i -BIM' 'Hoard Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, August 3, 1950 r compiled wth and some were already I established. He had suggested sprinkler heads over the . furnaces In Borden, Conrad and Booth schools, and metal clad ptions, j doors to the furnace room. Mrs.! .Becker polnteJ out that Booth' i school Is already provided with' CFPR After all is said and done, how does it taste in the cup! That is what counts! Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles !10:15tociis ' ' . ; 10:30- -Winnipeg Drama 11:00 - Weather Report 11:04 Fish Arrivals ; 11:16 Sign off jintments (Subject to Changer a lurnace chamber, there are ' cupboards (or chemicals, fire ex- tlngulshers have been relocated lhol ,h0 Vice-Principal MIA" -Fire Marshals hr Ketiort Keporl ana n l"e man"al arts room H , J . ' Ant InnatlAn T . ,n - 1 )ns irom mm -v ivvamuu, w aa aisu fiug- 1 rlti'illS lor U1C ict..- ..w.v ""viri nuu uiciai . nrreDted by the clad doors be Installed at Conrad , yield the perfect flavour. FRIDAY A.M. :00-.-u.sical Circle 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 4:15 Mom. ni trMiiu j.su Music for Modern ; 5 Little Concert son - BBC News and Comfy 9:15 Morning Devotions 9 :30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Famous Voices Board of School Street school and that the fire Inert t t.ieir regular meet- marshal be Informed regarding , lay afternoon. I the school that It was built In were irom n. v. puius mi ivuiushuiu ai i THURSDAY -rvi 4:00 CBC Opera Stars 4:15 Stock Quotations & Int. 4:30 Treasure Island 4:45 Western Five 5:00 The Ins:de Story 5:30 Prelude to Dusk 5:45 Young Man Willi a Song 5:55 CBC News 6:00 Canada at Work 0:15 English Favourite 6:30 Musical ,yarleOes.-;...r! 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:0C Proposals for Peace 8:30 Mama's Family 1 01 me wc vi uuuuiug. one saia u vice-principal jol p, soroccm, r. cyciuive )oo vo bi- j R Slade. all 01 booui -c " "c cot a pea ana inai ine High School. j DuiiairiR naa been evacuated In , in Miss Sheila McKen-1 Regarding transportation to jdrid!,v, Leslie Matthews ( Dodge Cove, It was decided to re- jj Davidson, vice pun- quesi ine .Department 01 Trans- o til " nm sun iu pujr w per ceni 01 me 9:09 Tlrr:; Signal 1 10:00 Morning Visit' ' 10:15 Morning Melodies 1 10:30 Melody Time - ' ; 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 A Man and his Music 1 11:15 -Roundup Time 11:30 -Weather Report ll:31....Mcssage Perirjd I 11:33 Rec. Int. ' 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies frtll P NCUICIU bum . ...... vwov aiiu II WIC UCUftl Lllllllb CUIH I 9:00 Guestln' With Kesten f 9:30 CBC Vancouver Concert t Es?inson. and Mrs. p?, for the board to pay the iirt.a.i.ttitt,yy-' r hison, uiiuy. n"""'1' cmmnucr. ,nt as left up to Mrs j Iciter. chairman of the r tjrenessra 10 00CBC News-10:10 CBC Ntws co.nmmee 10 mi. u" IfHI IIIIIX "You got a hole in one? . . . That's nice! George, on your way home pick up a loaf of bread, five pounds of potatoes, can of beans, two pounds ..." 1 Ul cnwl from the Northern For Navy Viumbia School Trustee L stated the fee for the line fj that all homes in the 900 block on Alfred ' Street may have telephones. Younf Men of Prince Rupert Are Enlisting for Active Service in ine amount towing 1 that the Prince Ru- j I ; wi snare 01 pouicu w SKEENA INN PORT ESSINGTOfsl Licensed . Xlearl Premises r Comfortable , ' Roorns : - - 'YOUR HOME AWAY FROM HOME' ' JANET BROWN, Prop. Popular and Classical Come Early and Don'l Be Disappointed . McBae Mro.. Gave Up Main Line 'Phone . A fine gesture was made recently by Bruce Love, according to Telephone Chief Edwards, when he gave up his main line telephone after retiring from the employ of the city. For years Mr. Love was Superintendent