Prince Rupert Doiiy Rewl Tuesday, May 23, 1950 Baseball Scores Information On Housing u community of this size to be ber 0I comn handled through an insurance j mittee memb" h company. However, the prelim- 1 estate and i"S ani I inary information is required. I Mr. Christ," 1 In June Denys H. Back, reg- Smithers an , ar:i! 3 . i. iional loans manager of Central init iM. MCe' Baseball- iniormauon wnicn u.v. nrisv- mi-ni na . , enson, representing the dlt' Housing and Mortgage Co.-pora- private loan, He i i- a Hnn trill hp hfr tn fur hnn nur. i- u I National Cincinnati 1. Brooklyn 5 Other games called. American Washington 1, Detroit 5 New York 7, Cleveland 2 loans section of Central Mort-i ' y ,u" lur Vancouver. sue the matter. 1 Ladies' Bowling ! League Schedule I May 23 Lyons vs Wrathall's; ' gage and Housing Corporation i Monday, Mr. Christenson was' meeting civic authorities, Cham- SINGER We repair all makes Sewing machines WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates Phone 864 Singer Sowing Centre It Pjv, 20 obtains in Prince Rupert will be passed on to an insurance corn-pan ywhich may become Interested here. It Is usual, Mr. ChrLst- 1 AJVr,-, - r Will Youth Win Again? Annual Rookies vs. Old Timers Game j Variety vs Stars; Rupert Radio vs . ; Scuby's; Savoys vs Bjlmont; Gor- j ' don & Anderson vs Rosa Lee's; I I Annettes vs Lucky Strikes; Pin-, : heads vs Brownwoods; Big Sis- i SHERIFF'S SALE enson says, for housing loans oi Portland 6-1, San Diego 5-3 Hollywood 7-2, Oakland 2-3 Seattle 3-1, Sacramento 1-2 (Second game 11 Innings) . . ,. . . ters vs Black CaU; Seal Cove vs Boston 9, Chicago 10 SATURDAY Pacific Coast Hollywood 5, Oakland 2 (12 innings San Diego 7, Portland 5 (10 innings San Francisco 8, Los Angeles 3 Seattle 9, Sacramento 2 - Western International Taooma 3, Vancouver 0 Wenatchee 11, Tri-Clty 3 Spokane 5, Victoria 3 Yakima 111 Salem 5 SUNDAY Pacific Coast In the County Court of Prince Rupert, Hoklen at Pri,,,,! Between, Northern Cartage Limited, Pialniiff And Oeorge H, Stanbridge, Defend n CERTIFIED PIPE AND limits imvc ucr.. .c -h- Age Untu BoosU,rs vs Commer-ofi discussion in baseball circles NoWc & vs pUmf,ers; about the city these days as the pharma . annual Rookies vs Old Timers game draws near and again this - year it appears that the Young- Lindsay doesn't show enouph sters will have enough strength stuff to stem the tide of youth, to overcome the savvy of their jonn Rosedale will be on hand Western International Spokane 5-4, Victoria 4-3 Vancouver 9-1, Tacoma 5-7 Salem 5-2. Yakima 3-1 Tri-City 4-8. Wenatchee 3-7 UNDER and by VIRTUE of a WARRANT OP EXECUTK out of the above Court and to me dlrectad against the ti chattels of the Defendant, Oeorge H. Stanbridge, 1 hav. L mmriMtv nf llfrhtinir fixtlirp mtvi nrnsnrifni;,.. f older brothers and repeat their to throw scn.e of his portside victory of last season, their first offerings. Neither Rosey or Linct- J " " !... tuutr, cunv&S 'ft 'I tlve, metal preservative, and belt preservative: liquid sci , ' switch boxes, tractor chains, crate lifter, tools, two flu T ONE YEAR TO PAY CH00SIMG BOILER WELDERS AND PIPE FABRICATING We build dump boxes, steel :tacks, fire escapes, storage tanks, trailers General welding and repairs All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates VJHIH Kt bench vise, arm chairs, ana miscellaneous chattels, and i day. May 25th; 1950, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the -u at the basement of No. 708 Fraser Street, Prince Ruuti 'q mill f f,-... ann nt Mi.KliA nAll..n .11 v ln some time. say have thrown In a game this Eddie Davis, Commercials man- season and it is quite likely that age rin the city league, will the two of them will see duty, handle the Rookies and is busy 1 Dick Letourneau will likely trvine to salvage from the ranks be the starter ior the Rookies vrTfv. Los Angeles 3-1, San Francisco 1 2-2' "-. Sport Shots Lynn Patrick turned his back on a enhance to become one of U11C1 kJl U (fUUIII, BUI HUH Ull 111P nIll, tltjt' ' mm and this will be his second game on the material and labour for your NEW ROOF - Calvert oi me aeienaani m me aoove goous. Terms of sale: Cash; subject to Social Security and Aid Tax. The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. this 19th day