PROVINCIAL L I B ?. J , 11 3 onr.iES DRUGS vj.ct.xu a, u. c. V 1 'i Daily Del ivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEW8APER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 JOL. XXXIX, NO. 78. PRINCE RUPERT, D. C, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Inaugurates Its M ji.1L AaIi' Tb-IL 1D)H ID) L.J New Home and 350 Members and Proceedings here Saturday Night noted military heroes hon-ppKTcding-s their presence and 350 present to celebrate a mem-:ml Rupert's Canadian Legion i u i:r..t .1 I'1 All for One and One for All Unanimous Decision THE HAGUE, Netherlands (CP) Defence ministers of North Atlantic Treaty powers Saturday approved a collective plan of self-defence against aggression. Their agreement on the basis of all for om and one for all in guarding the North Atlantic Treaty area was unanimous. The meeting was held in closely-guarded Dutch general staff headquarters. About three thousand Dutch communists jammed an auditorium at the same time in protest against Dutch membership. , , upeneu its rrcauiuui aim commanuing posiuon on J - if ': -. "A "i A f ' ''" 4 . - Taking Over Some Of Signals' Work Ionospheric section of the Royal II.... '.. CI.... I.. .. 1 n Grim Prediction Sees Atomic War Certain OTTAWA- On of Canada's (op atomic scientists, in an unusual speech, today kuggested Canadf is In danger c.f falling behind it world's atom race, and will do so unless she puts up more money and scientists. In an address prepared for delivery before the Ottawa Rotary Club, Dr. L. O Cook, head of the chemislr branch of the research divis'on at the Chalk River Atomic Project, flatly predl-terl that II-children of ths present genera lion of Canadians "Mmo.-t pt tainly will b-. Involved in a war in vhich atjmic bombs arc used". Strachey Barred From Secrets LONDON 'Canadian Press' The Conservative Daily Mail said today that Prime Minister Att-lee will be questioned in the House of Commons about the latest political storm revolving around Minister of War' John Strachey who years ago wrote in favor of communism. It all started with an Associated Press epoH, later denied by British government officiate, quoting well-Informed American sources at the Hasue as sayi'i:; Anglo-American defence chief ; had agreed to keep highly confidential military secrets from Strachey. Strachey's immediate superior. Minister of Defence Immamiel .TV-.' S ;: MTI'I K CIOOD. NKWS--Kinanee Mim.ite- Abbott carefully placed his budget spe'-cli hi famous black briefcase in his House of Commons offices beioi-p pnterinK the chamber to let Canadian, tax I Damaged Police Car Is Fined David Manson, In city police court at the week-end, was fined $15 and $3.50 costs on a charge damaging government property Wednesday night. ; He was also ordered to pay $5 for damages. He was arrested Wednesday night, after a scuffle with Const. Joe Horncll on Third Avenue. The Constable had been walking home when he noticed the accused twisting the B. C. Police patrol car aerial. Occupants of the car at the time, were busy on a call. The four constables ' testified before Magistrate W. D. Vance Manson was also charged with being drunk Sentence was time Served No tleec For Foreign Aid MONTREAL Ot Col. Robert , McCormick, owner-publisher of the Chicago Tribune, arrived here by air yesterday from New- foundland on the last lap of a two-month "fact-finding" world tour. Asked about his impressions, Col. McCormick said there was absolutely no need for foreign aid. "Every country I visited with the exception of Spain," he said "was very prosperous." THE WEATHER Synopsis Skies were clear along the south coast this morning while mo.;t other regions were cloudy Throughout the interior it was frosty overnight and there were a few snow flurries along the mountains. Today will be fine along the lower mainland but more bad weather Is on the way. A new storm centre Is developing off the hi J'" a wWI and di- Shlnwell, said yesterday on iected Kef) c",;;s Variety Con-at talki :e-turn from Atlantic Pact The Hague that "there isn't a CPrt vrwutrti by the Rofry the df CJub The llirk of rr,nre ' word of truth" in report entertainment talent was massed the secrets ban lor the occas'.on. .. ... . for over two Injurs the audi i Magnificent Kaniis Soldiers pis at Historic tun df Canada's with ,f tinic wars l'liiKo ' ' ii n; ight (iilieiaiiy new U( iioinu in us overlook" Hi" , ,,lhri- ' - .IS, IMUt y in tlif low: and r IV... T.'.'lillll jry in .vrt. II marked the 1 . i....,- 0 an aniiii'iPM..., nmVHli'.i H HH-fil- .sik UI centre of ., .,..( II C Ilfl... rt but the cltwns nrll del proud. y . . i : i opening lOiuiauLy iiif acmiu siai muh of facilities whirii nl only to the v.t- (I iinii-.ntiv scr- , ho iir.iy desire i-ialcd. jiiici Nii'oll oe-air in Hi ' ..iinimo-urii Is onl v one of .plPiulully designed i pmiii'i wlnrll tnc rui'ams. It was a nrnl I'M'1'!' Wil- and U n' color i t'.tld"r'o.'u mid anl I'd Hi'1 "f as the ci'iiirp aisle. jinlinrd platform. hp two old jddiPi';) . Kuivtt vnt nv rfii War I to win j i Cr"'-" s "ii the I dii-r .''!. ('. W.j l jnliii Mi-(iroc-I mi tin: pl;ii loi'ltl (i. W liinldi rlnm tail hi, Ml', V I)., ntli-rr ot Prince ' 'tp unit and him- :ii.Ik 1 'vrTi-ran ot f ' irs. If v Da il H ill'luilain; U. Van ; ;'l. nl. nl tlx1 Rn- j urt J K. Wd- I i'Mi r .dilative ot j iniiand. ot the Le-' lit m;'Is immi-di-Hie pint 1 utn were pf rums who lu(! 'f part in tlip new 'ft Inidiidinn Wil-"sy. binldin;; enm-"inaii, ami other tile committee. night, or Col. now on the vcne irth birthday, who' wption typical ofj he Ri'ts every time, ! ''k to his old home I ' Legion Iniiidiir; "WiMnii to t.P j DlyplaiTs In Prince! :i have echoed suc.!l i "Old Cy" i fud measure of af- ,?ard never seems s a heartwarming 111 and a little nus-r anwuiR ure- f 'mo who could re- fd on Parte Kour'l Al'ril 4, l!i:,o 2;M 23.1 foet 14 " 21.4 lect 8;20 1.1 fept. 20:34 3.9 feet 1' SCOkES ' t oast Is Oakhnia n a it. i ir irsi "inliiBsi 8-3. Portland 7-1 6"3. San Francisco s Sacramento Mecl'g 8 o'clock lghl. Auditorium I u3l'in Hall, lnii.i. f of new members, I o'Hcers 1950-51. ?HAVKS (8I1 PRME MINISTER RESTING OTTAWA Prime CVIinhter St. Laurent is in Bermuda for a ten-day Easier holiday and rest. Word of his arrival by air from Montreal reached liis office here today. The Prime Minister H accompanied by liis two daughters. WILLIAM SOITIIAH DIES TORONTO William Wallace Southam, director of Soul ham Co. Ltd. of Montreal, died in hospital here Saturday following a lengthy illness He was 48 years of age. VANCOUVER WINS OPENER NEW WESTMNSTER Vancouver Canucks Saturday ncght of graoDea ttioi victory over their arch-rivals, New West minster Royals, in the first game to decide the Northern division Pacific Coast Hotkey i League title. The second game wll be played Tuesday night in Vancouver. Los Angeles Monarch. whipped San Diego 4 to 1 Saturday night in the open-V"i game of the best four out of seven series to decide the southern division title. j RUSSIA IS AHEAD MONTREAL Kenneth De-Coursey, British newspaperman, who was the first to announce the explosion by Russia of an atomic bomb, arrived here today for a Canadian speaking tour. He said that Russia was-c.