MON. TO WED. I i i ... tut A I k I r b ""MiruE WED Prince Rupert Doily News Tuesday, May 23, 1950 i JrttMXEnP goverKV,:nt may tone down policy LONDON (F The Labor Government chieftains indicated today that they may water down their Socialist projects and try to rule for at least another year with their skimpy majority in Parliament. The party strategy, details of which are still secret, at a meeting of Prime Minister Attlee, top trade union leaders and a spokesman for the cooperative movement. llklfcWANDA HENDRIX j j Wallace's have another m shipment of . it... VICKERS'IS DISTIUED IN CANADA AND IS DISTRIBUTED i ThU advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liqul) r,, by the Guverninent of Bruiih Culunibii. ' j w These two sets of tiny twins and their parents are anions the thousands of homeless a3 a result of the Manitoba floods. Shown are Mr. and Mrs. William Casovaif of Point Douglas and (left to right) Barbara and Richard, 22 months, and Joan anil Jane, seven months. Mrs. Casovan had just put the babies to led while her husband InUmred on the dikes, when the flood burst throuph and engulfed their little bungalow, l'or rehabilitation the Ciisovans, like 85,000 other Manitobans, must look to the Manitoba Flood Relief l'und, which has becu organized in Winnipeg. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) TUESDAT TM. 4:00 Meet Gisele 4:15 Stock Quotation and Int. 4:30 Peter Radisson 4:45 Western Five 5:00 Henry Morgan Show 5:30 Yesterday's Songs 5:45 Lyrical Lady 5:55 CBC News 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Charlie Spivak & Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 The Inside Story 7:00 CBC New 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00 Science Reporter 8:15 Nation's Business 8:30 Jr. Chamber of Commerce 8:45 Musical Prog. 9:00 Record Album 9:30 Variety Time .10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30 Plow on the Desert 11:00 Weather Report 11:04 Fish Arrivals, Sign Off VVEDNESL-A --A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News & Comty. 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9 :45 Famous Voices 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Carson Robison 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period H Rro-rPri Tnt.rinHp 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies ? u.u Mid-Day Melodies '1: ' 5 CBC New? "rnirram Resume 12:30 Bob Farnon's Orchestra 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:45 Behind the Scenes 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Footlight Favorites 2:45 A Good Wife: Comy 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Bernie Braden Tells Learn to Dance Expert Instruction in Fox Trot, Woltz Jive, Rhumba, Tango PRIVATE LESSONS Hours: Mon. Thru Frl. 4:30-10 put Saturdays 2:30 - 8 p.m. For appointments GREEN 491 St-r-o-p-i-c-a-n-a-s Just Arrived More 5 TROPICANAS Z Of Course At : WALLACE'S j m Edinburgh Gels First Command : lONDON Princess Eliza-be.'.h's husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, has earned his first command in the Royal Navy. The Admiralty announced todav the tall, handsome Dake will take command of the anti-air-j craft frigate Magpie in August. Court circles also predicted that' at about the same time he would be promoted from Lieutenant to! Lieutenant-Commander. Advertise m :-.e r!iy News j ! ! CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. - 41 SHIPSand WATERFRONT Mary MacDonald, Director: formerly of Arthur ! Mi wore Mrs. J. H. Schriaberg, R. J. . Holmes, A. Summers, Miss Irma Schullz, G. . Annette, Miss E. Benny, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kirk, E. Erickson, H. Gillis, C. Thodos, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balagno, Miss Ingrld Nilson, Mr .and Mrs. H. Trousdale and