of May m M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff, County of Prii of the season. He managed to j eke out a win for his Commercial I buddies over Abel & Odowes in ; yiW CHOOttW of. the aged .enough material to assure victory. Whether he has become too ambitious or not will be decided by the league executive before the line-ups are ssttled. Johnny Odowes, who manages ! his own entry in the senior , league,, will muster his forces m the Oldster racket. He Is pinning his hopes on the possibility of , Jack Lindsay rounding Into shape ! for a possible starting duty and. ; Siding - Insulation INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. "5 lst Ave- Et Green 884 All Work Guaranteed ar. exhibition game a week or so ago. Herb Morgan will receive lor Letourneau and Dave Abel will handle that position with the Oldtiiners. Here are the likely line-ups for the game: Rookies Catcher. H. Morgan; pitchers, Letourneau, Sharpe and BROADWAY CA hockey's-immortals when he resigned as coach of the New York Rangers to take over a similar job with Victoria Cougars, says Arthur Daley, sports columnist of the New York Times, "There's no telling where he would have ended," Daley said after recounting the 37-year-old Lynn's hard-won popularity and successes. "He "I'oht, have even become a hoi-key immortal like his old man (Lester). But he gave it all up. For what? Just for some irea air." or Asphalt Tile VICKBRS Best GIN Kristmanson; infield. D. Scheik, S .Scherk, Ted Arney, D. Shier, T. Marshall; outfield, PavIikLs, Corn rtnest Cot V1CKERS It DISTIlltD IN CANADA and it DUTiiiuTio tvCalvrrt 5H Victoria Day Houn 7 a m For Take-Home Orders--Phone 20C This dverti)nent is not publiihtd or di piiynl by the Liquor Control Board o br the Uovcrmncnt of britisb ColumbUi wall, Ray Spring. Oldsters catcher, Dave Abel; pitchers, Lambie, Lindsay, Rose-dale; infield. Windle, Ewart, Dahl (Lindsay or Lambie to play first base when not pitching); outfield, Simundsen, Doug Kerr. ALL in a column titled "And Th?n Were None," Daley noted that there had always been at least", one Patrick connected with tho . Rgneers sine thev were organized in )02, The Patricks' hih- I water mark with the Rangers' 'ame before th wir when' brothers Lynn anrl Muzz were playing on a forward line under 'their father's direction. But when Lynn left as in the nursery rhyme about the 10 litle In-1 -i'ans "then there were none." We are pleased to announce that , I'm RF.KR & BRIDDEN. your lo ! - u. ii i N V7 caj building contractors, are Wednesday, May 24, 6:30 p.m. Old Timers vs. Youngsters : Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifirxi now in a position lo brin? you a. superior product for your iJaley recalled that on more word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death N fhan one occasion.- hist season- ' eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00. t building requirements, with materials from !" - - - -- i U L r - I kW;. .v Lnn nad said: "I just don't - SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE I like life in a big citv. I don't i want to bring my- kids up here. -I DEATH NOTICE j . FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT-1 I want them t grow up In God s MITCHELL At Prince Ruoert, FOR SALE Earlv closing coffee j houVbv'ju'v l" Am' ,i orntry and I'm going home to Mv 23. 1950 Mrs. Mary Mitchell,' shon. Present owner has other p Dailv News. -v, ,". beloved mother of Mrs. R. R. - W)frl I . interests. Easv terms to re-1 - - victoria when this Is over." "To Strachan. in her elahtv-second; sixmsible partv. Box 713 Daily i WANTED TO RENT-1 .c Fmall at)t. Connie, ni t vear. Funeral service at First, News. (121) i euy who loves New York and Business and Professionalj Pre.sovtenan Church Thursdav, . 2:30 D.m. tlto.FOR SALE -ton Dodce nlfk- i tin 1944: 1-ton Parvo. 1947: 2- IN MEMOR1AM ton Dodue. 1944. Valentin Immediatelv. B. Bt.? Roval Hotel. t WANTED TO REST- A or unfurnished foi.e room ant. no (hilar Blue 270 morninas. BUILDING PRODUCTS LI.YI TED. the largest manufacturers of asphalt shinh'S in CANADA. SHINGLES arc available in weights from 125 His. to 210 lbs. per square, and featun the new 1G5 lb. TITON, the self-locking shingle in an attractive design "ouldn't be happy anywher tlse, it comes as a shock to discover Lynn Patrick could so casually uin hi hack on no!rf and glory in favor, of a lot if fresh air," said Daley. "Oh, well, there's no accounting for tastes." In Lovine Remembrance of Bobbv Houston, accidentally killed Mav 23. 