-v year ahead of United States on the hydrogen bomb and may have already exploded one' Df-Coursey also said that Russia was making large scale experiments In bacteriological war- fare and was using political prisoners as guinea pigs. j $8000 ROBBERY VANCOUVER-Bandits visited a Vancouver beer parlor during the week-end amd got away with $8000. . SMALLTOX IN GLASGOW Glasgow Planes from London today rushed enough vaccine for 50,000 people to Glasgow and West Scotland to help check an outbreak of smallpox. Thousands were flocking to public health centres in the Infected area. The disease already has attacked 20 people. Sixty thousand people already have been vaccinated in the west and southwast of Scotland. No new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours. Glasgow health authorities said there is no need to close theatres, but warned people to avoid crowds. EILEKS AL VANCE. SASKATOON Vancouver Eilers Saturday night defeated University of Saskatchewan Huskieltes 46 to 34 and qualified to meet Winnipeg in I he Western Ca.mda senior women's basketball final. The wn gave the Eilers the two-game total-point series 87 to 77. They had dropped the first game 43 to 41. - City ambulance, responded to three calls over the week-end The first, at 7 p.m. Saturday, was to Uie 500 block off Ninth Avenu West to, remove Ole Rundal! to General Hospital. At 10:45 p.m. ( Sunday, the. ambulance visileu the home of Jack Wilson, 428 Seventh Avenue West, on a call from a neighbour. This morning, at ;8:30. Freda Johnson. 1634 Elev- enth Avenue East, was taken to hospital. lion at Prince Rupert has been taken over by the Department of Transport by which It will be operated In future. E. E. Stevens urlved In the city from Ottawa last week to take charge and brought with him four other men Jack Simpson, Mclvin How-son, William Campbell and Roger St. Arnaud. Mr. Stevens' wife and two children will be arriving later. The lunof piierle section of the station has to uo radio measure-menU In respect to wave lengths and transmission. Huyal Canadian Corps of Signals retains the other phases of its work here. TODAY'b STOCKS l iiiittf y G C J"hiiton Co Ltd Vancouver Hayoiine 04 IJialorne , 9.00 U. R. Con , X)2V4 U. R. X 05 V Cai Ihoo. QuarU 1.30 ' Vtmiptum -J. :..'-..:,;,-;,. '.33" IlPdley Maiicol 24 I'aciilc Eaateru 0514 l ioiieer 3.30 Premier Border ....a 0314 Privateer .13 Ree veg McDonald 2 00 Ueno 044 Sheep Creek 107 Silbak rremier .33 Taktl River .13 Vahanda 14 Salmon Gold 08 I'.putt Valley 03 Silver Standard .71 Oilv- Aii;lo Canadian 4.5d A. T. Con 29 ' Atantic 1.88 Cahiioiit .43 ; E 7.60 Central Leduc 1.30 lionie Oil 115 50 j Mercuiy 10Vi " Okalta 1-73 . Pacific Pet 5.95 rrliicess 47 Royal Cunadlan .03 Vi Royalite H-25 Toronto Athona .. .08 1 A 11 nm que .37 Beallie .62 Bevcourt .30 Bobjo 12Va Buffalo Canadian ...1.... .15 Consul. Smelters 84.25 Con west 1-18 Donalda -58 Eldona :.. -31 East Sullivan 6.45 Chant Yellowknife 6.45 God's Lake 33 Hardrock 6'2 lturrlcana 013A lieva -. MVt Hosco 07 Jacknlfe '. - 5 Jollcl Quebec 63 Lake Rowan H Lapaska 05 Little Long Lao .59 Lynx ......I .19 Madsen Red Lake .. 3.05 McLeod Cockshutt . 3.70 Moneta .35 ft Negus 1.50 Stanley Cup Rangers Are Riding High Have Three Straight 0cr Canadiorii Toronto Leading Detroit NEW YORK (CP) Peiitti Lund, 24-year old Finniah-born left winger, scored three goals Sunday night to lead the eager New York Rangers to an easy 4 to 1 victory over Montreal Can- adiens In the best of seven semi final Stanley Cup playoffs. The are n thre; "l lne f"5 ioctcu acuca, uavuig ijvkii-uiuc a z w u aencii in uie eariy st.agc3 to come back and win Saturday night's game three to two. The Ranger technique has been to concentrate on stopping "Rocket" Richard and it seems to be work ing out very well. Meantime, the Toronto Maple Leafs, at the Maple Leaf