Constable O. Red- to " ' , "' Prince Rupert Daily News-Tuesday, 7. (Provincial head, returned to the city " oti f"-w. lv I . I ' f - , n" - T I May 23, 1950 piane irom a trro ? . . ' t f ' t 1 0e Ferry Iveswraay ! to Vancouver. - i ' X' U ' ? ' tZll J ?-J I OHBiUKZa How In Operation Special Purchase Made by a well known manufacturer SHEETS 81" x 100" Special May 24th (Irregulars) Pair $8.50 and PILLOW CASES 42" TINUOUS SUNDAY SERVICE (irregulars) Pair $1.49 AT Commencing 12 Noon FROM COW BAY FLOATS For further information Phone Green 391 or Black, 926 TSae Universal ( J- ... ;--rrJ,- j IS D.STUUOiN CANADA j Jr V ; ""' t--" '- IICKERS' and n piittiiuiip iy Calvftt 1 - - - " ; ! r- TiritMinxtrJiffiat . -----. 17m advertisement Uuot published or li- i . ,..,, - -" . ' ' I I played by the Liquor Control board or '" " -nmt- - --. ' """'""!). : : i I NAILS' "V--TfJ 7. h fc-H UUuvcrnn.entofbnti.bColujnbU. . - , , JL 4fC- C rjrj ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS! I W I Ar ,' f M "A 1 - 4 rxi. PIXX)D EMERGENCY While navy personnel carry an iron lung from the King George Isolation Hospital in the flooded Riverview district of Winnipeg, an ambulance stands by with only the red cross and the too showing above the water. Two iron lungs were removed from the hospital to safer accommodation. (Help the Manitoba Flood Rpiief Fund). (CP Photo) jirfqoinq to have my cup of tea . . . CITY COTTNCIL DTD (Continued from page 4) Come and join me! Empire Day Is Observed ess of Edinburgh chapter; Mrs. IT- McMeekin of the Cambrai 'chapter; Deshka Penoff of the jHM.CS. Haida- chapter, and t Mrs. M. ' J. Keays, municipal standard bearer. , problems during the absence of the city engineer. o O o- ..'! Referred a petition from a group of businessmen in the area betweer the railroad and Atlir; Fisheries asking: that the- ditch there be not opened until after finning season closes October 1, HAPPY NOW FINDS ROAD TO REGULARITY There' no truer saying than "Any Time Is Tea Time". For no matter what time of day or night you can always enjoy that welcome lift which comes from a good cup of tea. Make it your custom to have a tea-time "get-together" with your neighbor Relaxing refreshing you'll thrill to the downright friendliness of a good cup of tea. At .: In the Civic Centre this after- . ' noon .after a two-block parade of students from Booth Memorial j High School, Borden Street and I King Eawaru school, gathered in I the auditorium for a widely varied program of musical selections, ' ye constipation, I found regularity in a hospital! They gave me I to the Board ot Works and to KELLOGG S ALL choral numbers, plays and gen- : i bran for breakfaRt fi iu ciui-i lauiiiteiii, in uust-i vciiiuc ana us neen my C-B-L PAIE1TS for lasting beaut and protection Your paint rliillurn farllicr when )Mf C-l-I. PAINTS. 'J'liry i-ovi-r Itrtlrr. lMk iM'ltrr, luat lmn"r, llian rtitax-r puinls . . . hi I mill 'ol lt'N in thr long run. Tiiat4 why many iMtinlfi rrioiiiind f'.-I-I. PAINTS . . . why w many linif-iM nrrt r-ly on ihi rn lo n-t-r-r-t-0-h paint dollar. our -hoire of 22 enduring rolours, altio blai k ami whilr. 1 1 steady ever since! home, or in any restaurant. Every day f) AFTERNOON! tea Mrs. Wilmet Courtney, Orange-ville, Ont. One of many unsolicited letters. If youf too. attempt to make such arrangements with Mitchell & Currie, contractors, o O o Ordered the- Department of Public Works to begin immediately to remove' refuse from excavation from the street near the new theatre after obtaining legal advice regarding the city's position ;'. the matter. TEA TIF Alwiyi allow live tull minutM to braw the tea to lull, tru flavor. of Empire Day . The ptogram was under the Supervision of the I.OD.E., Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby, municipal regent, who gave an address. From 10 a.m. to 11 this morning, 255 Grade One to Five students at Conrad Street school stagf-d a fine, interesting program to members of the I.O.D.E., parent ana menus. Under the for cursido trim TRIF.l ad TRELLIS suffer from constipation due to lack of bulk in the diet, do this: Eat an ounce of crispy kellogg's all-bran daily, drink -plenty of water. If not completely satisfied with results after 10 days, Bend empty box to Kellogg's, London, Ont. Get uoublb youb MONBV BACKl. j Your Friendly Pkk-Me-Up TRUTCNE WHITE The paint that cleans itself Intensely white- nnti atayn 111 i.e. 2' iinprnvfit hiding ntrt'iitttli maLp I It I HIM: III I I. mu evrilK'Her buy than Iwfore. (ttf less hec-uuMe it Ket further thau-urthnary whilefl. . . - ,-, , , ,- i t Spwnully niacin ft dKtr, wirnlow antl tither miUidc thin. JJrie iii'Uy, hnll mlour and1 lrM Uiu h I'umer than ordinary ut-Mule painlH. 