of Utilities. the last convention at :e was $50. It was de-nav the fee In the . Since the start of the recruiting drive for the three . armed forces, there have been eighteen applications for the Navy active service. It was announced yesterday at H.M.CB. Chatham. Seven men are now awaiting ac u $10 but nat the $50 for vention expenses, ine Informed the board provincial School Trus- Jnatlon meeting was at ceptance and eleven others are in various stages of medical ex Giving up the main line has made possible a four party loetober 4. S and 8. amination. The most of them range in age from 17 to 20. Once uniinn-iuni!iiyniHH'Mim.uiu:ii!i:inniuy? tiiiiiiiHiniminmiiiiniiiisinnmimmimmi!! ililiiilliiiiiiiiiiililiiiiiiu iimiiiMWWii'iifM yil!l!!!!!!!il!!!!!!SI!!!!lfi!ilI:!I!lll!!!BSiIi!!!fii i for July were ordered in the absence of Dr. R. G. Large and Mrs. Becker was given to sign checks. they are accepted, they will be sent to H M OS. Cornwallis in Nova Scotia for training. Two new officers in H.M.C.S. Chatham p.or. -r Informed tne i intended to begin her are awaiting acceptance of thelt enlistment Friday nnd that ar- tts had been made for a About half a dozen young men while sh? was away. have responded to the Air Force It marshal's report came call for which Ft. Lt. Elmer Clau II sen Is Interviewing officer. discission. Regarding Nations for the school So far there appears to oe fcward it was decided to little, if any. Interest In Army hie fire marshal that recruiting here. his requests had been with Including cut- 6 Ihcr door to Orade 2 and other minor Kern hiort and asking him t; lensive work In recon- cliimneys, as the s temporary and would WORK SOX TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! MEM'S' DRESS TROUSERS BABY'S RASHES mrm oftn a ilri ot aiM ditotion. R bow fluirklr this in ot rh oftn dlip- af t tiwUMof Dabr'i Own Tblu. Pwra ktumnt to tak, Milr rmhil to poster tl ttwaa litUa UblrU iwtrtr up Why's sUMnsrb and clar out irrttatinv lnitrrial that alo may W aoinf faa, f-varUhaM and fratf ulnaaa. Gat Babr'a Ow Tahkt. today. Th hava barn tha atandby af matbara lor avr yam, Ooly tH. nrr t -it'ii..-. o urr replaced with a new (set Becker advised the i: B.irden Street., school bulit to the fire mar-'ideation j at the time 25OFF- ... OUR ENTIRE STOCK t '. OUR COMPLETE LINES m rg aid that certain of hmendatlons were being Lad For School At These Low Prices RfiYV RIliF JEANS l T-SHIRTS 1. 1 1 IV 1 A rf.?rrv? it a j 11 I 5 I and other mitwrahle svmoto.n of hnv fovrr or Men's All Wool Vo.k Sox 2 pr. 98c Work Sox-Men's . . jir. 39c 1 Outfit Your " ' BOYS' JACKETS 300 TO CHOOSE FROM! 20 off Our Eniire Slock. RUNNING SHOES GROUP 1 Children's sizcs.8-1 3. Reg. $2.35 to $2.60. Clearing -.r ... GROUP 2 Regular $2.95. Don't Miss Thes5:: V I "lummer rolls"! Sounds too good to b tnie, aw I trlrwinn't if? Rnt it n Ym Annr tiii-tlv mnA niitv At with ANOH1ST1 Vou rr, Anohist combats the histamine that many doctors brlicve ia re leased in your body by an allergic rrarlion. Thai's brcatiM Anuhist is an antihistamine formula. And now you can eniov this nrnmnt. etirctive relief nt a cml ot Pi 2 - . v ": BOYS' RAINCOATS All sizes. Reg. 79c to $1.15. Now --- 59c COWBOY HATS Reg. $1.95 Clearing 1.49 r'ut oc a tnblel in the 8upcr-E'onomy Family-Siie Bottle of 36 ' 4:- iV. I uuireu. rx) say goodbye to botliersoine lisy ever or summer .. buy Anohist at your drunstor today! Remrmber: alt flnia-are not alike. They vary greatly in performance. Anohist it 'lutmnme ornnia recommended jor family use because o its "i actual cimical tett. . fur Pirfceor, rather, lots of luscious pickle s is what you'll have when you follow these These are ized and are a Give-Away at this Price! fleg. $5.95. Give - Away Prico S2.95 1 pickling success 1 