THIS AND THAT i Jprlntt Ruprtt Daiu? Jftftos JUU. x Tuesday, March 23, 1848 Local News It U,e office of It. E. Moiilador lit re-opencd ems I'niil J. C. Gilker returned on the Miss Olive Van Cootcn, who I Delivery as usual on Good has been on a vacation trip south Friday. Please leave bottles out returned to the city on the Col .earlv. Valentin Dairy. (7.2) STETSON COAL ACCOUNTS nia) Pail at the tcn,lM)rary office, NO. 7 STONE BUILDING or at TIIK HOVAL BANK OF CANADA rrincess Adelaide Monaay ai-ternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. The first block of basic deposit films has arnved from the. University for the Prince Rupert Film Council. This block, to be kept in the Public Library till the end of April .includes a wide selection of titles and is avail Capt. and Mrs. A. Anderson sailed this afternoon tin the Coqultlam for a trip to Vancouver. quiuam Sunday evening. Easter Reservations Have you made your reservations for Easter Day Dinner, March 28, at Civic Centre Dining Room, I yet? Better Phone 231 today 1 i . (tf) Miss M, F. Piatt of the staff of Miller Bav Hosiiital sailed presents your ... EASTER HAT able to all Council members. UrT AND McCAFFERY ltd. this afternoon on the Coquillam for a trip to Vancouver. Borden Sf. School P.T.A. Sale of Home CooKing and Candy, Thursday March 25th from 2:30 G. E. Moore of the local Dominion Fisheries office returned to the city at the end of the I Mr. and Mrs. Ole Martinsen of the Aldine Apartments sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a month's trip to Van- PHONE 116 BllLBEHS' SUPPLIES p.m. Proceeds to be usea to adopt a child in Europe. (71) couver. ; Mrs. William Glass and son, I Barry, sailed this afternoon on week from a trip to Vancouver on official business. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT 2-room furnished Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Shannon sailed this afternoon on the Co-quitlam for Seattle where they will spend the Easter season and I the Coqultlam for Vancouver to ;L0VhiaY KENM'.l-s Ipllllit I II . I arte M.llkw Jm. trnirr. Inc. (RcgU.I suite. 810 Borden Street. Phone Blue 698. .71) FISHERMEN ASK BACKDOOR PICKUP OF GARBAGE attend the wedding of then join Mr. Glass who was transferred south In the service of the B.C. Packers. James Parker, who" was called north from Sechelt last week on daughter. taREBS SMART STYLES FOR Cily Merchants t EASTER smart dresses, size 12 Alderman McKay's nlea for account of the sudden death Breeding and to 52. Suits, shorty . coats and beautiful blouses, and don't for "Junior Is downstairs trying out his new pen.' backdoor garbage collection at of his father, the late S. E. the March 8 clyt council meet-,Parker wia 'be returning south lng drew response in a letter & Thursday morning's plane. get your EASTER BONNET AT f bn Pi V, W Personality lines as advertised by of the large kennels In STAR'S STYLEWEAR. (70) ""c fecjj oca rioiiermens' gru W. S. Kergin has been ENTRIES CLOSE ON APRIL 24 Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Robins re Mrs. A. Ivarson, lace tea cloth. Mrs. H. G. Seaman, tatting. Mrs. George Ciccone, plastic thread purse. List. City merchants are asked in future to have copy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day pcevious to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department in keeping to the regular hour for publication. appointed by Mayor Arnold to the city Library Board in place of Mrs. Arnold Flaten who is jing orders now for Mrs. E. E. Hyndman, child's' turned to the city on the Princess Adelaide Monday night from a trip to Vancouver and Chicago. Union read at last night's council meeting, even though such a system may mean higher collection rates. Two weeks ago. Alderman McKay, utilities chairman, said that "the fishermen will soon be going out to sea and it will be hard leaving in the near future to Entries for the annual Hobby Show will continue open until April 24, four days before the opening of the affair which dress. Breeze's HUer, inree old. Five champions on ilde, four on dam's side. have satisfied patrons take up residence In Victoria. R. G. Macaulay and son, Rich You saw r. iH the News! ard, left last night for Vancou- For Your Furniture Require- win. be in progress from menls Buy at Elio's. Chester-1 April 28 to May 1. Already much field Suites, Bedroom Suites,1 interest is being displayed by .nee ituptii.. on their womenfolk If they have ver. Mr. Macaulay Is to Join the Dinette Suite, Simmons Spring-1 entrants and, as the date ap- pups ttIC rs and have wonderful to carry garbage cans to the new Canadian National Steam-street." ships steamer Prince George as The fishermen echoed this . electrician and Richard Is join- fllled Mattresses, and many proaches, expectation is that other useful furniture reduced this will be Intensified. Minns. lng the Navy. opinion In a letter that "most to clear. Elio's Furniture Store. I 0nrHrm , Anderson are offer-i RIGHT for quality RIGHT for style RIGHT for color and ... - RIGHT for you .- . . . and, what's more, your new spring Ststson will cost no more than it did last year. o (71) ICED REASONABLY lng a large doll as a prize for! the best dressed doll Entered in Here Is Good News! The Skecna Highway Will Soon lie Open Before planning your trip up the highway, may we suggest that you have our service manager, Gus Stromdahl, CHECK OVER YOUK CAR (at no cost or obligation to you) and advise any necessary repairs to ensure safe and reliable performance from your car during the coming driving season. As Gus has had 12 years of experience in the mechanical trade in this district, he is well qualified to give you ii Dr. C H. Hanki.nson, who has been on a visit to Vancouver, is and pedigrees the show. These dolls may be emphatically" urged that the present collection system be discontinued In favor of back door collections. The letter pointed out that the present street collection sys Get your Pink Card today If you have not already got one. Don't delay cards Issued from the orflce of H. O. Helgerson Ltd. (71) .iculars ;uest. dressed by friends or relatives of returning from the south on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morn J. C.HUNT ing. KIRN'S LAKE, B.C. M. O. Kullandcr, assistant dis Miss F. May Watts, returned missionary from China, Is arriving In the city tomorrow morning on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver to pay a visit to the reliable report on the condition of your car. COMIC IN SOON! trict forester, returned on tie Princess Adelaide Monday' af the girl entrant and need not necessarily be made by her. McRae Bios, are displaying a handsome stamp album for the best Junior stamp exhibit. Recent new entries are: , Mrs. T. H. Priest, decorated cones. I. Martin, shellwork jewel box and flower vases. Dr. R. G. Large, furniture. ternoon from a business- trip to Ocean Falls. mm JOHN H. Anglican Woman's Auxiliary here. On Friday morning she will proceed to Terrace to spend a few days. ULGER Attention Did you know that you can now get Chicken in the Ruff to take out at Civic tem was "adopted temporarily j during the war," due mainly to the manpower shortage. The manpower shortage no longer exists, they argue, and, therefore, the more complete service should be resumed. Council tabled the letter pending final consideration of a report on the garbage situation which is being prepared by City Engineer C. B. Howe. Council has been advised that adoption of backdoor pick-ups must Result In higher collection charges. You saw It in ti Daily News! Col. S. D. Johnston and Cap'. Lee Gordon of the 120th Anti- Centre Diiiingroom? Just Phone 231 and we'll have it ready when you call. (U) Alrcraft Battery, the local Re OPTWETRIST in Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue serve army unit, and Aid. Rob Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Larue, who ert McKay returned Monday af have been on a trip to Vancouver, are returning to the city from the south on the Prince ternoon by air from a brief trip to Vancouver where they held a conference with officers and lloiv Do I Look? civilian advisers of the Reserve Rupert tomorrow morning army units In the province tnnoiincement '-- HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Mr. and Mrs. William Cruick-shank, who have been away fo.-the last couple of works, are returning to. the rity on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning. Mr. Cruickshunk has been on a trip to Winnipeg on railway business and Mrs. Cruick-shank has b:en visiting in ready for JVm in F. L. Hughes D.C. Q. How can I treat the shoes of children who do not like to wear overshoes? A. The next best thing to overshoes is to give the soles of j the shoes about three good coats 'of shellac. This not only pre vents water from going through The leather but will add to the For Sale will upon his Chiropractic Office in the Besner Block Thursday, March 25 1 ' SJ: i V - .1 I found it so easy life of the shoes. Q How can I clean windows and mirrors easily, and also give the glass a nice polish? A. By using a llntless cloth dipped in a solution of two tablespoons of household ammonia to two quarts of water. ' Q. How" can I distinguish fresh fish from spoiled fish? A. By looking at the gills and the eyes. The gills of fresh fish arc red and the eyes are clear. Long established furniture store business on Third Ave. The price for the stock and business is very ' reasonable. See the owner today, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. GREEN 501.'- r I 4 - I I saved time and money I Bought my Complete Ensemble on Sweet 16's Personalized lAII Our Patrons ((inline Baby Doll 5v "nit r to j,'ive our cu-stonurs prompt delivery ser-;H' hml it necessary to place TIIK TELEPHONE th ShltVK'E ON A REGULAR SCHEDULE- 'SC1X(; AIIl'L 1, Please place WEEK-"KDKUS P.KFOUE 10 A.M. to wisure early dc- lllacn V l"l.-.- L-vn (VintL-no XTkT I ITITH WEDGIES Annouaicenienti All ndverttsemoBts In this column will bo charued for a full moutb at 25 cents word BUDGET FN I'.M. TlflMAV TU.,.,1, V,... I V , l I , i IJclilfV iuu. oneer Food Market NO interest! o NO carrying charges! V "At. i2 PHONE 3 St. Peter's Y.P.A. Bazaar, Parish Hall, March 27. I Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E., Daffodil Tea, March 29. Sea Cadets and Jobs' Daughters Combined Show and Musical Revue, March 29 and 30, Navy Drill Hall. Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Sale, March 31. Anglican Easter Sale, April 1. J.C.C. Smoker, Moose Temple, $6.95 NOW serving you of: GRACCL1NE ALSO J!ST AltKIVI I Hollywood Cafe WNl'E IttTERrs NEWEST AND MOST Up Tt-IATK RESTAURANT "I EN FROM 4:00 PM TO 53(1 A M. April 2. 65!) Columbia Ntrwl, Npw Wcslm Ulster 727 Yales St., Victoria Prince Rupert Port Alberui. . 2204 Main St. 4440 West 10th Ave. 14;S0 Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver KinKsway aud Clarke Drive fil-6,1 W. Hastings St. R07 GranviUu SI reset 24:'i E. listings St. 1(5-16 Commercial Dr. X315 Main St. CHILDREN'S RUBBER BOOTS WHITE AND RED Sizes 5-11 !lal Dinner P.v,.i- c..-.i k . a n m. - "'"j ouiiua; - J p.m. w ki lVif'KSK mSHES A SPECIALTY u'or suey enow mein .WUTS10E ORDERS PHONE 1SS Card Party, Catholic School Hall, April 8. at 8 p.m. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, April 9. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 15. Orange Tea, April 21. Women of the Moose tea at the home of 'Mrs. C. Mclntyre, 546 8lh Ave. East on April 22. Rotary Minstrel Show, evenings ADril E3 and 24. Chil EIT MARINE REALTY (J. f ' llturk. - ....... dren's matinee April 25. alp i, ., o"iv teiN, ? Alt. UK C-ACiia "The Credit House of Qualitu United Church Spring Sale, April 29. St. Peter's spring sale, May 6. Mother's Day Tea, Home Cooking, Sonja Ladies, May 8, Sons of Norway Hall (I.O.D.E.) 5th Ave. East, 2 p.m. Registered Nurses' Ass'n Tea, -"a, MARINE AND FISHING EqUlFMlwi RUfoR?TARINEREALTY (jLQi"CK SALES OR CHARTERS -m j,, East of Upsetfa, Waterfront) BROWNWOODS rhooa Green V7B May 12. Nurses' Home, Wed., r