lattery And G.M. Prince Rupert Daily Mews Thursday, August 3, 1950 GIVE THE FOLKS AT HOME Strong Team 'Prince George For Rupert Passes By-Laws SHIPS and WATERFRONT Tomorrow Night Heavy Battery and General Motors will meet tomorrow night in the next Manscn Cup League football game. The game which was scheduled for Monday night was postponed on account of rain. PRINCE GEORGE City prop if Come in today and take home a delicious CAKE, PIE or JELLY ROLL. A formidable baseball team has erty owners of Prince George, at been lined up by Abel and Odows I meet the Ketchikan tne Ps n Monday of this week Union steamer Chilcotin, Capt. to Eagles , ''''-Lxy''' I Prince by overwhelming favor, gave when they come to I Harry McLean called in port GENTS' WATCHES O 15 Jewel Waterproof O Shockproof Complete with Expansion Bracelet George Cook, JEWELLER Box 1188 Rupert Sunday. their stamp oi approval to three j yesterday morning with a full jn passenger list made up of the LARGEST CAVERN The Carlsbad Caverns un tne pitching siaii are cic- monpV bvlaws to Drovide for lm Rupert Bakery Ltd. ; i "Pennsylvania f armers mag- Eouineasi new Mexico are Dron- Now ablv the largest in the world.; azine cruise to Alaska party. She Thirty-two miles have been ex- j docked at 10 a.m. and sailed at filf cone, Shiu pe, Undsay and Don , pcrtant civic improvements to Scherk. Other positions will be the aggregate value of about filled as follows: Catcher Herb $305,000. The vote in each case Morgan; first -base Dunbar; was about 470 to 80. second base Hartwip; third. The bylaws authorize the bor-base Ted Arney; short stop rowing and expenditure of Dahl and Shier; left field Pav- '95iC()o on streets, $140,000 on 29.75 plored. 1 1 p.m. The party numbered 105 iin all and included, besides far HOLLYWOOD CAFE mers, doctors, dentists r.nd other professional people. IN THE C ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialize in Chinese Disncs f likis; centre field Cornwall; p0wer utility extension and C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, right field Sundberg. Don Ar- $70,000 on waterworks. Capt. William Eccles, docked ney and .Hardy will master mind 1 A vigorous campaign through at Prince Rupert yesterday at the team. jpress, radio and by means of noon en route from Vancouver 1 'I or Ketchikan the pitchers ' public meetings was -waged on to Ketchikan. A large number will be Skally, Wlggs and -Glen. behalf of the bvlaws, the final disembarked here to catch the Tomllnson and Bobuk will atch. Speaker being -H. -G. T. Perry who train to Jasper and other places infielders will be Contreras, Vin-1 uas .pressed into service by east of here. Among those dis- cent and C. Bass. Outfielders Mayor Garvin Delaell In -the embarking were B. Clarke, B win be Jones and Leo Bass. ,' final stages. OUR SPECTATOR PUMPS apoPuuuil pairs Jl CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 uncs-, Air&. uuinrii:, v. uui. air. 1 other players .were not known DonnellMiss C. Sharp, Capt. ; at time of writing. These ,are and Mrs. Wise B. Bonar, P. S au good players and most of Bonney, iMss H. McLeod. Miss E. tnem have been seen in Prince Jones, Miss M. Morris, Mrs. E. Rupert before. ' Elian, J. Adams, P. S. Tennant. Classified ads bring results. BLUE and WHITE BROWN and WHITE Special $5.95 at' Mrs. L. Amac'io, Miss D. Collin, Mr. and Mrs. Lund, Mrs. A. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, Major and Mrs. Gibbs, Vancouver and Constable and Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. J. Cock, J. Rutherford, Mr. Greaves, D. McCormack ana Mrs. Saundtrs and two children. BASEBALL SCORES TODAY American Chicago 1. Philadelphia 0 WEDNESDAY National League Cincinnati 9, Philadelphia u : This advertisement is not published ot displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 2 HOW CAN I ? ? Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classic ord per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Njtlces 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death fa. eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Salt Lake Ferry SCHEDULE CARD OF THANKS REPAIRS 1 PERSONAL PHONE 79 PHONE 79 I The Runert Order HoJ . 10 announce to their a , turners that thev tan : We wish to thank those who WATCH Kenans nromut efft-heloed with their kindness and clent service. Georue Cook fvmnathv durina our bereave- Jeweller. Satisfaction guaran-ment. j teed. Trio Will U Hamlan famllu ' St. Louis 3, Boston 4 'Pittsburgh 4, Brooklyn 5 Chicago 1-6, New York 11-8 American League New York 9, Detroit 4 Philadelphia 10, Chicago 3 Washington 9, Cleveland 11 Boston 9, St. Louis 8 Pacific Coast Seattle 4-2, Hollywood 1-1 San Diego 7, San Francisco 1 Sacramento 4. Los Angeles 2 Portland 1, Oakland 0 Western International Yakima 13. fiookane 8 Tacoma 4, Sa'.em 3 Vancouver 3. Wenatchee 2 Victoria 8. Tri-City 6 HELP WANTED meir new location a: v lypS Afjpnu d,r au OIL BURNER SPECIALIST-; built" and - Lord -Stove Service & Rroairs. O. D clothes. Fall suit Ronson Black 5"3 Ufi'Ircm $31.00. Q. How can I transplant a maple tree properly? . j A. The best time to .transplant a maple tree is the early spring, I before any buds have appeared. Choose a rainy spell when the j ground is soft, and preserve as much of the root as possible. This 1 refers to trees not more than I six or eight feet high. Then trim ' down the crown of the tree. j - Q. What is a gtod antiseptic mouth wash? j A. The use of a dash of 'lemon I juice in plain water Is said to be I ! very good. Q. How can I keep the powder , BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS FOR RFVI MODERN Painting' and Decor- Leave Cow Bay Floats Dally 12 noon 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. ' 7:35 p.m. Sunday Continuous Service Starting 1 1 a.m. Last Boat Leaves Salt Lakes 10:00 p.m. Phone: Green 391 Black 926 pmrmaq FOR RENT Room to share. Phone Red 471. lf) atine Spence and Matuik Phone Blue 215. P.O. Box 1111. Uf) REAL ESTAft FOR SALE Five "root fu)l cement basfur: ment with bathrooE : lots with eood i Black 186 or call inu Ave. FOR RENT S'.eeoine room. Phone Green 937. (180pt COMPLETE builders Bundles fast service. Island Cltv Building Supplies, Blue 820. (18m) T-TTMBIN ar, f? Hentlnr -Sheet, Me'n' work Tnr and Oravel Roofinc Call 629 flth West Phone 543. Itourneau and Sons - . (tf ) HELP WANTED Hn'O'til Cooks. Grade 2 1860-$2040 Der annum, for Department of National Health and Welfare at various centres in the Province of B.C. Full naviculars on posters at Offices of the Civil Service Commission, puff soft and fluffy? A. Wash it in warm, soapy water, and then rinse in soapy water. FOR RENT SlePDlne room ffir FOR SALE-2-room ;ii 2. 118 8th West. U80p 20 fe-t. Mav of '6th Ave. East. Ph FOR RENT Sleeoini roim for 399 evenings 8 to ! : , auict worklnr cirl. Kitchen nrlvtleees if desired Box 763 Dallv News. After six oVl-ck. FOR SALE 3 bedrow HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays : 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. 0 9 p.m. SIXTH . STREET AND THjRD AVENUC National Employment Service (187p seciiun s ik livine. dlnlns. kilt- hulVl fi rmi ft full forru.' I ... WANTKD . . j . rnrni. Inlaid line, rnnty ftnH hea!pr (rr ond Post Offices. Annhcation FOR electrical contract work forms, obtainable thereat- laree or small, call Grant it should be filed NOT LATF.R Newton. Black 89 18m) THAN 19 AUGUST 1950. with lr ClviJ ??rv1 Cn.mmiion. FOR buildine and contracted 70t Yorkshire Building. Van- lt.s Northwr-st Construction couver. B.C. (It). Limited. Phone 503. (18m) WANTED Small house or ae- house. Laree and sr. romnuKivtuon. Quiet counle. close to schools in AddIv Box 760 Dailv News , A nii.n.ii . on ternu A: 188p) ert E. Muntador Lti MARINE and eeneral sheet metal woi k. Thorn Sheet Metal Works. Black 884. (18m LOST LOST Near Post Office. V"it-tn ha? of sentiment' value FindT nipase 'enve at Brown-wood's Shoe Store. (180d) B FOR SALE Hou.e res? in. Start taking it $164 which can I All toes for $3,500. Red 816. FOR SALE- 8-room hos Prof usiness and WISH to pxchanae furnished 5 room home in (rood district of Vancouver for furnished home in Prince Rupert. 1 to 2 months. Phone 410. (tf WANTED To rent unfurn: hed house. Blue 729. (181p) essiona TENDERS CITY OP PRrvf R utTKRT PI NOTICE Notice is herebv eiven tmt th FOR SALE Tenders will be re Avenue Ea.-t. B-ji News. ceived bv the undersigned up WANTED HousPkeeDtrn room p0R SALE At Rrnw to noon of Wednesday. 30th. for the nurchase of Lot and 4 room hoae w uv oeun-niurr 13 or ijciuui'r 1. Phone Black 482. i181d' HELEN'S r. BEAUTY SHOP t . Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all tto branchet 204 4th Street Phone 655 rout cellar, screeiko-. also annex, Hou t furnished. Lmoifum also row boat, Cast. I'xchant'p as part ' (GEORGE RORIE & CO I Public Accountants and Audl-l tors. Income Tax Returns compiled. G. L. RORIE, A.A.E. I S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 InnDectnr nf MnnlrlDalltles of Brltlh Columbia has directed and will hold un lnmilrv at the Council Chamber, Cttv Hnll, Prince Ruoert. B C. on Wdn-sday. August 16th. 1950. at 7 o'clock p.m. Into an apollcatlon for ft certificate of Approval of Bv-Law No. 1110. being "Prince Rupert. School Loan By-Law 1B49" and Bv-Law No. 1116. being "Sewer Deben- ture By-Law 1949." I At this Inquiry will be heard any ob lections to the granting of the ur;;pertv. PhH 23. Block 8. Subd. of D.L. 468 MaD 905. Village of Stewart, Casslar District, together with Improvements situated theie-on and contents. Hlehest or anv tender not nec-essarilv accented. Terms strictlv cash. G. F. Forbes. Official Administrator. Administrator of the Estate of Hmrv Hill, deceased. Court House. Prince Runert. (181) WANTED ferraD cast, brass. coDDer. batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 it'h west. ( tf ) WANTED 2 or 3 room suite or small house It ladv and school aice bov. Blue 829 eve- ninas. (182u AfC'M tTAXTS eveniniis. FOR SALE 7 Win t 739 . 6ih Ave. West said certificate. H D. THAIN, . condition. Close f Available at $2,600 Dlv Robert E. Mosa. CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D.C. 21-22 Besner Block Horns, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl. .7:30 Phone Blue 442 AGENTS WANTED COMPARE the., lw r-uuuu ACCOUNTANT. In'.OHV Tax snecialist. S. O. Fur's Stone Uuiklina. Red 593 (20m. AGENTS WANTED Attention ! fuur with naroot" rlpcuriU'fi r(X"K !' COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 38& j Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. t'-ts 1st day of August, 1950. (179) I r CAXAIII vtTIOVM, RWI.WAVH 1 WKRTKKX RKOION SEALED TENDERS will be received ' at the office of the Chief Engineer. , Winnipeg. Manitoba, until two , o'clock. Central Standard Time, In the afternoon of Tuesday, August small four, part to: Sellers callinsr. at homes with' specialty lines, can make monev bv handlina TuDner-l warp unbreakable Nvlon f FOR SALE uisnes. lUDDrrware uisirio- FOR RATPWVilto Bniir,, Co... Vu oALt -wnue K,o arv Sew ntnr fn.rPr w idth ,m , su.atPti. erv; These and other t shawh In our wind' invite vour insi1 Armstrons An 342 or Green 237 -. " - intr Milrh IIP (ininl cabinet model, eoort condition. $50 Vancouver. B.C. (181p) HI F WV'TF.D ' 1 Phune 10 after 5:30 p.m. (185)! GORDON D. RONSON, OIL BURNER SPECIALIST New wick or pot type burners supplied All typesof burners arid stoves serviced An unconditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all : v service 22, 1960, for the construction of: (A) Freight Shed at Smtthera. B.C. (B) Extension to Freight Shed at Prince George. B.C. (C) Boarding Cr.r Department Warehouse at Prince George. B.C. Plans. Specifications and Form of Contract may be seen and Form of Tender obtained at the Office of the WANTED Reliable woman to care for child durine day for workin.? couple. Vlcinltv Wai-'drcn Anartments $10.00 ner week. Phone Red 578. i tf ) FOR, SALE Electric kettle and toaster, one-burner hot plate, also babv walker. Thone Red 872. (Hon FOR SALE Five r full cement bawiM1 ment with bathrw lots with eood vifJ or call 1176 Amor MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Chief Engineer. Winnipeg; Division WANTED Youna man to karri Engineer at prince Kupert ana rj.w.K. Front End Servicing Slli FOR SALE Pleasure boat 26' can al-io be used for towtnK.'pnn ,AIP o room V Can be seen at McLean's Shin- FOtS hment m vU V write Box 761 Dnily. W 51t Automotive Parts BusineS-i. 733 5th West Black 503 "Matured ' and Bottled in England Tenders will not be considered unless made on form supplied by the Railway and accompanied by an accepted cheque drawn on a Chartered Bank In Canada in favour oi the Canadian National Railways, equal to five per cent (5) of the FOR SALE Ne'-'t'; and (00 V HI-POWERED feuortine Rifles Write tor latest ca'aloir Dealers enauiries Invited. Scope Sales Co. Ltd.. 320 Queen St.. Ottawa. Oni, (tf) furnished 4-ruj'" -7th Ave. East. A! P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS J 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. FOR SALE - WH QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. totnl amount of tender. I No Bid Bonds will be accepted with tenders for this work. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. P. JOHN80N, i Vice-President 1000 Block. 2 lots ' cleared. Good fJ rock. Price m T1..1 l?nnprt Ir PhnnP fi7. Ev.e.n13' Linzev Green 291. Excellent onoortunltv. ADoly . Runert Motors. v Jtf) HELP WANTED. Female-StM-oeraoher. must have shorthand. AddIv Albert. & Mc-Cafferv between 2 and 5 rj.m. (180) WANTED Immediately, female erocerv clerk. Full or Dart time. ADoroximatelv 5 weeks. Phone 755. (180p) HELP WANTED Reauire Immediately. Steam Engineer with third class papers to take charge of steam plant at Remo, B.C. about two months work. Sande Lumber Mills, Terrace, B.C. (182p) SALESMEN WANTED To sell Auto un-Visor direct from factory to car owners. Vancouver Sun Visor Mfu.. .119 Main St.. Vancouver. B.C. (180p) HELP WANTED Bov or elrls Winnipeg. Manitoba, July 31, I960. ROYAL NAVY HANDYMAN HCME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS REAL ESTATE WA" FOR SALE Oil range. Colmnn oil heater, electric heater. 330 7th W. after 6. 181p FOR SALE Bovs bicvele in eood condition. Phone Red 834- (181p) FOR SALE New beds complete. Sleep in r cots. Unnainted chests of drawers. Scores of other articles, verv reasonably priced. B.C. Furniture Co. (tf) FOR SALE 3-piece bedroom suite. Phone Green 661. (182p) R U 171 DEIY1ERARA buvers ream' room houses in0,, Bttfements and inr Preferred LiH . crtv with a bro coveraae and auw Ihis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Building and Repairs of U kind ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mezzanine Floor, Geo. Cook's Jeweller Telephone 212 rree oi ;nnj .-. At. Armstrong' S. 5fVLS-u burnlne ranee.' Phone W or w niiiBS). FOR SAt-F'r "wi ve. wesi. 183p) PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P. O. Box 1670 Reliable bovs or eirls desirlna FOR SALE 1 kelvinator refrlir-to handle Dail;- News route era tor. 1 electric r home wVshl should leave their names, at , m machinV . l n, Ji h2Jpi: low on i Mt basement. a& o.c ati AVf. r the office Dailv News iu tri radio Rlim dm M,,ri.,,.o oio oni Black 496. . .- - i - . u . . inui iiiiii HELP WANTED Application? " V- . (180p) run ami--: - i . "OOVKKNMEVr I.IQfOK ACT" (Ser-tlnn S) NOTITE FOR APPLICATION FOR A t'M B l.ll KNSK NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 25th day of August next the undersigned, LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE PRINCE RUPERT LODGE NUMBER .1051, Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a Club License In respect of the premises situate at Seventh Street, City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, upon lands described as Lots 1 and 2. Block 11, Section 1. Map 923, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said Club to keep on the premises a reasonble quantity of liquor for personal consumption on the premises, and entitling the Club to purchase ltrjuor from a vendor and to sell by the glass the liquo' so purchased to Its members ant guests for consumption on the Clut premises In accordance with the provisions of the "Government Liquor Act" and the regulations promulgated thereunder. DATED at the City of Prince Rupert, to the Province of British Columbia, this 21st day of July, AD. 1950 Loyal Order at Moose Prince Rupert Lodge Number 1051 h.T. MUNCEY, Secretary. - (W3) will be received up to and In- aiionall? kmown NAMEfc ahout 300 vnrds ws rliirlimr th 4th rldv Of AUiTUSt "'"ueii ...B-WW Shovels A n . d 3 . .... , -l( ia,,r uraunns-s hotel, write ior me posnion oi maimgcr New Docison "ltllraaT,: Liaierord Bros Black Tod Road Maintenance Van1 HastiiiKs St for the Legion "27 Club" and the Canadian Legion. Secre- MARGARET McLEOD : OPTOMETRIST i Room 10 STONE BUILDINO Muinment : Cwen Clamshell ; Buckets and Rock Grannies: 1 9 FOR- SALE"" Ai.i IT"1,1" Concrete Mixers: , HOUSE i, rornnit Trucks: Nelson West. Bucket Loaders for Stockpile r -rr EBY & SONS LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green 183 Box 586 onuw Kemovai: Rle.e Port-1 FOR ten. - .,,. tarlal and bookkeeping experience essential Applicants must apply In writing to Box 753 Daily News, stating salary expected and experience. Full particulars of duties will be given at a personal Interview at a later date. Veterans only ntfcd apply. (181' PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 ?. Ie ,c?ntrifiiKa) Fumns: Na- house, two " ' tional Dragline Scrapers and near Conrad I n f Zknt!i'- IIN'ional All Sieel $:i,000 cash. Oasollne Hoists: National1 .Phone Blue 2- lortable Sawmills: National! - m: Rotary Screens and Convevora i FOR SALE f "A J ull Information from Na-1 Section 2. ura t onal Maclilnerv Co. Umlted ! two or fo 101 Vancouver. B.C. (tf' Prlntlne Co.