Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, May 23, 1950 Ray Reflects something or ether have yoa ever noticed the length of time involved in the opening of the purchase? It must be admitted there has been ingenuity. Yet, so numerous are the gadgets FENCING... p llJflSEd Rails and Reminisces Announcement Card Tournament, Catholic Hall, May 25. little guides and artistic directions that one feels like an explorer trying to discover what's been exchanged for the money. Why try to get radio, rccep-i tion without an aerial? Phone' 100 for an aerial estimate. tu ' Miss Peggy Large returned' home at the week-end from her studies at University of Toronto to spend the summer vacation with her parents. Or. nnri Your Favorite Sweater . . byJahtzen Baseball, Victoria Day, Wednesday, Old Timers vs Youngsters, 6:30. p.m. U20 Mr. ana Mrs. C. P. Balagno returned to the city on the Princess Louise yesterday from a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Regular meeting of The Music and Drama Festival'n will be held Wednesday, May 31. j (It) i Clear Cedar Gothic Pickets Complete Stocks on Hand Order Today Albert &HcCafferyLfd. lUMBKIt-COAfc-Bl H.IHNG KIITIJKS Plume 116 Oregonians were reveling in Prince Rupert Monday, when the sky was blue and when, had they waited a while, a gorgeous sunset could have been produced. Oregon and British Columbia are old friends. Once, it almost seemed that not only Oregon, but Washington, were destined to become part of what later became Canada. A century and a half ago the west coast was a great gamble. Lutheran Home Cooking:, Tea.i Scandinavian Delicatessen, May 27. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Tea, Fashion Show, Teacup Reading. May 31. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Tea Mrs. L. ML Greene, 945 Borden St., June I. i R. G. Large. She has joined the staff of Ormes Limited. Baseball. Victoria n.iv U'oH. Sixty years washing shirts' in an old beer barrel instead of a tub and blessed with a dozen children, Mrs. Ann Matthews of London, tells her story to the BBC. She grew up the hard way, ironing shirts at one and threepence . a dozen better money than her husband made shoeing horses. She rejoices in 29 grandchildren, and in her own words says: ' I wouldn't be without them ,or a few shirts to iron for the world." i'(.sday, Old Timers vs Young- ; ii.i- ,1 .Of, . I Conrad Street School PTA "Wind-Up" Party, Conrad Street ' Ccknnl O n m T.... O .... ' To Insure publication of dls- play or classified advertising j ;opy for same must be in the , office of the Daily News bj j 4 p.m. the aay previous U ! advertising. Requirement: o ' the mechanical department make this rule necessary. Be Bop Sacfdles H--JI, u ime 4. cvtriy- body welcome. Annunciation Home, School Association Bake Sale, Lyons .Store, June 3, 1 to 4 p. m. Two tone zipper jacket with raglan shoulders. Neat pattern in quiet, colorful contrasting fqb-ric front and back, wool sleeves and trim .. $8.55 Staple botany cardigan, lightly napped., to give cashmere finish. Inverted pleated pockets ond for Women FUNERAL NOTICE Disposal of city refuse matter again engages attention, something that has occurred from time to time over a period of at least thirty-five or forty years. The subject is not to be regarded lightly, or discussed in a playful, bantering way, even if "Wee Mac," Scottish poet and former member of the Daily News staff, invented the "Sniff Yacht." Prince Rupert has a captivating library of maritime rhymes and lomances and it's one of them. '..""iJ Ail Lilt.' l.IVY 1 Ul S fay- Mav 23rd. 1950. Mrs. Mary v.-o, u.ou, pin. - (2(ji Joseph Garon, suffering with a heart condition since winter, is back in the Prince Rupert General Hospital for fuithw treatment. i O Eoy .Scout benefit, May 27, afternoon and evening. Conrad Street School. U22c) Mrs. j. h. Schriaberg returned to'lhe city on the Princess Louise yesterday from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. . I t Parker and Waterman pens , and pencils are about the best , known all over the country, i Bulger's have them in all models i from $3.50 to $18.50 Also t.h. VUIC1 aue ai vears a months. Strachan. 