m f . . First of all, f" me Barbara Srnt, g.resrrnt St.. Monlrrat. '1 1 if II ii i II i i i s 5 3 11 S3 si mi if if Ii II 11 S s s S i 3 m S E3 11 m ii 3 i 1 m Baikinm In The Sun on the ' Boys' sizes 1-5. Reg. $2.75. Clearing - GROUP 3 Sizes 1-5. Reg. $3.95. Clearing GROUP 4 ' ' Sizes 1-5.. Reg. $4.25. Clearing . - $1.89 $2,69 2.89 STRAW HATS Reg. 89c. Now 59c "rjlt mnrveloui FREE r-T "PirltliM. (......Hi l-tlir fi.l.l. j i... A flume hiHtituiu alv.. for rohshes pickled veg- fnnp ftnipAH fpi.li "t'o . ' the recipes exactly for I result si Second tin for MII'I'CSH ia In aim.... .... beach or fishing on a sunny summer day are lots of fun. but hard on your eyes! But here's a way to briiiK soothing relief to sun-weary eyes in secomUl Just put , 2 drops of MURINE in each rye and your eyes feel instantly refreshed! Vou sec. Murine's 7 ingralicnU blend perfectly with the natural eye fluids, soothing delicate eye tissues ns gently as a tear. That's why I always keep one bottle of Murine at horns and carry one with me wherever I go. Why don't you do the same? Try cleansinn and soothing your eyes reularlu with Murine for one week . . . then I'm sure you'll be sold on it as I ami ' -k Ii U'HITE VINEGAR! It's BOYS' TROUSERS THESE ARE . A REAL BUY Reg. $3.75 now $1.69 ' short-cuts the job to handle. I've found Cl'VStill-rlrar it.r. '" Hie natural colours of ' and veiptiihl K aKo.l-in.wooi punK(,ni.y FOR DAD MEN'S DRESS SKIRTS Reg. $4.75 To .clcir ai $2.95 STEAMER TRUNKS r- uu piquuncy to my r An Artlu ... I could What Has Picture better the beauties of the new FRIGIDAIRE Pe luxe Cold-Wall Mart Summertime Appeal than a refreshinnJell-0 salad? I'd say nothing, unless it's a Jell-0 des It j 1 ' 1 it E FRIGE R- A1UR ... for BOYS' CARDIGAN SWEATERS GROUP 1 Reg. $3.65 Clearing $1.95 GROUP 2 Reg. $2.50 Now 1,19 BOYS' COMBS Reg. $1.75 Now 89c BASEBALL SHOES Sizes 6-8. . Reg. $8.50 To Clear $4,95 FOR MOM ! LADIES' BADMINTON AND TENNIS SHOES. To go at -----' $369 a work of art with sert I Salads and desserts mad .with JEI.L-0 If t T V 1, ( III' its Ice-Blue inter ior trim anrl I.ifa. i,7 "rfn.iji ,rw- 'e'un finish. R,it beauty TENNIS RAQUETS Take Your Choice 13 OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK r keep crlsp fmh (of famou;. tradename TRUNKS ' All 3-Ply Construction with, Aluminium t a ""-porcelain Hvdrators VOU fan i aw ' p'wic up L(, V) . F en food, in it fuU. "PPr-trecaer Chest. Iu ' ' DEUS have so much sparkle and flavour! Because Jell-O has those seven "locked-in" flavours, that are delicious in salads and desserts. Try this cool, cool, Cucumber Pineapple Salad! CUCUMBER PINEAPPU SALAD 1 packase Lima Jell-O ' a cups hot water 1 slice canned pineapple, cut In wedges 1 cup dlce1 cucumber Dissolve Jell-O in hot water. Arrange ptnaspple wedges In bottom of mould. Pour on Jell-O, being caretul not to disarrange pineapple. Add cucumber. Chill until firm. Unmould on crisp lettuce. Garnish with mayonnaise. Servts I. ""ives edged in Ice-thc !i'P ?r0fl 0nce Ki " um oilier t V?tur.r's of the new lovci ii iu. ,1 Reg. Pries $2?.:0 SALE STARTS FRIDAY, AUGUST 4 ENDS AUGUST 12 1,!,,"t Cold-Wall i, lor; ypu'll realise why I it justice with mere VOU 1 t 1 . Now 29.35 , daire Dealer's soon. "Jour Coorf Healthf i : i lliilt w 'I n emu iiriru una uutj , wy iu iicip L..., ' nus ine mice oi one lemon ma i r'"er , .. . . . jtnt ttrar thi, a: kk 1 i i n arising . , . ior tins natural L n(,'PS keep r VOU realllnr It.. henllLfnl .,vl a...... . r ""e lemon-in-water doesn't "tie vou un in J h-"'9l laxat Item --""- uu , t , jubv genuy nei)n tr l'va lK"l&,e S. for Blowing "od ,. -m,,,,,!!., ,..,".!..!,; aMMnm lie.v. c.,-K "uppiy ot lemons on hand. JButl ii i th! fl-'NKIST CALIFORNIA LEMONS .MMiini-.i i.i.n.iiiirimiitiiiiiniiniiinMltinnilt! J