! The Rotary Male Chorus, to 1) the accompaniment of- Henry BEST TALENT tCcntmuea irora rage Prince Rupert Daily News Slock Re Ray Reflects . piuym on tn piano rendered r-,v -iris iraii td bv Mrs. Janir j "Brunette", -De Civaaou". . jj" t, inint r . "Scandaliie My Name" and 'Car- Monday. April 3. 1950 SAL Ey Carrier, rer week, ;0c; Per Month. Tjc; r-er Teal. 53.00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5 00. ttllfl RpmimVsW Christenson. June Bur- ry Me Back to Old Vlrflnny . The If flU llCliffflf,i)LC?af rjorothv Taylor. Shirley . .roup a enjoyed thoroughly. . ' ' ' Haugan. Judith Nilson. Georgina Charles Balaimo was their dl- I ww-hlt n'v MnrrfnunL Muriel rector. e n . Mes -r w-VK Now .Men serm-drey Shier, Helen O son, Gael MeRae Rowland Miles accompanied by and Sally Schumacher, Mr. Mor- HVnry Pluym sang "Nocturne" ley took occairn to express ap-,and "Trees". Numbers by Mr. preciation being given to th? Miles are always entertaining. Red Cross driv. The renditions are sincere and The evfchu'i entertainment appealing. Final vocal aolo of the besan with two selections by evening as by Mrs. Patricia the Prince Rupert Symphony wlck '" vocalized Ardlte's -II Orchestra directed by Neville Baeio" a stirring, beautiful mel- Oerrard. These were Rossini's c6y. Mrs. Wicks possesses a fine overture ' Barter of Seville" and voice- Pleasing to the ear. Germany's Position I T 11AS BECOME very clear that western Germ-I any must inevitably be given full status and recognition in the company of western nations if the expansion of Soviet Russian sphere of influence, already a alarming: fact in eastern Europe and Asia, is to be s:emmed. When we defeated and disarmed Germany after two wars, there were not many who could or wished I: may be .-aid of that thr?e year old Milwaukee baby, recently fitted with complete s.at of false teeth, that he's never .soin? i to feM a sirle toothache from he cradle to the grav"? j Klondike Ni?ht is still a month away 'ut somehow, the ! number of whiskered faces . f een at large cannot be said to t 'equal what it was. at this tim? ! previously. There are reason?, cf '.course. Or.e oi the moot persua- Impressions received by some Prince Rupert people. vLsiiin? in Europe, help in giving, possibly, a more true picture of overseas. Staggering debt, soldier cemeteries, vast wreckage, malnutrition, gloom thse are some of th? consequences that too many, in Canada, still VJnk , typify countries such as France. Germany, or Italy. But . can't al! be that way. Some local , folk, now touring, tell, in brif letters of no shortage, fair prices, delightful weather, and generally speaking, wortn while existence. dir.pi tj rtem 56.00 to Mike Colu&U and his accordion go together naturally. He presen 71 of all feres ar In residential properties! Dwelling ire Insurance is inexpensive ARE YOU INSURED TO PRESENT-DAY VALUES? Prince Rupert Realty Co. P. II. LINZEY Green 667 San tn.w far pnoiio-h ahp.-i.l tn pnvui.ni tho Histastpfnl ,sive Is reported to be mingled 'wi cut, K Now otilr o;..,r,-,. -w.,k.. n , -A v, l , .resentment and sorrow felt b; ted two selections, the first a I bouncing march, mhk-h dr?w ! applause dunr.n the middle of its j 'Showboat Selections" by Jerome Kern. Three young girls danced their way into the audience's heart. last night. To the rytrun of record music. Heather Macdonaid did a tap routine. Sharon Skin- "en i SPORt co,.J able. armed and we would have to have her co-operation ,ver threads among the beards, v ' Z - .-. . ., . 1 .. Au. 1 111 , : c rv-i .-r tVi a r t hftr a r i r Prr ' Pin Thursday's weather report No u an even reaier menace was to oe avei teu. ntr- " " ' - mentioned Vancouver's twenty u itssts may mean clean shares but. , f. i;i fourth rainv dav for the performance. Final seler'icn on the program was the Prince Rupert Shrine Club Band, :or.ducted by Ptter Lien, playing Romberg's "Stout Men' rjRr.ss Wx month ner. a a:u clog and Deanna won in 2 xSl of March. There had been num- Petersen, an Irish lilt. erous snow flurries from the' nlv Piano olo of the nioht. 