Oar-dens In Toronto Saturday night, ()f one in games of their Stanley Cup semi-final. Key man in the victory was Centre Max Bentleyvvho scored one goal and set up an other. Winners of New York vs Montreal will meet winners of Toronto vs Detroit in the final. Flying Bixbys Suffer Delay J CALCUTTA W The Bixby's 27-year old Dianna and 3tt-ye-ar old Bob were forced back here to day by engine trouble alter two hours out. On Saturday at 6:03 a.m. they took off from San FranciscO: on an attempt to smash the round- five minutes and eleven seconds for the 21,076 mile course. Both are taking turns In piloting the Mosquito bomber of the husband- wife team. On the way here they stopped at Cairo and Karachi. Conciliation Board Named VICTORIA V II. K. Bats of Victoria has been named chairman of a conciliation board In a dispute between the Corporation oi the City of Prince Rupert and its fire department. He will act with Mrs. Nora AuoId, former mayor of Prince Rupert, and M. O. Howell of Vancouver-on the board. Mrs. Arnold represents the city and Mr. Howell the firs-men. Prince Rupert fire fighters, the Labor Relations Board hers sail!, are requesting a wage increase of 25 percent across Uie bocrd, pay or time off in lieu of statutoiy holidays, $5 a month bonus alt"i- payers know what tliey would coffers this yar. Best Talent h i r neips Ifive A capacity crowd in the Capitol Tlieatre Sunday pjght. en- ence Was entertained with a varied program. In addition, the prize winning Mii'lc and Drama Festival Hltrh School flay "Mi- racle ot" was .stased. The players prrr.ent.ed the same fine .ll,l,,.MI.. -,,,.,0, festival doing honor to Mis. Enid Ball dlu ctlon. wear uie eno 01 me piugiam, A. Mo. Icy. president of the Prince Rupert. Red Cross Asso ciation, presented Junior Niirs lug CertlfiraUs lo a4l youn (Continued Page 21 Girls' BasketboSI Team Returns Home j 1 Principal A. M. Hurst, and the Booth Memorial HiRh School Girls' basketball team returned llome on lllp rjoqulttam yesterday afternoon from Powell River where they partlcpated with other teams from various parls pionship tournament. A slight gasoline, blaze in the garage of Art, Murray at Third Avenue West and Ninth Street prompted a call to Hie fire de - partment at 9 p.m. Sunday The fire was extinguished when fire- men arrlvx. c.ncv no damage was done. RESTRICTIONS ON IRON, STEEL OFF OTTAWA Removal of re strictions on the Import of cast Iron and steel scrap Into Canada was announced yesterday oy uie Department of Trade and Com- mercc. The controls, applying to Unitsd Stales material oniy, .were imposed two years ago at the request of the American government. Attended Session Of Legislature During his brief visit south last week to attend executive sessions of the British Columbia Hospital Association, D. C. Stevenson ad-I minlstrator of the Prince Rupert have to pay Into the government f (CP Photo) !1fhnSunAnd Little Rain ; j Prince Rupert had 105.8 hours of bright sunshine on eighteen dV'ys during the month of March Aid but 5.9 Inches of ' rain on nineteen days, according to the offical summary of the Digby Is land meterological station issued today. CZECH PRIESTS BEING TRIED PRAGUE The controlled Czech radio said 10 Roman Catholic clergymen on trial for treason test If ed today they took orders from ""' the Papal Nunciature in up Communlst . ed govmiment ,kst month ordered expulsion of Msgr. Ottavio Tie I.lva Of the 10 nriests and munks Qn four naV(J preaded guilty to charges of treason, anti-state activities and espionage foi the Vatican. Three have entered pleas of partially guilty and three argued they are innocent. At the home of Mrs. R. B. snklner last week, the child care