. Prince Rupert Daily New, Thursday, August 3, 1950 9 At iWALLACE'S ft.. Of Course rmi from tht hmt itorv d th B H n n n a WtiStvirpnatitf ki til Siturty Evtnini fait! rn?rd 10) " ' d i - 3 I f lillliy m Sale Now On! TJ 0 ROBERir a lie all sales final - no exchanges : A Feast Of Bargains 7or.icziQorj --.""ICS u A I A M A U lutlll M . rt . I ,1 7 1 oiu. Mat. J.j I ;j Lady In Ermine" La "I Cheated the Law" HP and Joan Bennett. August 20 ' ca Picture List In August Size All the Way From 12 Through 48 craobe, and "Cmw William Eythe aa Reynolds. August 21 and 22- the Judge," Rmc Reg. $20 BLANKETS All Mohair $Q vt.t QC Made in Scotland Reg. $15-$17 LINEN DAMASK TABLECLOTHS and C QC LINEN TABLE SETS Reg. $3-25-$5 LADIES' VES $1.95 Reg. $2 LADIES' and MISSES QCo TEE SHIRTS. All sizes. UO Reg. $1.00 LADIES' FALL SNUGGIES and VESTS. Cffn Mostly Size Small Ue Coats - Coats - And More COATS GROUP No. 1 Regular O ACT $24-$27 plOttf GROUP No. 2 Regular OfT $30450 ).aJtJ and Robert Cummsr.- August 23 and Brute," Paul Dous'a Peters, and "Under : John Garfield va' Prellc. August 25 and Man of the Plains.1 Scott and Jane SLa August 27 -Di.fc Cook and Laum-j "Bcmba of Par, Johnny Sheffield. , Pictures of exceptional Interest billed for the screen of the Capitol Theatre here during the month of August Include such as .the drama, "Damned Don't Cry," with Joan Crawford and David Brian;" Fahter of the Bride," Spencer Tracy and Joan Bennet, and the Disney cartoon, "Cinderella." Following is the August list: August 3 "Lady In Ermine." Douglas Fairbanks jr. and Betty arable, - and "I Cheated the Law," Tom Conway. August 4 and 5 "Ambush, Robert Taylor and John Hodiak. August "The Threat." Vlr- August 28, 29 aia! GROUP No. 1 Regular l ftCt $10-$19 tjpl.JtJ Other Groups At $6.95 Qnd $8.95 PRINTS JERSEYS " COTTONS CREPES i The variety is great. The saving is great. The ' sale Is here on your dress selection in your favorite style priced at a terrific saving. of Strangers." R.l and Su.an Hayi "Dancing In the Dm Powell and Mirk Sr August 31. Septet. "Cinderella," D:ss I glnla Grey and Michael O'Shea, j and "Variety Time," Edgar Kennedy and Leon Errol. I August 7 and 8 "The Damned i Dcn't Cry," Joan Crawford and Davl dBrtan. I August 9 and 10 "Paid In Full," Robert Cummlng and Llsbeth Scott. August 11 and 12 "Eagle and the Hawk," John Payne and TOO MANY ITEMS TO LIST See Our Bargain Tables 25c 45c 65c 95c It's absolutely sensational the way we've pared down, down, down on every one of our top quality coats Including several Karris Tweeds, too. (We've excluded only our shorties.) We know youH be thrilled with your findings. ' .. Rhcnda Fleming. Au.ju.st 13-f Racketeers Call it Murder," Humphrey Bogart I and Richard Whorf. August 14, 15 and KWBlg Hangover," Van Johnson and Elizabeth Tavlnr 8, or 25c I Aumixt. 17 1ft snH 10 "Caih.. Reg. 10c FACE CLOTHS Attractive Ruinbow Stripe TERRY TOWELS of the Bride," Spencer Tracy j 0& be rocd-n this vaccK -i, rn 95c for Reg. $2.25 LADIES' SCARVES QCC 100 Pure Wool. Assorted Colors and Patterns .... 7v Our Entire Stock Of SLACK SUITS Priced to Sell 45c Reg. $1-$1.40 LADIES' LISLE HOSE Mostly Black. Assorted Sizes it 'Ambush' Action Packed Drama 4 Superlative ouvuoor tirama trigger-quick action gun fights, Indian foray3, spectacular horsemanship and magnllcent scenic backgrounds are combined in "Ambush," which brings Robert Taylor, John Hodlak and Arlent Dahl to the Capital screen thU week. it is the drama of a wily scout employed by an Army post commander to lead troops to the capture of a marauding and murderous Apache renegade. The daring escape of Robert Taylor, cast as the scout, from his Apache pursuers, a spectac S9.95 $16-$21 LADIES' HOUSECOATS Cnoice Satin, Quilted or Wool. Sizes 14, 16, 18 STRICTLY FIRST QUALITY ONLY Nylon Hose 95c 42-45 Oauge All Sizes and Colors for'"'2 3595 V0fw S6.95 Every Slack Suit wc have. Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18 20 and 42. 51.95 hS2.95 Reg. $5413 LADIES' HANDBAGS Assorted Styles and Colors'.....: T BETTER CAR CARESa 59c MEN'S DRESS SOCKS O AEn Slightly Imperfect. Sizes lOKJ 2 "Pr for. '' fjm Movinir, Paekinj. 0 Shlnnine anil r" Curlasr "IH Wallace's 95c Sale its The Jackpot! r:orr,plcte Unliable t '-Canadian lent Service, u Liq'ilil to for Oxyrren. AwlJ1'' weldl.-U supplH ular Datue between Indians and troopers, the animosity between Taylor and John Hodlak, playlns the post's stuffed-shirt second-in-command, leading to a blood-drawing slugging match, a suspense-filled ambush set by the Apache renegade and his followers, and Taylor's final deadly encounter with the Tnriian or P Lindsay Carii Storage Li action highlights of a story re 65c Reg. $1 WATSON INFANT VESTS I Year Old Size. First Quality ... volving around a triangle com Cor 2nd a"n i Est. 1910 n. prising Taylor. Hodlak and Arlene Dahl. 65c Extra Special BABY BLANKETS Full Size 36 x 30.- Pink or Blue All But All of Our GIRLS COATS FINE PRINTING Everything But Everything in Bathing and Swim Suits $1.45 Reg. $2.75 INFANTS' DRESSES Silk Embroidered. Asst. Colors .. nL3 TIIONE 21 222 Second Were $9410 .... Were $11414 .- Rea. 45c ca. INFANTS' SLIPS O QCn Flannelette. Limited quantity for . $5.95 8.95 $9.95 Li i! fin Reg. $5.95 MISSES' AND LADIES' SQ 0 TWO PIECE BATHING SUITS O'W Were S2.95 S1.95 95 c Were $4.95 .. Were $344 . Were $2.00 ... KA1EN Cfll 1 HARDWARE $19-$20 65c Reg. $1.15 CHILDREN'S SHORTS Sizes 2-4-6-8. Asst. Colors You'll find sizes from 1 year through Teen Age. Absolutely none reserved. BABY CARRi1 1 ' Buy for this summer and next. All sizes from three year old through Teen Age. Reg, $2.25 GIRLS' SHORTS $f A C Sizes 10-12-14. Good selection .iO Silver Grey, Maroon and Blue JJj Now in stock - j EOT ifE ROY APARTMENT WASHERS DROP IN AND SEE THE NEW C0 Phone 179 WE DELIVER - 251 iri 'j aaS i.C3BBBaiitfa59Ka.9MiBBiiea a iisBBaiiiiiiiHiEiniesBiMiiai miiciii ihiibi