Mrs! M. Alexander and infant. Sailing north from here were Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Stewart for Whitehorse and return, Rev. J. W. Scott, G. A. Harris, G: Anderson and M. Eva for Skagway; P. Corbeil for Whitehorse; Rt. Rev. James B. Gibson for Petersburg ,ancl G. B. Swan, M. D. Dunklo, E. Cannon and Mr. and Mrs. Art. Haupt, for Ketchikan. PRINCE RUPERT DANCE m DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING FINE PRINTING REGAL PRINTER Health Service On Charlotte i A letter from the deputy provincial health officer concerning extension of health services to the Queen Charlotte Islands was read at a meeting of the Prince Rupert and D 1 s t r i : t Union Board of Health. Information in the letter re vealed that a health unit on the Isiands will be rjquired t- pay 30 cents per capita and will receive one weekly visit evesy 1 three months by the senior pub- lie health nurse and one annual visit by the Medical Health Oi- ficer and Sanitarian. The in- elusion of the Queen Charlotte Islands will have to be formally accepted by the Union Board U I Health and it is expected application will be made by them i after their next school board ' meeting at the end of this I month. 1 It is also anticipated that the provincial health department i" be able to place another nurse this fall at Terrace. In this way, F. Hilton will have more time for visits to outlying districts and could maintain better supervisory duties. The funds for this ex- nan'lon will com from federal grants. Advertise in the Daily News, ' PHONE 24 222 SmmJ riiKin ecfrc rut HAS SECOND CHANCE! Winnipeg suffers even from rain in Prince Rupert. Sunday, the baseball game be tween Abel & Odowes and the Commercials, proceeds from; which were to have gone to the j Winnipeg flood relief fund, could not b? held because of rain. How- i ever, the baseball association has i come through with another generous offer. Proceeds from the Old Timer-Rookie game Wednesday night ate also earmarked for that fund. Blacknnil? We're just wondering what was in the back of the mind of that Portland who was seen takin; motion pictures of his shipmates going into the Prince Ruperi liquor store, I j- , j j 0 Shaving's a breeze . . . I quicker and easier . . . when you use super-keen Gillette Blue Blades in the amazing new Gillette Blade Dispenser. Zip . . . and there's a new blade unwrapped ready for use. Enjoy extra comfort . . . extra convenience at no extra cost. GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSER 10 BlacUt 50c 20 Shaving Edgti 20 Bladwt $1.00 I 7. if J 40 Shaving fdgti mi IN REGULAR PACKAGE 5 for 2 it ft Fooiwear - . . I DETROT '(x Columnist Drew-Pearson demanded $500,000 in damages in a libel suit filed in district court yesterday aganst Detroit Times Division of Hearst Publishing Company. Ptason claimed he was libelled in a column by Westbrook Pegler, in which Pcglet said Pearson eveded service in the fisrt world war. TIME FOR REPAIRS TAKE YOUR ' RADIO TO rs CLINIC RADIO f)0 Day (iiaiaiili-e We pick up and deliver rinme IHtin !)!)2 I'Jatch Grccr. 324 Repairing MANSON'S Ka CQTFEE CAKES With the closing of the Area No. 2 halibut fishing season officially announced for June 1 at midnight, the many vessels which landed more than half a million pounds of fish here yesterday turned quickly around to the banks to squeeze in one more voyage before the closure. It may be a short season but, with the bumper prices which have been prevailing, the vessels have been cleaning up and some fancy settlements have been made, A:ter June 1 the lrpor vest's will turn their attention to Area No. 3. Salmon packing will occupy some of the vessels which have been fishing halibut ;;ince May 1 on the opening of the canning season July 1. , u..k. steamer rnncess wmis", Capt. William Hubenet, arrived in port at noon yesterday rnrout? from Vancouver to Alaska points it is still early in the season but i.he vessel had on board a aood- sjzed list of tourists making the rjp nort,n b?fore the season's rush. Passengers disembarking here from the Princess Louise FLAKY COFFEE CAKES Skald -'j r. cicam, 2 tts. mami-latei suar, I tsp. salt anil y( c, shoi telling; cool to liikrtv;i!in. Meanwhile, measure into a l;ue lowl 2 t. luktwann water. I t.i. gianulatcrl suar; stir until is clissoUeil. Spiinkle with 1 envelope I leiscltiiiaim's RomiI -,isi Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand 1(1 mills. Ill I- slir well. All cooled (ream riiiximc ;utd slir in 3 well-healen cut;s. -iii in 2 c. once-sillctl liiead (loin; heat iiulil siiiooth. Work in 2V'2 t. lalioul) oik e silled hreail Hour. RncarJ on iigiitiy floured hoanl until smooth and elastic. I'hiee in greased howl and grease tup ol dough Cer and srt in a Harm place, tree Irom draught. Let rise until doubled in hulk. Mix e. gianoiated sugar and 2 Isps. grounii ciiinainou; sprinkle hilf of this mixlure on baking uuid. liide loii;h inlo 2 ecpial portions and linn out one fwiiijun onlo prepaird lard. Roll oui into a 12" square; fold irom haik lo Iront and from one side In Hie oilier. Repeal rolling and fuldin;; S more times. Homing hoan'i lightly if it becomes slicky. Seal edges of folded dough anil phuc in a greased 8" sipiare cake pan and pat out to lit the pan; buiier lop lighlly and press walnut hahes well into the tlmigh. ; Sprinkle remaining sugar anil cinnamon mixtiiic on board and -treat sccund portion of jln'igh i same as lirst portion. Clover iu let rise linlil doubled ir. bulk. Hake in a moderate oven. 3Vr, l.i inins., while preparing ihe following sviup; simmer togeiher ; lor 5 mins., I c. granulated sugar, ' "; tsI,s- K'atod orange rind. I, c. butter or margarine and l4 c. orange juice, quickly pour' hut syrup over Ihe 2 pariiallv-bikcd cakes and hake cakes about I", mins. longer. Stand baked rakes on cake coolers lor 20 minuirs tl, l,w. .l .! r..u t.ic-s gently .hum; ifwiii j(tii. i frl' Planning to Build? Call 363 For expert advice on Building Problems tWW ibe best GWe vour mm Mitchell & Currie t mugs Plate i i Builders LIMITED Contractors CHILDREN'S SERVICE Free shoe size check . Free hosiery size'eheck Scientific shoe fitting Seagram's Sure LAMPS! These toodisome IMaky Coffee Cakes are a sample of the superb results you net wiih new Fleisch-mann's Royal last Rising Dry Yeast ! No more anxiety about yeast cakes that stale and weak-, en ! Fleischmann's new Dry Yeast keeps full Urcnulh, fast-acting without refrigeration net a inonui s supply I 1 1 in w ' C"'"....'J'1 "I I ; This advertisement it not published or displayed by -the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. BOUDOIR SHADES BED LAMPS ...:.;.. TABLE LAMP TABLE LAMP TRILIGHT SHADES, SILK TRILITE LAMPS, COMPLETE TORCH I ERE LAMPS AT CHILDREN'S SHOES PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Manufacturers' Agent Phone 632 p 0 Box 772 We carry a representative stock of DUSTBANE Products for your convenience Control dust and germs, protect your merchandise, your clothing and your health with Genuine DUSTBANE Sweep-Ing Compounds. Use it daily. Dustbane Sisal for Linoleum Tile etc. , , 70 lbs- - 5.45 70 lbs 5.45 'JI '150 lbs 9.95 200 lbs n.75 250 lbs 15.60 300 lbs ie.50 : ' IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' See us for all you cleaning Si janitor supplies Floor Soaps , Brushes, Mops, special type waxes, Disinfectants, Deodorants,' Cleaning Crystals, Powdered Soap, etc. Restouront Supplies a Specialty ; ' Fashion NORTHERN B. C. POWER t.-AI'T 11 PRINCE RUPERT Blur 210 1.00 toiiii Kuuia KENSMEM MEMSEESHEP FOR MAY AUSTIIN car. asad .6 other pffeses&tations to 24th NOW mmemmlbes