1920 Atlin Ave. Serv ice wui oe neia at First Presby- Monday saw the first large scale party of tourists from the U.S., Alaska bound, leisurely viewing Prince Rupert. They are travelling aboard the luxurious Prince George. For some, the north coast is nothing new. But it is for the majority. Like their predecessors they will also bs live advertisers. They see a lotyet actually, it's only the fringe. reinforced shoulder Thursday. Mav . 25. with Rev. C.W.L. Tea and Sale of home! cooking 2:30. Card Tournament! final 8 p. m. Thursday June i in Catholic Hall. Cambrai Tea, June 7 Mrs. J. McRae. 4th Ave. West. United Church Men's Tea, Thursday, June 8. Girl Guide Tea, Conrad School seams vviimii, ouieiatine. interment to follow in Fairview Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements, dtc) NOTICE' Extra Special Bfowmwoo s Silk and wool cardigans in brown and blue mixtures. Smart, hard wearing and practical $1095 Vee-neck, long sleeve botany pullovers. Nap- June 10. United Church home cooking The Red Rivei- Valley has long been known as one of the most productive regions in the west. The silt, indirectly the result of floods, is said to completely explain the richness of the soil. But some floods ' are far too costly. sale, Thompson's Hardware, TRAIN SCHEDULE Standard Times For the East- t Monday. WednetJay, Friday l;0U p.m from (he Fast I Tuesday, ThiiiEciuf. dafrirday ..This is to notify our friends that the Northern Snorts Bux-Ine Club, in its new home at the corner of Second Avenue and Sixth (uostairsi. is not identified In anv wav with the former Northern Snorts and Health Sorines from which we have moved. A meeting will be held Monday niitht in the new club rooms for election of office. Public welcome. (I20o June 17. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Presbyterian Tea, June 15. Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 16, CELEBRATE ball point pencils are verv popular at $1.50. u2o", There will be no Well Bahv Clinic Wednesday, May 24 at 1'iince Rupert health Unit. (It) Kfi:-m Loyal rclRr of Moose, initiation of r Mi?) candidates and so-4fp5 clal evening Tues-" c'ay. May 23. Ladies of the Moose cordially invited. 112') i I ped cashmere finish; reinforced shoulder seams I to prevent sagging. ! - r I . ; Having bought a package o; -0:1b p.m. Xt pays to advertise. oreen, ruwn unu Cherry .. with Fireworks, Flcgs, Toys ond Novelties from Cable-knit stitch pullovers styled with sleoyes or sleeveless. Sdft, rich yarns- v i. r g ' ri w o'o I throuah and throdoh $6.95 ond $10.95 Rummage Sale SIDNEY GONICK Optometrist Now Located Mezzanine GEORGE COOK JEWELLERS For appointment Phone 212 527 3rd Ave. W. Hets Good Sum A total of $186.50 was realized as a result of a rummage' sale conducted during the past week by the Women's Auxiliary of the Prince Rupert General Hospital in the vacant shop on Second Avenue which was made available by R. E. Mortimer. sk-;:. tp"ff am Prince Rupert Florists A Penetrating Sealer and Point Mix w Flowers for All Occamorgt 1 FOR EVERY OCCASION (300 3rd Ave. Box 616 Tei,'7 I At the regular monthly meeting ; of the Aitxiliar, held in,' the Ladies' Lounge of the Civic Centre, the library committee reported having started work on the library for the hospital and the 1 lm-Ber-Liox is a clear liquid made from th finest, toughest resins and water-repellent oils and is used as a thinner for oil based paints or as a clear primer before painting or varnishing. tov will be proud tf your paint job when yen use TIM-BCR-10X because: You'll find just the CAKE or PIE you're looking for ot the home of fine baking first lot of books and magazines I PHONE 79 PHONE 79 RUPERT BAKERY LIMITED Tim-Ber-Lox helpi prevent paint from Peeling nd Blistering" by affording protection against moisture. The us of Tim-Ber-Lox with paint actually saves YOU money because each quart of Tim-Ber-Lox you use replace a quart of paint will be placed this week, a city-wide drive for donations now being planned. Final arrangements were made for a tea and sale to be held June 1 at the home of Mrs. L. M. Greene, A hamper of groceries will be raffled at the tea. " Baked Fresh Doily LLYWOOD cafe Tim-Ber-Lox, mixed with paint, reduce "brush drag" to