crince Rupert Doily News TWsday, October 17, 1950 of blubs and. shea Hr. Meek j played low, went right on up ; with the ace. She then extracted the remaining trumps and dls-1 carded all of her losers on Blackwood On Bridge By Eastey Blackwood dummy's clubs. How did Ml- Brash know Mf. 1 Dale had the singleton kins? j Are you acquainted with Mr. Meek? He usually ' ' CAMPBELL jtjiMj ' CI j FALL and WHITER UNDERWEAR for Men and Boys bids and plays his hands rather well. But he has one lsh didn't. Bat she knew he had the king and if it wasn't alone very bad fault at the bridge table. When things are going badly he gets depressed, and in that condition he does not play his usual competent game. He has especially strong feelings against sacrifice . bidding. His opinion Is that - - she was simply down on the hand. I ' Have you forgotten that Mr. Meek passed his partner's open- p Ing bid and that he had already j shown up with the ace of, spades? If he had held the ace; of spades and a king a bid of. Sfonficld's Horvey Woods Wofson'j Turnbull's Ce Tee Pure Wool Fine Wool Mixtures Wool and Cotton And oil-Cotton . If he takes a set, be may still dnmmv-. kin lose the rubber and then It will Miss Brash now entered her soma kind wnuM hav hpsn k be a really big one. You can explain as manvlhand wtth a trumP- led tn Jact llgatory even for Mr. Meek. times as you with, that if he continues to get bad cards he Combinations, Shirts and Drawers, Jockey Longs and Shorts . . . Tops to match. Eraser and Payno nLlLC doubre-quckf 1 I Mm - mm mmw A will simply lose a second rubbo and lose his Dolnts ln two - witn wonaerrui new fast-acting DRY. TEAMS PARKER HOUSE ROLLS Measure into large bowl, Y2 cup lukewarm water, 1 tsp. Rrami-ratej ittgar; jtir until iugar i dissolved. Sprrnkle with 1 en-velrme Fleischniann's koyal rubbers instead ol one. Mr. Meek is not convinced. Take a sacrifice of 500 points when you are his partner and anything is likely to happen on the following hands. East-West vulnerable- East dealer. North (lr. Mmlrr) 018 H Q J 3 D K Q 7 Fast Kimiik ury I eaw.. Let Stan W mm 'f H H N stir well. Scald 1 c. milk and stir in S tbi. 8 SufcC-w- ' I C A Q 10 S 6 S I0 j o , owcn Sound Crescents show their offanslve ability to the New Westminster Adanacs . tlioli- frtuut-fif-uavcn carina fir ti! Pun'lHI'in conifir 4141 onf 8 A 8 2 8 K Q J 9 4 3 H 8 6 4 H 7 2 D 8 i 2 . D A j 10 S C 7 4 3 CK KoHlh (Mix Brash) 878 5 A H A K 10 9 ft O 8 5 4 C i ,p Harry Ka.urlan is snown ragging me duu wnue leammate Tommy Burlington, in nil waits for a close-in pass. Crescents won the game 13-6 to take a 2-0 lead in the (CP PHOTO) granulated sugar, 2l2 Hps. salt ; cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast mixture and stir in lt c lukewarm water. Beat in 3 c. once-sifted bread flour ; beat welt. Beat in 4 tb. melted shorterrinK. Work in 3 c. more once-sifted bread flour. Knead until smooth and elastic; place in greased bowl and brush top with melted butter or shortening. Cover and set in warm place, free from draught. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough in bowl, grease top and let rise again until nearly doubled. Punch down do'ugh and roll out to Vi" thick Ln, Courteous Service The bidding: K4t KmiMr West Call North Dbl. 1 8 Pass Pasa 3 8 4 H All Din I 65 TAXI Terrace Woman's Auxiliary Meets TERRACE Plans for an An- Golden Wedding Tschenikut Lake BURNS LAKE Mr. and Mrs. . ft' Jer New Management In today's hand Mr. Dale thej old expert on Humanics had Mr:1 I don't have a car, Meek for a partner. It was hard v w PHONE i-ll call you one. for Mr. Dale to believe that there I PHONE 79 Robert E. Lord of Tschenikut glican Church social were made Lake held open house on the ! at the home of Mrs. H. King ness. Cut into round wifVi 3" cutter ; brush with melted butter or shortening. Crease rounds deeply with dull side of knife, a little to one sil( of centre; fold larger half over smaller half and pres along fold. Place, touching each other, on greased pans. Grease tops. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in hot oven, 400, about IS minutes. wasn't an acceptable save at four spades on this deal. Actual' ly, with the ace ln Mr, Meek's hand, four spades would have been down only one. But certainly Mr. Dale couldn't dream of bidding it. He realized that racKing, i ranug EH, pinj a.! General when St. Matthew's Women's Auxiliary held their regular monthly meeting there last Thursday afternoon. The social will be held this evening at 8 fiftieth anniversary- of their wedding day, the commodious residence and all the guest cab-Ins being filled to capacity with a gathering of relatives and close friends from all the west- Irtage and Storage MflmSE da 1 Reliable and Effl- o'clock ln the Credit Union Hall, if he went set as much as 500 k- vice. Also anenis ior An entertalsment committee, points, Mr. Meek would be so Ln Liquid Air Co. Ltd, em provinces and many of the Slates. Embowered in a throne of late headed by Mrs. Laird, was form- I depressed that he would o j ed for that evening. Mrs. E. Hod- useless as a partner ior tne re-; en, Acetylene and all supplies. I mglnHni- rtf iy,a rnKKor . I if KAY'S CARTAGE DRY.vm, wild flowers, the couple were not , son was welcomed to the meeting allowed to lift a hand in assist-1 as was Mrs. Jeff Lambly aftc-r lng at the entertainment, their j long Illness. Regrets were ex-slightest wish being anticipated i pressed by the president, Mrs. by the many attending members Bert West, at the absence of a No more spoiled cakes of oU-scyle yeast! This new Fleischmann's DRY Yea keeps fresh in your pantry! And k'i jasttctlng. One envelope equals one cake ( fresh yeast in any recipe. Miss Brash did a beautiful piece of card-reading to make! her four heart bid, Mr- Meek) opened the ace of spades, saw! MAGE LIMITED i act. ; f? i and Park Avenues ill a i the stneleton ln dummy, andi of the Lord famllv. I long-time member, Mrs. W Phme 60 and 6 Behind them, a huge wedding Sparkes. who is quite ill at her1!110011 th gi I diamonds. The queen was put up and Mr. is ; J home. Mrs. Marsh, widow of the cake, three storeys high, had Dale won the ace and returned the jack of diamonds, won by Get ? nOfltoS SUfipy HOURS Weekdoys 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 4 Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE HE BES1 church's first rector, now living in Montreal with her daughter, Mrs. 3. Farquahar, sent her annual donation to the auxiliary. It was decided to hold the whi been skillfully decorated by Mrs. Joycelin Wylle, who displayed a thorough familiarity with the confectioner's art, making a fitting background for the reception which was so gracefully ffl lOm On Over ter tea and sale on December 2 In the I.O.O.F. hall and plans ' tendered. for this will be made at the next meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. Newhouser on November 9. Plumbing Service HONE 108 NCE RUPERT Gifts from far and near were formally presented with neat congratulatory messages which brought tears of delight to the bride of the day. The dining room tables fairly groaned under the weight of huge platters of game, wild-fowl and all the delicacies for which the Lord Auto Camp has long i3l ' '"'"'"'"' jj HMHiU LUCGACf I VW - A J Any time is fea time with your (7&mmS ' : S0". I L (Z2 V neighbor or friends. Twapreada (fVS5w j l , , ' J k ,4 , , j JV auch good cheer - is ao Z'Z. f -zZ' We re completely rVJv- refreehing, relaxing. 2S ' i' V Stocked with large j ' ' " and small pieces . if Have it every afternoon at Q fiUrn home or in any restaurant. J . ( vX I- i '"aw, d e range of LUMBING & dyke, Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Cooper, Peg Deeder, Gertrude Walker, Ken G. Olson, Sadie Olson, Ken Larsen, Wm. Bishop, Charles W. Beck, Mr. and Mis. K. II. Shaffer, Mrs. H. Bishop. Rutn and Roy Lord, Barney Mulvany, Jessie Wortendyke, Mr. and Mrs. HEATING BUD SCHUMAh I been famous. Luncheon started j at noon and continued until mid night. Table after table was set pust Office Bldg.) as new Bursts wc.c ....wj. , - f Patrick N Oihnn, 'i''f fnTmii, U.h tu1 Henry Bishop and Gordon Bish-all but the Lord fRinily and its; ' op. Midnight still found the party bury Steamer , going merrily, but some of the , '.7i On. pound of T W - , ) ..." fcZZ? providM i. L y-4f MATCHED SETS from ! 34i5 11 tZTsy of fiv with m VKT t (. O f l more considerate of the visitors suggested an adjournment. All the guest cabins were visited ana t GEORGE I SAILS FOR Vancouver satellites insisted ln doing all the . . work. A register was provided and every one present was proud to sign it. . x . At the head of the first table, the hosts of the day were surrounded by their best friends and neighbors, prominent among them being Gordon Funnell and his wife, Claude .Lord -and his wife, Bud Lord; Miss Millie Har-riajnn, ftutjelgli, DaBsy Nicholls; JeanCarroiJ, Arlenfi Wcu'tefjciyke, Sadie ' 'Carroll, 'Robert Worten- triiiivviijiw wk. Wr uuiiii ucpaiimcm jiuic j rini ' s' iff???-"""" "1 t r ii.. nM. j - ii- a general round up organized, the main building surrounded and a chorus of "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" followed by M Intermediate Porta "Good Night Ladies," brought a j perfect day to a happy ending. , I I .'C I I . 1, S y s S. ocJ Thursdoy n : la WmVmfod ' Gei" Your """"""""" 1 m''Mm aiiiM- . m i M w 1 -tf ' I fir -z J ju l vuku 11 f mV I I i a .t - - i a . w. 11 w -n w i i t :w KETCHIKAN WF.SDAY MIDNIGHT !lJr Heservations Write or Call C'TV OR DtfOT OFFICE . t - . . m . . Massef Couple Married Here sSaTW its ccrcai with ffuir raifins together with Ketlogg;- 0vn. I i criSp bran flakes. Rjchm UQJU . Q-g 3(11 I SpX Cards ( " i HOW! H-H SS I STYLES ARE iron, bountitui in goou ---- w- I I TZJif btUdwn&k U I t K ADDIVIKIA DAILY. I PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. nourishment. It's Kellogg s NKW double treat! Double oVlictousl Double nutritious! Get KEIAOOC'S aIfflN BRAN rLAKics today! You'll be glad IZZZ&I l CHRtSIS GKtniNSS jjl , UJ X; See Them Now otf Miss Sylvia Opal Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Kelly, Masset, became the bride of George E. Storey, also of Mas- j set, at a pretty wedding ceremony Saturday afternoon at St. you did! J V iMtm M a a . . w -mw mm mmt i i i k t r i jf J - mm mm I I U 1:1 lit . Anlrew's Anglican Cathedral with Rev. Canon Basil S. Prockter officiating. , Many friends from the Queen i jn n a. , .ii s : c3KacaBi H I II T i I I 1 f t Fhumt 2il 3rd Street Frinoe RuDert 1 V lj Mi LAI I n Charlotte Islands and others formed the congregation which j FLitf ff r -'J I ! II attended the rite. "1 tJJ Nifij iiui li v i i it n i 11 a. am in Given In marriage by her father, the bride was attired; m ,1,lltllVllll,ll l"LJ -j -J il-l-u Lei ii Kami i m a lovely weatung gown oi wnue Wheel ance of that that are are out out of of bal bal- Jxiay ' out of line can cut tire J 6 almost in half! Regit- r C3ff VV X lar wheel check and align- . BANNING ment will SAVE tfre mileage : Jt Yes, let it rain for you will be smartly protected in one of our NAVY BURBERRYS . , . and for the Men we hove a large selection of 8urbrrvs and Crovdon TRENCH COATS $23.50 up satin and nylon with train and veil. -' The bridesmaid was Miss Janet Yeltatzle, also of Masset, who wore a pale green floor length gown. , Groomsman was S. A. Maguir? of Skidegate. Following the ceremony, the occasion was duly celebrated and the couple are proceeding to Mas-set to make their home. save en drvfCg costs. See m us today for a wheel check-ap PHONE 83 See the Skeena From the Stage!! Leave Prince Rupert 9:30 A.M. Arrive Terrace 1:20 P.M. Leave Terrace : .) 6:15 P.M. Arrive Prince Rupert 10:00 P.M. BUS IS BEST! Yes We Carry Express!! Phone 555 for Information VATSOII ISLAND STAGES LTD. f Gilding jR Pairing I Coll 363 ! TCHELL A CURRIE Acme Clothing Store Mrs. J. F. Edwards left yes Dob Parker Ltd. Ford-Monarch Dealers The Home of Friendly Service Prince Rupert, B. C. terday by plane for Vancouver, Serving the Public of Prince Rupert for Over 33 Years where she will live for the ter with her son and daughter, iTonv and Anne, while they at V UITED tend the University of Brltlsn Columbia. She Is expected to return to Prince Rupert ln May. ADVERTISING IN TIIE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS.