Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, May 23. 1950 f ARRETS WILL What City Council Did ft LA t IS i I , - 7 - s fe , a i i MA ft I A 0f f A A: V tTnere mav rv. variations in i Drlces in various stores depending on whether suecial or ' standard ai'alitie. ?re listed) Bananas, lb. : .2S ADDles. cooking 31b 3S ; Fancv Macs. S lbs 35 ' Lemons, laree Cal. doz. .. . .4u YOU WALK INTO m PARLOUR'" J Accepted a recommendation of the finance committee for sale j oi lot 4, block 36, section 7 to Juhiv E. Denning for $90, and I recommended purchase of a Remington Rand typewriter and j trade in of the typewriter pres-i ently in use in the engineer's Grarefruit 2 for .2o to the Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief as is paid to other firemen under wage agreements and that the monthly gasoline allotment for the Fire Chief's car be increased to 40 gallons per month . o O o Accepted a report of the Health, social assistance, police Oranues (Navel) .. .2-.7.-i Dates .25 MOTHER! Win a $200.00 bank account for your child in Swift's Baby Snapshot Contest! Choose the most interesting - '' snapshot (not studio portrait) of your baby. Send it to ,11;; Swift's Baby Snapshot Contest, Swift Canadian Co. Limited, . Mew Westminster, B.C. together with your name and address, .'"baby's name, and labels from two tins of Swift's Meats .,, '(or Babies or Juniors. Send in your entries today! office at a net cost of $162. -o O o Accepted a report of the board of works which recommended an adjustment in the contract with Mitchell & Currie to cover additional expense encountered removing rock not shown on the contour map while laying sewer Read these Rules LOOK WHAT BABY MAY WIN! 1ST PRIZE $200.00 Bank Deposit 1 " " 2ND PRIZE $100.00 Bunk Deposit 3RD PRIZE $S0.00 Bank Deposit and 70 $5.00 ehtque. at consolation prizes Every entrant receites free m coi'V of Swiff's infant nutrition booklet, "A Better Start in Life. 1 Send in as many snapshots as ,h (.1 studio portraits). Bur armmranv e.u h H h two labels from Ssvil.'s Meats for Habit Veeetaoies Celerv. lb 13 Rhubarb. 3 lbs. 29 Beets, Dunch iu Parslev. bunch 15 Turnios ik Spinach. 2 lbs. cello 'a Radishes, bunch IU Mushrooms, lb 6; 1 Head Lettuce i Cookine Onions, o 03. 2. I Cauliflower, lb 23c ' Tomatoes. Colif. lb .25 Cabbage lb 12 Potatoes. 10 lb ., Cucumbers, lb 27 1 Vegetable Marrow, lb. 0t Souash. lb. 16'. ' . C'annec -rtspiii,ies I Dill Pickles, gai 1 .6h : Cut Green Beans, fev 17! No. 5 Peas, fancv 2 for .2n' Mixed VeeetableE ... 2."). Diced Beets, per tiu .lb; Wax Beans, r.hmce 2i Mixed Deas and carrots' 2for.35 : PumDkln 2 for 25 i Baked Beans, 20-oz. tin 23 i Baked Beans, 15-oj. tin li i ' Tomatoes. 20-oz. ea 17 28 - oz 2 for .33: fret.., UiitK Ouart .25 Pint .7 .13! Cream. V, Dint iz r.ees I Laree Grade A 53-60' Medium cartons 53 Pullets, cartons 48-oU 1 e e Baby Snapshot Contest Juniors. Please print your nan'e and address also baby's name. Send all entries to the Baby Snapshot Contest, Swift Canadian Co. Limited, New Westminster, B.C. 2 1-iis contest is open only to Mothers Using in British Columbia, It is not open to employees of Swift Canadian Co. Limited, its advertising agencies or members of their families. 3 Contest closes .lune 3, 1950. AH entries must ' be postmarked before midnight ot this date. 4 Prizes will be awarded for the most interest. iiR baby snapshots. Indies are: Miss Trenna Hunrer, Director of Public Health nrsinet, Metropolitan Health aurmitli e. Vans miser: Mr. I. fielders. I ,... ,,,,., II , k I , n... , I Swift Canadian Co. Limited I Dept. 5B New Westminster, B.C. J 1 wont to enter Swift' Baby Snapshot Content. Attached are I I snapshot of my boby. Each ii accompanied by two label from and licensing committee that it had received and considered the report of the Police Department for the month of April; had re- ceived and considered the report of the superintendent . of the Pioneers' Home for the month !of April and recommended pay- menl of accounts. o O o ' Accepted a report of the Zoning Committee recommending that i Lot 25, Block C, Section 7, be re-zoned for minimum commercial purposes. t i o O o Approved an application of the newly formed Women's Auxiliary to the Prince Rupert General Hospital for permission to hold a tag day September 9. o O o Approved application from A. B. Love that he be Included in the general increase in salary to all city employees. oOo : Empowered the mayor to act on behalf of the city in matters concerning minor engineering (Continued on page 7) Jwifl Meol for Sabiet or Junior. g I (PLtlASE PRINT) MY NAME. . . Mr ADDRESS. I (Street) i on Third Avenue. I o O o j Accepted Aid. T. B. Black's re- : quest for permission to be absent ' liom the meeting. o o o ; . , . Appointed a resolutions com-j mittee to gather and prepare ! resolutions for submission to a meeting of Northern B. C. Municipalities suificiently soon before the July 1 deadline for submission of resolutions to the Union of British Columbia Munlcipali-; Lies to be collated into block requests from this area, the corn-: mittee to consist of Aid. Georgp ! Casey, T. B. Black, D. Frizzell, H. F. Glassey and City Clerk H. D. Thain. i o O o Accepted a report of the Utilities Committee to the effect that j the same service pay be granted .(City or Town) I On Photographs. Fellow of the Kinal Photo-praphic Society. Fellow of the Phoioq t aphlc Society of Atnciua: Mr. .1. imnbell. Photography Fxpert of ancouver Branch Lastman-kodak Company, J Every entrant receives free, a copy of Ssvift'f infant nutrition booklet, "A Better burl in Life.'' hi J I IK! sjfJ-Qg MY BABY'S NAME TTffW! Thiicoupon istorvour convenience m entering this con- I 9sthlefiBeaBHsBSMe teit. Extra entry blanks are available at your dealer's. fB. ji - Contest closet midnight June 3, 1950. Jfm'ftsfcSTjr ! Now there', a nice coy invitation ond it's being offered to us every day by the theory boyi who would like to see the government providing everything (out of our money). But there's os big a catch in it for us as there was for the fly. Because before you have anything somebody has to produce it. And why should someone produce it' for yog unless you also product-something of equal value to give him in reiurn. You know the answer to that he won't. 'That's why you know that ptopit who promise you an easy future, with "more pay for less production" are simply talking through their halt, Here's the hard, plain fact: you can only bo paid out of vyhat you produce in goods or services there's no other place for wages to come from. Plans for a better world in the future are fine but they will all b doomed to failure unless they're founded on this fact all the wishful thinking in the world con't change that. In the final analysis the only one who can make this a better world for you, with true security, is yourself. And if you wish," under our present opportunity system you have the privilege of producing a better service or piece of goods and as a consequence drawing a larger wage for it. While nobody claims thai this system is perfect, it is still the only system that allows the individual the opportunity to choose his job; live where he pleases; make the best use of his abilities to get along In the world and hold hit head up os on independent and free ptrson. That's the way to security. i tsuuer LaR'frl.HlMulnhli'fl 6 l'"" "' Mnis nn.,1. Only one prize Ti i FJf H m it tv 1 JeJ . e " A contestant. All snapshots become the J" i 11 ' "'!'iB lil II r property of Swift C anadian Co. Limited, atw " ' j'-LsV' . j Ai r -j. m absolutely. lli, -. liffM-.r ' W inners' names u ill he published -, ,. fiy SWIFT CANADIAN CO. LIMITED hi this per. iff laB 1 III ( LOVELV AFTEr .MOON ) I slVWU (jV 1 ''VW ' .'.'j J v1 I V HY DO VOU HAVE TO ") I 1 I I FT" t f f "2H& 'i' . . - ... . Pick mv nap time to r9 , j If -fSl " ". J BRITISH COLUMBIA FEDERATION OF TIA0I ANJ INOUITET linett Y-TJZ, jijU Whisky XTW-t This advertisement is not published oi displayed by the Liquor Control Roatd oi the Governmentof Ornish Columbia DA.1LY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRIN0 R3 it's easy to have pumvof hot ivateri An lllcclric Water Heater is the most efficient water healing system you can buy ... 00 waste heat goes up the flue. for there isn't any flue . . iCO and its cool, nleaming white tif jacket conceals heavy I I A HOME IS SUPPOSED ' 1 QQ'-A IS THIS-A BOILER ) 1?EAN,ce U,CT v P r5 ! l-Ms.lUKY!'. PACTOBV "V ( PLACE WHERE A ) ' ntPSTA MAN CAN REST MIS "v "'J : A -0 l S ( WcAJTV BONES AND ) vV . WJ2(H " ' Six " 1 1 u:& 1 . I UPrXErX " I I I r WHY VOU K. J 1 , I ; i r APOUND HERE ) - .V, l ALL BV X W ff ( AFRAID i. f3J I i ( ANT SLEEP I fqffl llf5!!' jJ j) ' I r.' "n I I L J MQLy I ' ' ' ! I ( COME OUT-COME ) A, 5) I . I- "wvvr- , . I SOLIT, WHSPEVEP. f l Ma N ' ' J- " ' WVV Ai Ot. s 1 1 "l .. rrilei XjLJ Syl Vt A ( ' CM !-0 Kin Vsmirff Serdicit, h -WnrM -JT Cift'CC , -.11 f f'pJLLJ l:-Av t1 - C.-C NV?U' ,. ! insulation ... It's fully automatic, too . . . and it costs only a. few cents a day Just install it, forget it. and enjoy a plentiful supply of hot water for bathroom, kitchen and washing clothes.