a oitnimom, thereby giving increased coverage and a superior, longer lasting paint job. ' Paint mixed with Tim-Ber-Lox flows on more evenly, more smoothly, allowing an inexperienced painter to do a smooth professional looking paint job. MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY ffr : FROM S:30 P.M to S:30 A.M. HOURS Specialize In Chinese Dishe. noi'SliEY-riirnv MFI I AVWV J Weekdays .. Sundays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. .12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.mi o 9 p.m. t. VYtTLS Outside Order PI10NE 1SS (Vjii In order to secure a good paint job It is first necessary to secure a good ground or prime coat. It is in this prime coat that the) addition of Tim-Ber-Lox to paint is highly recommended. Paint with TinvBer-Lox added, has superior penetrating and sealing qualities which provide a reinforced foundation against moisture and helps prevent the peeling and blistering of succeeding coats of paint. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUH One Veek Super Specials Local Woman Sees Gracie A Prince Rupert woman, on a recent visit to Vancouver, had the pleasure of meeting Gracie Fields, the eminent English music hall songstress. Mrs. Walter Longwill had a ; pedal entre to the dressing room of the famous Lancashire Lass because a niece of Mr. longwill is the wife of Miss Fields' brother Access was readily obtained by Mrs. Longwill owing to this connection as police stood without the dressing room door to prevent crowds from rushing forward in their enthusiasm. Mr.. Longwill found Miss Fields quit as natural and unaffected as the roles she plays in some of her songs. She was obviously interested in the relationship in this part of the country. LADIES Full fashioned Nylon Hose 99c A single application of Tim-Ber-Lox will prevent separating, will greatly reduce warping, buckling, surface checking and will eliminate " Grain Raise," leaving the surfaca smooth and uniform for subsequent coats of varnish or paint. It costs no more to use Tim Ber-Lox -- as Tim-Ber-Lox replaces the prime coat of paint or acts as a varnish undercoat where plywood is later to be varnished. 1 LADIES Rayon Hos"e 3 pair for $1.00 CHILDREN'S Cotton Sox 3 pair for 49c 1 CHILDREN'S Cotton Suits 69c BOM'S DEPT. STORE GARDEN TOOLS SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS FENCING AND NETTING M 1ft .. - Tim-Ber-Lox gives a beautiful, soft, natural floor that is water, dirt and stain resisting. Tim-Ber-Loxed floors are sealed beneath tha surface and therefore easier to keep clean, and retain the wax much longer. George Cook, Jeweller 1 McBride Street. Phone 311 I.Q.D.E. Chapter's "Imaginary Tea" An "imaginary tea" is the latest wrinkle in local entertain EXPERT TIRE REPAIRS and VULCAIIIZIIIG VH BJT j ment. The meeting of Duchess j Buy With Confidence Gifts for Every Occasion SllvERWARE, WATCHES, CHINA, LUGGAGE l"3r1W- Box 1138 Phone 264 of Edinburgh chapter, I.O.D.&., 1 decided to stage it June 17. Tim-Ber-Lox treatment of all millwork sash, doors, window frames, etc., will help prevent moisture "pick up" which is the reason for paint peeling and blistering, will also greatly reduce warping, shrinking and check ing. Millwork can be treated just as econom ically with Tim-Ber-Lox as it can be with ordinary- paint. Available at your HARDWARE, PAINT or (.UMBER DEALER DISTRIBUTORS HOBBS GLASS LTD. Let our tire expert Alf Steinhart Inspect th tires on your- car. No charge or obligation for this service and It will insure safe driving. DO IT NOW! BOULTER & WELTER to An Interesting report of the provincial annual convention in Vancouver was given by the delegate, Mrs. D. Stewart. Mrs. M. Wightman, Mrs. N. F. MacDonald and Mrs. A. McCuaig were appointed to a committee to arrange the fall bazaar. "Communists come to Shangri-la," an interesting article by Ma-thew Halton, was by Empire study convener, Mrs. E. Barton. Mrs. Barton won the monthly raffle. Regent Mrs. M. Wightman pre-I sided fat the meeting. Twelve ' members were present. ill s&i It . i (Formerly B & W Transfer) Concrete, Gravel and Cement Phone Black 774 (Office) T. Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue Telephone 93