committee of the Women of the Moose held a routine business meeting with Chairman Mrs. P. Bond presiding. All members ot u,e committee Mrs. C. Collins, i Mrs. Bert .Bellamy, Mrs. H. Mun j A jtlr sizej crowd attended , the regular dance of the Sons oi j Norway Badminton Club in the organizations hall Saturday , night. Music was supplied by Mike end his accordion . The event was in charge of Oor don Olsen wltn assistants Leroy Olsen and Berger Bakken. l-o! v. ui.m "uiiiij v v 1 lilsit 1 1 atlrl -j . llOSSlI) ...n.i,r WPPlf OTlP V. - ... . I the California coast. It was T. A. V. Tremblay,- with the .Columbia Cellulose Company Ir Vlca- arriv e b Plane Saturday on one of hu I periodical business visits. north coast. Rain Is expected in the-world flight record ; pfa Bili that region by evening and thlsirjdom. The record Is 73 hours. 'General Hospital, crossed over to of BljUKli Columbia in the inter jCPy allcj Mrs Skinner were pre-Victoria and attended one of the lix Sci10l, basketball , chain-'sent. will spread to the south coast tomorrow. Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy today and Tuesday. Rain com mencing this evening. Little change in temperature. Light winds, becoming southeast (15 miles per hour) this evening and increasing to 25 by midnight. Wind southwest (20) tomorrow. Lows tonight and highs tomor row At Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 36 and 46. Great Victory- Communists RepelledBy Nationalists TAPEI, Formosa W National ist China today hailed Its great est victory of 1950 the smash lug Saturday of a Chinese Com munist invading force of more than 7500 on Hainan Island off South China. "We have destroyed the Com munist dream of conquering Hainan," said General LI Yang Chlng, chief of staff for Hainan. The Nationalists said 5000 Reds had been killed and more than 2,500 captured. Reports of Unidentified Submarines Off California Coast Substantiated ' SAN DIEGO (CP) Captain of the United I sittings of the Legislature as. the guest of J. D. McRae, M.L.A. lor Frlnce Rupert. It was an intcr-oat.lnu exnerlence and, by a fortuitous coincidence, Mr. Stevenson heard part or the heated debate on the amendments to the Hospital Insurance Act. He also got in on part of the discussion of the bill providing for the absorption of the British Columbia Police by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Mr. Stevenson noticed the vigorous opposition not only by the C.C.F. but by some of the Coali tion members to the tendency to govern by order-in-counell tathci' than legislative decision. WOMAN KILLED BY WIND IN ARKANSAS TUCKERMAN, Arkansas 'Canadian Press) One woman was killed and nine other persons were hurt as a series of tornadoes hit Arkansas yesterday? Mrs. Hazel Clayton, aged 32, died in Newport Hospital about four hours after a tornado demolished her home. Her husband. Flovd Clayton, was critically Injured. j... t ...... ,),.,...,.,.,.. r'1nV,on t,w1a f h ft t OltlLUS llctVV UV.111UIU li.wl wnuiu w,nt.rtwl 1 . rucluf 1 . two umdentitKXl suDmarmes wmcn were ouviuuwy ' of an llltr-modern type Again today a strange submarine was reported to have been sighted off the second such report in five-clays. Coastguardmen at Point! Noranda 69.25 Louvicourt 28 Pickle Crow 1-76 Regcourt 04 San Antonio 3.65 Senator Rouyn .27 Slierrlt Gordon 2.11 Steep Rock 2.60 Sturgeon River '.. .20 Silver Miller 72 Upper Canada 3.75 ten years' service ai:d increased . contributions to tJio superannuation' fund. The Board Is to sit. in Prince Rupert this week. A4nella lifeboat station told 41 XTn.. flint lUall Gulir Q PFuff. believed to b; a submarine on the surface' at 6:20 a. m. It was eight, miles offshore. I j