie States, made their escape with burns newspaper ui from Prince Rupert with a load Lcndon regularly sends his e truck WM an nPy l.n J;y tnl unidentified man whom Mat- Owen Sound. Then this is-the the :,,,, .. , had picked to give a not in a state of and were taken to hospital thews up Ness had face burns and An George Sundborg, ultant, declared. derson, arm burns. Juhniton Co. Ltd.) J J (Courtesy 8. D. lifhod reports about !s routine defense ac- The burning vessel finally sank about 25 yards from shore near the Imperial Oil dock after Alaska have been P in exaggerated the lichthouse tender Albernl and the dry dock fire scow had he added. "Business pi activities are ' pro- lift. The pair made their escape through an open window Matthews was testing at his home in Terrace this morning following the experience, having been taken there from the Columbia Cellulose camp to which they walked after the plunge of the car. The truck was being salvaged today. moved nearby in the attempt to usual and our trans- put the fire out, Beattie - 45 Bevcourt 40 Bobjo ; Buffalo Canadian 13Vs Consol. Smelters 105.50 Con west I-25 Donalda 39 Eldona ' -23'i East Sullivan - 6 45 Giant Yellowknlfe 6.50 God's Lake .-,- ?9 Hard rock 29 i'lmpanies, hotels and ExD'.oskins had ripped holes better prepared to In her hull. J tors than ever be- Vancouver Bayonne 02 '4 Bralorne 6.60 B. R. Con 02 y2 Cariboo Quartz ,. 1.10 , Congress .20 Hedley Mascot 25 Pend OrelUs 685 Pioneer 2.25 Premier Border 02 '2 Privateer .12 . Reeves McDonald 3.00 Reno - -03 Sheep Creek 105 , Sllbak Premier 28 Taku River . 05 1 Vananda .11 ment came after re Tackle Too eved from various m companies lndl- Harrlcana -snV icreasing number of I To Handle Bruin fs by tour passengers fnoer the Impression ' io Alaska at this Heva Hosco 09 Jacknlfe 05 Jollet Quebec . -42 T.nke Rowan 09 QUESNEL, B.C. -r Fisherman Harry Bourne figured his tackle was too light for the routine: "My husband and I devour the contents. Then it goes next door to an English couple. Then it goes across the road. Then on to the next street, where two more devour Its contents, and ;hen on to Its last stop." The Daily Mirror, In a tone of mock gruffness, said if many more bloomin' readers worked it like that the Mirror would have to put up Its blessed shutters, ' THE W LATHER Synopsis Cool cloudy weather will be general over British Columbia for the next two or three days. However, along the coast there will be intervals of sunshine during . the afternoons. In the interior shower activity will be persistent and some widely scattered thunderstorms are expected in the southern and central interior this afternoon. Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy today and Friday with occasional sunny intervals' both afternoons. Little change In temperature. Light winds. Lows tonight, and highs tomorrow At Port Hardy, 48 and 62: Sandsplt, 50 and 60; Prince Rupert, 48 and 60. ;afe. Reports reach Salmon Gold prd office here also Spud Valley .03 biggest catch he ever lost a 400 Britain To Start Rearmament Plan LONDON, iff A government Informant said today Britain Is expected to announce within the next 24 hours plans for launching a vast new rearmament pro-eram with American aid. The House of Commons was told last week the new rearmament plans would cost about $280,000,000 a year. - 'hat some travelers Lapaska '. -03,2 Silver Standard 2-OU .36 Little Long Lac Oils- 1 the Territory over Highway had turned se of the "war scare." portatlon comDanies .22V2 Jin ....40 2.05 ,27s 1.00 Lvnx Mart sen Red Lke McKenzle R"d Lke McLeod Cockshutt . Moneta .- NpfflM .. .... f Alaska are contlnu- Anglo Canadian 480 A. P. Con ,:....... - Atlantic 2.50 Calmont 48 C. & E . 7-30 Central Leduc 150 Home Oil - 16 00 pound bear. The Vancouver angler was fishing on nearby Quesnel Lake when bruin enjoying a swim-got fouled up In Bourne's light trout line. The shaggy beast swam to shore and bounded Into the woods still entangled. Finally the bear broke the line after it was wound around a tree Bourne and his party re reguiar service and seS," Sunrihnrir Hair! II restrictions are not (a on t.ho Aiaoifu Mercury HI,J He added that be- ; ancellatlons alreadv Okalta i ns Pacific Pete 5.75 Princess , 55 trieved the line and returned . r crai or the steam- BAUD CONCERT Court House Grounds TONIGHT AT 8:15 to their fishing. Noranda - 67 Lonvicourt. l Pickle Crow L" Regcourt - 05 Ran nAtonlo 2.50 Senator Ronvn 21 Va Sherrlt Oordon . 1-M Steep Rock SUver Miller 78 Upper Canada L89 I wnicn ordinarily are Royal Canadian .07'4 Shortly after Bourne saw j ...uiibiia in OVERSEAS George Drew, Progressive-Conservative Leader of . the Opposition, landed at Prestwlck, Scotland, today and will confer with British government leaders in London. Will spend holiday in Italy with wife and family. le summer nnrl fall bruin sitting cn his haunches on shore, curiously watching the anglers. ... Roy allte 1W0 Toronto Athona - ' 08 Aumaque .16 ri. can now offer