1947. Alwavs In Dairy, Phone Red 272. t!22p) FOR SALE Volehlander brilliant camera. 3.5 comotir shutter, new condition. $120. 1040 Tenth Avenue East. (120p) mv thoughts, ever in mv heart.l MOTHER lite ) FOR. RENT DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite Smith Block Phone 52E P.O. Box 1210 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. HELP WANTED C onraoher Aooly B.jf eiving oualilk-atiw oi-ipp if anv salarv r FOR SALE 4 room furnished house near Seal Cove. Basement. 2 lots. $2,000 down. FOR RENT Board and Room for working1 men. Phone Black 6G0. (tf) etc. Box 712 Dailv N-JF The New Yorker discarded speculation that Lynn was pushed out of the job. Daley said that when "hockey immort u ' Balance on easv terms. rr 4UTn netiihle eii t ' insnection call Armstrong WA,h,m!iork a' I Aaencies. 342 or Ljiee (121 I 'Hot Surlnes. Aoalvl (evenines). "CH- RENT Garaee in three hundred block of Sixth Avenue East. Phone Red 593 before 5. (121) NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES I af ternoons or evenii Llna-belt SDtreder 81iovels; WOKK WANTil Cranes: Drasllries: Adamsi . - - j HELEN'S ' BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches is04 4th Street Phone 855 FOR RENT Sleeoinc room. 116 8thWest. U22D- Lester quit as Rangers' "guiding -enius" in 1946 to take over the Victoria Cougars, . it was no recrc-t he had been nudged out. But Lynn, who had a reputation as "the best' tactical coach in the sport," took the plunge on his own, he said. "At least he leaves for the bushes while still on top," said Daley. "Under no Road Graders: Llttlerora Bros, yv ANTED -Yonne wo -a Black Tod Road Maintenance j (lesires int housek; Eoulnment: Owen Clamshell FOR &M,t rooni aim .y . . Gordon D. Ronson OIL BURNER SPFXIALIST New wick or pot type burners supplied All types of burners and stoves serviced An unconditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all service ! Rl H iltlCS ii HIM'' FOR SALE Westinehouse Electric Ranee, table toD model. In good condition. Reasonablv priced. Phone Blue 826. ttfj rnn electrical contri laiae or small, pa11 Mou'tnn Rtlil'K o-J. FOR SALE Hich chair, babv CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D.C. 21-22 Besner Block ' Hours, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 Buckets and Rock Grapples; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forkllft Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockoile and 6now Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal FumDs: National Draeline Scraners and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoi s ts: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Screens and Conveyors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouyer.B.C Jtr 133 5th West Black 503 it's Northwest Cv.a , Limited. Phone M- j m'aRINe" and eener( metal work. Tim Metal Works. Black : ner ,3ir 'timstances would he have left. If the young man had tiny rjuit in him. he would never have developed Into one of tha top-flight wingmen in the National. Hockey. League, the Ranger scoring leader and a selection for the all-star team." 654 ' buiZBV. child's writing desk. . wagon, kiddie car. Phone 569. ' (120c) FOR SALE: Studio couch. 2 chairs. 1 false mantle. 1 log grate. 1 batterv radio. 2 foot stools. 4 kitchen chairs. 1 tabie. 1 cunboard. 3 chests Of INSULATED SIDING comes ii three shades of brick, with while or biaek rr.ortar lines the popular stone fiijisr ie brown leauier drawers. 1 Hollywood bed. 2 linoleums. 1 pair Venetian blinds. All like new. 343 7th Ave West or phone Black 973. brief rase, inrltuline contents. MIKt COLUSSI Piano Technician Pianos Tuned Repaired PHONE BLACK 329 210 4-h ST?t or the n-w INSCLTEX sbir.g;i GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax ReturDs compiled O. L. RORIE, AA.E. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Beaner Block Phone 387 i 5yp in buff or b'h grey 'hi iJvitiMM l mi pMiiM w dipUyl bt S Liquof Control 6rd of by thf Covrnmn .: 8 V ColiioAli nt !lziD' COMPLETE I" I'V fast service. ' ""A Inn SiiDOUes. Blue - " RI PAIKS J WATaiRrDnlrs p Se'welle?,. teed. ' OIL BURNER SP "fu'1 Rtnve Service FOR SALE See the Kermath NSULA-nON LABS corn ir, p&v-r t-jx-! r'.i f e; T i ireu Anvone finding same olease aonlv to'Atlln Fisheries for reward. tfc.) LOST--Gold LeRov wrist watch with Kinsmen Crest on back. Lost between Bowline Alley and Commodore Cafe. Return to Commercial. Room 23. Re-ward. ' (122p) ACCOUNTANTS Ronson. Black S';. EBY & SONS LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIR8 - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let, us help you plan that new- home under the N.H.A., Phone Green 883 Bos 586 DP.. P. J. CHENEY EV1TE 5, E1GT?I BLOCK ESTATE Sea Pud. 5 h.p. water-cooled marine engine. Cow Bav Boat Works. (125) FOR SALE! Electric steam radiator heater, babv buggy. Call Blue 821 or 1455 Sixth Avenue East. 11220) FOR SALE Bov's full-sized bl-cvcle, newlv reconditioned, would trade for three-auarter size. 217 First Avenue East. (121c) REAL HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GEtfTEAL CONTRACTORS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. 8. G. Furk, Stone Building. Red 593. , K (20m) T PERSONAL Greer & Bridder Offer you this tt-rvi'j- at att--Sraclive and torr:pt,uve prices. They iuuy KaarariV '.in workmanship as well as th inaU-riais. Etvl.)r4 M Repair of all uoorti CRIMHITB OIL BUBSEB8 FOR SALErc room tvin ' truck as nait pa. iTstingsanted i THE BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD SCHUMAN (Old Post Office Bldg.) FOR SALE One suilnet boat. Phone Green 803. (123p) liXOTJ QAT.TT Tenllpe l h n fOk tOVh rock tt ajrtrrt ki orjk CALL ICJlk. m M. J. SAWDERS New, Kvra fc-jutljwietit PLUMBINU and Heatlns -Sheet Metal work. Tur and Gravel Roofinif. Call 629 6th West. Phone 543. Letourneau and Sons. " (tf) """wanted Heavy Dutv Engine. Fair con- FKOVXB ZxrX tli 8S4 tor weu ,n(.aU All Wrk GiiAf a urn P. O, 'Bm. 1570 -1 dition. Apply 221 atn e. - (126P) FOR SALE 28-lnch double bar CCM bike. Excellent condition. Would trade for smaller size. Phone Red 712 (120p) ment and 1 WANTED Accommodation. H.vou a e -T" co- Dochterman. Box I0t)0 citv. , U25P) WANTED To rent room with or without board for eentlcman. ! FOR SALE! New & used house-I hold furniture and hardware AvAATTSOr'S UPHOLSTKRINO Phone Blue 8i8 P.O. Box 2t 330 Second Avenue Princ Rupert, B.C. ask w , . r qui: listing Plan fe,lf; basement, two on EieUth Ave K) AddIv Box 710 Dailv News. (120P) For free estimate or further information phone or call a ROBERT E. MONTADOR I: :! Limited Sales Agent ENGINES & EQUIPMENT We Rtoek and lime for rale Cumnilim ilk'HeK Hlmplex dan Kngino, flextble (Deuel exhaust pining I'levlhlr fuH line. " Trolling INile Hwlvrlx. rairhrlot Jtuk end Part.. Itram and Iron Bow Koltrra. I'lBton Kings. Plptr and lle Pitting. Bahblled IVix Hrnrlnj. Jaw IntrlirH Si uni linr Mgger-heafK' Hterl and ltra Shiirilnc. lloltH n tii, Htu and Cap Krrewo. Hulihnt Side Itoller it Sheavea. Ani'lmr (iuiilv Mggerhead. Flut Mild Him-I. VarloiiK arin ieH of murine liar l-ware and eiiilpiiient. too ninner-iii to mention. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS ! bicvcles for bovs and men.j i untainted chest of drawers, end tables and coffee tables. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINO WANTED Scran cast, brass, ivinner hnt.teries and radi ators. Phone 543. call 029 6th West. (tf) REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED batterv radios, noor covering, rifles, pressure cookers, singer sewing machines, office chairs, sieeoing bags, ionising boots and scores of other good articles. Good values at lowest possible prices. B.C. Furniture, Phone Black 324. (TF) WANTED TO RENT Apartment Tu b nished or unfurnished. 1040 with concrete QUALITY REPAIRS for Downtrodden Heel and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL 10th Avenue East. (iaup . bedrooms. d bi PHOI BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 118 3rd Avenue phone 11 -r R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR1 WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Rtilte or small house for couple, no children. Phone 340. . . (121P) FOR SALE: Two piece set davenport and chair for dav and niuht comfort. Call at 1039 Havs Cove Ave. Phone Blue 839. (125pl Box 774 Second A