'W'CJ crv , southern interior. Northern B.C. Played. deUhtfully. was by Miss hearted Men" and "Bless ThH I r1.: 5 Advert! tz u e luiy Newsl i.ri eurveui nui nuti incnavc i: nun urvuiuiifc bringing the 3rgurnent to the; more and more potential as a result of undoubted j point of tears, invariably, leads t progress in the cold war that has been going on by j to gmerir.g the crop, threat and propaganda. S . . " . . i That stalwart and amiable Af-f As long as Soviet Russia continues her present nzx s? re-.se. and his white ; obHtirate and Uncompromising- course there ap- Queen, recognised in a somewhat' pears to be no option but to make Germany strong 15 IVe tO OC- J"! ; oys LONG r.lYTj nd well K4ie From was not affected. This is not nosaite main, renoenng ureig s nouse oy urane. printed as a gleeful reminder. "Nocturne Opui 54 No. 4". ; Another feature of the evening Just put down as a matter of ; Four vocal srkis were featured, waj the drawing from the stage obr record. ' two of them ty Dyke M.-MUlan. of ludcy r.umUrs for five electric -' . 'sho proved ta the audience thnt lamps donated by the Northern This Li the Jtllmmr hill aim- V,m fan mir ' r K. V, ..Hnni .1 1 fir Pnitr Prt TVi 4rwin agWOv If She is not going to be for US, she is going ;apy ocnsiderable space on theUd at the abolition of hangina. Jisht strains. sans "Holv Citv" . conducted bv T. Norton Youne. to be against us, it seems clear. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT world's front nage. His wife, who will come before Parliament. sd Uter in the evenina. to the 5 Stan Saville of the Northern B had romantic notioiu when she , This Is also the summer that aceompanimen' of the Fmir C. Power Co. ar.d Walter Smith, worked a a London typist. Is .there U a prosoect of more exe- Dukes orchestra, gave the well j Responsible for the arrange-wor.denng Ju.tt what's go ng to cutions than vsual. Call It co-ln- known blues melodv. "St. Louis ment of the splendid program happen next besides her having s dence. if you care to. But this Blues", by W. a Hardv. I were T. N. Youngs and Walter a baby. Bwhuanaland is a huge; much u sure. Public interwt will ' The Four Duke' And v Mr. Smith. For Friendly Service And Advice in Your Building, Insulation and Decorotion Problems S.K ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Oeneral Builders' Supplies MS McBride St. Bloe 82t J Shippinj xc4 i OE RUTLEDGE, a well known Toronto writer ree:on north of Rhodesia, peo- Na ugh ton. P'rcy Curie. -Harold C. A. Berner, D. C. Stevenson I Pkalmerud, Bjnny Sorlnkle and and A. P. Crawley were, at the oe speeded un and that not the best thin? for heart trouble which is said to be Increasing. ; pled bv hundreds of thousands, all black. The' color situation In South Africa temains a liv; em social - economic subjects, comes through with an interesting suggestion whereby a country might he governed more democratically with greater un question. Serr? has. a rival to i Bob Woods, presented "Jealouv" door and usherettes attired ap- featuring Borriy Sorinkle on the propriately as Red Cross nurses clarinet, and "What Is This were Miss Margaret McLeod. Mr. ' Thing Called Love", in addition J. G. Alexander. Mrs. P. Edmund- to "St. Louis Slues". son and Mis Winnie Poxon. tent 8ervi. iJ5 , Car.idim Vszxk 'or Chtyjer kf-rr weldirg ruppjij. Lindsay s Ci- derstanding POtn trom Within and Without the gOV- his kingship, and the British eminent itself. Rutledtrp siip-p-pc bow rpal n rtemn- :'0Vfn,mfnt hss a n-w problem. TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-Monday. Wednesday, Friday 8:00 pjn From the East-Tuesday, Thursdav .Saturday . , m . J- , .. 'All in all the press would style ENJOY t "quite a m Storage Lrf cracy migni oecome n every voter couia oe a canai- j tne Iacts of tiie case daw for some publie office at least once in his life- story-. HOT tor. i" v-4 fv ' Est 1910 WATER COMFORT v&: JOHN K WATER tells the truth about,,. WHISKY BULG OPTOvr:- Why let a faulty boiler rob you of hot water comfort? Call ua for immediate repairs. Phone 108 Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating BUD SCHUMAN (Old Post Office Bid? J ? v V.- V time not just a name on a polling list, but a name o'i i a ballot. "We wouldn't be saying then that we won-,! dered how they get such crummy guy? for public of- ! fice, because we would know just how the selection was made. We would know too that they were guys pretty much like ourselves, and if we wanted better representatives we might begin by being better citi-zezgourselves We wouldn't be so likely to accept government in a let George do it attitude. We would recognize that one day we would be the George in r.;es: ion. and that there would be times when we would reed assistance.We wouldn't be so likely to assume that government could take over so many of our obligations, if we thought of ourselves as part of it and responsible for the integrity of its decision- . We might even come to recognize that we already and always, are the government, not merely its MANUFACTURERS' AGENT tVbolesale Warehouse carrying a repreenUtir i j Seagram's 4 Pul Seoftrom'j "83" to h water test. For water (plain or sparkling) it your most reliable guide to the whole trwth about ony whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky' true, natural flavour ond bouquet. Say SEAGRAM'S ' ond be SURE... o f the fined 83 prompt service ta the trade GOODYEAR TIRE 4: RUBBER CO.- TirM. fc!w : haw, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO - limps or-j t. and Incandescent. S to 230 volta. GENERAL BATTERY, CO. of CANADA -Ei-a : fiashlights, ignition batteries. O. H. WOOD & CO. Industrial sanitation, pa?'rtr deodorizers. DCSTBANE CO. of B. C Du.s'.bar.e, Sial JtzZt hotel and restaurant supplies. IMPERIAL WIPINO RAG CO. and otlwn Salin-Glo CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo laken at Horn. Phone Green M9 218 4th 6-FKINCfc RL'PERT, B C. ".YouYe Just too darn good-natured!" , i i r, 5 PRODUCTS for Wolls, Woodwork, Floors and Furniture Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 1 x-f- ' ,1 PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HO ' - This advertisement is not published or displayed by e liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. II Pays -jo Advertise! i Try a Classified Ad lor Resulu PO. Bot 772 712 Second Ave. EASTER SUNDAY LAST STRAWS by Steven o rmes D, Flowered Silk jerseys, pastel crepes, ever popular novy, from $10.95 up the Pioneer Dr?5 PRESCRIPTION $12.95 COATS ond SHORTIES from up Easter Suits from $22.95 . DOM'S DEPARTMENT STORE McBride Street Daily Delivery Service Phone 81 ! r-fr- ' 'I, : . . in Mi W RUPERT CEMENT PRODUCTS LIMITED Ready-Mix Concrete Delivered fo the Job SALE of m ZUWJM j You Can't Best EATON'S Spring and Summer CtUlovu TWr rmnt be cm owar way to tg furwor tkam tim" FHICES: inrlude Dare the fifth ingredient in Cenrrete Four Sacks Cement to Yard Slfi.M per yard Five Sacks Cement to Tard $17.5 per yard S I x Racks Cement to Yard S18.S5 per yard No Order Accepted for less than two yards " EQl'TTMENT FOR RENT: y3 OFF Priced from $2.33 if -T.EATONC KeatwithoSandrid yourself cf troubleeome - furnace care, the worries of uncertain - heat . . . An Imperial 03 contract, with the Imperial Weather -controlled delivery service, gives you comfort, convenience, - cleanliness automatically . . . The Ema Oil Burner has fuel-saving features no other burner can offer . I I - .v Two wheeled rubber tyred concrete buggle foe per dy Seven cubic feet capacity Single wheeled concrete barrows SOr per day ORDERS TO BE IX ONE DAT PRIOR TO DEUVFRT IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Phones: Office M; Plant 54.