6 colour- and Mark. supervision of Principal T. G. i ll Batetuan, the tots sang patriotic selections .presented a short operetta,-depicting scenes from Hol PAINT DEALER rout Si, I is exprrienpffii ativ if may gave voti nHMiev ahutire morA r I 1 1 1 ML L sniifartrr rfrUilu. A liethc WE PAINT and DECORATE exterior ctr Interior : i LSBSSBSSSjSJSWHSSSSJS4BJW SPRAY or BRUSH Wallpaper Hanging f a lug job or a btf oIip, w faint Jeairr firsW yir (J-I-l 1 if .mmm 1lri-y-1 tmu mm SILVERS'DES BROS. THE LATEST PAfNT BURNING METHODS -lp(Mrt NntiMiH lMirtffinr'M Campaign, May I3th-27l" MATUIK 233 11-th St. SPENCE and Hhone Blue 215 land; and heard an address by Regent Mrs. G. R. S. Biackaby. Thehlldren went back to their classes following lunch." At thf? Civic Centre, Principal J. s'j Wilson lead his 50 voice choir through "Dawn Gentle Flowers" and "Golden Slumbers." Miss Yvonne Larsen accompanied on the piano. Contributions from King Edward School consisted of a p!ay directed by Miss D'Jiothy Robertson entitled "Sir Brian." Booth Memorial High School were last on the program and presented an orchestral selection in addition to providing orchestral accompaniment throughout the program. Other musical selections consisted of a solo, and a choral number by the school choir. Ladies of the I.O.D.E. acting a? standard bearers during the day were Mrs. A. Stiles of the Duch- I : ! f ?3i WE OFFER AS PRINCIPALS 750,000 CLASS A COMMON SHARES OF THE m) TOPS IN CANADA the ever popular hand grade suits Smart English Gabardines ; English Worsteds in all popular shades j from $44.00 ': , SEE THEM TODAY a CORPORATION LIMITED (at Prince Rupert, B.C.) Acme Clothing Store SOUND WAY TO PLEASE THE FAMILY SMITH and mum Plumbing & Heating 1 l-.:.J j At $1.00 PER SHARE For , the purpose of erecting, equipping and operating a hotel, theatre and stores in the town of Prince Rupert, B.C., on a site where the Canadian National Railways had proposed to erect a hotel, we are offering 750,000 Class A Common Shares at the par value of $1.00 per share. For prospectus, etc., and details of offering of shares, til out and mail the attached coupon today. These shares are available from your own bank or broker. J l l ORDER NOW IN STOCK. Prompt and Efficient Service Immediate delivery to retailers in the Prince Rupert district Butcher's wrappings Shopprin? & CeHophane Toilet tissue bags Wrapping paper Paper napkins Towels Notion and grocery bags Wax papers OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Olier Besmr ............ President and Director Cborge B. Muixioan Vice President and Managing Director - James T, Harvey Secretary Treasurer Thomas D. Green - Director (Past President of American Hotel ( Association, New York, N.Y.) David B. Mulligan Director .......''''' Vancouver, B.C, Toronto, Ont. Prince Rupert, B.C; New York, N.Y., U.S.A. New York, N.Y. r''k 'n in the Rough" TO TAKE OUT From CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Phone 868 HOMES CALL COLUMBIA PAPER CO. LTD. Solicitor Russell, Dumoulin Es? Company, Vancouver, B.C. RfKistmr and Transfer Agents - " Crown Trust Company, 569 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C.. Head Ofice 1010 Credit Foncier Building, Vancouver, B.C. Free Delivery Black 931 Build your new home thru the National Hous- McGILL SECURITIES (RC-V LIMITED ng Scheme.' Easy payments Long terms For Expert Advice Call WATCH FOR OPENING 475 HOWE STREET MArine 6435 602 STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING VANCOUVER, B.C. K H BJj m m m m m m m Bended Fur Storage i I To: McGill Securities (B.C.) Limited, 602 Stock Exchange Building, 475 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C. Always Prompt a"n Courteousi We're Here to Serve TOU Your Local Builders GREER & ' BRIDDEN 215 1st Ave. West Prince Rupert, B. C. Phones: Office Black 367 Night Red 561 Means Insurance Against Moths, Fire, Heat Theft & Dust 3 I I a ICommodore Cafe Pkwe send me proses and details oofenng of shares for Charles M. Hays Hotel Corporation Limited g NAME: .: - g ADDRESS. - I Bill Scuby F 1 "Hospitality and Good Food" i Phop 17 for Send-Out Orders I i 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr. urs 3 m m , m m m m . m w n mm mmmmmm 0F THE COMPANIES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA REGISTRAR OF PROSPECTUS HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE